Turczaninowia 17 (2): 29-31 (2014) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.2.3 www.ssbg.asu.ru/turczaninowia.php
I ISSN 1560-7259 (print edition)
I ISSN 1560-7267 (online edition)
УДК 582.734.4 (574.42)
Notes on Potentilla (Rosaceae) of Altai. 1. New hybrid from East Kazakhstan
Заметки о лапчатках (Potentilla, Rosaceae) Алтая. 1. Новый гибрид из Восточного Казахстана
A.A. Kechaykin1, A.I. Shmakov2 А.А. Кечайкин1, А.И. Шмаков2
South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Altai State University, Lenina str. 61, 656049 Barnaul, Russia Южно-Сибирский ботанический сад, Алтайский государственный университет, Ленина, 61; 656049, Барнаул, Россия
E-mail: [email protected] 2E-mail: [email protected]
Ключевые слова. Potentilla х jakovlevii, nothosp. nova, Narym Mt. Range. Key words. Potentilla x jakovlevii, новый нотовид, Нарымский хребет.
Summary. A new nothospesies of Potentilla, P. x jakovlevii from East Kazakhstan is described and illustrated. It is an intersectional hybrid purportedly between P. chrysantha (P. sect. Chrysanthae) and P. longifolia (P. sect. Tanacetifoliae).
Аннотация. Приводится описание и иллюстрация нового для науки нотовида из рода Potentilla. Собранная на территории восточной части Казахстана Potentilla x jakovlevii представляет собой межсекционный гибрид P. chrysantha (P. sect. Chrysanthae) x P. longifolia (P. sect. Tanacetifoliae).
As a result of the field work in Kazakhstan in 2012, a new hybrid of Potentilla L. was revealed which appeared as a local endemic. The novelty described herein as Potentilla xjakovlevii apparently represents a result of hybridization between P. chrysantha Trev. and P. longifolia Willd. ex Schlecht.; it was collected only once in the Maymyr river valley (Narym Mt. Range, East Kazakhstan).
Description of the new nothospecies
Potentilla x jakovlevii Kechaykin et Shmakov, nothosp. nova; Potentilla sect. Tanacetifoliae (Th. Wolf) Juz. x P. sect. Chrysanthae (Th. Wolf) Juz. (Fig.).
Type: "Kazakhstan. East Kazakhstan province: Katon-Karagai district, Narym Mt. Range, upper reaches of the river Maymyr, 49°06'07" N, 85°03'58" E, 1330 m a.s.l., 12 June 2012, A.A. Kechaykin, P. Tyutyunnik" (ALTB!; isotypes - LE!, MW!).
Description: Rootstock 2-3-headed (rarely undivided), covered with tightly appressed dark-brown remains of decayed stipules and petioles. Stems 1-3, 30-50 cm high, erect, rarely ascending, sometimes slightly curved at base, dichotomously branched above. Basal leaves pinnate (often intermittently pinnate), 5-30 cm long, with (2)3 pairs of leaflets spaced (2)5-15 mm apart. Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, sometimes with decurrent base, almost halfway divided, with 5-12 large teeth on each side, both surfaces greenish. Terminal leaflet (1)3-8 cm long, often connected with one or both lateral leaflets of the upper pair. Stem leaves 2-3, with 2 con-nivent pairs of lateral leaflets (rarely almost digitate) on short petiolules, uppermost sometimes ternate and sessile. Stipules of basal and lower stem leaves elongated, with linear-lanceolate acute auricles. Inflorescence lax, corymbose. Pedicels long, filiform; flowers 8-15, 10-16 mm in diameter. External sepals linear-lanceolate, obtuse, 2.5-3 mm long. Inter-
Поступило в редакцию 22.03.2014 Принято к публикации 10.06.2014
Submitted 22.03.2014 Accepted 10.06.2014
Kechaykin A.A., Shmakov A.I. Notes on Potentilla (Rosaceae) of Altai. 1. New hybrid from East Kazakhstan
nal sepals triangular, acute, 4-4.5 mm long. Petals sepals. Achenes 2 mm long, slightly keeled, smooth rotund, 5-7 mm long, pale-yellow, without apical or slightly rugose. Style shorter than achenes, notch or sometimes shallowly notched, exceeding slightly thickened at base. The plant is pubescent
Turczaninowia 17 (2): 29-31 (2014)
throughout like P. chrysantha except for the lower leaf surface covered with a mixture of long straight and short soft curved hairs.
Affinity: Potentilla xjakovlevii is close to P. xnebulosa Danihelka & Sojak (Danihelka, Sojak, 2012), recently described from the south-eastern Altai, and differs from the latter in its taller stems and larger mature basal leaves mostly with three (vs. two) pairs of leaflets, much larger teeth of leaflets, and more extensive occurrence of glandular hairs (not only on leaf petioles).
Etymology: This hybrid is named after Dr. Roman Viktorovich Yakovlev (Altai State University), renowned entomologist and organizer of numerous expeditions to the Altai Mts.
Distribution area: Hitherto known from a single locality in Narym Mt. Range (Altai Mts., East Kazakhstan).
Discussion: Presumably Potentilla xnebulosa is a result of hybridization between P. chrysantha
and P. pensylvanica L. (Danihelka, Sojak, 2012). In the area where P. xjakovlevii was found, plants of P. chrysantha (P. sect. Chrysanthae) and P. longifolia (P. sect. Tanacetifoliae) co-occured whereas P pensylvanica was absent. Therefore, P. longifolia seems to be the second parent of the newly described hybrid. This assumption is further confirmed by the indumentum of the lower leaf surface and the shape of leaflets in P. xjakovlevii which are similar to those of P. longifolia. Such characters as rather tall stem and large, distinctly pinnate leaves with predominantly 3 spaced (rarely connivent) pairs of leaflets make the novelty morphologically closer to P. sect. Tanacetifoliae whereas the members of P. sect. Chrysanthae are characterized by exclusively palmate leaves.
The authors thank R.V. Yakovlev for organization of the expedition to Kazakhstan, D.A. German and A.A. Shibanova for translating the manuscript into English, and V.V. Zabelin for the drawing of P. xjakovlevii.
Danihelka J., Sojak J. Potentilla ^nebulosa (Rosaceae), a new intersectional nothospecies from the Altai mountains // Turczaninowia, 2012. - Vol. 15, Nr. 4. - P. 5-8.