Научная статья на тему 'Nitro derivatives of benzoazacrown ethers: synthesis, structure, and complexation with metal and ammonium cations and fluoride anion'

Nitro derivatives of benzoazacrown ethers: synthesis, structure, and complexation with metal and ammonium cations and fluoride anion Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Dmitrieva Svetlana N., Kurchavov Nikolay A., Kuz'Mina Lyudmila G., Vedernikov Artem I., Churakova Marina V.

A method was developed for the synthesis of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers by N-demethylation of N-methyl-nitrobenzoazacrown ethers on treatment with ammonium iodide, resulting in the formation of benzoazacrown ethers in 95-100 % yields. The spatial structure of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers and their complexation behaviour towards alkali and alkaline-earth metal cations, ammonium ions, and fluoride anions were investigated using X-ray diffraction and 1H NMR spectroscopy. It was shown that the stability of host-guest type complexes of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers with metal and ammonium cations in MeCN-d3 is lower than the stability of complexes formed by N-alkyl-substituted analogues with the same macrocycle size. It was shown that fluoride anions in DMSO-d6 or MeCN-d3 can bind to nitrobenzoazacrown ethers via hydrogen bonding with the NH group of the macrocycle.

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Похожие темы научных работ по химическим наукам , автор научной работы — Dmitrieva Svetlana N., Kurchavov Nikolay A., Kuz'Mina Lyudmila G., Vedernikov Artem I., Churakova Marina V.

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Нитропроизводные бензоазакраун-эфиров: синтез, строение и комплексообразование с катионами металлов, аммония и анионом фтора

Разработан метод синтеза нитробензоазакраун-эфиров реакцией N-деметилирования нитропроизводных N-метилбензоазакраун-эфиров под действием иодида аммония, позволяющий получать бензоазакраун-эфиры с выходами 95-100 %. Установлена пространственная структура и найдены комплексообразующие характеристики нитробензоазакраун-эфиров по отношению к катионам щелочных и щелочноземельных металлов, ионам аммония, а также аниону фтора с использованием методов РСА и спектроскопии ЯМР 1H. Показано, что устойчивость комплексов типа «гость-хозяин» нитробензоазакраун-эфиров с катионами металлов и аммония в MeCN-d3 ниже устойчивости соответствующих комплексов N-алкилзамещенных аналогов с тем же размером макроцикла. Установлено, что нитробензоазакраун-эфиры способны связывать анион фтора в DMSO-d6 и MeCN-d3 за счет образования водородной связи с NH-фрагментом макроцикла.

Текст научной работы на тему «Nitro derivatives of benzoazacrown ethers: synthesis, structure, and complexation with metal and ammonium cations and fluoride anion»

Crown Ethers Краун-эфиры



Paper Статья

DOI: 10.6060/mhc181218g

Nitro Derivatives of Benzoazacrown Ethers: Synthesis, Structure, and Complexation with Metal and Ammonium Cations and Fluoride Anion

Svetlana N. Dmitrieva,a Nikolay A. Kurchavov,a Lyudmila G. Kuz'mma,b Artem I. Vedernikov,a Marina V. Churakova,a Sergey K. Sazonov,a Judith A. K. Howard,c and Sergey P. Gromovad@

aPhotochemistry Center of RAS, FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics ", Russian Academy of Sciences, 119421 Moscow, Russian Federation

hN.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

cChemistry Department, Durham University, DH1 3LE Durham, UK

dDepartment of Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation @Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

A method was developed for the synthesis of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers by N-demethylation of N-methyl-nitrobenzoazacrown ethers on treatment with ammonium iodide, resulting in the formation of benzoazacrown ethers in 95-100 % yields. The spatial structure of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers and their complexation behaviour towards alkali and alkaline-earth metal cations, ammonium ions, andfluoride anions were investigated using X-ray diffraction and H NMR spectroscopy. It was shown that the stability of host-guest type complexes of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers with metal and ammonium cations in MeCN-d3 is lower than the stability of complexes formed by N-alkyl-substituted analogues with the same macrocycle size. It was shown that fluoride anions in DMSO-d6 or MeCN-d3 can bind to nitrobenzoazacrown ethers via hydrogen bonding with the NH group of the macrocycle.

Keywords: Benzoazacrown ethers, synthesis, structure, complex formation, stability constants.

Нитропроизводные бензоазакраун-эфиров: синтез, строение и комплексообразование с катионами металлов, аммония и анионом фтора

С. Н. Дмитриева^ Н. А. Курчавов^ Л. Г. Кузьмина^ А. И. Ведерников^ М. В. Чуракова^ С. К. Сазонов^ Дж. А. К. Ховард,с С. П. Громов^

Центр фотохимии РАН, ФНИЦ «Кристаллография и фотоника» РАН, 119421 Москва, Российская Федерация ьИнститут общей и неорганической химии им. Н.С. Курнакова РАН, 119991 Москва, Российская Федерация сУниверситет Дарема, Химический факультет, DH1 3LE Дарем, Великобритания

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Химический факультет, 119991 Москва, Российская Федерация @Е-таИ: [email protected]

Разработан метод синтеза нитробензоазакраун-эфиров реакцией Ы-деметилирования нитропроизводных Ы-метилбензоазакраун-эфиров под действием иодида аммония, позволяющий получать бензоазакраун-эфиры с выходами 95-100 %. Установлена пространственная структура и найдены комплексообразующие характеристики нитробензоазакраун-эфиров по отношению к катионам щелочных и щелочноземельных металлов, ионам аммония, а также аниону фтора с использованием методов РСА и спектроскопии ЯМР Н. Показа-

но, что устойчивость комплексов типа «гость-хозяин» нитробензоазакраун-эфиров с катионами металлов и аммония в ЫеСЫ^ ниже устойчивости соответствующих комплексов Ы-алкилзамещенных аналогов с тем же размером макроцикла. Установлено, что нитробензоазакраун-эфиры способны связывать анион фтора в DMSO-d6 и ЫеСЫ^ за счет образования водородной связи с ЫН-фрагментом макроцикла.

Ключевые слова: Бензоазакраун-эфиры, синтез, структура, комплексообразование, константы устойчивости.


Azacrown compounds containing nitrogen atom conjugated with chromophore are of considerable interest for the preparation of photoactive crown derivatives possessing chromogenic, fluorescent, and photochromic properties. [1] Currently, phenylazacrown ether derivatives are used most often for these purposes; however, they suffer from a considerable drawback: their complexation constants with metal ions are modest.[2] Benzannelated azacrown ether derivatives can have weighty advantages in this respect. For the synthesis of photoactive compounds, formyl and nitro derivatives of benzoazacrown ethers are of most interest. However, most of functional derivatives of 1-aza-2,3-ben-zocrown ethers proved to be inaccessible by using methods reported in the literature.[3,4]

Previously, we developed a new strategy for the synthesis of formyl and nitro benzoazacrown ether derivatives based on the stepwise transformation of the macrocycle of accessible benzocrown ethers used as synthons (Scheme 1) and studied the spatial structure of the obtained compounds as well as their complex forming properties towards alkali and alkaline-earth metal and ammonium cations by NMR and X-ray diffraction.[4] It was found that the obtained ^-alkyl benzoazacrown ether derivatives, in which the nitrogen atom is linked to the benzene ring, are promising complexing agents for the above cations.

Гго0° >

хМ> S



x-^^o о



о 2


n= 0-2

X = CHO; R = Me X = NOz, R = Me, Et, n-Pr, Bu

Scheme 1. Synthesis of benzoazacrown ethers by transformation of benzocrown ether macrocycle.

They exhibit a much higher binding capacity towards metal cations than ^-phenylazacrown ethers with the same macro -cycle size. In the complex forming properties, they resemble the corresponding benzocrown ethers and, in some cases, they are even superior.[4f-h] Using formyl derivatives of ben-zoazacrown ethers, we synthesized a number of azacrown styryl dyes,[5] some of which were highly efficient as optical molecular sensors for alkali and alkaline-earth metal cat-ions.[5a]

We also prepared dinitrodibenzodiazacrown ethers by one-step transformation of the c/s-dinitrodibenzo-18-crown-6 ether macrocycle by treatment with aliphatic diamines (Scheme 2).[4b6] The structure and complexation behaviour of dibenzodiazacrown ether («=1) were studied by NMR spectroscopy.

It was shown that dinitrodibenzodiaza-16-crown-5 ether does not form complexes with alkali or alkaline-earth metal cations, but can bind fluoride ions, apparently v/a hydrogen bonding with the NH groups of the macrocycle. Therefore, dibenzodiazacrown ethers of this type can be regarded as promising complexing agents for fluoride


rr° °n





"О О



n= 0-2

Scheme 2. Synthesis of dinitrodibenzodiazacrown ethers by transformation of the macrocycle of c«-dinitrodibenzo-18-crown-6 ether by treatment with aliphatic diamines.

Nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1 containing NH group in the macrocycle (Chart 1) have been unknown until now. They could be of interest, on the one hand, as synthons for the synthesis of functional derivatives at the macrocycle nitrogen atom and, on the other hand, as complexing agents for metal and ammonium cations and fluoride anions.

Previously we synthesized formyl derivatives of ben-zoazacrown ethers with N-H group in the macrocycle using two methods.[4c] The first method comprised cyclization

of iodo-podands on heating in MeCN (Scheme 3). A drawback of this method is too long reaction time and the formation of a mixture of .v-methylbenzoazacrown ethers and their .v-demethylated derivatives, although the latter still considerably predominate.



OHC^T) cr








0 - 24% +

OHC^^O \> 41-53%

n= 0-2

Scheme 3. Synthesis of formyl benzoazacrown ether derivatives by cyclization of iodo-podands on heating in MeCN.

and ^-ethyl-2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline 5 (Chart 1) using 'H NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis.


V^CMn 1,2a-c

1: R1= H 2: R1= Me

QzN-Q-N ^n








4: R1= Et, R2= R3= H

R1= Et, R2= H, R3= OMe R1= R2= Me, R3 = H R1= R2 = Me, R3 = OMe R1= Me, R2= H, R3= OMe

n = 0 (a), 1 (b), 2 (c)

Chart 1. Structure of compounds 1-8.

The second method was based on .V-demethylation of formyl-^-methylbenzoaza-18-crown-6 ether, which takes place on refluxing of the ^-methyl derivative with dilute acetic acid. The ^-demethylated product is formed in a moderate yield (Scheme 4).

The stability constants of complexes formed hy azacrown ethers 1a-c with alkali and alkaline-earth metal and ammonium cations and fluoride anions were determined hy 'H NMR titration.

МеГО"^ О

ro^ о.

^yN О AcOH | O.

0HC-kA0 о AcOEt О

_ О




Scheme 4. Synthesis of the formylbenzoaza-18-crown-6-ether derivative by refluxing formyl-jV-methylbenzoaza-18-crown-6 ether with AcOH.

We suggested that the use of mild acidic agent such as NH4I in MeCN to conduct ж-demethylation of ж-methyl-nitrobenzoazacrown ethers could probably promote the formation of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers in high yields.

In this communication, we describe the synthesis of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1 from ж-methylnitroben-zoazacrown ethers 2, compare the structural features and complexation behaviours of the obtained benzoazacrown ethers 1 and starting ж-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2, ж-phenylazacrown ethers 3 with the same macrocycle size, and model compounds containing N-H group and devoid of a crown ether moiety, namely, ^-ethyl-4-nitroaniline 4


'H NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker DRX500 spectrometer (operating at 500.13 MHz) in DMSO-rf and MeCN-rf at 25 °C with the solvent functioning as an internal standard (8H 2.50 and 1.96 ppm, respectively). 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker DRX500 spectrometer (operating at 125.76 MHz) in DMSO-rf,, CDCL, or MeCN-rf at 25 °C with the solvent func-

63 33 3

tioning as an internal standard (8C 39.43, 77.00, and 118.10 ppm, respectively). The chemical shifts were measured to an accuracy of 0.01 ppm and spin-spin coupling constants were determined to an accuracy of 0.1 Hz. The proton and carbon signals were assigned using 2D 1H-1H homonuclear COSY and NOESY spectra and 1H-13C heteronuclear COSY spectra (HSQC and HMBC).

IR spectra were measured on a Bruker IFS-113V spectrophotometer in KBr pellets. Mass spectra were run on Finnigan MAT-212 and Finnigan MAT 95 XL instruments (with perfluo-rokerosene as the standard) with ionization energy of 60 or 70 eV and direct sample injection.

Elemental analysis was carried out in the Laboratory of Microanalysis, A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences. Melting points were measured on a MEL-Temp II apparatus in a capillary.

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Column chromatography was carried out using SiO2 (Kieselgel 60, 0.063-0.100 mm, Merck) and Al2O3 (Aluminium oxide

150 basic, type T, 0.063-0.200 mm, Merck). The reactions were monitored by TLC on DC-Alufolien Kieselgel 60 F254 (Merck) and DC-Alufolien Aluminium oxide 60 F254 neutral (Merck) plates.

The salts NH4ClO4, NaClO4, KClO4, Ca(ClO4)2, and Ba(ClO4)2 (Aldrich) were dried in vacuo (at 60 °C for NH4ClO4 and at 200 °C for other salts). EtNH3ClO4 was prepared by neutralization of 70 % aqueous solution of ethylamine with a 70 % aqueous solution of HClO4 (Aldrich) and dried in vacuo at 60 °C. Tetrabutylam-monium fluoride (Bu4NF3H2O, Aldrich) was stored in a desiccator over a drying agent.

2-Methoxy-iV,iV-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline (7) was synthesized by a reported procedure.171

iV-Ethyl-4-nitroaniline (4), iV,iV-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline (6), and 2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline (10) were purchased from abcr GmbH Germany.


Synthesis of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c (general procedure). Method A. A mixture of V-methylbenzoazacrown ether 2a-c (0.3 mmol), NH4I (0.44 g, 3.0 mmol), and dry MeCN (15 mL) was stirred at reflux for 100 h. After cooling, the reaction mixture was evaporated in vacuo, diluted with water (30 mL), extracted with C6H6 (3x25 mL), and the combined extracts were evaporated in vacuo. The residue was purified by column chromatography on SiO2. The elution was carried out, first, with an AcOH-EtOAc mixture (1:1) for 2a,b or a C6H6-AcOH-EtOAc mixture (1:1:2) for 2c to wash out compounds 1a-c, and then with EtOAc to wash out unreacted starting 2a-c. After evaporation of fractions containing compounds 1a-c, a 5 % aqueous solution of Na2CO3 (to pH 10) was added to the residues, and the products were extracted with C6H6 (3x30 mL). The extracts were washed with water and evaporated. Compounds 1a-c were formed as yellow powders. The yields of compounds 1a-c and data on recovered compounds 2a-c are summarized in Table 1. Method B. A mixture of V-methyl-benzoazacrown ether 2a-c (0.15 mmol), NH4I (0.22 g, 1.5 mmol), and dry MeCN (7 mL) was heated for 55 h (2a), 100 h (2b,c), or 255 h (2c) (see Table 1) in a sealed tube at 130 °C (oil bath). The reaction mixtures were worked-up and the residues were purified as described above in method A in the case of 2a,b; EtOAc was used as the eluent in the case of 2c. Compounds 1a-c were formed as yellow powders. The yields of compounds 1a-c and data on recovered compounds 2a-c are summarized in Table 1.

13-Nitro-2,3,5,6,9,10-hexahydro-8H-1,4,7,10-benzotri-oxazacyclododecine (4-nitrobenzoaza-12-crown-4 ether) (1a) was obtained from 2a as described above. M.p. 150-152 °C. Found: C 52.54, H 5.95, N 10.01 %. C12H16N2O5 0.3H2O requires C 52.66, H 6.11, N 10.24 %. m/z (%) 268! (100) [M+], 211 (33), 193 (64), 180 (16), 167 (71), 165 (50), 150 (20), 134 (28), 119 (17), 78 (16). IR (KBr) vmax cm-1: 3354 (NH), 1490 and 1323 (NO2). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) S^ppm: 3.38 (2H, m, NCH2CH2O), 3.52 (2H, m, CH2O), 3.56 (2H, m, CH2CH2OAr), 3.59 (2H, m, CH2O), 3.67 (2H, t, J=4.9 Hz, NCH2CH2O), 4.20 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 6.65 (1H, t, J=4.8 Hz, NH), 6.78 (1H, d, J=9.2 Hz, 11-H), 7.86 (1H, d, J=2.4 Hz, 14-H), 7.91 (1H, dd, J=9.2, 2.4 Hz, 12-H). 13C NMR (MeCN-d3) 8C ppm: 43.20 (NCH2CH2O), 68.66 (NCH2CH2O), 69.37 (CH2CH2OAr), 69.94 (CH2O), 70.10 (CH2O), 74.21 (CH2OAr), 109.38 (11-C), 116.86 (14-C), 123.09 (12-C), 137.13 (13-C), 145.28 (14a-C), 149.54 (10a-C).

16-Nitro-2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13-octahydro-11H-1, 4,7,10,13-ben-zotetraoxazacyclopentadecine (nitrobenzoaza-15-crown-5 ether) (1b) was obtained from 2b as described above. M.p. 93-95 °C. Found: C 53.83, H 6.64, N 8.79 %. C^H^NA requires C 53.84, H 6.45, N 8.97 %. m/z (%) 312 (100) [M+], 255 (18), 211 (13), 193 (34), 167 (45), 166 (9), 165 (21), 149 (10), 147 (12), 73 (14). IR (KBr) vmax cm-1: 3391 (NH), 1498 and 1322 (NO2). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) S^ppm: 3.33 (2H, m, NCH2CH2O), 3.55 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.60 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.69 (2H, 2, J=4.8 Hz, NCH2CH2O), 3.76 (2H, m, CH^H^Ar), 4.19 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 5.92 (1H, t, J=4.8 Hz,

NH), 6.66 (1H, d, J=8.9 Hz, 14-H), 7.61 (1H, d, J=2.3 Hz, 17-H), 7.86 (1H, dd, J=8.9, 2.3 Hz, 15-H). 13C NMR (CDCl3) 8C ppm: 42.29 (NCH2CH2O), 68.05 (NCH2CH2O), 68.18 (CH2OAr), 68.74 (CH2CH2OAr), 69.75 (CH2O), 69.85 (CH2O), 69.97 (CH2O), 70.16 (CHp), 106.50 (17-C), 106.68 (14-C), 120.37 (15-C), 136.75 (16-C), 144.47 (17a-C), 145.23 (13a-C).

19-Nitro-2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,15,16-decahydro-14H-1,4,7,10,13, 16-benzopentaoxazacyclooctadecine (nitrobenzoaza-18-crown-6 ether) (1c) was obtained from 2c as described above. M.p. 81-83 °C. Found: C 54.11, H 6.78, N 7.49 %. C^NA requires C 53.92, H 6.79, N 7.86 %. m/z (%) 356 (100) [M+], 227 (44), 201 (26), 199 (57), 193 (53), 167 (80), 165 (30), 89 (21), 87 (26), 73 (34). IR (KBr) vmax cm-1: 3414 (NH), 1494 and 1321 (NO2). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppni: 3.42 (2H, m, NCH2CH2O), 3.53 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.56 (6H, m, 3CH2O), 3.60 (2H, m, CH10), 3.63 (2H, t, J=4.9 Hz, NCH2CH2O), 3.78 (2H, m, CH2CH2OAr), 4.23 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 5.82 (1H, t, J=5.5 Hz, NH), 6.70 (1H, d, J=9.2 Hz, 17-H), 7.(50 (1H, d, J=2.4 Hz, 20-H), 7.85 (1H, dd, J=9.2, 2.4 Hz, 18-H). 13C NMR (MeCN-d3) 8C ppm: 43.31 (NCH2CH2O), 69.07 (CH2OAr), 69.37 (NCH2CH32O)C, 69.45 (CH^H^Ar), 70.73 (CH2O), 70.86 (2CH2O), 70.96 (2CHp), 71.03 (CH2O), 106.13 (20-C), 107.48 (17-C), 120.52 (18-C), 137.39 (19-C), 145.15 (20a-C), 145.34 (16a-C).

N-Demethylation of 2-methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline (7). A mixture of nitroaniline 7 (59 mg, 0.3 mmol), NH4I (437 mg, 3.0 mmol), and dry MeCN (15 mL) was stirred at reflux for 100 h. After cooling, the reaction mixture was evaporated in vacuo, diluted with water (30 mL), extracted with C6H6 (3x25 mL), and the combined extracts were evaporated in vacuo. The residue was purified by column chromatography on Al2O3. The elution was carried out first with a C6H6-hexane mixture (1:1) and then with C6H6. This gave 39 mg of compound 8 (71 % conversion and 98 % yield based on reacted 7) and 16 mg of starting compound 7 (27 % recovery) as yellow powders.

2-Methoxy-N-methyl-4-nitroaniline (8). M.p. 99-100 °C (cf lit.[7] m.p. 103 °C). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 2.83 (3H, d, J=4.9 Hz, MeN), 3.89 (3H, s, MeO), 6.54 (1H, d, J=9.2 Hz, 6-H), 6.70 (1H, br q, J=4.9 Hz, NH), 7.55 (1H, d, J=2.4 Hz, 3-H), 7.85 (1H, dd, J=9.2, 2.4 Hz, 5-H).

2-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline (7). M.p. 96-97 °C (cf lit.[7] m.p. 97 °C). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 2.95 (6H, s, Me2N), 3.89 (3H, s, MeO), 6.88 (1H, d, J=9.2 Hz, 6-H), 7.65 (1H, d, J=2.4 Hz, 3-H), 7.81 (1H, dd, J=9.2, 2.4 Hz, 5-H).

Methylation of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c (general procedure). A mixture of benzoazacrown ether 1a-c (0.03 mmol), NaH (60 % in wax) (24 mg, 0.6 mmol), Mel (19 |L, 0.3 mmol), and dry THF (3 mL) was stirred at reflux for 40 min. Then the reaction mixture was diluted with water (15 mL) and extracted with C6H6 (3x10 mL). The benzene extracts were evaporated and the residue was passed through a thin Al2O3 layer (basic) using a C6H6-EtOAc mixture (5:1) as the eluent.

10-Methyl-13-nitro-2,3,5,6,9,10-hexahydro-8H-1,4,7,10-benzotrioxazacyclododecine (N-methylnitrobenzoaza-12-crown-4 ether) (2a) was prepared as described above as a yellow powder. Yield 95 %. M.p. 108-109 °C (cf lit.[4d] m.p. 108-109 °C). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 2.91 (3H, s, MeN), 3.58 (2H, t, J=7.2 Hz, NCH2CH2O), 3.60 (2H, m, CH2O), 3.66 (2H, m, CH2O), 3.82 (2H, t, J=7.2 Hz, NCH^O), 3.84 (2H, m, C^CH^Ar), 4.21 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 6.85 (1H, d, J=9.1 Hz, 11-H), 7.64 (1H, d, J=2.5 Hz, 14-H), 7.79 (1H, dd, J=9.1, 2.5 Hz, 12-H).

13-Methyl-16-nitro-2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13-octahydro-11H-1,4,7,10,13-benzotetraoxazacyclopentadecine (N-methylnitro-benzoaza-15-crown-5 ether) (2b) was prepared as described above as a yellow powder. Yield 96 %. M.p. 93-95 °C (cf lit.[4d] m.p. 93-95 °C). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 2.93 (3H, s, MeN), 3.41 (2H, t, J=7.0 Hz, NCH^Hp), 3.57 (4H, s, 2CH2O), 3.60 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.83 (2H, m, C^CH^Ar), 3.86 (2H, t, J=7.0 Hz, NCH^O), 4.20 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 6.88 (1H, d, J=8.9 Hz, 14-H), 7.63 (1H, d, J=2.5 Hz, 17-H), "7.79 (1H, dd, J=9.1, 2.5 Hz, 15-H).

16-Methyl-19-nitro-2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12,15,16-de cahydro-14H-1,4,7,10,13,16-benzopentaoxazacyclooctadecine (N-methyl-nitrobenzoaza-18-crown-6 ether (2c) was prepared as described above as a yellow oil. Yield 96 %. (cf. lit.: oil,[4d] m.p. 43-45 °C[4h]). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 3.01 (3H, s, MeN), 3.51 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.53 (4H, m, 2CH2O), 3.59 (6H, m, NCH2CH2O, 2CH2O), 3.73 (2H, t, J=5.4 Hz, NCH2CH2O), 3.79 (2H, m, CH2CH2OAr), 4.18 (2H, m, CH2OAr), 6.84 (1H, d, J=9.1 Hz, 17-H), 7.62 (1H, d, J=2.5 Hz, 20-H), 7.79 (1H, dd, J=9.1, 2.5 Hz, 18-H).

Synthesis of N-ethyl-2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline (5). A mixture of 2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline (10) (0.84 g, 50 mmol), triethyl orthoformate (1.1 mL, 75 mmol), and a drop of concentrated H2SO4 was stirred for 4 h in a flask equipped with a reflux condenser at 115-120 °C (oil bath). Then the temperature was raised to 175 °C during 1 h. The reaction mixture was cooled, 10 % aqueous HCl (2 mL) was added, and the mixture was heated for 1 h at 100 °C (oil bath). After cooling, 10 % aqueous NaOH (2 mL) was added to the reaction mixture, and the mixture was extracted with C6H6 (3x10 mL). The benzene extracts were evaporated, and the residue was purified by column chromatography on SiO2 with C6H6 as the eluent. This gave 0.60 g of the starting compound 10 (71 % recovery) and 0.125 g of compound 5 (13 % conversion, 45 % yield based on reacted 10) as yellow needles. M.p. 74-75 °C. Found: C 54.90, H 6.04, N 14.26 %. C9H12N2O5 requires C 55.09, H 6.16, N 14.28 %. m/z (%) 196 (61) [M+], 182 (10), 181 (100), 166 (10), 149 (6), 135 (35), 107 (6), 79 (6), 78 (13), 51 (6). IR (KBr) vmax cm-1: 3386 (NH), 1479 and 1317 (NO2). 1H NMR (DMSO-d6) 8H ppm: 1.16 (3H, t, J=7.2 Hz, MeCH2), 3.26 (2H, m, CH2), 3.89 (3H, s, MeO), 6.53 (1H, t, J=5.0 Hz, NH), 6.61 (1H, d, J=9.1 Hz, 6-H), 7.55 (1H, d, J=2.5 Hz, 3-H), 7.83 (1H, dd, J=9.1, 2.5 Hz, 5-H). 13C NMR (DMSO-d6) 8C ppm: 13.90 (MeCH2), 36.69 (CH2), 55.72 (MeO), 104.34 (3-C), 106.26 (6-C), 119.99 (5-C), 134.98 (4-C), 144.68 (1-C), 144.80 (2-C).

H NMR Titration

The solvents used included MeCN-d3 and DMSO-d6 (both < 0.05 % water, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Russian Research Center "Applied Chemistry", St.-Petersburg). The composition and stability constants of complexes of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c with the salts Mm+(ClO4-)m and «-Bu4NF were determined by analyzing the variation of the positions of proton signals of the ligand (LH) as functions of the concentration of salt added. The total LH concentration was invariable and amounted to —2.5-10-3 M, while the salt concentration was varied starting from zero. The highest Mm+/LH ratio was ~3. When 1b was titrated with singly charged cations, the salt concentration was brought to the Mm+/LH ratio of ~6. In the case of titration with NH4ClO4 and KClO4, the total concentration of LH was maintained at —110-3 M due to limited solubility of the salts. In the titration with n-Bu4NF, the «-Bu4NF/LH ratio was brought to —8.

The A8H values were measured to an accuracy of 0.001 ppm. The stability constants of complexes were calculated using the HYPNMR program.[8]

X-Ray Diffraction Study, Crystal Data

The crystals of benzoazacrown ethers 1a,c, 2a and model anilines 4, 5, and 7 were prepared by slow evaporation of their solutions in a CH2Cl2-hexane mixture at room temperature. The crystalline complex of benzoazacrown ether 2c with barium perchlorate was obtained by slow saturation of a MeCN solution of an equimolar mixture of the ligand with Ba(ClO4)2 with C6H6 vapour.

A single crystal of each of the compounds was mounted on a CCD SMART diffractometer under a stream of cooled nitrogen where crystallographic parameters and reflection intensities were measured. A reduction of the data was performed using the SAINT program.[9] Using Olex2,[10] the structure was solved

with the SHELXL-2014[11] structure solution program using Direct Methods and refined with the XH[12] refinement package using Least Squares minimization.

It should be noted that structure 1a was studied with a rather big errors caused by low quality and small size of the crystals. However, its discussion is important for the comparison of the structural features in the series of investigated compounds.

1a. Crystal data for C12H16N2O5 (M=268.27 gmol-1): mono-clinic, space group P21 (no. 4), a=4.5282(3) A, b=11.8234(8) A, c=11.5477(7) A, ¿8=101.067(4)°, V=606.75(7) A3, Z=2, 7=123 K, ,«(CuKa)=0.974-1, Dcalc=1.468 gcm-3, 3513 reflections measured (7.80°<26<149.16°),c1901 unique (Rint=0.0588, Ra=0.0826) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.1513 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.4250 (all data) (CCCD 1864860).

2a. Crystal data_for C13H18N2O5 (M=281.94 g mol-1): tri-clinic, space group P 1 (no. 2), a=4.5563(3) A, b=12.1237(8) A, c=12.1879(9) A, «=85.789(6)°, ¿8=89.004(5)°, y=79.999(5)°, V=661.22(8) A3, Z=2, 7=123 K, ,«(MoKa)=0.110 mm-1, Dcalc=1.416 g cm-3, 8238 reflections measured (6.70°<26<55.00°), 25^7 unique (Rint=0.0791, Ra=0.1072) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was "0.0626 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.1424 (all data) (CCCD 1864859).

1c H2O. Crystal data for C16H26N2O8 (M=374.39 g mol-1): orthorhombic, space group Pca21 (no. 29), a=17.519(3) A, b=12.356(2) A, c=8.3866(15) A, V=1815.4(5) A3, Z=4, 7=123 K, ,«(MoKa)=0.110 mm-1, Dcalc=1.370 gcm-3, 14717 reflections measured (3.30°<26<58.00°)a4664 unique (Rint=0.2965, R^=0.3425) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0848 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.1429 (all data) (CCCD 1864855).

4. Crystal data for C8H10N2O2 (m=166.18 g mol-1): mono-clinic, space group P2Jn (no. 1-4), a=7.611(2) A, b=7.979(3) A, c=13.196(4) A, 8=91.657(9)°, V=801.1(4) A3, Z=4, 7=123 K, KMoKa)=0.101 mm-1, Dcalc=1.378 g cm-3, 9275 reflections measured (5.96°<2e<57.00°),a 22034 unique (Rint=0.1224, Ro=0.1026) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0784 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.1890 (all data) (CCCD 1864864).

5. Crystal data for C9H12N2O3 (M=196.21 gmol-1): monoclinic, space group P21/c (no. 14), a=7.8779(3) A, b=15.9215(5) A, c=7.5549(2) A, 8=96.650(2)°, V=941.22(5) A3, Z=4, 7=123 K, ,«(CuKa)=0.882 mm-1, Dcalc=1.385 g cm-3, 6173 reflections measured " (11.12°<2e<148c84°), 1809 unique (Rint=0.0670, R"=0.0661) which were used in all calculations. The fi^l R1 was 0.0711 (I> 2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.1844 (all data) (CCCD 18648(57).

7. Crystal data for C9H12N2O3 (M=196.21 gmol-1): orthorhombic, space group Pna21 (no. 33), a=14.269(5) A, b=16.787(6) A, c=3.8590(14) A, V=924.3(6) A3, Z=4, 7=123 K, ,«(MoKa)=0.107 mm-1, Dcalc=1.410 g cm-3, 8285 reflections measured (3.74°<2e<57.98°),c!2451 unique (Rint=0.2277, R^=0.1864) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0692 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.1415 (all data) (CCCD 1864865).

2cBa(ClO4)2 0.25H2O. Crystal data for C17H265N2O15 25Cl2Ba (M=711.14 g mol-1): monoclinic, space group P2Jc (no. 14), a=13.7161(5) A, b=11.7809(3) A, c=15.6719(4) A, /5=94.546(3)°, V=2524.44(13) A3, Z=4, 7=123 K, yu(MoKa)= 1.862 mm-1, Dcalc=1.871 gcm-3, 20007 reflections measured (5.14°<2e<58.00°), 67ci7 unique (Rint=0.0547, Ra=0.0665) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was "0.0390 (I>2"(I)) and wR2 was 0.0844 (all data) (CCCD 1864866).

Results and Discussion

Synthesis of Nitrobenzoazacrown Ethers

We studied the efficiency of ж-demethylation of ж-methylnitrobenzoazacrown ethers 2 with different

macrocycle size on treatment with ammonium iodide with heating in anhydrous MeCN (Scheme 5). The starting V-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2 were prepared by reported procedures.[4d]

It was shown that the degrees of conversion of v-meth-ylnitrobenzoaza-12(15,18)-crown-4(5,6) ethers 2 to demeth-ylated products 1 depend on the macrocycle size (Table 1). The reaction proceeds most readily for v-methylbenzoaz-acrown ether 2a with a 12-membered macrocycle. Indeed, the reactions conducted under identical conditions in boiling MeCN over a period of 100 h yielded benzoaza-12(15,18)-crown-4(5,6) ethers 1a-c with degrees of conversion of 95 %, 62 %, and 19 %, respectively. The yields of products 1a-c (based on reacted starting compounds 2a-c) depend little on the macrocycle size and amount to 86-95 %. By increasing the reaction temperature to 130 °C, we attained complete conversion of v-methylnitrobenzoaza-12(15,18)-crown-4(5,6) ethers 2 to demethylated products 1, which were formed in 95-100 % yields (see Table 1).

JyN \ NH4I,A - )







n= 0(a), 1 (b), 2(c)

Scheme 5. Synthesis of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1a-c by demethylation of V-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2a-c by treatment with NH4I with heating in MeCN.

In the case of v,v-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline 6, elimination of v-methyl group does not take place under analogous conditions (refluxing at 130 °C). The reaction of 2-methoxy-V,V-dimethyl-4-nitroaniline 7 carried out in refluxing MeCN for 100 h gave compound 8 (Scheme 6) in 98 % yield based on reacted 7 (27 % recovery of starting 7, see Experimental section).

In the case of v-methylbenzoaza-12-crown-4 ether 2a, the reaction did not proceed without ammonium iodide (at 130 °C). For compound 2c, no reaction was observed in the presence of n-Bu4NI, instead of NH4I, under similar conditions. It was also shown that refluxing of 2a in MeCN in the presence of NH4Cl, instead of NH4I, does not lead


l^yNMea NH4I, A ^yNHMe -^OMe MeCN ' OpN-^C



Scheme 6. Demethylation of 2-methoxy-jV,iV-dime1:hyl-4-nitroaniline 7 by treatment with NH4I with heating in MeCN.

to elimination of the v-methyl group. On refluxing of 2a and 2c with dilute acetic acid in EtOAc or MeCN (100 h), the degrees of conversion of 2a,c to 1a,c were low (5-20 %); in addition, products of macrocycle destruction were formed in minor amounts, with the recovery of initial compounds 2a,c being 70-86 %.

The obtained results suggest the following mechanism of formation of demethylated products 1 from compounds 2. Since the reaction takes place in the presence of a mild acidic agent (NH4I) over a long period of time, compounds 1 are apparently formed via the intermediate formation of macrocy-clic ammonium salt 9, which then eliminates a methyl group under the action of nucleophile (I) (Scheme 7). The reaction for model compound 7 follows a similar pathway. The reaction does not proceed without the electron-donating MeO group in the ortho-position relative to NMe2 group in the benzene ring, which creates steric hindrance (compound 6). Another suggestion is that the formation of host-guest complexes of 2 with ammonium ions may prevent V-demethylation, as indicated by different degrees of conversion of 2a-c to 1a-c for different macrocycle sizes for incomplete reaction (reflux-ing in MeCN, 100 h). For example, in the case of 2c with a 18-membered macrocycle, which forms the most stable complex with the ammonium ion,[4h] the degree of conversion is the lowest and complete conversion of 2c to 1c requires the longest time. Compounds 2a and 7 do not form stable complexes with the ammonium ion and, therefore, they are easily demethylated. Probably, the rate of demethylation of 2 is also affected by the degree of steric hindrance in the vicinity of macrocycle nitrogen. This can account for the fact that 2a reacts much faster than 7.

The nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1a-c thus obtained can be readily methylated at the macrocycle nitrogen atom to give 2a-c by the reaction with methyl iodide induced by sodium hydride with heating in anhydrous THF (Scheme 8). This reaction for compounds 1a-c is fast and gives products in nearly quantitative yields. This demonstrates the possibil-

Table 1. Conditions of demethylation of V-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2a-c by treatment with NH4I in anhydrous MeCN and yields of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c.

Starting compound Temperature, °C Time, h Recovery of starting 2, % Degree of conversion 2, % Yield of 1,a %

2a 82 100 0 95 95

2b 130 55 0 95 95

82 100 30 62 88

130 100 0 100 100

2c 82 100 78 19 86

130 100 57 41 96

130 255 0 98 98

aBased on reacted compound 2.

Me Oo v



Me.fo x

£X " O



- Mel



Scheme 7. Presumptive mechanism of demethylation of 2a-c on treatment with NH4I with heating in MeCN.

ity of converting compounds 1 to ^-substituted functional derivatives.


fyNH n> Mel, NaH J

02HJ^X0 „ § THF O.N'^O „ S





Scheme 8. Synthesis of V-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2a-c by methylation of 1a-c with MeI induced by NaH.

Model v-ethyl-2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline 5 was prepared in 45 % yield (based on reacted compound 10) by a modification of the procedure reported for the synthesis of v-ethyl-p-chloroaniline,[13] using the reaction of 2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline (10) with triethyl ortho-formate catalyzed by sulfuric acid followed by hydrolysis of the reaction mixture with hydrochloric acid (Scheme 9).

The structures of the products were determined by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry and confirmed by elemental analysis.

NMR Spectroscopic Studies

1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy in MeCN-d3 and DMSO-d6 solutions was employed to study the structure, complex formation properties, and conformational behaviour of the macrocyclic moiety both in free compound 1 and in complexes of 1 with alkali and alkaline-earth metal cations, ammonium ions, and fluoride anions.

Quantitative evaluation of the stability of complexes formed by nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1 and model compounds 4, 5 with metal and (ethyl)ammonium cations and fluoride anions was performed by 1H NMR titration.


,nh2 ->2n ~ "OMe


CH(OEt)3, A, H2S04



HCl, H20

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NHEt i2in - OMe

Scheme 9. Synthesis of iV-ethyl-2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline 5.

The NOESY spectra of free benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c exhibited intense cross-peaks between the a-protons of the NCH2 group and the benzene 3-H proton located in the ortho -position to macrocycle nitrogen (see Figure 1; for convenience, the benzoazacrown atom numbering differs from the IUPAC rules), which attests to their spatial proximity, and no cross-peaks between the NH proton and the 3-H proton. In the case of 1c, a weak cross-peak is also present between the b-CH2O protons and the 3-H proton. Furthermore, for all compounds 1a-c, we observed less intense cross-peaks between the NH proton and the NCH2-group a-protons and weak cross-peaks between the NH proton and the b-CH2O protons. Weak cross-peaks were present between NH and a'-CH 2O protons and b'-CH 2O protons for compound 1a and between NH and y(or y')-CH2O protons for compound 1b. These results indicate that hydrogen at the nitrogen atom in compounds 1 points inside the macrocycle and, perhaps, is hydrogen bonded to some of the crown ether oxygen atoms. The nitrogen atom configuration probably corresponds to sp2 hybridization (planar geometry) and the nitrogen lone pair of electrons (LP) is efficiently conjugated with the benzene ring.[4c,f]

Thus, the spatial structure of benzoazacrown ethers 1 is unfavourable for complex formation due to conjugation of the LP of the NH nitrogen with the benzene ring and the orientation of the hydrogen atom inside the mac-roheterocycle, which generates steric hindrance for cations entering the crown ether cavity. Therefore, the stability constants of complexes 1 are expected to be lower than those of their v-alkyl-substituted analogues, which are characterized by a pyramidal geometry of the macrocycle nitrogen atom.[4e,g,h]


i'aj v


Figure 1. Schematic view of NOESY interactions in compounds 1a-c, MeCN-d,.

The addition of excess alkali or alkaline-earth metal or (ethyl)ammonium perchlorate to benzoazacrown ether 1c in MeCNrf or the addition of excess alkaline-earth metal perchlorate to 1b in MeCN-rfj induces downfield shifts (A8H) of most 'H NMR signals of these ligands. This behaviour is typical of host-guest inclusion complexes (Scheme 10). The most pronounced downfield shifts (A8H up to 0.47 ppm for compound 1c with doubly charged cations) are observed for signals of the benzene 3-H protons located in the ortho-position to the macrocycle nitrogen atoms, which evidently reflects switching of their LPs from conjugation with the benzene rings to cation coordination. The greatest downfield shift of the CH2O proton signals is 0.34 ppm. The signals of the NH protons (and NCH2 protons in the case of calcium and barium salts) provide an exception, as they shift upfield upon the addition of salts. In all cases, the greatest A8H values upon the complex formation of 1b,c were inherent in the signals of the NH protons, being up to -1.0 ppm for the addition of alkaline-earth metal perchlorates to compound 1c, which is apparently due to both the change in the nitrogen atom geometry (transition from the sp2-hybridized (planar) state to the sp3--hybridized (pyramidal) state) and a conformational transition of macrocycle 1b,c upon cation binding. As a result of reorientation of the LPs of all heteroatoms towards the centre of macro -cycle cavity accommodating the metal or (ethyl)ammonium, the conjugation of the macrocycle nitrogen LP with the benzene ring is substantially weakened, and the NH hydrogen atom and, in some cases, also the NCH2 methylene group, apparently markedly deviate from the benzene ring plane with respect to their positions in free ligands (Scheme 10).


fYNH f) M


(1 b,c) ■ M

M is the metal or (ethyl)ammonlum cation (m = 1,2)

Scheme 10. Complex formation of benzoazacrown ethers 1b,c with metal and (ethyl)ammonium cations; MeCNrf

The addition of excess alkali metal or ethylammonium perchlorate to a solution of benzoazacrown ether 1b, or the addition of excess calcium perchlorate to a solution of 1a induces slight changes in the positions of all 'H NMR signals of the ligand (the greatest observed A8H is up to -0.01 ppm and belongs to the NH proton of 1b), which is indicative of the formation of low-stability complexes.

Analysis of the NOESY spectra of benzoazacrown ethers 1b,c in the presence of excess calcium or barium perchlorate demonstrated that the conformation of the macro -cycle near the nitrogen atom changes upon complexation with respect to the free ligand conformation. A cross-peak appears between the NH proton and the 3-H benzene proton located in the ortho-position relative to the macrocycle nitrogen (Figure 2), which attests to their spatial proximity. In the case of 1b, this cross-peak is very intense (only slightly less intense than the cross-peak between the a-protons of the NCH2

group and the 3-H proton (Figure 2)), while in the case of 1c, the peak intensity is moderate. This attests to more significant conformational changes upon complexation of compound 1b containing a 15-membered macrocycle with M2+ ions compared with the 18-membered 1c.

ortx P 3 H^Q



U1 0

B '


Figure 2. Schematic view of NOESY interactions in compounds 1b,c in the presence of excess Ca(ClO4)2 or Ba(ClO4)2; MeCNrf

Quantitative evaluation of the stability of the complexes formed by nitrobenzoazacrown ether 1b,c with metal and (ethyl)ammonium perchlorates was performed by 'H NMR titration. The stability constants of the complexes were calculated from the dependences of proton chemical shifts of the ligand on the amount of the added salt using the HYPNMR program;[8] the results were in good agreement with the scheme of formation of 1(LH) : 1(Mm+) complexes: K

LH + Mm+ t—- LHM m+,

where LH is the azacrown ether, Mm+ is the metal or (ethyl) ammonium cation (m=1, 2), K/M-1 is the stability constant of the complex. The results are summarized in Table 2. For comparison, Table 2 gives the stability constants of complexes of the same salts with close structural analogues of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1, v-methylbenzoazacrown ethers 2 and v-phenylazacrown ethers 3 with the same macrocycle size, which were prepared in our previous study.[4gh]

The stability constants of complexes 1b,c with doubly charged cations are much higher than those for singly charged cations, which is caused by higher charge density on the alkaline-earth metal cations. The stability constants of complexes of 1b with singly charged cations are below the level detectable by 'H NMR titration. We also found that the stability constant of complex of 1a with calcium per-chlorate is below the level detectable by 1H NMR titration (logKT< 1). The stability constants of complexes of 1c with 18-membered macrocycle are higher than those for similar complexes formed by 15-membered 1b.

In all cases, complexes of benzoazacrown ethers 1b,c are markedly less stable than the complexes of v-methylbenzoaz-acrown ethers 2b,c and v-alkyl-substituted analogues in general.^ The complex-forming properties of 1c are similar to those of v-phenylaza-18-crown-6 ether 3c with the same macrocycle size, while 1b is much inferior to V-phenylaza-15-crown-5 ether 3b. This means that the hydrogen atom at nitrogen, which points inside the macrocycle, hampers the complexation to a much higher extent in 1b than in 1c, possibly, because of formation of stronger intramolecular NH.. ,OCH2 hydrogen bonds in the case of 1b.

We also used 1H NMR titration to study the ability of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c and model anilines 4 and 5 to bind fluoride anions via hydrogen bonding with the mac-

Table 2. Stability constants of complexes of azacrown ethers 1-3 with (ethyl)ammonium and metal perchloratesa.


ijiganu nh4+ EtNH3+ Li+ Na+ K+ Ca2+ Ba2+

1b - _b _b _b _ 1.7 0.9

2b[4g] 1.7 1.4 _ 2.7 1.9 3.8 4.2

3b[4«] 1.8 1.2 _ 2.6 0.7 2.3 1.4

1c 2.5 1.9 1.7 3.0 2.6 4.4 > 5

2cm 3.8 3.6 2.5 3.6 4.2 > 5 > 5

3c™ 2.3 1.5 1.7 3.2 2.1 4.2 4.6

a 'H NMR titration, MeCN-d3, 25±1 °C; r/M-1=[LH Mm+]/([LH] [Mm+]); errors for the determination of K values are within ± 30 ( b NMR titration is inapplicable due to very low (logK < 1) value of stability constant.

and nitroanilines 4, 5 with m-Bu„ NF.a



0 as



1a 1.8 1.9

1b 1.9 2.0

1c 1.8 1.9

4 2.0 2.1

5 2.0 1.9

rocycle NH group or the amino group upon the addition Table 3. Binding constants of benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c of excess «-BuNF in DMSO-d or MeCN-ds to a solution

4 6 3

of the ligand.

We found that binding of F- ions induces downfield shifts of the NH proton signals in all compounds and upfield shifts of signals for the aromatic protons (except for the 2-H and 6-H signals of compound 4 in MeCN-d3). Most of the shifts are moderate. In addition, the NH proton signal is substantially broadened in most cases, and for model compounds it sometimes completely disappears.

The most pronounced downfield shifts were observed for NH proton signals of the macrocycles of benzoazacrown ethers (A8H up to 0.04 ppm in DMSO-d6 and 0.26 ppm in MeCN-d3 for compound 1c) and aniline amino groups (up to 1.7 ppm in MeCN-d3 for compound 4).

The greatest observed shifts of aromatic proton signals for benzoazacrown ethers 1a-c in DMSO-d and MeCN-d

6 3

do not exceed 0.01 ppm, while for model compounds they are up to 0.3 ppm for compound 5 in DMSO-d6 and up to 0.03 ppm for compound 4 in MeCN-d3.

Quantitative evaluation of the stability constants for the complexes formed by nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1 and nitroanilines 4 and 5 with the tetrabutylammonium fluoride was performed by 1H NMR titration. The binding constants were calculated from the dependences of proton chemical shifts of the ligand on the amount of the added salt using the HYPNMR program;[8] the results were in agreement with the scheme of formation of 1(LH):1(F) complexes:


LH + F- . ' LH - F-,

where LH is benzoazacrown ether or model compound, K /M-1 is the binding constant. The results are summa-

asso &

rized in Table 3.

It was found that the binding constants of benzoazacrown ethers 1 with the fluoride anion are moderate (logK


is of about 2.0); they virtually do not depend on the macrocycle size and are comparable with the binding constants of nitroanilines 4 and 5 with the F- ion.

X-Ray Diffraction Studies

We were able to grow single crystals of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers 1a,c, ^-methylnitrobenzoazacrown

a1H NMR titration, MeCN-d,, 25±1 °C; K /M-HLH---F"]/

3 ' asso L J

([LH][F-]); the errors for the determination of logK values are within ± 0.2.

ether 2a, model nitroanilines 4, 5, and 7 and the complex of V-methyl-nitrobenzoazacrown ether 2c with barium perchlorate. The structures of free 2b and its complex with barium perchlorate were studied in our previous work.[4e,g]

The X-ray diffraction structures of compounds 1a, 2a, 1c, 4, 5, and 7 are shown in Figure 3.

In structure 2a, one ethylene group is disordered over two positions (C11A-C12A and C11B-C12B). The crystal structure of 1c involves one solvate water molecule. This molecule is linked by hydrogen bonds with the O3, O4, O5 and N1 atoms of the benzoazacrown ether moiety. In the N-H...O (H...O bond distance is 2.19 A) hydrogen bond, the NH group is a proton donor. In the hydrogen bond with the oxygen atoms, water molecule is the proton donor. The water molecule forms normal O-H.O3 bond (the H. O3 distance is 2.15 A) and a bifurcated bond with O4 and O5 atoms (distances H...O4 and H...O5 are 2.48 and 2.25 A, respectively).

Selected geometric parameters for the structures are listed in Table 4.

Some elongation of the C1-C2 bond between two ortho-substituents is observed in structures 1a, 2a, 1c, 5, and 7. This peculiarity may be ascribed to the steric effect of the crown ether substituent. In structure 1a where the macrocycle is rather small, this assumption is actually supported by the type of distortions of the external angles at C1 and C2; the C1-C2-O1 and C2-C1-N1 angles are smaller than the corresponding C3-C2-O1 and C6-C1-N1 angles. The greater distortion of the C-C-O angles com-

4 5 7

Figure 3. Molecular structures of compounds 1a, 2a, 1cH2O, 4, 5, and 7.

Table 4. Selected geometric parameters (bond distances rf in A, bond angles ro in deg).

Bond d/m, in 1a d/m, in 2a d/m, in 1c d/m, in 4 d/m, in 5 d/m, in 7

C1-C2 1.41(2) 1.435(4) 1.436(8) 1.416(3) 1.430(2) 1.444(5)

C2-O1 1.39(1) 1.365(3) 1.395(6) 1.3590(19) 1.365(4)

C1-N1 1.36(2) 1.376(4) 1.331(7) 1.355(3) 1.353(2) 1.381(5)

C3-C2-O1 122(1) 123.0(3) 126.7(5) 125.51(15) 124.1(3)

C1-C2-O1 116(1) 116.0(3) 111.3(5) 113.37(14) 115.0(3)

C2-C1-N1 120(1) 123.5(2) 118.7(5) 121.9(2) 118.04(14) 121.2(3)

C6-C1-N1 123(1) 120.1(3) 125.6(6) 119.7(2) 123.60(14) 121.8(3)

C2-O1-C7 113(1) 119.3(2) 115.9(4) 117.4(1) 117.2(3)

C8-O2-C9 110.4(9) 115.3(2) 110.5(4)

C10-O3-C11 114(1) 111.8(4)

C12-O4-C13 112.1(5)

C14-O5-C15 115.5(4)

pared with C-C-N is explained by the lack of conjugation between the oxygen LP and the n--system of the benzene ring and the occurrence of conjugation between the LP of the N1 atom and the benzene ring. The C3-C2-O1-C7 torsion angle (90(1)°) rules out the conjugation, whereas the C6-C1-N1-C12 torsion angle (-9(2)°) is favourable for the conjugation. In this structure, the hydrogen atom at N1 points towards the centre of the benzoazacrown ether macrocycle.

A different situation is observed in structure 2a where the macrocycle has the same size. Replacement

of the hydrogen atom at N1 by a methyl group that points outside the macrocycle leads to a different type of geometrical distortions. In this structure, the C3-C2-O1-C7 torsion angle is rather small (14.3(4)°), which implies that the O1 atom LP is conjugated with the benzene ring. Thus, the hybridization states of O1 atoms in 1a and 2a are different. Indeed, the bond angle at the O1 atom in structure 1a is 113(1)°, whereas in structure 2a, it is equal to 119.3(2)°. Unfortunately, because of the disorder, we cannot discuss the torsion angles with participation of the N1 atom in structure 2a. It is only clear that the N1 atom has a nonplanar

bond configuration, which should somewhat suppress the conjugation of the N atom LP with the benzene ring.

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Although 1c contains a larger benzoazacrown ether macrocycle, the same type of the angular distortions is observed in this molecule. The C6-C1-N1-C16 torsion angle is -5.4(8)°, which evidences the occurrence of the conjugation. The situation with the O1 atom is somewhat different. The C3-C2-O1-C7 torsion angle is -18.8(8)°, while the C2-O1-C7 bond angle is 115.9(4)°. These data may attest to conjugation, although it should be somewhat suppressed. The similar geometrical parameters have been observed in other molecules with the same crown ether moiety studied earlier.[4c]

The model structures 4, 5, and 7 are devoid of macrocycles. However, the angular distortions similar to those in the above structures are also observed here (see Table 4). The torsion angles, C2-C1-N1-C7 in 4 (-4.1(4)°), C3-C2-O1-C7 (0.3(2)°) and C6-C1-N1-C8 (-5.8(2)°) in 5, and C3-C2-O1-C7 (-2.5(5)°) and C9-N1-C1-C6 in 7 (9.6(6)°), indicate the favourable geometry for the conjugation.

Thus, the real geometry of the macrocycle is a result of a combination of two effects: the conjugation of lone pairs of electrons of the N and/or O atoms with the benzene rings and steric strains arising in closed macrocyclic systems.

The structure of the Ba complex of 2c represents a cen-trosymmetric dimer (Figure 4). This structure also contains 0.25 water molecule in a lattice cavity.

Each Ba2+ ion is coordinated by all six heteroatoms of the benzoazacrown ether macrocycle in equatorial position. Two perchlorate anions occupy the axial positions. One ClO4- anion reveals a monodentate coordination via the O21 oxygen atom. Another perchlorate anion reveals a bidentate coordination with respect to one Ba2+ ion through O11 and O12 atoms and is additionally coordinated to the centro-symmetrically related Ba2+ ion through the O14 atom, thus revealing a bidentate bridging function. The Ba-heteroatom distances are listed in Table 5.

The Ba2+ cation is somewhat displaced from the mean plane of the macrocycle heteroatoms towards the bridging system (by 0.71 Â).

The CAr-CAr-O1 and CAr-CAr-N1 bond angles are close to those in free benzoazacrown ethers studied previ-

Figure 4. Structure of complex 2cBa(ClO4)2 0.25H2O; only heteroatoms of the crown ether system and anions are denoted.

Table 5. Bond distances Ba-heteroatom (d, Â).

Bond d Bond d

Ba1-N1 2.977(3) Ba1-O5 2.754(2)

Ba1-O1 2.939(2) Ba1-O11 2.968(3)

Ba1-O2 2.874(2) Ba1-O12 2.882(3)

Ba1-O3 2.869(2) Ba1-O21 2.683(3)

Ba1-O4 2.778(2) Ba1-O14 2.791(2)

ously. The C1-O1-C7 bond angle (116.6(2)°) and the C6-C1-O1-C7 torsion angle (1.8(5)°) suggest the sp2 hybridization state for the O1 atom, which implies effective conjugation between the oxygen atom and the benzene ring of compound 2c. The C3-C2-N1-CH 2 and C3-C2-N1-Me torsion angles are -15.0(5)° and 109.2(4)°, respectively. Thus, the CH2 substituent at N1 lies almost in the benzene ring plane, whereas the methyl substituent deviates considerably from this plane. The sum of the C-N1-C bond angles amounts to 333.8(3)°, being indicative of a pronounced pyramidal geometry similar to that of the ideal sp3 hybridization state of the nitrogen atom. It should be noted that the macrocycle conformation found in structure 2cBa(ClO4)2 0.25H2O differs little from those observed for free ligands with the same azacrown ether moiety.[5a] This implies a pre-organization of ^-methylbenzoaza-18-crown-6 ether derivatives towards complex formation with metal cations.


Thus, we developed a method for the synthesis of nitrobenzoazacrown ethers with different macrocycle size and macrocycle nitrogen atom being linked to the benzene ring by .v-demethylation of .v-methyl-nitrobenzoazacrown ethers. The method affords the new benzoazacrown ethers in high yields (up to 100 %). As complexing agents towards alkali and alkaline-earth metal cations and ammonium ions, nitrobenzoazacrown ethers are inferior to the ^-alkyl derivatives with the same macrocycle size, but they are able to bind the fluoride anions via hydrogen bonding with the macrocycle NH groups. The resulting nitro benzoazacrown ethers are of interest as synthons for the synthesis of functional derivatives at the macrocycle nitrogen atom.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 16-0300267) as regards "synthesis and study of the structure and properties of nitro derivatives of benzoazacrown ethers" and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" of RAS as regards "synthesis and study of the structure and properties of model nitroanilines".

Supplementary Material

1H and 13C NMR spectra for all obtained compounds, and 1H NMR titration data are available.

X-Ray crystallographic data for compounds 1a, 2a, 1cH2O, 4, 5, and 7 are available. Crystallographic data (excluding structure factors) for the structures in this paper have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre as supplementary publication nos. CCDC 1864855, 1864859, 1864860, 1864864-1864867. Copies of the data can be obtained, free of charge, on application to CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK (fax: +44-(0)1223-336033 or email: [email protected]).

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://macroheterocycles.isuct.ru/en/system/files/ mhc181218g_supp.pdf


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Received 04.12.2018 Accepted 26.12.2018

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