Бюллетень медицинских Интернет-конференций (ISSN 2224-6150) 2019. Том 9. № 11
ID: 2019-11-4451-T-18903 Тезис
Lobanov M.E.
New methods of depression treatment
Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky, Department of foreign languages Научный руководитель: к.п.н. Ефремова Е.Ф.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common, severe psychiatric illness that has a lifetime prevalence of about 16.6% in adults and results in the highest burden of disability among all mental and behavioral disorders.
Nowadays, sleep-related problems are a prevalent case among university students. Poor sleep quality is one of the most studied aspects of sleep complaints, affecting about 40% of this population. Poor sleep quality consequences are many and have a profound impact in the student's psychobiological health. Research has found a significant ssociation between sleep quality and depression or depressive symptoms.
Another type of depression is Postpartum depression (PPD), a psychiatric complication of childbirth affecting from 10 to 20% of new mothers and has negative impact on both mother and infant. Serum lipid levels have been related to depressive disorders, but very limited literatures are available regarding the lipid levels in women with postpartum depression.
Treatment for different types of depression is complicated due to the multifactorial etiology, ranging from biological pathways to psychosocial adjustment. Identifying the unique, personalized factors contributing to the development of depression could improve long-term treatment and management for individuals. More personalized approaches to treatment and further research into unique therapy combinations may improve the management of depression and improve the health, functioning, and quality of life for individuals with depression.
Current recommended drug therapies are associated with suboptimal remission rates and, oftentimes, undesirable side effects.
Furthermore, the effects of pharmacological agents are widespread; in contrast, interventions that can target specific abnormalities in brain activity may permit greater therapeutic precision.
In conlclusion, we may say that depression is one of the most widespread illnesses of our time, currently affecting more than 300 million people worldwide and it must be treated.
Keywords: MDD, sleep-related depression
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