YflK 303.443(=11/=8)(430)
New Germany based projects concerning the protection of heritage of Crimean Tatar culture, language and history
Mieste Hotopp-Riecke
(Institute for Caucasica-, Tatarica- and Turkestan Studies)
Abstract. This article wants to give an overview concerning projects, publications and meetings in context of Crimean Tatar-German relationships of the past as well as how this common history could use for new cooperation's in the future. I am arguing that especially in times of new confrontations, politically and social-economic precariousness scientific joint ventures regarding Crimean Tatar-German themes could support peacefully exchange of ideas and rescue the traditions of common collaboration between scientists, students and institutions of different countries beside difficulties on political meta levels.
Keywords: Crimean Tatar heritage, language, Turkology, cooperation, Crimean Tatar history, scientific cooperation, Crimean-Tatar-German relations.
This report is illustrating how new scientific, cultural and youth projects are supporting the rescue and advancement of Crimean Tatar heritage on the fields of literature, history and German-Crimean Tatar contemporary relationsships in the context of the new circumstances for scientists at Crimea since spring 2014. And here we are at a first difficulty for me and my collegues out- and inside Russia: If one wants to describe the new situation at Crimea there are restrictions of writing and analyzing. While outside the Russian Federation mostly the terms «occupation» and/or «annexation» are in usage, this is not possible inside Russia because of some new laws concerning extremism or in other words concerning the freedom of thinking, the freedom of speach and sciences. As scientists with resoponsibility for peacefull behaviour inside and between our societies we should have the opportunity to speek freely on one hand and focus on our subjects on the other hand. So anyway we as scientists have beside any political and juridical problems to deal with our subject of profession: The service in research, teaching and developing of scientific projects regarding Crimean Tatar language, history and culture.
But because of the new status of Crimea last year and in 2015 already some projects were canceled. For instance we wanted to travel again with 16 students and academicians like before in 2013 to Crimea,
but no European insurence agency gave a travel insurance because of the un-legal respectively un-secure status of Crimea at the moment. So we had to conduct workshops, lessons and seminars with Crimean Tatar students and scholars in Gottingen, Odessa, Berlin, Kiev, Magdeburg and Vinnitsya in the last months. In order to think about new projects of cooperation directly with our partners at Crimea I want to propose here several projects for 2015/16, which includes not only the intellectually exchange but also the possibility to earn money abroad by using the knowledge of Crimean Tatar language and history.
1. Exhibition «Turks, Moors, Tatars - Muslim life in former German lands»
The exhibition «Turks, Moors, Tatars: Islam in Brandenburg-Prussia in 17./18. ct.» showed in Germany from March till October was the first exhibition ever which presented over 335 Crimean and Volga Tatar as well as Ottoman exhibits in context of Muslim-Christian or otherwise German-Tatar-Ottoman relationship. The exhibition was a cooperation between our Institute for Caucasica-, Tatarica- and Turkestan Studies and the Brandenburg-Prussia Museum located near Berlin, supported by the Yunus-Emre-Institute Germany. The exhibition broke all visitors-records: More than twenty thousand people were guests at the exhibition as well as at the side events like conferences, lectures and roundtables between March and October and the catalogue is nearly sold out. As next steps we already agreed with the Sh.Maijani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, that the exhibition will be shown in Kazan Kremlin Museum in 2016, than in Istanbul Topkapi, in Warsaw, Vilnius, Dresden, Bregenz (Austria) and Magdeburg. We want to discuss now also possibilities to present this exhibition at Crimea too. So there are a lot of juridical, scientific and logistical issues to be identify, discuss, exemplify and solve.
2. Scientific joint ventures / field researches and lectures
In 1964 was founded the first Association of Muslim Turkic people in Germany in generally after the Second World War: Some Crimean Tatar soldiers of the German Wehrmacht founded this association, because they were able to remain in Germany and narrow escaped from death in GULAG and deportation in Stalin's Terror Regime / Soviet Union. These Crimean Tatars founded the association in Southern Germany by support of the Board of Muslim in Bavaria. Now the association is 50 years old and they decided to dissolve the «Landsmannschaft der Krimtataren in Deutschland» (Association of Crimean Tatar compatriots in Germany) because of the complete assimilation of the second and/or third generation of Crimean Tatar migrants in Germany. Before the closure of this part of the
Crimean Tatar history in Germany we want to observe and study their issues, protagonists and heritage around the cities of Munich, Augsburg and Ulm in Bavaria together with young Crimean Tatar academicians in order to publish one book concerning this nearly forgotten part of this colorful history of migration, integration and acculturation.
Other themes are workshops, lectures and conferences together with Crimean Tatar colleagues in Germany, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. Three short examples here in this direction. Last year we organized some meetings and conferences concerning the participation of Muslim Tatar Soldiers at the Napoleonic Wars in Germany1, the outcome was a book with Crimean Tatar, English, Ukrainian, Russian and German articles, published last year2. In May 2016 we will organize a next conference concerning the next Great War, the World War One and Crimean Tatar respectively Muslim soldiers in Germany or Middle Europe as well as German Soldiers in Ottoman and Russian army. These issues were already discussed at the International Conference «Osmanli Cephesinde yeni bir §ey var: Küresel bir sava§ hakkinda ihmal Edilmi§ Baki§ Afilan, 1914-1918» in Istanbul3 and «The Great War of 1914-1918. Russia, Europe and the Islamic World» in Kazan from 17.-19. October. But this events even dealt with the First World War and the Muslim World in generally especially with the focus on Ottoman and Tatar involvement. In Magdeburg we want to lay the focus on the regional intercultural communication in context of war in our areas: How saw the Germans the Muslim foreigners, how experienced the Volga- and Crimean Tatar soldiers the Germans and the German Lagers in the rural landscape, in the villages and towns of Germany. Because for instance in the Magdeburg region were several prisoners camps, were the Germans cooked helal and kosher meals for the Muslim and Jew prisoners. Germans like Otto Stiehl and Gustav Moritz are instances of Germans, who dealt in a special way with intercultural experiences: Otto Stiehl from Magdeburg was the vice-
1 Amongst this scientific meetings were a panel at the Federal Acadamy for National Security, Berlin, a panel at the Annual Congress of the German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) at the University of Münster as well as two conferences in Saxony («Fremde-Nähe-Heimat. 200 Years Napoleonic Wars: German-Tatar Intercultural Contacts, Translations and Conflicts», City-Congress-Hall of Borna) and Saxony-Anhalt («Fremde-Nähe-Magdeburg. Intercultural contacts since the Napoleonic Wars» at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and the Museum for Culture and History of Saxony-Anhalt). A summary of this activities under URL: https://icatat.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/koop/ [26.07.2015].
2 The abstracts of this publication are to find as pdf-file under URL: https://icatat.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/hier.pdf [23.07.2015].
3 http ://www. ottomanfronts1914-1918.org/tr/
commander of the Wünsdorf-PoW-camp4 and the same time he was as photographer and architect the author of the so called Tatar-Tombstone and the book «Our enemies - Character heads from German Prisoners Camps». Gustav Moritz, born near Magdeburg, was an Officer decorated with the medail «Iron Crescent» by the Ottoman Army.
A second example for upcoming projects is the seventh International ICATAT-Summer School at the University of Greifswald in August 2016 in cooperation with the Mardzhany-Institute, the faculty of international relations, oriental studies and history of the Kazan Federal University as well collegues of the KIPU Aqmescit, supported by the German Exchange Service DAAD. The summerschool will to be held on the Island of Hiddensee, a Baltic Island of science, culture and dissidence of former German Democratic Republic (GDR), where worked and discussed hundreds of scientists and artists as well as refugees fled across the Baltic Sea from their communist homeland. Under the headline «Under pressure. Science, culture and resistance in Totalitarian regimes» with workshops - for instance - concerning Turkology and Oriental studies in the GDR and the Third Reich or Crimean Tatar scientists in Communist Romania or times of Great Terror in USSR. As an outcome we will prepare a collection of articles, essays and photographs. We would hearty welcome also scholars and students from other Crimean Tatar institutions for instance of Turkey.
A third short example is a joint venture event in Austria in January 2015. There took place an establishment of new scientific network, a Network of German speaking specialists for Crimean Tatar studies with academicians from different Universities of Austria and Germany amongst them the participants Prof. Dr. Christoph Augustinowicz, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jobst, Prof. Dr. Andreas Kappeler, Dr. Hüseyin £i?ek (all Austria), Ayshe Memtova, Dr. Mieste Hotopp-Riecke, Dr. Zaur Gazimov (all Germany)5. The new website wants to bundle and present articles, upcoming events and reviews concerning Crimean Tatar issues in academic fields (www.krimtataren.eu). But for developing this project also is need the support of diverse institutions of all our countries too. Ironically the bitter truth is, that never before since the breakdown of the iron curtain was the prospect of success for getting project grants for those plans
4 PoW= Prisoners of War; near Zossen-'Wünsdorf existed two PoW-camps: The Weinberg-Lager mostly inhabited by Bashkirs, Volga- and Crimean Tatars as well as the Halbmond-Lager, inhabited by prisoners from Northern Africa, India and the Medi-terainan, regions of British and French colonies...
5 A review on this meeting ist o find at scientific review-platform «H / Soz / Kult» in German language under URL: Tagungsbericht: Krimtataren in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 29.01.2015 - 30.01.2015 Wien, in: H-Soz-Kult, 11.06.2015, <http://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-6018>, Copyright (c) 2015 by H-Net, Clio-online [23.7.2015].
such elevated like now, because of the wide spreading knowledge concerning Crimean Tatar problems after the events of spring 2014.
3. Crimean Tatar week of culture in Germany
Last but not least we will be involved at the preparation and execution of the Second Week of Crimean Tatar Culture in 2016 in Munich, Heidelberg, Magdeburg and Berlin including concerts (Jazz, Folk, Klassik, Pop), exhibitions, lectures, excursions and workshops using Crimean Tatar fine arts, ceramics and cuisine. After the first event in 2006 this Second week of Crimean Tatar Culture in Germany will be a cooperation between several institutions of Germany, Ukraine and Russian Federation (as there were conducted the last immense successful Sabantuy celebrations in Berlin, june 2015 too).
So lets work together on further cooperation projects in order to overcome diffuclt times and in order to rescue, to make more public and to develope the Crimean Tatar rich tradition of science, art and culture.
About the author: Mieste Hotopp-Riecke - Mag. Art., Institute for Caucasica-, Tatarica- and Turkestan Studies (ICATAT) (39124, Schwiesaustr., 11, Magdeburg, Germany); [email protected]
Новые германские проекты по защите наследия
крымских татар в области культуры, языка и истории
Мисте Хотопп-Рике
(Институт исследований Кавказа, Таврики и Туркестана [ICATAT])
Аннотация. В данной статье представлен обзор проектов, публикаций и заседаний в контексте крымскотатарско-немецких отношений в прошлом, а также, каким образом эта общая история может быть использована в целях нового сотрудничества в будущем. Доказывается, что особенно во времена новой конфронтации, совместные политические и социально-экономические научные мероприятия в отношении крымскотатарско-немецких тем могут способствовать мирному обмену идеями и следовать традициям взаимного сотрудничества между учёными, студентами и институтами различных стран вопреки трудностям, имеющимся на политическом уровне.
Ключевые слова: крымскотатарское наследие, язык, тюркология, история крымских татар, научное сотрудничество, крымскотатарско-немец-кие отношения.
Сведения об авторе: Мисте Хотопп-Рике - магистр искусств, Институт исследований Кавказа, Таврики и Туркестана (ICATAT) (39124, Шви-зауштрассе, 11, Магдебург, Германия); [email protected]