Научная статья на тему 'New aspects of reliability function of irrigation pumping stations'

New aspects of reliability function of irrigation pumping stations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
reliability / safety / wear / pumping station / equipment / destruction / fin / environmental requirements

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ergashev Rustam Rahimovich

This paper presents problems of safety of operation of pumping stations. In particular, the security conditions of the pumps, pumping water contaminated with oil, fins, dust, mineral products are given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «New aspects of reliability function of irrigation pumping stations»

For the quantitative determination of the content of each fatty On the basis of the conducted analyses were the main composi-

acid in the mixture using the method of internal normalization of tion, calculated mass fractions of the individual components of the the areas of the peaks take the sum of the areas of all peaks as 100%. fatty acids included in the ester are shown in table 1-2.

Table 2. - The compositions of the major fatty acids are constituent into ester

№ Fatty acid Code acid, С ' n Ester on the basis

isoamyl alcohol and oleic acid distilled fatty acids and fusel oil

1 Myristinic acid C 2,77 1,90

2 Palmitoleic acid C16:1 1,36 0,50

3 Palmitic acid C C16:0 46,06 58,50

4 Stearic acid C C18:0 11,28 5,85

5 Oleic acid C18:1 32,26 24,18

6 Linoleic acid C C18:2 5,27 9,07

£ , = fatty acids saturated ' 60,11 66,215

£ ,= fatty acids unsaturated ' 39,89 33,75

According to the analytical thin-layer chromatography on Silu- acids in roughly equal numbers. fol plates in the solvent system hexane: ether: acetic acid (7:3:0,1) Thus, it can be argued that the studied Kanye esters on the basis

in the sample of air on the basis of isoamyl alcohol and oleic acid are of isoamyl alcohol with oleic acid and distilled fatty acid with a fusel

present mainly esters of fatty acids, also, in the sample of air based oil saturated and unsaturated fatty acids predominantly of a series

on the distilled fatty acid with a fusel oil is present, the same fatty of C16- C .


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3. Микеш О. Лабораторное руководство по хроматографическим и смежным методам. - М., Мир., - 1982, - ч. 2. - 783 с.

4. Маньковская Н. К. Синтетические жирные кислоты. - М., - Химия, - 1965. - 168 с.

5. Houis I. P. и др. Тонкослойная хроматография для качественного и количественного анализа жирующих веществ, содержащихся в коже/Houis I. P., Pore I. Fechnicuir, - № 10, - С. 186-187.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-247-249

Ergashev Rustam Rahimovich, PhD of technical sciences, Associate professor of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration, Republic of Uzbekistan

E-mail: [email protected]

New aspects of reliability function of irrigation pumping stations

Abstract: This paper presents problems of safety of operation of pumping stations. In particular, the security conditions of the pumps, pumping water contaminated with oil, fins, dust, mineral products are given.

Keywords: reliability, safety, wear, pumping station, equipment, destruction, fin, environmental requirements.

As you know, the creation of a network of irrigation in arid zone is associated with the development of an irrigation machine. Safety of operation of pumping stations (PS) can be achieved through the implementation of the set of conditions, ensuring minimum impact on the external National Assembly (NA) related to the state of water resources and the impact of the National Assembly themselves on environmental objects. Because ultimately, the construction and operation of the entire complex hydraulic structures is carried out for the management of water resources in order to improve people's quality of life.

Among the conditions ofsafety ofoperation ofthe complex include: • The amount of water needed for the sustainable functioning of the structures related to water consumption. Violation of the efficiency of operation of the National Assembly, caused by a shortage

of water resources directly affects the reception of food, and other components of the quality of life of the population. Particularly acute, this problem in our country, where a lot of the water sources is transboundary waters.

• High-quality water resources. On the functioning of the National Assembly of resistance affects the chemical composition and properties of water. When the consumption of water in the various processes may be failure of the material with which it is in contact.

When operating in the National Assembly enters water sources, as is commonly believed, the regulatory clean water, with a high temperature regime. However, water is, contaminated oils, fin, dust, mineral products. Even if their content of the water does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration norms and other regula-

Section 12. Technical sciences

tory indicators, it may be damaged ecological status ofwater bodies. Fever causes direct damage to biological state of the reservoir.

• Minimizing the risk of exposure to the operation of the National Assembly on the environment objects. It risks the number, the impact on the environment and entailing negative social and environmental impacts include: yield land of order, suitable for different activities, depending on the priorities in the area (cultivation of agricultural products, various kinds of crafts), the impact on the traditional way life conflict situations involving the use of water and energy resources.

There are regulations governing exposure to corrosive water and suspended solids in the water. However, there are no standards for the content of other substances in water acting on the NA elements depending on types of materials.

Every year, the National Assembly of irrigation systems in the Republic consumed up to 5-6 bln. KW/h, not counting the diesel fuel. Reducing the power consumption for the National Assembly up to about 10-15% is possible, mainly due to power management systems, water lifting machine (WLM). Due to the sharp rise in prices and the growing scarcity of energy resources to the fore the problem of reducing their consumption of the National Assembly. Lack of priority works on this problem makes it impossible to optimize the NA mode at the present level of exploitation.

The main reasons for this are:

• high content of abrasive particles and fin in the pumped water, harsh climatic conditions associated with high temperature water and air;

• large size and water flow rate in the flow path elements, large water supply and electric power units, the complex transition processes accompanying their operation;

• structural disadvantages of hydraulic machines and hydraulic structures, including non-effective technical water supply system;

• imperfect organizational and technical level of operation of pumping units and structures, science-based methodology, regulatory and other technical document management workflow water lifting and environmental conditions of the equipment and operating personnel.

The need for energy-efficient pumping systems are usually justified by technological and economic factors. Currently identified environmental aspects. Large pumping stations are very energy-in-

tensive facilities. They annually spend about 20% of electricity generated, that the CIS Republics is about 300 billions KWh per year.

Electricity production has an adverse effect on the environment [1; 2].

With an annual growth of electricity generation in the 3-4% of the commissioning of new generating capacity as a result of energy-saving mode to the NA may be reduced to 1/3. As a result, the burning of 1.8-2 million tons of fuel equivalent, or 2-3 million tons of coal will be prevented real. This will provide significant environmental benefits by reducing harmful emissions into air and water. Furthermore, these systems reduce the probability of occurrence of pressure shocks, prevent the destruction of pipelines and, as a consequence, the spout to the surface water and in water.

An important consequence of the application systems in the reconstruction is to increase unit capacity controlled pumps that provides additional energy savings and reduces the amounts of PS technology buildings by 15-20%. At the same time the land is released for other purposes, for example, to increase green areas [2; 3].

The main difficulty in the planning of energy-saving mode is to construct an adequate mathematical model of the current system. Identification of the model is carried out by successive approximations using the results of field measurements ofWLM resource costs.

Further work is underway in the following areas:

• Expansion and identification of water-supply design scheme NA node structures;

• Development of management options WLM with the introduction of the scheme in new media management and optimize the work of the National Assembly members;

• organization of the system of operative information gathering and processing.

In practice, operation of the National Assembly controlled 30-40% of the total number of parameters to be monitored, which will undoubtedly worsen the environmental aspects of the units as PS operating mode is changed in accordance with the schedule of water consumption and due to other factors.

In general, the quality of the pumped water is characterized by a set of n — parameters; concentration of suspended particles floating bodies, chemical properties, density, temperature and others.

The combination of these parameters forms an n-dimension-al vector x (ay a2,.. an) the quality of the pumped water (see Table).

Table - Conditional evaluation of the quality characteristics of the pumped water at different criteria of its state:

Condition of swapped water Estimation quality in ball Quality scores in water quality parameters

Turbidity stream, kg/m 3 Saturation of the fin flow

Absolutely 4 to 0,5 to 0,05

Clean 3 0,5" p <1,5 0,05 " 5 <0,3

Moderately polluted 2 1,5 " p < 3 0,3 " 5 <0,6

Strongly contaminated 1 more than 3 more than 0,6

We distinguish two main parameters: p — turbidity stream; 8 — saturation of the fin flow.

R „ W p=_. s=_Sm


where R — suspended sediment flow; Q— water flow, PS feed; W — the amount of floating debris; W — the amount of runoff.

In recent years, there has been realized, and a tendency to create small areas of local farmers irrigated plots. In this regard, possible growth of the applicability of the National Assembly of mobile diesel driven. Being a mobile pumping equipment for rapid creation

(with minimal time and money) of the irrigation system and irrigation organizations are on site have no support structures, including ensuring environmental safety; settling a playground paved for ease of operation. However, the National Assembly are the sources of pollution by hazardous substances — oil, as in accordance with its functional purpose, they are located directly on the banks of the water body that is located in the zone of the coastal security band, within which the existing legislative instruments set high requirements to protect water bodies from pollution to all activities [1; 2].

From an environmental point ofview, most of the large pumps and diesel pump units especially type SNP-500/10 assessment ex-

perts may be in the near future more dangerous because of the progressive deterioration of sealing knots and large leaks of petroleum products in the pumped water.

In order to ensure the protection of surface and groundwater when applied to irrigation systems, diesel SNP can formulate the following environmental requirements:

1. Must be assessed environmental risk and possible contamination of the site and the scale of the water body, namely, determine the amount, types and dynamics in time savings waste petroleum products, analyzed options for emergency use of petroleum products on the SNP and the estimated volumes of spill.

2. On-site SNP should be provided to exclude the oil spill spreading beyond the technological platform, their collection system, capacity for temporary storage, and other devices that prevent flow of oil into the water bodies.

3. The design of the outer part of the fuel system, cooling system and lubrication should be tight, that is intended to prevent the flow of oil products and getting them to the soil, surface water and groundwater.

Since the oil consumption is approximately 6% of the fueling, the amount of lubricating material spilled during filling is mecha-

nized 15 ... 20%, and when unpowered — 5 ... 10% of the total fueling and lubricants [2]. Diesel fuel losses due to leaks in the fuel system connections are 0.1 ... 0.4% filling volume. During maintenance, the amount of pollution it is advisable to take a share of the total volume of polluting products — at a rate of 5%.

Environmentally the most dangerous emergency situation may occur if the diesel fuel in the fuel tank, pour out completely. Oil spill partially infiltrate into the soil (at the site of the SNP stand to the water source), the rest will fall into it. In this case, the situation will be of catastrophic proportions for water sources, including the nature of evaporation due to the appearance of the surface film.

Conclusions: On systems pumping irrigation and other waterworks to assess and improve the quality of the pumped water is recommended to use the developed dependencies and requirements. To enhance the security and stable operation of the National Assembly is recommended: to develop regulations that determine the properties of water, do not lead to equipment wear and fracture of materials; methodology for integrated assessment of the degree of risk from exposure to inappropriate quality of the resource at the NA operation.


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