Научная статья на тему 'Научные исследования игры в контексте истории культуры и педагогики'

Научные исследования игры в контексте истории культуры и педагогики Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Надолинская Татьяна Васильевна

Статья посвящена актуальному аспекту исследования воспитательного потенциала игры в культурологическом контексте. Систематизированы взгляды философов и педагогов на специфику игры и ее универсальный характер, раскрывается влияние игровой деятельности на эстетическое, художественное и творческое развитие личности.

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Article is devoted actual aspect of research of educational potential of game in a cultural urological context. Sights of philosophers and teachers at specificity of game and its universal character are systematised, influence of game activity on aesthetic, art and creative development of the person reveals.

Текст научной работы на тему «Научные исследования игры в контексте истории культуры и педагогики»

It can be stated that our experiment has provided undeniable evidence of the opportunities to minimize the risk of adolescents' disadaptation.

Works Cited

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УДК 378 ББК 74.202

Т. В. Надолинская


Аннотация. Статья посвящена актуальному аспекту исследования воспитательного потенциала игры в культурологическом контексте. Систематизированы взгляды философов и педагогов на специфику игры и ее универсальный характер, раскрывается влияние игровой деятельности на эстетическое, художественное и творческое развитие личности.

Ключевые слова: игра, культура, философ, педагог-музыкант, личность.

T. V. Nadolinskaya


Abstract. Article is devoted actual aspect of research of educational potential of game in a cultural urological context. Sights of philosophers and teachers at specificity of game and its universal character are systematised, influence of game activity on aesthetic, art and creative development of the person reveals.

Key words: game, culture, the philosopher, the teacher-musician, the person.

This article is devoted to actual research aspect of game phenomenon in a philosophical and pedagogical context. The system of philosophical views on the problem from political, cultural social aspects is given. Ancient scientists (Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus) fathers of church in the Middle Ages, teachers and thinkers of Renaissance and Education showed its educational, ethical and aesthetic value. The special attention is given to the modern approaches to game and game activity, a tendency in preparation of the teacher-musician for game modelling music lessons in system of the higher vocational training, feature of modelling integrative lessons of art on the basis of the dramatized game (dramatization) at comprehensive school, pedagogical conditions of development of is art-game activity and pedagogical game-technics the modern teacher.

Game had been studied during a long period in development of a civilization by philosophers, cul-turologists, teachers, psychologists. In the history of culture there were eras (e.g., Antiquity and the Renaissance) when game penetrated all social processes of life. Ethnographers studied game in connection with spiritual culture of humanity. Factually religious practice remained in the form of experiences in children's game. Participation of children in religious and ceremonial life is noted by many scientists, ethnographers and travelers [14].

In the ancient time there was a general idea about life as a game, discussed by Ancient Greek thinkers. Throughout the whole millennium (VI century BC - V century AD) usual human life and space is understood as game.

A. A. Takho-Godi emphasizes that during a Hellenism era "all human life is represented not simply as an unscrupulous game, but a game scenic, operated wisely" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [13, 310]. From this it is possible to draw a conclusion about proximity between art and game origins.

Antique thinkers characterized game from the Space point of view. The Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus was one of the first consider children's game as a peculiar model of the Universe: "The eternity - the child, amused of game of chess, a kingdom [over the world] belongs to the child" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [8, 46]. At the same time this game of world forces is no other than natural state of a universum. According to Losev, the world chaos "is, in fact, only lovely and innocent entertainments of child" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [7, 365].

In our opinion, in this situation philosophers emphasize universal essence of game activity, its polysemy, drawing analogies to Space, the Universe and surrounding reality. In Ancient Greek literature there are no special compositions according to the education theory. Nevertheless in Platon's and Aristotle's works there are a lot of thoughts and a practical advice for education in which reasoning and childish sports met. Platon highly appreciated game, but treated it idealistically, as game of gods with people: "We, living beings, are the wonderful dolls of gods made by them either for an entertainment, or with any serious purpose" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [11, T. 4, p. 283].

Platon connected game practically with all forms of human activity. About value of children's game he writes in several works, e.g. "Republic", "Laws" and "Policy". The philosopher recognizes need in initial education, and is convinced that games here are especially important. In a fragment from dialogue between Socrates and Adimont is social value of games is indicated: "If children start playing early and as it befits, learn correctly to use music, which showed be known by the society" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [11, T keeps. 1, p. 214].

Unlike Platon Aristotle treated game as entertainment. In his opinion, the game phenomenon isn't of independent value, and serves only as a condition of success to be engaged in serious deal. At the same time Aristotle considers game absolutely necessary for the education of child as it in a free form can teach and improve skills which are important in adult life.

The philosopher believed that game gradually had to pass into the doctrine and work [11, T. 2, p. 87]. Modern thought is: game is not only an important form of children's life, but also means of preparation for life.

In Ancient Rome people also loved festivals and representations which occupied, as well as in Ancient Greece, considerable part of public and private life. In all games there was a usefulness element, and any game had bigger educational value (e.g., "Trojan games").

The word ludus Romans designated not only game, but also exercises which were carried out for physical and spiritual development. They also understood school as the around us word and teachers were called magister ludi [3; 11, T. 1, p. 214].

The Roman philosopher, the teacher, theorist of oratory Mark FabyKvintilian is considered to be the first professional teacher who opened a public school. Kvintilian's work "About education of the speaker" is a detailed course of antique rhetoric with digression to history of the Greek and Roman literature. The philosopher notes the importance of music education for the speaker as music develops keenness to a graceful arrangement of words and the correct modulation of a voice, cultivates grace and rhythm which are so necessary for the speaker.

In medieval literature children's game is presented poorely. Games were ranked as such things against which it is necessary to fight. In the Middle Ages game dramatization (or a performance, school didactic theater), arisen as means of studying of Latin and education in countries of Western Europe.

In the XIII century in some abbeys school students were recruited in theatrical representations. They played mysteries in Latin. In the XIV - XV centuries school students took part in farces, jokes and comedies which were staged in colleges and in squares. Since 1402 the performance of mysteries was provided in the form of privileges of the Brotherhoods of Christ's Passions Company. We could add that pupils, which couldn't reconcile to such privilege, began to play "moralities". It's so called plays of the allegorical contents which have arisen from mysteries [10].

Renaissance affected all spheres of life. The Netherlands humanist, philosopher, philologist and teacher Erasmus Rotterdam's wrote about medieval school: "Greeks called it leisure, rest, Romans called it ludus that is what game means; nowadays it all has the meaning of general rest and game, but not school. Aristophanes designated it as "a place of grief and tortures" (the translated is ours, T. N.) [2, 92].

Gradually at school were punishment methods dominated, game methods started appearing. The games taking such huge place in the Greek-Roman life, again received former value at celebrations and public shows. The proof to that is the books created during that period. There are "The treatise about game" Antonio Skeno's (Venice, 1555)", "Hundred again opened games of free arts and the mind concern to them, described in ten books" Ringiyerna's (Bologna, 1551), "Speaking about games" Intronato (Giro-lamoBergali) (Siena, 1582), "Entertainments" StsipionBergali's (Venice, 1587) [3].

In Kolozz D. A.'s book "Childish sports, their psychological and pedagogical value" (M., 1911) the auther writes that teachers saw again an effective factor of development of child at game. The first place in this process belongs to Italy, other people began to introduce game into training much later. D. A. Kolozza emphasizes that in Italy da Feltre contemporaries called him "the first school teacher of new type" as he used game and entertainments as educational method. Vittorino da Feltre attached great value to game as the method promoting not only spiritual, but also physical development of child.

In France the humanist writer Francois Rabelais published the novel "Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel". It is an encyclopedic monument of culture of the French Renaissance. In chapter twenty two there are more than 200 various games by means of which the young hero has to have a good time and thus occupied the mind and body. Rabelais pointed that any game has to be carried out voluntary and stoped at the request of child.

Transitional nature of culture of Renaissance generated new style of behavior and thinking. An attempt of the embodiment of the game principle of which Platon dreamed, was realized by the Italian humanists. Need of the ripened changes, search of new ways of society development was reflected in it. For example, Leon Battista Alberti criticized "game style" lives, characteristic for this era because he saw disappearance of the true values in it. Unlike it P. Verdzherio, B. Kastilyone and E. Pikkolomini saw possibility in formation moral qualities of the personality and a development tool of physical abilities in game.

The pedagogics of the XVI - XVIII centuries apprehended ideas of Renaissance about efficiency of a game method in the course of education. E.g., in the middle of the XVI century the French philosopher humanist Michel de Montaigne publishes essay "Experiences". In this he described a peculiar skeptical humanity that was against scholasticism and dogmatism.

The valuable ideas of game were introduced by M. Luther and Ya. A. Komensky. Martin Luther, the figure of the Reformation in Germany claimed that fun (game) and pleasure were as necessary for the child, as food and drink. Jan Amos Komensky, speaking about parent school and initial training listed advantages of a place to games and explained their need. He recommended game as the main method in personality's formation, and gave theoretical justification of those reasons which put game in training in the forefront.

Ya. A. Komensky processed in a theatrical form all training material aws "An open door to languages", and also various sketches from the material and spiritual life, described in "The world of sensual things in pictures". Two plays were devoted to schools and their devices from the first class to academy to other dramatized text about human advantages and defects in real life. One more dramatized text showed society, beginning with a family and finishing with the country. The systematic course of training was reflected in "A threshold to languages", "An open door to languages" and "School game", which allowed to increase gradually theknowledge of the and their message on the complicated steps of difficulty. It was also a problem to which Komensky and his followers paid much attention.

Further the theory of game was developed by the English philosopher and the teacher in the field of the knowledge theory John Locke. Pedagogical ideas of the outstanding figure of English Education played a noticeable role in development of pedagogics of the XVIII - XIX centuries, and also in AngloSaxon philosophical tradition (including development of analytical philosophy in the XX century) and philosophical works. He reflected huge value of education in the pedagogical treatise "Thoughts of Education", considering that the person at the birth represents a pure board on which subsequently education puts the letters [10].

The essential contribution to further development of the theory of game activity was made by scientific researches of the second half of the XX century. N. P. Anikeeva, Yu. P. Azarov, O. S. Gazman, M. V. Klarin, S. A. Smirnov, N. A. Terentyeva, S. A. Shmakov, D. B. Elkonin's etc. Their works diseased the essence of this concept, defined structure of various games and their classification. Nowadays specifics, functions, technology of the dramatized game (dramatization) in the maintenance of the general and higher music education are developed insufficiently.

Today teachers of music understand possible benefits of this method and use it in the learning of art music. In our opinion, the dramatized game gets the general scientific status of a source and method of cultural formation and a reflection of the child. In addition it is a special method of familiarizing of pupils of various age groups to art and search activity at integrative lessons of music. Game modeling works in quality: first, means of formation of art and game activity as component of professional skill of future teacher-musician; second, universal method of art and creative development of school students applicable to subjects of an art cycle (music, world art culture, etc.); third, forms of an integrative lesson of music.

The essence of art and game activity of a teacher-musician is defined by us as establishment corresponding to specifics of an integrative lesson of creative music communications and game relationship between all participants of educational process. It is caused by features and regularities of integrative development of the art, its game pedagogical style influencing formation and communication.

During the past three decades treatment methods of art education are connected with concepts of programmed teaching. The theory of stage-by-stage formation of intellectual actions of Galperin is an interesting field for many teachers.

Five stages of formation intellectual actions are widly recognized.

1. Stage of creation of the scheme of an orientation basis of activity.

2. Stage of implementation of action in a material activity.

3. Stage of the external speech.

4. Stage of the internal speech.

5. At an intellectual stage pupils already carry out and control actions in the course of game dramatization.

The dramatized game (dramatization) acts as game model of an integrative music lesson and a universal method of general, art and music education, reflects and models surrounding reality, covers all parts of development of the personality of pupils. The educational effect on the dramatized game is defined by pedagogical conditions in which there are participants of art-creative process. There is systematic and regular introduction of games, creation of the art and game environment, freedom in the choice of art and creative activity.

In conclusion we point out that game represents conditional model of world around and possesses a sufficient measure of generality to reality reflected by it. The dramatized game (dramatization) gets the general scientific status of a source and method of culture formation and a reflection of the personality. It is a special method of formation of professional skill of the teacher-musician and familiarizing of various age groups with art activity at integrative lessons of art.

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