Научная статья на тему 'National Political Elite of Daghestan: Specifics of Formation and Functioning'

National Political Elite of Daghestan: Specifics of Formation and Functioning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Текст научной работы на тему «National Political Elite of Daghestan: Specifics of Formation and Functioning»

devote much attention to setting up a network of shops selling special food products for Muslims, and organizing religious courses to study the Koran and Arabic.

Despite certain difficulties in the development of the Muslim community in Arkhangelsk region, the leaders of Islamic organizations emphasize the unique opportunities of the region. They single out a quiet and friendly situation and good relations among local inhabitants there.

The situation around Islam in the region can be called calm enough and favorable for the further development of the regional umma. The process of institutionalization of Muslim communities of Arkhangelsk region has begun later than in other regions of Russia, which made it possible to avoid superfluous politicization of the 1990s and refrain from radical methods in rivalry for leadership at the regional level. The leaders of the regional Muslim community have presented themselves as active and reliable partners. Institutionalization of Islam goes on along ethnic channels: by now two Muslim organizations have legally been registered - Tatar-Bashkir and Caucasian. The gradual development of the elements of an Islamic infrastructure will continue, just as an increase of the Islamic presence in the region.

"Islamovedeniye," Makhachkala, 2013, No 1, pp. 45-53.

Madina Aligadzhaeva,


National relationships are implemented through the activities of the national elites that express (or think they express) goals, interests, hopes and aspirations of their nations, peoples, ethnic groups.

In 2013, the author conducted a survey "National political elite of Daghestan" for revealing such specificity of Daghestan, as the problem of its elites and their conflicts in public life.

The total sample consisted of 820 survey respondents and covered various social groups - intellectuals, politicians, students, workers and the unemployed.

The problem of state power in Daghestan is one of the most acute and painful problems associated with the nationality question. The national clan system in power structures constantly generates interethnic tensions in regions.

The author suggests the following working hypothesis: Daghestan was formed on the territorial basis rather than the national one, there has never been a "titular" nation on behalf of which the republic was named. As a result the psychological and axiological stereotypes have become widespread among the population of Daghestan, according to which human moral qualities (honesty, courage, loyalty, kindness, compassion, justice, humaneness) became more important and valuable than ethnic affiliation. This is a positive factor for Daghestan, as there is no contradiction between the "main" nationalities and the rest - "minor", "second-rate" ones, and there is still scope for democratization of the national and ethnic spheres of public life.

Unfortunately, multinational ethnic diversity and dynamism of Daghestan have a negative side.

The main question of research was: "What are the principles of including people in the political elite of the Republic of Daghestan?" The answers were as follows: 76.9% of respondents said that it was the clan principle, 19.2% of respondents stated that it was family kinship, and 15.5% - one's own efforts. Consequently, there is a national clan system, though behind the scenes, which informally hands out key government posts and official positions on ethnic grounds.

The following answers were given to the question "What is the principle of the formation of the political elite after the President of Daghestan was re-elected?":

1) The President selects the best representatives of the people;

2) The President selects loyal people personally;

3) By nationality;

4) On the basis of relationship;

5) Your answer.

Answers were as follows:

1) 40% (added - on the present situation, after the removal of the former president for taking bribes; considered their relationship, not counted educational level, honesty, commitment);

2) 36%;

3) 11.5%;

4) 27%;

5) It is necessary to consider all variants: worthy representatives; personal acquaintance; by a corrupt scheme; on advice from Moscow; preposterous to claim that there are honest people in Daghestan; professional qualifications.

Yet, surveys show that people are optimistic, want to believe in and hope for positive changes with the coming to power of the new

President of Daghestan

The following answers were received to the question "Are the interests of ethnic equality and ethnic groups the main distinguishing features of the political life of Daghestan?"

1) "Yes" - 47% (ministerial posts given out along national lines).

2) "No" - 33% (The Daghestani people exist, although the government of Daghestan seems to ignore this fact sometimes).

The following answers have been given to the question: "Is there discrimination encouraged by the national leadership in relation to other nations?"

1) "Yes" - 41%.

2) "No" - 24% (Makhachkala residents, mostly)

3) "Do not know" - 11%.

What does this mean for the citizens of Daghestan?

First of all, the objective differences between the peoples of Daghestan are based on ethnicity.

Executive posts are reserved for representatives of the main national elites almost officially, so that most other nations are cut off from these posts.

The following answers were given to the question "Is it important for you which nationality a person belongs to?"

1) "Yes" - 20%;

2) "No" - 64.5%

It has already been mentioned that moral values are a priority in comparison with nationality for the peoples of Daghestan.

We received the following answers to the question "Are you for the separation of Daghestan from Russia?" "No" - 98% of respondents, "Yes" - 2%.

The following answers were given

to the question of national identity:

1) Russian; Daghestani - 51%;

2) Living in Russia - 43%;

3) Nationality "Daghestani" does not exist - 7%.

We have made three conclusions, summarizing everything mentioned above:

1. The multinational character of the inhabitants of Daghestan has not allowed us to determine the titular nation.

2. The territorial principle of federal subordination of Daghestan contributes to the maintenance of peaceful relations between its peoples.

3. The historically established priority of the moral principle over national identity of a person contributes to the maintenance of peace in Daghestan.

"Vlast", Moscow, 2013, No 10, pp. 146-147.

V. Gadaev,

political analyst, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, Grozny INSTITUTE OF THE CAUCASIAN FAMILY: SOME PECULIAR FEATURES OF ITS TRANSFORMATION

Family problems have always been an important aspect in the life of society. Recently the interest in them has increased from representatives of various social sciences and humanities, as a result of the complex and contradictory processes in the modern family and family relations. These processes have been caused by global contemporary problems, facing humanity today.

The family undergoes dynamic changes in accordance with the new political-economic and socio-cultural realities, just like any other social formation as a whole does. In this country, large, or extended familiesin many regions, have begun to disintegrate. A number of lone-parent families is increasing, as well as a number of the so-called parent families where the woman is the sole breadwinner. In some families, many spouses, and sometimes, their children, are subjected to

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