Copyright © 2022 by Cherkas Global University
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International Journal of Media
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2022.1.48
Multimedia Brochure Taganrog — the Cultural Capital of the Don (Virtual Open-air Museum) as the Implementation of a Media Educational Project in Museum Pedagogy
Albina Dolgireva a , *, Tatyana Balina a, Anastasia Levitskaya a
a Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Russian Federation
The purpose of museum pedagogy is aimed at the development of research abilities, cognitive interest. Tasks of museum pedagogy are to form an idea of the museum, its functions, and capabilities; develop artistic and creative skills; create conditions for the development of visual culture; increase the number of cognitive forms and tools; expand horizons and world outlook; sparkle cognitive interest and study motivation; develop research skills and abilities. In this sense, museum pedagogy and media education have quite a few similar cornerstones, and so, our project is relevant in both the practical sense and the theoretical sense. The article elaborates upon the creative media production project of a multimedia booklet Taganrog - the cultural capital of the Don, created by students of Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics in 2021. The theoretical background of the project is media education and museum education pedagogical frameworks. The empirical research embraces primary research of the motives of the educational activity (diagnostics); the survey based on the structured interview questions and the secondary research of the motives of the educational activity (re-diagnostics).
Keywords: media education, media literacy, media culture, museum, virtual museum, museum pedagogy, students, project, creative production, Taganrog.
1. Introduction
The article elaborates upon the creative media production project of a multimedia booklet Taganrog - the cultural capital of the Don, developed by students of Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics in 2021. The prerequisite was classes in history, literature, and communication culture. To increase the interest of the young generation in their hometown, in the history of their native land, the first-year students of the secondary professional education departments (i.e. students aged 16 to 19) were encouraged to take part in hands-on media education activities. The students reacted with curiosity and interest since the project involved the use of multimedia technologies.
The emergence of multimedia has certainly affected various areas of professional activity, science, art, culture, and education. Moreover, the use of multimedia technologies in education has contributed to the creation of a new teaching and learning direction - media education. "Media education is a process of personal development with the help and on the material of mass communication (media) to form a culture of communication with media, creative, communication skills, critical thinking, full-fledged perception, interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of media texts, as well as teaching various forms of self-expression with the help of media technology, gaining media literacy" (Fedorov, 2012). In this sense, a project developing technical competence
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Dolgireva)
and at the same time, empowering a young adult culturally, meets the goal of media education.
2. Materials and methods
In the first part of the work on the project, theoretical methods of scientific research were used: classification, generalization, synthesis, analysis. Students used the official websites of Taganrog museums, as well as a variety of related Internet sources: historical essays, articles, archival materials, photographs, images, video resources, as well as multimedia applications created by students. All sights of the city are divided into 6 groups by cultural purpose, presented in the form of tables, in which all information about the objects is recorded by multimedia: links, images, etc.
In the second part of the project, an empirical study was carried out. The following methods of scientific research were used: the method of studying the motives of educational activity according to the modification by A. Rean, V. Yakunin (Rean, 1994; Yakunin, 1986); structured interview (compiled by the authors), content analysis method for processing open answers, frequency-percentage analysis.
3. Discussion
The late 20th century and, increasingly, the early 21st century necessitated an update of the concept for general education. "Changes in the world call for the development of a new humanism that is not only theoretical but practical, that is not only focused on the search for values — which it must also be — but oriented towards the implementation of concrete programmes that have tangible results" (Bokova, 2010). Media education that had initially been endorsed by teachers and researchers to respond to the sudden and powerful influence of the mass media on children and youth, developed into both an educational concept and technology that could function autonomously, or could be integrated with other subjects.
One of such disciplines is museum pedagogy, a relatively young science at the intersection of museology, psychology, and pedagogy, considering the museum as an educational system and aimed at optimizing the interaction between the museum and the visitor, and also capable of influencing the upbringing and development of a person. In the 1930s, one of the pioneers of art and museum education A. Lichtwark, director of the Hamburg Art Museum Kunsthalle, introduced a concept of "museum dialogues". "His grandiose aim was to create a new German culture radiating from the Hamburg Art Museum to all parts of the country" (Fishman, 1966). Museum pedagogy has developed in Russia since the end of the 19th century due to the contributions of A.V. Lunacharsky, N.I. Romanov, A.V. Bakushinsky, P.A. Florensky, etc. In the USSR the museum pedagogy as an independent scientific field has been formed by the 70-the 90s of the XX century (Babaeva, 2005).
The purpose of museum pedagogy is aimed at the development of research abilities, cognitive interest. Tasks of museum pedagogy are to form an idea of the museum, its functions, and capabilities; develop artistic and creative skills; create conditions for the development of visual culture; increase the number of cognitive forms and tools; expand horizons and world outlook; sparkle cognitive interest and study motivation; develop research skills and abilities. As it is known, media literacy includes such aspects as: "knowing how to access and find the best information available using the right sources, the most diverse and practicable ones; verifying their reliability and value; knowing how to evaluate the information using precise, rigorous criteria; contextualising the information and understanding it according to the source from which it was produced and disseminated, which in turn implies knowledge of the characteristics of the medium, its informative facet, and the ideological and cultural orientation it promotes, if relevant; and finally, integrating it into a set of prior information and knowledge so that it becomes meaningful" (Tornero, Varis, 2010: 79-80). In this sense, museum pedagogy and media education have quite a few similar cornerstones, and so, our project is relevant in both the practical sense and the theoretical sense.
4. Results
Museum pedagogy today actively uses interactive and multimedia technologies that help integrate a modern format, virtual content to the museum and actively involve people to interact with the museum as an educational space, to culturally enlight, and enrich them. The connection between multimedia and the museum is carried out in the form of virtual reality - the first-person
"immersion in an artificial environment" (Lowood, 2021). Thus, the museum becomes virtual in the multimedia space.
Numerous researchers (Babaeva, 2005; Bowler, Champagne, 2016; Chelysheva, 2017; Gálik, 2020; Fedorov, 2014; Fedorov, 2015; Fedorov, 2018; Fedorov, 2019; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2015; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2016; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2017; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2018; Fedorov, Levitskaya, 2019; Fedorov, Mikhaleva, 2020; Fedorov et al., 2016; 2020; Gálik, Oprala, 2021; Goloborodko, Chelysheva, 2018; Kacinová, 2019; Mysheva, 2015; Razlogov, 2005; Taranova, 2020; Vrabec, Botosová, 2020, etc.) have investigated the operation of multimedia content in the digital media literacy and museum education (use of interactive equipment, graphical interfaces, computer programs, etc.) or other pedagogical contexts, but few studies describe how museum space exists in multimedia. One such way is the virtual museum. Usually, museums of global significance have their full-fledged virtual platforms on the internet. The conditions and instruments for creating a virtual museum of a local value, particular theme/personality, or a specific area are not easily accessible yet. Therefore, our media educational project is aimed at finding ways to create a virtual museum on the example of a Russian town with history, and the creation of a multimedia booklet is the first step towards this aim.
Such a booklet can exist in the internet space, sharing knowledge, demonstrating exhibits, letting anybody virtually walk around the city, explore the sights, and use interactive tools. The use of multimedia as a modern computer information technology makes it possible to combine text, sound, video, graphics and animation, and various computer services in the created cultural product (in this case, in a multimedia booklet).
Taganrog is the unique old historical and cultural center in the south of Russia, which is included in the list of cities of federal significance, so the idea of creating a multimedia booklet is relevant. When given the assignment to research the Internet sources on this topic, students found that there is a lot of information about Taganrog in the Internet space: there are official sites of museums, historians' articles, but the information is either somewhat scattered and not uniform, or has a narrow focus. Thus, they decided to accumulate, organize and present all the material about the city in their way. During the project work, they realized that every link led to another source, suggested further immersion in a particular topic, and that discovery sparked more interest in the project.
Thus, in the multimedia brochure "Taganrog - the cultural capital of the Don" all sights are grouped into museums, monuments, sculptures, mansions, memorial sites (objects of cultural heritage), old churches. In addition, to obtain information about a particular object, each of them has horizontal and vertical links. Horizontal (main) links provide links to basic information, to an existing media resource (museum sites, etc.), audiovisual additions (audio tours, video tours, presentations, slides, projects). Vertical (additional) links offer links to additional information: they are not city-related, but thematically related.
Thus, the multimedia text creates a virtual historic, educational and cultural environment. At first, the project's participants elaborated the the content of the virtual brochure according to the following table.
Table 1. The sample from a draft of the virtual brochure's content (compiled by students)
Category Taganrog sight Official website/ Starting point Additional media resources (external links)
Museums Chekhov's Gymnasium (part of Taganrog State Literary, Historical, and Architectural Museum) https://tgliam Chekhov museum in Yalta; .html;
Monuments Monument to Peter the Great History of Taganrog; Sculptor M.Antokolskyi's biography
Sculptures "Fat and Thin" https://visittag tura-tolstyi-i-tonkii/ Audio book "Fat and Thin" by A.Chekhov chehov/tolstyy-i-tonkiy-4971060/
Architectur e/Buildings Theatre named after A.P.Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre Online video of the play "Cherry Orchard" 436628571174
Old churches St.Nickolas Church http://pravtag The article about the history of the church and how its bell travelled to Notre Dame de Paris (Trubnikova, 2019); Notre Dame de Paris
Working on the project's stage of creating a multimedia booklet, we used the basic principles of museum pedagogy: integrity and consistency. By integrating and combining different knowledge, the information about the city is presented in full and is systematized. The created multimedia booklet introduces the city, its historical and cultural background, and extends the meaningful links to external related names, places, cultural, and historical objects. The multimedia model provides an integrated way to convey cultural content using five different media, channels: text (information about the object), sound (electronic guide), video (video tour), graphic (photo sequence), and animation.
The media booklet can become a virtual museum prototype, since it has the main important properties inherent in a virtual museum:
- exists in the virtual space, on the Internet, autonomously;
- accessible freely and is addressed to a wide range of people;
- includes multimedia (information is presented in different ways: text, pictures, video, audio, animation);
- based on artifacts and cultural objects of the past, present, and to some extent the future;
- time-saving for users/visitors compared to a real-life tour;
- is representative, informative;
-presents multi-layered information, suitable for different ages, occupations and education level of users.
We agree that "libraries, museums, and many community-based organizations support lifelong learning" (Taranova, 2020).
The empirical part of the research. One of the objectives of the project is the research of its perception and assessment by the audience (potential visitors to the virtual museum). Based on the goals and objectives of museum pedagogy, it is necessary to empirically confirm that a multimedia booklet expands the range of cognitive forms and tools; creates conditions for the development of research skills and abilities; develops outlook and knowledge about the world; forms an interest in knowledge; instills curiosity. It is also necessary to understand what motives induce the audience to visit the virtual museum (to use the multimedia booklet).
The research objectives are aimed at:
1. demonstrating that a multimedia booklet is an educational/informational tool;
2. substantiating the possibility, through the use of a multimedia booklet, to involve the audience in cognitive activity;
3. investigating the development of the motivational-needs sphere of the audience;
4. evaluating the audience's feedback;
5. giving a meaningful description of the developmental potential of a multimedia booklet.
To achieve the above aims, the following methods of scientific research were used: the
method of studying the motives of the educational activity (modification by A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin); the structured interview (by the authors), the content analysis method for processing open answers, frequency-percentage analysis.
The respondents were 200 students of the secondary vocational education department of Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics aged 16 to 19, incl. 38 % male and 62 % female respondents. The representativeness of the sample was ensured by a sufficient number of respondents, their social role as students (which a priori presupposes the presence of cognitive activity), and their personal willingness to take part in the study.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the theory of media education as a source of "meeting the needs" of the audience (Gripsrud, 1999, etc.). The conceptual basis of this theory is the theoretical view that by "consuming" a media product, students themselves can choose and evaluate the media text in accordance with their needs. Consequently, the priority goal of media education is seen as helping the audience to get the maximum benefit from the media in accordance with their desires and inclinations.
In psychology, needs, desires, and inclinations belong to the motivational sphere of the individual. That is why, as one of the research methods, the methodology for studying the motives of the educational activity modified by A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin (Rean, 1994; Yakunin, 1986) was chosen. This technique was used twice: before visiting a virtual museum (using a multimedia booklet) and after.
Empirical research stages:
1. Primary research of the motives of the educational activity (diagnostics)
2. Visit to the virtual museum (using the multimedia booklet)
3. The survey based on the structured interview questions
4. Secondary research of the motives of the educational activity (re-diagnostics).
Since the motivation for learning activities includes a wide range of needs, motives and goals, we consider it necessary to separate such concepts as learning and cognitive types of motivation. Learning (academic) motivation is a system of external incentives that overcome the passivity of the student and stimulate the mastery of knowledge and learning actions. Cognitive motivation is a system of internal motivations that determine the student's activity and its focus on understanding information, its practical application. Since the students are still young people in the process of active socialization, the processes of internalization of external social experience into internal personal experience have not yet been completed (Fedorova, 2014; Kornienko, 2020). Therefore, factors of social desirability, public recognition and approval play an important role in their motivational-need-sphere. These factors are a kind of bridge that ensures the transition of external educational motives into internal cognitive ones (Balina, 2021). Considering the above, all the motives presented in the methodology used, were grouped by us according to the following grounds: learning (academic), cognitive and socially oriented (Table 2).
Table 2. Grouping of motives (compiled by the authors)
Learning (academic) motives Cognitive motives Socially oriented motives
To get a diploma. To successfully pass exams. To meet learning goals, deadlines and other academic requirements. To feel confident during regular classes. Not to fail any of the subjects. To receive state scholarship. To become a highly qualified specialist. To gain profound and solid knowledge. To ensure the future professional success. To feel intellectually rewarded. To successfully continue one's studies. To get parents' approval, peer approval. To be respected by teachers. To be the peer's leader/to set the example for peers. To keep up with peers. To avoid disapproval and reprimand for poor academic results.
We have excluded the motive "to receive a scholarship" (No. 6) from the list since the respondents are studying at a private educational institution and therefore are not eligible to receive a state scholarship. In addition, for the correct calculation of the results, it is important that each group of motives has the same number of them (in our case, five). This makes it possible to compare groups of motives by the number of naming (selections) of a particular motive and by the frequency of its occurrence in the sample. In accordance with the instructions, each participant had to choose the five most significant for him from the entire list of motives. The results of the primary diagnosis of the motives of educational activity are presented in Table 3.
The obtained results on the whole indicate a significant predominance of learning and socially oriented motives over cognitive ones.
Table 3. The primary diagnosis of the motives
Learning (academic) motives Number of responses selected Cognitive motives Number of responses selected Socially oriented motives Number of responses selected
To get a diploma 118 To become a highly qualified specialist 26 To get parents' approval, peer approval 98
To successfully pass exams 106 To gain profound and solid knowledge 48 To be respected by teachers 57
To meet learning goals, deadlines and other academic requirements 96 To ensure the future professional success 14 To be the peer's leader/to set the example for peers 62
To feel confident during regular classes 98 To feel intellectually rewarded 18 To keep up with peers 74
Not to fail any of the subjects 109 To successfully continue one's studies 29 To avoid disapproval and reprimand for poor academic results 47
Total number of choices (amount) 527 135 338
Total selected responses ( %) 52,7 % 13,5 % 33,8 %
The three most popular choices are the motives "get a diploma", "successfully pass exams", "not to fail", which indicate external guidelines and formal signs of quality education. At the same time, the true goals of obtaining vocational training are found in the very last options. The lowest ranks were given to the motives: "ensure the future professional success", "to feel intellectually rewarded", "become a highly qualified specialist". Thus, the joy of learning, a rewarding feeling from the process of obtaining information, new intellectual impressions are basically unknown to students. Perhaps traditional methods and forms of teaching, based on the transmission of information from teacher to student, and a strict system of assessments significantly shift cognitive motives in the hierarchy of motives, replacing them with formal educational motives. Therefore the question of raising cognitive motivation using multimedia is still topical.
The multimedia booklet developed in this study was used by students at home to prepare for classes in History, Literature, Language studies, etc. The students were assigned to research additional material on specific topics and prepare a report that is related to the history of their hometown. The students were unaware that it was part of the research project.
The next stage of our study was the respondents' survey using structured interview questions. In addition to the direct research goal - the collection of empirical data - the use of interviews after visiting a virtual museum, in our opinion, also plays a developing role, because increases the awareness of personal motives for using a multimedia booklet, allowing one to reflect on the experience. The questions were compiled by the authors in such a way that the answers reflected the basic principles and tasks of museum pedagogy, presented in the discussion part of the article. Respondents were asked to provide written answers to five questions:
1. Describe your overall impression of the multimedia booklet.
2. In your opinion, how is a multimedia booklet different from traditional ways of obtaining information? Is it better? If yes, in what ways?
3. Is the multimedia booklet engaging (does it make you want to learn more about the topic)?
4. Can a multimedia booklet be considered a cognitive tool? Justify your answer.
5. How was the multimedia booklet useful for you?
As a result of a structured interview, an extensive array of data was obtained reflecting the opinion of respondents on issues of interest. To process and classify answers to open-ended questions of a structured interview, the content analysis method was used, which makes it possible to fix categorical semantic units in the response texts and calculate their frequency of occurrence to assess statistical significance.
In the process of data processing by the content analysis method, the information was structured and cognitive semantic units (categories) were identified, which made it possible to compile a categorical table of content analysis and calculate the frequency of occurrence of each category in the sample as a whole. The results are demonstrated in Table 4.
Table 4. Frequently-percentage analysis of categories of content-analysis of open questions of a structured interview
Question Content analysis categories Frequency of
occurence (%)
1 Characterize your general It is interesting 62
impression of the It broadens horizons 17
multimedia booklet It's unusual 9
I learnt a lot 7
I'd like to look into it 5
2 In your opinion, in what The information is easily accessible 41
ways is a multimedia It's up to me what to choose 26
booklet better than more There are several channels of 19
traditional information perception working
media? I get information at a comfortable pace 8
I can go back to the information if I 6
want to
3 Is the multimedia booklet It makes me click on the links 38
engaging (does it make you I want to look at the pictures 32
want to learn more about I only learnt the most essential 21
the topic)? information
I looked because it was something new 8
for me
No 1
4 I learnt more than I expected 61
Can a multimedia booklet I could choose the most interesting 19
be considered a cognitive I got allround knowledge 11
tool? Justify your answer. I learnt the new details of well-known 7
I was in charge of my learning mode 2
5 How was the multimedia I'll tell my friends what I've learnt 37
booklet useful for you? I had quality time 28
I broadened my horizons, expanded 19
I realized that history can be 12
interesting 4
I used the information for the class
The data in the last column (frequency of occurence) are ranked in descending order. The table includes five cognitive semantic units (categories) that scored the most percentages in
terms of frequency of occurrence. Very rare, single responses were not included in the analysis, being considered statistically irrelevant.
If we describe the general impression of students from working with a multimedia booklet based on the most popular answers for each question, it turns out that visiting a virtual museum is interesting, makes it easy to get new information, and involves students in the learning process (makes them want to follow extracurricular links). As a result, students learn more than they were assigned to and are ready to share the information with friends. Considering the peculiarities of the answers for each question, we can see that such answers as "I could choose the most interesting" (19 %); "It's up to me what to choose" (26 %); "I get information at a comfortable pace" (8 %) indicate the active role of the student in obtaining information. In fact, he/she becomes the actor, the subject of knowledge, consciously and actively involved in the process of searching, perceiving and processing information, taking into account one's interests and needs. Multimedia in education do have prospects for wider integration.
The final stage of work with the respondents was their re-diagnostics according to the method of studying the motives of educational activity. The respondents were asked to again choose the five most significant motives for their learning activities in the process of obtaining secondary specialized education. The summarized results are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Re-diagnostics of students' motives
Learning Number Cognitive Number Socially Numbe
(academic) of motives of oriented r of
motives responses responses motives respons
selected selected es
To get a diploma 84 To become a highly 49 To get parents' 72
To successfully qualified specialist approval, peer
pass exams 98 To gain profound and 74 approval
To meet learning solid knowledge To be 61
goals, deadlines 86 To ensure the future 31 respected by
and other professional success teachers
academic To feel intellectually 90 To be the 75
requirements rewarded peer's
To feel confident To successfully 58 leader/to set
during regular 58 continue one's the example
classes studies for peers
Not to fail any of To keep up 46
the subjects 89 with peers
To avoid
disapproval 29
and reprimand
for poor
Total number of 415 302 283
choices (amount)
Total selected 41,5 30,2 28,3
responses (%)
The results obtained indicate the actualization of cognitive motives. The frequency of naming each of the motives of this group has become significantly higher. They moved from 3rd to 2nd place in the sample as a whole, which indicates a weakening of the orientation towards the social environment in obtaining education, and a shift towards obtaining education for the sake of interest and professional future. This is more comprehensively shown in the next Table 6.
Table 6. Comparative analysis of the education motivation's diagnostics
Learning (academic) motives Cognitive motives Socially oriented motives
before after before after before after
527 415 135 302 338 283
52,7 % 41,5 % 13,5 % 30,2 % 33,8 % 28,3 %
The learning (academic) motives still occupy a leading position, but in terms of the frequency of choice, they no longer stand out with such a large margin as it was during the primary diagnosis. The fact of a significant increase in the frequency of choosing the motive "to feel intellectually rewarded" from 18 % to 90 % deserves special attention. These are the most significant changes in the structure of motivation for the entire sample of respondents. Obviously, having gained the experience of multimedia learning, students realized the possibility of obtaining knowledge in an interesting, interactive form that allows them to satisfy their own cognitive interests.
In order to assess the statistical significance of differences in the results of primary and secondary diagnostics, we used the calculation according to the Mann-Whitney U-test. As empirical data, indicators of the number of choice of motives (15 motives) by respondents in each of 2 cases were used. In general, the differences in the sample were not significant. This is quite expected, since the hierarchical structure of motives cannot be rebuilt so quickly under the influence of one learning tool (Table 7).
Table 7. Indicators for assessing differences between samples by the number of choices of motives
Indicator Uempirical Ucritical Level of statistical significance
p<0.01 p<0.05
For the entire sample (n=i5) Learning motives (n=5) Cognitive motives (n=5) Socially oriented motives (n=5) Uemp.= 111 Uemp.= 1,5 Uemp.= 1 Uemp.= 9 Ucr.=56 Ucr.= 1 Ucr.= 1 Ucr.= 1 Ucr.= 72 Ucr.= 4 Ucr.= 4 Ucr.= 4 lack of significance; not significant if p < 0.01; significant if p < 0.05; significant if p < 0.01 and if p < 0.05; insignificant if p < 0.05
Nevertheless, after conducting a comparative mathematical analysis within each group of motives (5 motives in each group), it was possible to find significant differences in the group of cognitive motives. The number of their elections has increased significantly. There were also significant differences, albeit at a lower level of statistical significance (at p < 0.05), among educational motives. Consequently, the increase in the number of choices in favor of cognitive motives occurred mainly due to a decrease in the number of choices of external learning motives.
Thus, the conducted empirical research proves that a multimedia booklet is a cognitive and informational tool, which is assessed by the respondents as interesting, useful and forms the involvement of the audience in the process of cognition. At the same time, the motivational sphere of the audience develops by satisfying a number of individual interests and needs of the individual, cognitive motives are significantly updated.
5. Conclusion
1. The multimedia booklet Taganrog - the cultural capital of the Don is a prototype of a virtual museum, allows one to get to know the city from anywhere in the world, at any time, to resist the tendency of teens' "dwindling attendance and decreasing participation" (Wyrick, 2014) in museums.
2. The work of students on the project has had a significant impact on the development of personality, creativity, media literacy, and sparkling of young people's interest not only in the media but also in their small homeland. All this as a whole serves as the introduction of the younger generation to the cultural heritage of the country.
3. The multimedia booklet Taganrog - the cultural capital of the Don is important, necessary for informing the citizens/audiences, broadcasting knowledge, systematizing historical material, and is a vivid example of the synthesis of traditional cultural forms and modern digital technologies.
4. Creation of a multimedia booklet as a whole contributes to the formation of a universal cultural, informational, and educational space, the development of intercultural dialogue, presenting to the whole world the value of one city as part of the cultural heritage of the entire country.
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