У багатьох крашах (США, Канада, Великобританiя, Швецiя, Нiмеччина, РосГя) для пiдвищення рiвня еколопчно1 освГти як студенпв, так i учтв систмно використовують рiзноманiтнi методи i форми навчання: бесiди, диспути, рольовi iгри, дослiди й практикуми. Так, бесщу застосовують для активГзацй дiяльностi школярiв i стyдентiв, пiдвищення рiвня засвоення знань. Рольовi iгри й сощодрами, пантомiми спрямовують на розвиток умшь аналiзyвати власнц дiяльнiсть у природа Використовують можливостi позакласних й позааудиторних форм роботи: екологiчнi клуби (органгзовують для формування навичок роботи в колективГ, yмiння порГвнювати, вивчати й розв'язувати проблеми охорони природи на мiсцевомy, регiональномy та глобальному рiвнях), екскурсй, вечори, вiкторини, конкурси, конференцй [7; с. 49-50].
Висновок. Таким чином, можна зробити висновок, що кожна краша мае сво! особливостi в оргашзацй еколопчно1 освгга, якг визначаються рiвнем li соцiально-економiчного розвитку та пiдходами, що забезпечують ефективн1сть розв'язання провщних завдань. Водночас остантми роками екологiчна освiта за рубежем активно розширюе сво! межг, з'являються новГ еколого-освiтнi напрями - еколопчний менеджмент, екологiчне право, сощоеколопя тощо. Формуються тенденцл диференщацй й штеграцй еколопчно1 освГти. Ниш в зарyбiжниx крашах активно поширюеться тенденщя гумашзацй еколопчно1 освгга, яка визначаеться спрямован1стю змюту освГти на формування знань, що сприяють усвщомленню самощнносп природи.
1. Костицька I. Еколопчна освГта в розвинутих крашах свГту / / Рщна школа. - 1996. - № 2 (795). - С.6-7.
2. Ломакович В.Я. Еколопчна освГта учн1в навчальних заклащв середнього ступеня в НГмеччит: Автореф. дис. ... кан. пед. наук: 13.00.01. - К., 2004. - 23 с.
3. Марченко Г.В. Розвиток еколопчно1 освГти в середшх школах Велико1 Британй у другш половин1 ХХ столтя: Автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01. - К., 2004. - 23 с.
4. Охрана окружающей среды и образование (Франция) / / Р.ж. Экология человека. - 1992.-№10. - 32. - С.5.
5. Полякова Я. В. ТеорГя i практика еколопчного виховання учтвсько1 молодГ у Великгй Британй (етнопедагопчний аспект) : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.07 / Полякова Яна ВГкторГвна. -ГорлГвка, 2005. - 222 с.
6. Сбруева А.А. Тенденцй реформування середньо1 освГти розвинених англомовних краш в контекст глобатзаци (90-т рр. ХХ-початок XXI ст.): МонографГя / А.А.Сбруева.- Суми: ВАТ «Сумська обласна друкарня», Видавництво «Козацький вал», 2004. - 500 с.
7. Швед М.С. Розвиток еколопчного мислення студенпв утверситету в ироцеа професiйноl тдготовки: Дис. канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04 - ЛьвГв, 1997. - 211 с.
8. Яцишин Н. П. Профеайно - педагопчна пГдготовка вчителГв у Великгй Британй' (90-i роки XX столтя) : дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / Яцишин Нататя Пилитвна. - Луцьк, 1998. - 216 с.
Candidate of Philology Bekzat B. Dinayeva Candidate of Philology Sabira M. Sapina
Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law
Abstract. The article covers the main problems of higher education, in training specialists of XXI century, i.e. academic literacy, academic reading and writing issues. Academic writing is considered to be the methodology of scientific texts as essay, term paper, thesis, master's and doctoral theses, scientific articles and monographs. The main purpose of academic writing is directed to improve the skills demanded to solve the issues connected with academic writing and academic participation. In connection with the given issues, the Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law in Astana city of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been introduced the course «Academic Reading and Writing» to the university curriculum, and the authors present the purpose and objectives, the competences acquired as a result of the course. The main aim of the article is to introduce and
disclose the academic reading and writing practices of Kazakhstan higher education and the results of students. The authors note the necessity of introducing the academic reading and writing courses permanently from secondary schools till higher educational establishment training professionals.
Students start forming the professional academic reading and writing skills during the course «Academic Reading and Writing». The deep academic writing acquisition may be achieved in case of improving the skills like discussing, making correct presentations, being aware of listening, asking adequate questions, adequate answering, and critical thinking abilities.
Keywords: Education system of Kazakhstan, academic literacy, academic reading, academic writing, scientific text, research project.
Nowadays we live through the era of changes: mass media communication to individual participation, one-direction communication to multi-direction communication, low active audience to interactive audience. It is necessary to adequately select and choose the right information in time of flowing information. Any professional turns into a curious individual with the help of improving his own professional mastery; adequate application of effective methods in increasing the knowledge and outlook. At the present time the requirements for all the levels of education are being strengthened from time to time, therefore recent years the Republic of Kazakhstan started paying more attention to the qualitative education system in consequence with the world standards. The main reason for this is the fact that the adequate use of human academic knowledge became the main strategic resource in XXI century. That is why, the main purpose of the article is to introduce and present the Kazakhstani practice and experience in training students to academic reading and writing skills.
Academic knowledge consists of components like academic reading and writing. Academic writing is a traditional way of competences directed to innovative developing of international exchange, academic communication and information processes in world education system and scientific environment. (Academic Literacy: a Statement of Competences Expected of Students Entering California Public Colleges and Universities) A modern student as a future professional must be aware of the necessity of academic literacy skills, the skills that are demanded in social, professional and scientific environment to be competitive in any sphere of life.
The term «Academic writing» is widely used in world education system to define the degree for academic services, apply for university or college, conduct research works, and also to work professionally using certain kind of information and documentations. In connection with these facts, academic literacy level is considered to be the level to determine the applicants' readiness for public services or university study. (Korotkina, 2009) Academic writing is considered to be the methodology of scientific texts as essay, term paper, thesis, master's and doctoral theses, scientific articles and monographs. Academic writing is the writing skill to present and set up the personal thoughts and ideas. Academic writing is the skill to write scientific texts, adequately use the right language and style. Using the academic writing skills is the basis of success in academic environment. (Djumailo, Shkuratova, 2014)
Academic writing skills are directed to solve the problems in improving the written communication. Firstly, we found some weakness in Kazakhstani system of academic writing skills, especially in business correspondence of official organizations. In most organizations and offices we meet the problems connected with writing official papers and documents by working people in there, and the most problems in compiling documentations are as follows: defining the business style of documents, inadequate terminology, grammatical mistakes, mistakes in spelling and punctuation, and the low level of academic literacy in general. Secondly, academic writing literacy may cause some difficulties to specialists, for instance, while passing KAZTEST applicants for state service or applicants for promotion in state service show the low level of writing dictations, reproductions and essays. Making survey to all these facts, we may say that nowadays in the era of information technologies the academic writing competence is designed to determine the proficiency of any specialist or manager.
Investigating the international practice we note that the course «Academic writing» in English, EAP - English for Academic Purposes is widely used. The scientific-methodological base of this course is prepared very well and the academic manuals are sufficient. This course in European studies is the part of the complex of studies as Academic Reading, Academic Listening and Academic Speaking. (Djumailo, Shkuratova, 2014) In European studies the academic writing programmes are very popular still and take the main role in training specialists of all levels of education (individual courses for writing reports), research works (projects, theses), in works with data and information, links and references and others. There are many specialized centers of academic writing in almost every University of USA and Europe like The
Centre of Academic Writing in CEU, Writing Center at Harvard College, Purdue Online Writing Lab, NCTE, EATAW, EWCA, WPA and others work in close cooperation with each other. The initial academic writing course was organized at British Uniersitites. (Ostrovskaya, Vyshegorodtseva, 2013)
Russian higher educational establishments apply the academic writing courses only for the English language courses, and at the present time of innovation education era most of the Russian scientists recognize the necessity of teaching academic writing from scientific point of view. (Maslova, 2013) Both secondary education and higher education in Russia do not consider the individual training of student of secondary schools and universities for academic writing skills to conduct independently the research works or hold research projects, i.e. Russian practice of academic writing training is not enough for experience. (Korotkina, 2011) Nowadays in Russian scientific society the academic writing skills are necessary for the following: to be ready to hold scientific and professional communications; to exchange the scientific and technical information with foreign partners; at international and national conferences, symposiums, webinars and presentations; to solve the professional problems with the help of the foreign languages; to work in different scientific spheres; to write various scientific and technical texts of different genres (scientific articles, patents, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, theses, reports, summaries, resumes and other documents). (Ostrovskaya, Vyshegorodtseva, 2013) Making survey to works of Russian scientists, we may say that the Russian researchers pay more attention to academic writing as the necessity for modern life of any personality. We, the authors of the article support the Russian scientists' opinion towards academic literacy and consider that it is necessary to teach students of Kazakhstan to academic literacy.
The Main Part
Higher education curricula in Kazakhstan do not consider the courses of academic reading and writing. The courses directed to improve the academic literacy in graduate schools of our country are not provided well enough. Some higher educational establishments include the parts of academic writing skills only for training linguists and specialists in the field of education, as styles of literary language and language norms or scientific styles of written communication. For example, the skills of writing abstracts, reports, thesis, term paper of diploma paper are studied individually. (Majitaeva, Shadykenov, 2006) But there are no special courses of general writing of scientific texts as preparing the essays, recommendations, scientific project works, defining purposes and determining the objectives of research and other skills. Not all students are able to understand what the terms «academic literacy», «academic reading» and «academic writing» mean. Nowadays there are many students who show the low level of academic literacy, for instance, some students cannot present their own ideas and points of view, not able to use public speaking skills or writing poor essays and other papers. We may explain and comment this situation in connection with the absence of oral or written examination after graduating from secondary schools. The National Unified Testing containing five schools subject is accepted in the Republic of Kazakhstan for graduating students of secondary schools in applying for higher educational establishments, also most examinations at colleges and universities are conducted in testing format. It is acknowledged and well-known that modern students are prepared to learn only closed testing questions and also read less books than their predecessors. We all know that reading books help people to develop his/her thinking process and ability.
So, in order to correct these mistakes in modern education system, the Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan, decided to make changes in academic curricula for 2014-2015 and introduced the course «Academic Reading and Writing» for 1st year of study, and this correct decision of the University staff will help to develop the academic literacy and increase the level of students. Every person feels fear and passes through uncertainty while starting his/her first research work and presenting to the audience, no matter 1st year student or a mature person. The simple way to avoid fear is to come «face-to-face» to the problem and start writing scientific texts and acquire the writing skills. (Korotkina, 2013) In this regard, the given course is introduced in order to train student to write essays, scientific articles, term papers, diploma papers, master's and doctoral theses. From the very beginning of the 1st year the students get acquainted with academic genres of reading and writing as lectures and reports, term papers and diploma papers, scientific articles and research projects and others.
The course curriculum is elaborated on the basis of The Concept of Language Training in Continuous Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan and The National Programme of Improving and Supporting the Languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. (SOSE of RK 6.08.085-2010. Language Trinity (The Kazakh, Russian and Foreign Languages) The course consists of the following skills and abilities: forming the students' critical thinking ability, vocabulary, academic writing skills, improving the discussing skills on professional and scientific topics, conducting research projects and preparing presentations, i.e. acquiring the complex of competences demanded to conduct written communication, critical thinking and assessment of information, presenting his/her own point of view and writing recommendations and characteristics to research works.
The main purpose of the course «Academic Reading and Writing» is to learn the humanitarian cognition techniques, the individual methods based on the general rules and means, academic professional reading, academic writing skills and making presentations. In this approach we may note the following objectives of the course: improving academic reading writing skills (studying the language and structure of scientific and professional texts, note-taking, reports, recommendations, thesis writing, presenting the research analysis results, reading the scientific and professional texts, acquiring the style of scientific texts, planning research works and projects, choosing the topic for research, constructing the structure of research work or project); the correct use of links and references, learning to work with theoretical literature and reference books, teaching to analyze the research object and choose the research methods, enriching students' vocabulary with academic word-stock and word combinations inherent to scientific and professional environment; developing the discussion skills on scientific and professional topics and presenting the professional oriented projects; improving the skills of public speaking and setting up the point of view, increasing the students' cognition and culture of speech, developing the self study working skills.
During the course the following contents are to be explained to students at the beginning: the inherent peculiarities of the scientific style and the necessity of its investigation; the main peculiarities of academic publicistic texts from scientific and research means. During the classes students are to be taught the following academic skills: the main rules and means of note-taking of academic texts (oral and written), note-taking techniques, algorythms, scientific research methodology, the requirements and designing rules for writing reports, research projects, scientific articles, theses, summaries, term papers and diploma papers, compiling glossary on scientific articles. Note-taking peculiarities should be explained to students, because many people misunderstand this notion with stenography of one's sayings or written opinions. A young researcher that started his/her academic life in academic society gets acquainted with the designing rules of research works, writing academic texts (theses, summaries, applications for conferences and others), essays, principles of presenting research works to audience and the peculiarities of academic communication. During seminars students take certain notes on scientific texts and produce recommendations and summaries about the texts, and also they exchange with recommendations and summaries on their own research projects. The classes also include the tasks as reading and analyzing the texts written in scientific style, because one of the skills demanded for academic reading is correct understanding and comprehending, analyzing and reproducing the scientific texts. Students must also write abstracts and theses to scientific articles and write essay according to given key words.
There are some inherent characteristics of academic writing as reporting style, adequate use of academic vocabulary, focusing on the given topic or issue and others. The main peculiarity of academic language lies in rich vocabulary and word-stock. Many students admit mistakes in constructing the sentences and forming the academic texts, therefore the teachers must pay more attention to correct these lacks and help students to give adequate instructions in using them. Let us consider the necessary skills for acquiring academic writing skills:
1) Conducting research skills, i.e. students' ability to search for information, read and comprehend the necessary data for research;
2) Self-monitoring skills, i.e. acquiring time management skills in writing articles, reduction and other types of research works in time;
3) Making plans and writing schemes of the article;
4) Making reductions and corrections to the article.
There are some difficulties before teaching staff in directing and orienting the academic reading and writing in modern academic activity that cause negative impacts, they are: the low level of students' general linguistic cmpetence, lack of individual perception of situation, limitations in reproducing the read texts (research works and scientific texts). Also nowadays we frequently meet the low level of students' speech activities as writing comparing with other speech activity types as reading, speaking, listening. In this connection we note that students had several difficulties while making academic tasks, such as writing essays, scientific articles, questionnaires and projects.
The main reason for this problem, as Chekaova noted, is the abundance of information in network, students may use plagiarism with «copy & paste» that makes limitations to students individual thinking abilities and perception, logical thinking processes and individuality, also these are the causes for lack of authors' reproductive ability of gained information. After Chekanova we also note that during the teaching academic writing process, in order to guarantee the mutual understanding and interrelation between teacher and students «the students' activities have to be more autonomous» (Chekanova, 2011).
During the classes University lecturers not only deliver lectures on certain subjects and topics, but also share their knowledge and experience in various fields of science and human life in order to form the academic literacy. We very much believe that only in mutual understanding and interrelation between
lecturers and students, sharing the ideas and opinion on the way of forming professional can motivate student to achieve more positive results in researches.
During the study of «Academic Reading and Writing» course the students acquire the following competences:
- to possess the structure and forms of scientific and professional texts, summaries, outlines, abstracts, and personal scientific compositions and works;
- to write individually summaries, abstracts, recommendations and theses of scientific articles;
- to acquire the ability to read, comprehend and discuss the scientific and professional texts of professional sphere;
- to possess the ability to present the speeches;
- to make the presentations of his/her own research work or project in both oral and written
- to form the professional academic reading and writing skills;
- to read the specialized literature in order to get the professional information towards a certain field of study.
Thus, teaching academic reading and writing is the main objective in training specialists of higher educational establishments of the modern life. One of the difficulties in improving the given competence, students must acquire and improve the skills in all the aspects of academic literacy as academic reading, ability to participate in discussions and making presentations, ability to listen to the speaker, ask an adequate question, to answer the question correctly, critical thinking and information assessment, and other activities. Academic literacy is the ability to work with different kinds of information, perception, presenting and setting up his/her own point of view individually. Academic literacy is the prevailing component of the new type of literacy, the main difference from the digital literacy lies in its development of education system. (Ostrovskaya, Vyshegorodtseva, 2013)
So, as a result of our experiment with the students of 4-year studying bachelors' initial period, the introduction of the course «Academic Reading and Writing» during for 2 years gave the positive effects and results. In the article the initial steps in improving the academic literacy of students of the Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law are being described. But we are just in the way of improving, that is why we plan and suggest some improvements as writing essay skills, writing adequate texts and other issues that help us to develop academic literacy level. We think that academic writing skills must take its deserved place in the complex of academic literacy measures. In order to solve this problem, we suggest some ideas: Firstly, we have to take into account and use effectively the experience of the English language academic writing practice. In this case we have to strengthen not the methods and methodology how to use, but elaborate the necessary materials and academic manuals. Secondly, we have to note that academic writing skills should be developed together with other skills as an inherent part of academic literacy. It means that besides the academic writing skills, students must acquire other skills as academic reading, participating in discussions and making presentations, listening to the speaker, comprehending and understanding skills, critical thinking and information assessment, interpreting the content of information and others have to be included to the complex of study. Thirdly, the course «Academic Reading and Writing» is directed to all the majors of University students: each course has its own peculiarities, and all the features must be studied deeply. In connection with the majors working with the specially oriented scientific texts gives positive effects. Concluding all the opinions, we would like to suggest the idea supported by other leading scientists working in elaboration of the materials for academic writing courses «Academic reading and writing must be studied starting from secondary educational establishments and be followed during the higher education studies, and even be used for training specialists in improving qualifications». (Stepanov, Perlov, 2011)
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Жуманова Рита Оразовна, Абдиев Алпысбай Кадирбергенович, Мырзагарина Алтын Муратовна
Ацтвбе квлш, коммуникация жэне жаца технология колледж1
Ацтвбе ц., Цазацстан
Ka3ipri тацдагы, 6i3 eMip CYpeTiH ^огам, нарьщтьщ жагдайга сэйкес келгендштен, адамдардан жогаргы кэшбилш пен экономикальщ жэне ^огамдьщ eмiрдегi кез-келген жаца ^былыс^а тез бешмделу талап етшедь Сондьщтан, казiрri ^огамдагы кец ^олдауга ие болган багыт ретшде мемлекетпк орындардагы ^¥жат айналымыныц ^аза^ тiлiнде жYргiзiлуiн мысалга келируге болады. Осы т^ргыдан келгенде, мемлекетпк ^ызметкерлер арасында ^аза^ тiлiн Yйренуге деген к¥лшыныстыц артып отырганын бащаймыз. БYгiнгi кYнгi бiлiм алушыныц ертецп ^ызметкер болатынын ескерсек, ескелец ^рпавда^аза^ тiлiн Yйретудi о^у орны ^абыргасынан бастаганымыз жен.
Заман кeшi дамыган сайын тYрлi гылым салаларында, оныц iшiнде тiл Yйретуде де, жаца багыт-багдарлар мен эдiс-тэсiлдер пайда бола бастады. Тiл мецгертуде жаца технологияларды ^олданудыц тиiмдiлiгiн елбасымыз жолдауында да атап етп. Сeзiмiзге дэлел ретшде жолдаудагы мына жолдарды келтiрсек болады: «Хальщаральщ тэжiрибелерге CYЙене отырып, ^аза^ тiлiн о^ытудыц ^азiрri замангы озьщ багдарламалары мен эдiстерiн эзiрлеп. енпзу ^ажет. Mемлекеттiк тiлдi тиiмдi мецгерудщ ец Yздiк, инновацияльщ эдютемелш, тэжiрибелiк о^у - ^ралдарын, аудио - бейнематериалдарды эзiрлеу керек» [1,3].
Жогарыда атап eткенiмiздей, ^аза^ тiлiн YЙретудiц ^азiрri танда сан алуан жолдары бар. Солардыц арасындагы ец тшмдю ретiнде - ^аза^ тiлiн кэаби салага багыттап о^ытуды айтуга болады. Ягни, м^ндагы ма^сат бiлiм алушыга тiлдегi барльщ грамматикальщ ^¥рылымдар мен