УДК 316
Sorokoletova A.B.
Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)
Аннотация: the scientific article presents the results of the analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of consumer behavior in the modern economy taking into account the changes in their motives and incentives. The relevance is connected with the fact that the past pandemic led to the transformation of consumer markets. It also affected the change in consumer behavior of Russian citizens. The economic behavior of consumers is important for organizations to take into account when developing a marketing strategy to promote goods and services.
Ключевые слова: consumer behavior, economic behavior, consumers, motives, incentives.
Under the concept of "consumer behavior" it is necessary to mean the economic behavior of consumers, which affects their choice of goods and services in consumption. In fact, it is a set of actions carried out in the process of making decisions about the choice of the structure of consumer spending by a person [1].
Consumer spending of people, which arises in the process of their consumer behavior is a part of personal income of citizens, which is directed to the consumption of goods and services in order to ensure the realization of needs.
In the period of pandemic and digitalization, people's consumer behavior has become characterized by the fact that more and more digital technologies and information and communication systems influence the choice of a product. Because of digitalization, the newest factors that influence economic behavior are emerging.
More communication channels have emerged, including through social media, which influence people's consumer choices. On the one hand, access to information has become easier, but on the other hand, it is a negative factor causing information
load and leading to manipulation of facts. The Internet and social media have become one global platform of advertising and marketing offers enticing people to purchase sometimes unnecessary goods and services. This increases the irrationality of personal purchases and spending.
In addition, the online segment in selling products has become popular especially since 2020 when the world is facing a threat in the form of covid-19 pandemic. The inability to operate offline has forced entrepreneurs to look for opportunities to sell products online, where among others, consumers have gone, thus influencing the growth of sales in the e-commerce segment.
Increasingly, people's choice is being made in favor of those products that are manufactured and sold under well-known brands. The information load faced by consumers has become overwhelmingly colossal. It is becoming increasingly difficult to make correct and rational purchase choices because the flow of information is so large that the ability to process it is insignificant [2].
The main information channels include social media and social networks. In them, one can find a lot of true and false information about product reviews and impressions. This only complicates a person's consumer choice in favor of this or that product, because we cannot be fully confident in the reliability of information coming from outside.
In conditions of economic instability, the formation of changes in consumer spending is influenced by such factors:
1. The state of the labor market and the level of employment.
2. Consumer expectations of the population.
3. Personal interest and desire of the population in saving, saving and investing.
At the same time, the dynamics of consumer spending is affected by the
following threats:
• decrease in the level of real personal income,
• structural modernization of the economic system,
• increase in the share of overdue consumer loans,
• growth of inflation risks.
Analyzing statistical indicators, it is worth noting that in 2020. 76% of cash income of Russian households was used to buy goods and pay for services. Obligatory payments, contributions and other expenses amounted to 15%. And 9% of personal cash income was spent on savings. And already in 2022, 79% of the cash income of Russian households was used to buy goods and pay for services. Obligatory payments, contributions and other expenses amounted to 16%. And only 5% of personal income was spent on savings [3].
Thus, over the period from 2020 to 2022, the consumer spending of Russian citizens has increased. They began to consume more and save less. This model of consumer behavior of Russian households stimulates the growth of aggregate demand and, therefore, of supply in the markets. However, savings are declining, and with them, the personal financial security of Russian citizens.
Among the reasons for the growth in consumer spending of Russian citizens, the following triggers can be distinguished:
• the need to satisfy additional desires that arise to compensate for the abandonment of a former mode of life
• the emergence of retail marketplaces, which facilitated access to different purchases of goods,
• the development of Internet commerce, which makes it possible to order products with home delivery.
In conclusion I would like to say:the past pandemic and ongoing digitalization have had a huge impact on changing the motives and incentives of Russian households' consumer behavior, which has helped support the country's economy during a period of turbulence.
1. Ryazanova G.N. Managing consumer behavior in a metamodern organization // University Bulletin. 2020. № 11. C. 39-43;
2. Malykh M.M., Grabelnykh T.I. Transformation of consumer behavior models of the Russian population in the new geopolitical and pandemic reality // Kazan socio-humanitarian bulletin. 2022. № 5 (56). C. 42-45;
3. Money incomes and expenditures of the population. URL: https://rosstat.gov.ru/compendium/document/13270 (date of reference: 17.05.2024)