Научная статья на тему 'Morphological and biochemical changes of blood, induced oxidative stress in cows with hoof diseases'

Morphological and biochemical changes of blood, induced oxidative stress in cows with hoof diseases Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Yarovan N. I., Smagina N. V., Piscunova O. G.

Morphological and biochemical blood indices in high-yielding cows of Holstein breed with extremity diseases of various etiologies under oxidative stress in industrial dairy cattle management technology were analyzed in article. Over the last 30 years diseases of the distal part of cows’ extremities are the most important problem of livestock, because they cause significant economic damage to the farms at the expense of disposal of a large number of sick animals (50%), first of all, the most productive. Therefore, the dairy cattle management in industrial livestock management requires knowledge of the main causes that determine the hoof diseases, as well as early diagnosis for timely prevention of various hoof diseases. In practice, as a rule, the extremity diseases in the results of the combined effect of several factors are appeared. All these factors prove that metabolic disorders play an important role in pathogenesis hoof diseases of different etiology in cows. We believe that identification of pathogenic mechanisms at the level of metabolic processes for the development of methods for the prevention and correction of violations is perspective. Significant value can have profound biochemical studies for organization and conducting a comprehensive treatment, and it is necessary to detect preclinical disease development.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Morphological and biochemical changes of blood, induced oxidative stress in cows with hoof diseases»

UDC 636.2:612.18./118:619:616.596



Yarovan N.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Smagina N.V.*, Piscunova O.G., Candidates of Biological Sciences Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia *E-mail: belaya97@yandex. ru


Morphological and biochemical blood indices in high-yielding cows of Holstein breed with extremity diseases of various etiologies under oxidative stress in industrial dairy cattle management technology were analyzed in article. Over the last 30 years diseases of the distal part of cows' extremities are the most important problem of livestock, because they cause significant economic damage to the farms at the expense of disposal of a large number of sick animals (50%), first of all, the most productive. Therefore, the dairy cattle management in industrial livestock management requires knowledge of the main causes that determine the hoof diseases, as well as early diagnosis for timely prevention of various hoof diseases. In practice, as a rule, the extremity diseases in the results of the combined effect of several factors are appeared. All these factors prove that metabolic disorders play an important role in pathogenesis hoof diseases of different etiology in cows. We believe that identification of pathogenic mechanisms at the level of metabolic processes for the development of methods for the prevention and correction of violations is perspective. Significant value can have profound biochemical studies for organization and conducting a comprehensive treatment, and it is necessary to detect preclinical disease development.


Cattle, hoof diseases, morphologic blood value, oxidative stress, malondialdehyde (MDA), ceruloplasmin activity.

Extremity diseases in cows are one of the common causes of dairy cattle economic lowering.

According to some authors' opinion, 10% of the milk yield is determined by hooves condition. [1,5,8].Extremity diseases especially effect high-yielding dairy cows at the industrial technology of cattle breeding. Actually, it is considered, that causes of this pathology are unbalanced highly concentrated feeding, violation of appropriate veterinary hygiene conditions of animal welfare, the absence of natural insolation and active regimen.

Favorable conditions for the development of hoof diseases can be humid environment, leading to softening of hoof horn and high dryness, when elasticity losses and cracks form. [2,3,4]. Good hooves condition is ensured by proper nutrition of the cow and the minimization of the negative effects of the external environment [5,11]. Feeding should be carried out according to the genetic potential the habit of the body, physiological status (pregnancy, lactation) [3,14]. Periods of calving and early lactation are the most dramatic and are treated as periods of risk for the occurrence of some diseases in cows, including hoof diseases Calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamins A, D, E and other minerals and vitamins are required for healthy hoof horn formation.

The state of hoof horn is largely determined on the proper functioning of the rumen. The required amount of roughage in the presence of fast fermentations components (carbohydrates) must be included in cow's diet. Toxins are absorbed by the mucosa of the rumen that cause the violation of local blood supply of hooves, which leads to swelling of the hooves head, uneven growth and deformation of hoof, to the hemorrhage and possible foci of necrosis and limp appears.

Since the beginning of the development of acidosis before the appearance of clinical hooves characteristics passes about a month Acidosis is registered in almost all high-yielding

cows. The risk of acidosis development in these cows occurs due to the increasing of concentrates in their diet which are used to improve productivity. The main cause of destructive changes in the tissues of the hoof should be considered a violation of metabolic processes arising from inappropriate genetically-induced feeding of ruminants with inherent physiology.

Therefore the purpose of our research was the study of some morphological and biochemical blood indices, the condition of the oxidant-antioxidant system in highly productive cows with extremity diseases in an industrial complex.


The work was carried out in AE «Complex for milk production Saburovo» Orel region successful in infectious diseases, at innovative scientific research and test center FSBEE VPO Orel SAU, in the laboratory of the chair of chemistry, FSE «Orel reference center of the Russian Agricultural Supervision Service». To assess the level of oxidative system in the serum of blood, malonic dialdehyde, lipoperoxidation product were determined by reaction with thiobarbituric acid The activity of ceruloplasmin was determined by Ten in reaction with periphery lenediamine.

The targets of research were cows of Holstein black-motley breed. The experimental part of this work was to assess the biochemical status in highly productive cows with non-infection extremity diseases in the industrial sector, for this purpose on the principle of pair-analogues of cows were formed 2 groups of animals: 1st group - healthy animals (n=5); 2nd group - animals diagnosed with diseases of hooves of noninfectious origin (n=5).


In the result of morphological indicators analysis in cows with hoof diseases, we have identified some deviations in their values from the corresponding indicators in healthy animals.

Animals in the control group (No. 1) have the number of erythrocytes in blood 6.7±0,02x1012/l, whereas cows of the 2nd group, where there were animals with different pathologies of extremities, this indicator was 4,03±0,05x1012/L. Indicators of hemoglobin were different in these groups. It was lower in the experimental group than in the control group 28.9% (p<0.01).

Table1 - Hematological indicators of blood

Groups Hemoglobin, gr/l Erythrocyte, 1012/l Leucocyte, 109/l

1 group (healthy animals) 14,6±0,05 6,7±0,02 7,21±0,06

2 group (animals with hoof diseases) 10,37±0,03*** 4,03±0,05*** 12,5±0,02

* P<0,05; ** P <0,01; *** P <0,001.

The number of leukocytes in the blood in the control group of healthy animals (No. 1) was 7,21±0,06x109/l, whereas in the experimental with hoof diseases (№2) -12,5±0,02x109/l Significant increase of leukocytes indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the body of sick animals. At the morphological assessment of blood cells and the derivation of leukogram in animals with abnormal limb the following changes were observed: sufficiently obvious eosinophilia was reordered in sick animals (11,1±1,01-12,4±1,8), the increase in the number of banded neutrophils 11.7%, which can be seen as a defensive reaction of the animal's body to the appearance of toxic metabolites in the blood.

In ruminants carbohydrate metabolism plays a significant role in determining the level and intensity of other types of metabolism. The main indicator of carbohydrate metabolism is the concentration of sugar in blood, first of all glucose. Despite of the continuous extraction of glucose from blood, its level in animals remains constant, due to the absorption from the digestive tract, glycogenolysis, glycogenesis. Maintaining this dynamic equilibrium is possible, on conditions that the increasing tissue demands for glucose, especially under

conditions of stress, should be accompanied by an increase in its revenues in blood. Reducing the level of sugar in blood is a symptom of a serious abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism and the lack of glycogen in liver and muscles. The reduction of sugar content in blood of cows can be seen as the result of the discrepancy between the receipt of energy from food and its consumption on the metabolic processes and the formation of milk That is, differences in glucose content in sick and healthy animals can characterize the intensity of the energy component of the adaptation processes.

The glucose content in blood serum of cows with extremity diseases is only 1.8±0.06 mmol/l, which can be characterized by the presence of the stress response in animals, the development of which is released into blood catecholamine, which mobilizes energy reserves of the body (glycogen in the liver and muscles) to overcome excessive stress. Extremity diseases in high-yielding cows of Holstein breed in an industrial complex are accompanied with abnormality in protein metabolism, as evidenced by the reduction of total protein content 17.4% (P<0.05) in serum of blood of infected animals.

Effects on biological organism stress- factors provoke pathological intensification of free radical oxidation, resulting in the formation of oxidative stress on the background of the decreasing of antioxidant activity. Oxidative stress is considered as the basis of the pathogenesis of many diseases, as a universal non-specific link in the pathogenesis of many pathologies (atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular, pulmonary diseases, malignant neoplasms and other), as well as micromegaly, which will undoubtedly have an impact on morphological and biochemical composition of blood. One of the most common types of free-radical oxidation is lipid peroxidation, which normally is a physiological process occurring in all cells and tissues. It is known that at active participation of this process the phospholipid layer of the cell membranes is formed, processes of diffusion and transfer of substances through the membrane are regulated, the synthesis of nucleic acids and prostaglandins, interchange of catecholamine and steroid hormones, electron transfer in the respiratory network are carried out and implementing other biochemical mechanisms of the cell. Stated morpho-biochemical abnormalities were observed on the background of oxidative stress, characterized by an abnormal increase of free radical oxidation and reduction of antioxidant protection, which is proved out by a significant increase in the level of malondialdehyde in serum of blood of infected animals 2.9-fold (P<0.001), and decreased activity of ceruloplasmin by 2.2% (P<0.001) (table 2).

Table 2 - Value of MDA and ceruloplasmin in the serum of cows

groups Level of MDA, mcmole/l Activity of ceruplasmin, mcmole/l

1 group (healthy animals) 0,22±0,02 1,73±0,05

2 group (animals with hoof disease) 0,59±0,03*** 0,8±0,03***

* P<0,05; ** P <0,01; *** P <0,001.

We stated in the experiment that the average milk yield in the group of sick animals was 22.9 kg, which was 7% lower than the in healthy animals.


In cows with hoof diseases of infectious origin, oxidative stress, proved out by the increasing of malondialdehyde in 2.9 and reducing of antioxidant defense in 2.2 and occurring on background of changes in the number of morphological and biochemical parameters is observed. So sick cows stated a lowering of red blood cells level in 1.6, increasing of leukocytes level in 1.7, decreasing hemoglobin in1.4, and protein - 1.4. Our studies showed that in the treatment of extremity diseases in cows, it is necessary to monitor the oxidant-antioxidant system condition and develop ways for its correction Successful hoof disease control should not be limited by vaccination of animals, timely trimming of hooves, using of antimicrobials. The prevention of metabolic processes, including optimization of feed

rations, including using of natural origin means, capable of eliminating vitamin and mineral

deficiencies and to normalize the oxidant-antioxidant system.


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