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monitoring and sustainable use of game resources in the hunting ground assigned for scientific research and education in lithuania
Oigirda Be/ova
Department of Forest Protection and Game Management, Lithuanian Forest Research Institute, Liepw str. 1, Girionys LT-53101, Kaunas district, Lithuania, e-mail: [email protected]
Study provides solutions of the integrated ecologically sound forest and game management based on the sustainable coexistence of wild animals and forest woody plants. According to the legislative acts of Lithuania, game animals are treated as all animals that were hunted previously, are hunted presently and could be hunted in the future. The object of the game management is not only game but also their habitats. The hunting grounds involved different habitats in the different natural regions, which vary significantly on the comparatively small territory of Lithuania yet. On the way of ecologically sustainable forest management the sustainable forest is inconceivable without protection and maintaining of species and biological diversity, landscape and key habitats increasing forest health and decreasing damage caused to forest. The knowledge of game population parameters, distribution and its reasons, and habitat conditions is necessary to manage the influence of game to an environment and sustainable use their resources. There are not enough studies yet or these were irrelative to the system of the permanent observations and were aimed only at some separate species and their relations to vegetation. We considered that games are more resilient to human factors while are conservative in respect of the natural factors. The ecological potential of animals and possibilities of its realization could be revealed on the ground of the population density that is the certain indicator of the living conditions. Unfortunately, the game resources are used unreasonably because the game census is often superficial or the given census data (by game harvest survey) as do not reflect changes in populations, the more especially as populations are sparse or species are rare as well as the hunting of some species is limited or forbidden. Furthermore, such census results depends on the hunting intensity, actualisation because hunting effectiveness is non-standard and different on the many hunting grounds. Thus, the real state of game is unclear. We have considered existing problems and have made the long-time scientific programme that is implemented on the hunt-
ing grounds for science and education on the territory of the complex protected area of "Remaitija national park. The status of study area perse is motivated by the striving of ecologically, economically and socially based forest management including maintaining of sustainable forestry, landscape protection, key habitats and species, their diversity as well as protection and sustainable use of game resources.
Methods and study area
The studies were conducted in non-vegetative period when the importance of limiting factors increases. The data were obtained using the combined methods of route transect with route unit 100x4 m and tracking in the snow at the end of the open season. The network of the permanent transect established is covering all characteristic habitats. We have registered all signs of animal occurrence and their main activities within sample plot and transects monitoring network. The total number of sample plots is 155 and the total length of the route is 15,000 metres. The number of wintering animals, their density, and other population parameters are determined yearly. The different census methods are assessed using comparative analysis. The game populations, their coexistence with other components of forest biota are assessed quantitatively and qualitatively by the data obtained during field works. The implementation of the monitoring principles and game management goals is adapted zones under different protection regime. The research data is used to determine items of game population management including substantiation of hunting quotas, studies of the structure of hunting bag, selection, optimisation and reasoning of the hunting methods most suitable for the certain territory and territory arrangement for hunting. The total study is 5,646 hectares including 2,423,5 hectares covered by forests, 717 hectares of fields and bush, 120,4 hectares of water bodies and 2,385,1 hectares of the territory where huntig is forbidden.
The study territory is situated 50 kilometres to the northeast of the Baltic seashore in the Zemaitija highlands region (55°30' N 21°07' E). The area belongs to the category of mixed spruce - deciduous forests of the southern taiga of geobo-tanical complex. The area distinguished by high and uneven precipitation rates that on average makes up 788 mm while something reached 1012 mm. There are near 27% of the winters with unstable snow cover and share of thaws reached 45%. The changeability of snow cover is unfavourable for more animal species.
Results and conclusions
The distribution of game and endangered species in the different habitats is evaluated depending on the main forest characteristics, abiotic factors and protected regime. The main limiting factors including weather changeability and potential changes in the intensity of herbivores influence on the forest woody vegetation are determined. The sex and age structure of the local game populations and their long-term changes are analysed. Considering the differences in the probabilistic error of counting methods we have proposed to join counting method for the hunting grounds. The method includes assessment of the population fluctuations and habitat suitability. The hunting quotas were recommended on the ground of the population analysis and herbivores impact on the forest vegetation. The impact to the forest woody plants varies depending on the population parameters, density dependent and density independent factors. The method of interaction assessment is recommended for the other hunting ground units. The main assessment indices are the intensity of plant consumption and the level of shoot consumption as the crucial for coniferous species is 20-30%. The assessment is made on the rectangular sample plots that are established on the equal distances. The damage caused by game to forest should be reduced implementing of the complex measures including repellent treatment, mechanical and biological means. According to the data of game distribution and seasonal moving through the study territory and adjacent areas, the changes in the hunting terms are need seeking to the optimal population structure of animals. The integrated hunting methods should be implemented as stalking and lurking joined with silent battue that will be implemented gradually.
мониторинг и устойчивое использование охотничьих ресурсов в охотхозяистве
литвы, отведенном для научного исследования и в образовательных целях
О. Белова
Департамент защиты растений и охотничьего хозяйства Литовского исследовательского института леса
Проводилось исследование ресурсов животного и растительного мира в целях рационализации их использования. Проанализированы долгосрочные изменения поло-возрастной структуры ло-
кальных популяций основных охотничьих видов. Популяции охотничьих животных весьма чувствительны к различным факторам антропогенного характера, особенно связанным с лесохозяйственной деятельностью. Стациальное распределение дичи и редких животных варьирует в зависимости от характеристик лесных участков, воздействия абиотических факторов и режима охраны.