Yusuf Ganievich Makhmudov
Termiz State University professor doctor of pedagogic sciences
Jakhongir Ruzikulovich Butunov
teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical University
In the article, the content of controlling and evaluating the student's acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills and competences is presented in a logical sequence, consistent, scientifically based
Keywords: knowledge, skill, competence, control, mastery, level, assessment, quality, difference, tool, task, approach, method, method
В статье содержание контроля и оценивания усвоения студентом знаний, умений, навыков и компетенций представлено в логической последовательности, последовательно, научно обосновано
Ключевые слова: знание, умение, компетенция, контроль, овладение, уровень, оценка, качество, отличие, инструмент, задача, подход, метод, метод
Maqolada talabaning bilim, ko'nikma, malaka va malakalarni egallashini nazorat qilish va baholash mazmuni mantiqiy ketma-ketlikda, izchil, ilmiy asoslangan holda berilgan.
Калит so'zlar: bilim, malaka, malaka, malaka, nazorat, ozlashtirish, daraja, baholash, sifat, farq, vosita, vazifa, yondashuv, usul, usul.
1. Three types of assessment are used in the rating system for monitoring student learning: current assessment (CA), mid-term assessment (MA) and final assessment (FA).
Current monitoring keeps the student aware of the consistent mastering of the learning material, his aspirations in acquiring knowledge are approved, the awareness serves to
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correct the mistakes made in education and to determine the educational goals. The knowledge, skills, skills and competences acquired by the student in the classes on one department (part) of the subject are identified, measured and evaluated during the mid-term supervision. In the final control, the achievement of the planned educational goals in the subject is assessed.
2. Various forms and methods of assessment of the student's knowledge of science are usually used: oral assessment, written assessment, test-based assessment, and assessment through a rating system are among them.
3. The good aspects of oral supervision and assessment: the professor-teacher communicates directly with the student; there is an opportunity to ask additional questions to determine the student's knowledge in depth; oral response encourages the student to practice speaking and to think actively. A well-prepared student can demonstrate his knowledge and additional learning in oral response. During direct questioning, some of the doubts that the teacher had earlier about the student's acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills and competences are eliminated.
4. Advantages of written assessment: the written answer is a documentary proof that the student has mastered the learning material; practice for the student to express his thoughts on paper; written control conducted by experts provides an opportunity to make an objective assessment of the student's knowledge.
5. Serious flaws inherent in the oral and written evaluation system: There are more signs of subjectivity in the evaluation of the student's knowledge, the evaluation is often compared to other students, and the evaluation may be underestimated or overestimated. Examinees may mark a single oral answer or a single written test differently; in the exam, the student answers 3-4 questions on the ticket, and the grade is given for knowing the content of the entire curriculum; the five-point rating scale does not allow to clearly define the differences between the levels of knowledge acquisition; oral and written examinations cannot provide an objective, accurate and reasonable assessment of the quality of knowledge acquisition; it takes a lot of time to ask orally, as well as to check written control works; it is difficult to use a computer for oral and written control, they cannot be automated.
6. Good points of evaluation by means of a pedagogical test: a well-structured pedagogical test is an objective assessment tool that accurately measures the quality and level of a student's knowledge acquisition, the result of which does not depend on the supervisor-evaluator; Pedagogical test can fully cover the
content of the educational material of the subject program, when measuring the educational result by the test method, the same,
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pre-determined scale is given to all students, basically, a clear and correct assessment. it is convenient to use technical means of education in the assessment by test, this method allows to control the knowledge of all students with relatively little time and effort. assessment in the pedagogical test method can be automated by computer.
7. Pedagogical test method is not free from defects: many forms of test control deprive the student of the opportunity to express his oral and written answers independently; the mental experiences of the student are not shown as when they freely answer in front of the teacher; knowledge, there is no opportunity to show the unique characteristics of the person; the examiner can only choose the answer that he considers to be correct; cannot give their answers.
8. Well-structured pedagogical tests increase the student's activity in learning, and on the contrary, poorly structured tests have a negative effect on the educational process.
Therefore, the correct and appropriate use of pedagogical tests has a great impact on the educational process and its results, and serves to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching.
9. Rating is an English word, rating means individual coefficient. A set of instructions and rules that provide a unified approach to the assessment of the quality of student knowledge, the educational process and the assessment of educational results.
The goals and tasks of using the rating system are to create conditions for achieving the following results: achieving the student's acquisition of knowledge and competencies at the level specified in the state education standard; ensuring regularity, consistency and objectivity in assessing the quality of student knowledge; to activate the student's educational-cognitive activity, create a positive motivation for reading and learning, achieve regular independent work and competition; determine each student's place in the educational field and encourage them to achieve; making it possible to compare educational results, etc.
The rating system must meet the following basic requirements: take into account the specific characteristics of each stage of the continuous education system; using a multi-point scale; teacher's grades should not be related to complex mathematical calculations. Grades (points) should be given according to the criteria accepted and used in the educational institution; assessment results should be easy for students, parents, teachers to understand, they should be known from the group journal. The procedure for calculating the rating points and issuing the final points should be as simple as
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possible, and should not require the distribution of points according to the types and forms of control; in each educational institution, the educational department determines the minimum amount of oral, written, test controls according to the instructions of the Ministry or independently, and the final grade is issued based on this; at each stage of the continuous education system, the results of rating (evaluation) of different educational institutions should allow comparison of educational results.
Monitoring of student knowledge, rating system of assessment
1. The goal of evaluating students' knowledge through the rating system is to achieve the training of competitive specialists by developing such characteristics as mastering the taught subjects at a higher level, creative approach to tasks, independent thinking, striving to regularly improve their knowledge.
2. Tasks of the rating system: to regularly monitor the student's knowledge acquisition, to ensure continuous, active work on himself during the academic semester (year); accurate and fair assessment of students' knowledge, regularly informing them of the results of learning; development of independent working skills, skills and competences of the student; thorough preparation of professors-teachers for lectures and practical trainings, increasing responsibility in compiling evaluation indicators (questions, assignments, tasks).
3. The maximum rating score for the subject is determined in the amount of one hundred points. In rating method assessment, the student's mastery indicators are determined first, and then the subject's rating is calculated.
4. The control of the student's knowledge acquisition in the subject is carried out regularly during the II semester (academic year), the following types of control are used: current, intermediate, final controls.
In the current evaluation, it is assumed to determine the level of knowledge acquisition of the student on each topic of science, and it is usually realized in practical training. During the intermediate evaluation, the student's theoretical knowledge is determined and evaluated in theoretical training on several topics (department, part) of the science, the student's competence and ability to solve a specific question or assignment is determined. In the final assessment, the student's knowledge is assessed within the scope of the subject during the semester (academic year). The points allocated to the final control are determined in the amount of 15% of the maximum points.
The final assessment can be conducted in the form of a
written control based on the basic concepts, or in the form of an
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oral, test, defense. The procedure for conducting the final evaluation in the written control method is defined in the regulations.
5. Depending on the specifics of each subject, assessment can be done in the form of oral questioning, answers to test questions, performance of control work, colloquium, interview and other forms. A student who has scored at least 56% of the maximum points in the subject taught during the semester is considered to be studying satisfactorily, and a student who has scored less than that is considered to be studying unsatisfactorily.
During the semester (academic year), the points collected in the subject are evaluated with the following learning indicators: 86-100% - excellent; 71-85% -good; 56-70% - satisfactory; 55% are dissatisfied.
The student's knowledge, skills, course work, graduation work, state attestation results obtained from all types of internships are evaluated with mastery indicators and recorded in the rating book.
6. The purpose of using the written control of the final assessment of students' knowledge is to develop in students the ability to think independently, creatively, based on basic concepts, to express their thoughts clearly and concisely in written control, as well as to prepare questions (assignments, tasks) for the written control of professors and teachers. is to increase responsibility.
The name of the subjects for which the written control will be conducted in the final assessment will be communicated to the departments and students at the beginning of the semester.
Departments will develop questions and concepts that will help to clarify them, students will be notified one month before the written examination. A commission will be established for written control. Written control questions (options) are submitted to the commission in a special envelope by the dean's office one hour before the beginning of the written work. 3 hours are allotted for the written examination. The commission distributes the written control works to the inspectors in the prescribed manner and informs the students about the results. Qualified professors and teachers, scientists of research institutes, and leading production specialists can be involved in the examination and evaluation of written control works.
1. Creating pedagogical tests for different levels of mastery. The levels of knowledge acquisition of students in pedagogy and psychology are different from each other.
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Remembering, familiarizing and restoring the basic concepts of the subject, information on important issues is the first important, necessary stage (level) of knowledge acquisition. Higher levels of knowledge acquisition are made in accordance with the reproductive, productive levels of creative research, and by means of them it is possible to check and evaluate different levels of mastering of educational materials (information).
2. The knowledge related to the student's memory is identified in the pedagogical test tool, which is designed according to the levels of understanding, memorization, selection and recovery of information.
An example. Determine the formula for the Joule-Lents law.
A) I ■ R2 ■ t; B) I ■ R2 /13; C) I ■ R1 /14; D) I2 ■ R ■ t. Correct answer: D) I2 ■ R ■ t.
This test task requires the student to remember the formula. To perform it, it is
enough to select the correct one of the four formulas. This is a simple but important
test of knowledge acquisition, because the educational process depends on the need to
remember a lot of information: facts, events, formulas, principles, rules, laws, etc.
This type of control is not enough to acquire knowledge, that is, to achieve the goal of education, because a student who has memorized information may perform well on such a test, but may not know how to apply it in practice. Therefore, along with tasks related to memorizing and retrieving information, pedagogical tests designed to test the skills and competence of practical application of the knowledge gained in pedagogical tests serve this purpose.
3. Pedagogical test tasks created at the reproductive level of mastering require the student to be able to independently perform actions in similar (typical) situations based on previously acquired knowledge. In this case, the student should recall previously learned rules and algorithms and apply them in practice.
An example. How much energy is released in 10 minutes from a conductor with a resistance of 0.1 Ohm of 5A. A.5J; B.1500J; S.900J; D.300J.
This pedagogic test task cannot be completed by memory alone, as it requires calculation. Let's calculate the mental operations required to complete this test: remember the formula 12 ■ R ■ t; Converting 10 minutes to seconds: 10 min = 600 s; calculation of energy release: 52 ■ 0.1-600 = 1500 J. Correct answer: 1500 J.
Tasks on the reproductive level of mastery are widely used in pedagogical tests. With their help, the student's ability to use the formula, law, principle, theoretical rules, and specific tasks is checked.
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4. If the control of the student's knowledge is limited to the reproductive level, it will lead to stagnation in the student's intellectual development. That is why it is recommended to include assignments on a higher level of mastery in the content of pedagogical tests.
Knowledge is a productive level of mastery that requires the student to be able to independently transform previously learned knowledge to solve atypical tasks (problems). The student does not act according to a ready-made model or rule, but according to an algorithm he has independently created (does the work). Usually, in such a situation, a student independently solves a problem in a new situation based on previous knowledge and experience.
Pedagogical test assignment on the productive level of mastering:
An example. What is the ratio of energies released in 10 minutes from conductors of 0.1 ohm resistance with 5A and 10A?
Solution: determine the ratio of the energy released from two conductors (referring to the square of their current); Calculation of the square of the conductor with 10A: 102 = 100; Calculation of the square of the conductor with 5A: 52 = 25; Finding the energy released in a 10A conductor: 100 • 0.1- 600 = 6000; Finding the energy released in a 5A conductor: 6000:1500 = 4; ratio of large energy to small energy: 6000:1500 = 4; correct answer: 4.
5. Pedagogical tests on the productive level of mastery do not always have to include complex calculations, their important feature is the need for logically based conclusions.
The analysis of pedagogical tests on mastering the educational material at different levels shows that the volume of controlled knowledge, their systematicity, the ability to distinguish important parts, and the ability to apply knowledge in practice increase gradually from checking the memorization and recovery of information to the reproductive level of mastering, and then to the levels of productive thinking.
1. Makhmudov Yu.G. a collection of problems and questions from physics. Study guide. -Tashkent: "Factor press", 2022. -458 pages.
2. Makhmudov Yu.G. a collection of problems and questions from physics. Study guide. -Tashkent: "Teacher", 1994. -248 pages.
3. Shaekolskaya M.P., Yeltsin I.A. Sbornik izbrann'x zadach po fizike.-M.: Nauka. 1969.
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