Ye.A. Akhunova, senior lecturer Tashkent institute of finance (Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11019
Abstract. The article discusses modern types of tasks for independent work of students, developed on the basis of the wide use of modern teaching and information and communication technologies in order to increase the level of knowledge and skills of students in the process of studying the academic discipline "Finance ". Reading scientific articles, compiling a glossary, studying regulatory documents, analyzing practice data, studying the content of news reports in the field of economics and finance are recommended as advanced types of tasks for independent work.
Keywords: academic discipline, pedagogical technologies, information and communication technologies, independent learning, independent work, types of tasks for independent work of students.
The discipline "Finance" is one of the main disciplines studied by 2nd year undergraduate students of the Tashkent Institute of Finance, studying in various areas of study. The main goal of this discipline is to form knowledge of the theoretical and legal foundations of the organization of financial relations in various fields of future highly qualified economists, as well as skills and abilities for their practical use.
Students must complete various types of assignments during self-study to consolidate the knowledge gained during lectures. Modern types of independent work of students include reading scientific articles, compiling a glossary, studying regulatory documents, analyzing practice and statistical data, and studying the content of news reports in the field of economics and finance. Let us consider each of these tasks for independent work of students in more detail.
1. The task of reading scientific articles that reveal the content of the studied theme. The teacher when using scientific articles in a foreign language as a material for independent work of students should focus on the average level of knowledge of a given foreign language by students, as well as the degree of complexity of the text.
The teacher should determine what points the students need to pay attention to working with each scientific article. For example, an
approximate list of questions can be formulated as follows:
- What is the title of this article? Who is the author (authors) of this article?
- In which scientific journal (collection of conference materials) this scientific article (thesis) was published?
- What information is given in the annotation of this scientific article?
- What are the keywords? Do these keywords correspond to the title of the article and the text of its annotation?
- What sections does this article consist of? What are their names?
- How is the list of references made? Can you tell which sources and why they were used by the authors of this article?
- What new information did you get while reading this article? Do you have any supplements, confirmations or contradictions the knowledge you received earlier?
- Are there any controversial points in this article that you would like to discuss during a practical lesson? How do the authors of this article argue their opinion?
- How can you use the information obtained in your further educational or scientific work? What new knowledge, skills and abilities have you gained in performing this type of independent work?
Reading scientific articles in a foreign language is an interesting and informative type
of independent work, useful for students to study the content of the "Finance" discipline, to get acquainted with the latest results of scientific research in the field of economics and finance of foreign scientists, to acquire skills in working with scientific literature, and to improve students' knowledge of foreign languages.
2. The task of compiling a glossary. The glossary is a dictionary of highly specialized terms in any branch of knowledge with interpretation, sometimes translated into another language, comments and examples. As a rule, various terms on finance are given in special sections of textbooks and tutorials, reference books and special Internet sites. Students should not only find 10 terms for each topic and explanations for them from different sources, but also analyze each definition, and then, based on their conclusions, suggest the most optimal definition of each term.
3. The task of studying the regulatory documents governing various issues of financial management is a task of familiarizing with the content of the main legal documents on the relevant topic.
4. The task of analyzing practical and statistical data on the basis of materials from
1. Akhunova Ye.A. "Types of tasks for independent training of students on the academic discipline "managing financial resources" // Psychology and pedagogy: methods and problems of practical application. 2016. No. 51. P. 61-65.
2. Akhunova E.A. Reading scientific articles in a foreign language as a type of independent work in the discipline "Finance" // Scientific studies and modern education: materials of the III International. scientific-practical conf. (Cheboksary, July 2, 2018) / Editorial: ON Shirokov [et al.] - Cheboksary: CNS Interactive Plus, 2018. - p. 28-29. - ISBN 978-5-6041314-5-9.
ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations, as well as statistical data, including through solving case studies. Students should acquire skills in working with practice materials based on the study and analysis of data from ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations that are publicly available, as well as data from statistical reports.
5. The task of studying the content of news reports in newspapers, television and radio programs, as well as news sites of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries of the world. Students should always be informed on various issues of the current socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main directions of financial and economic policy pursued, development of financial science, organization of financial management at the level of the state, enterprises, organizations and people.
The use of various tasks for the organization of effective independent work of students contributed to their acquisition of a sufficient level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the "Finance" discipline.
Е.А. Ахунова, старший преподаватель Ташкентский финансовый институт (Узбекистан, г. Ташкент)
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются современные виды заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов, разработанные на основе широкого применения современных педагогических и информационно-коммуникационных технологий в целях повышения уровня знаний, умений и навыков студентов в процессе изучения учебной дисциплины «Финансы». В качестве передовых видов заданий для самостоятельной работы рекомендуются чтение научных статей, составление глоссария, изучение нормативно-правовых документов, анализ данных практики, изучение содержания новостных сообщений в области экономики и финансов.
Ключевые слова: учебная дисциплина, педагогические технологии, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, самостоятельное обучение, самостоятельная работа, виды заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов.