an interactive sandbox. The object of research is the process of developing the creative potential of preschool children. The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative potential of the personality of preschoolers by means of an interactive sandbox. Task: To determine the pedagogical conditions for the development of children's creative potential using information and communication technologies. The priority tasks all over the world are the training of highly qualified specialists with a high level of creative and mental activity of thinking. The modern educational environment is limited in technologies that create conditions for the development of a child's creative thinking. The interactive sandbox is a combination of sand and augmented reality. The child is not wholly immersed in the virtual world and interacts with it using natural material. Developing fine motor skills and tactile perception. The child becomes a creator. By changing the level of the height of the sand, they model the landscape in the sand space: rivers, lakes, mountains, volcanoes. The child goes from an idea to the use of auxiliary materials, with the help of which they create their own story. As a result, children develop initiative, creativity, speech skills, teamwork, the ability to think outside the box and create stories, and the ability to change the plot on the fly. According to the criterion of "Involuntary creativity", at the beginning of the school year, preschoolers mainly had a low and average level of development. 48% of children were found to have a low level, suggesting that it is difficult for children to make changes to the plot. 50% of children turned out to be at the average level. After the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of creative potential with an interactive sandbox, children developed the ability to change the plot of the game on the go. Thus, 52% of children agreed to the proposal to change something, reaching the average level. And 48% of preschoolers at the end of the school year showed the ability to change the plot on the go, showing ingenuity.
Keywords: preschool, mental activity, creative, fine motor skills
Elena Shakirova
Teacher, Department of preschool and inclusive education, State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Ivanovo Region "University of Countinuing Education and Innovation",
Ivanovo, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Relevance. The modern educational policy of the Russian Federation is focused on the modernization of the content of education and the renewal of learning tools. Individual preschool organizations are actively acquiring and implementing a variety of electronic learning tools, but the overall picture of the staffing of kindergartens with this equipment is unclear. The purpose of the study. The study was conducted to study the equipment of preschool educational organizations in the Ivanovo region. Of particular interest was the opinion of managers on the expediency of using electronic learning tools in preschool education. Research methods. As a research method, an anonymous survey of heads of preschool educational organizations of the Ivanovo region using electronic forms was used. The survey was completed by the heads of 181 preschool educational organizations; 49% of the total number of kindergartens in the region. Main results. As a result of the conducted research, data were obtained on the number and name of the most common electronic learning tools in preschool organizations in the region. It was established that most kindergartens have a screen and a projector. In some kindergartens of the region, 3-D printers, 3-D pens, interactive sandboxes, and other learning tools are available. About 5% of preschool organizations of the Ivanovo region who took part in the survey indicated that they do not have any electronic equipment for the education of children. Conclusion. The data of the conducted research allows us to obtain information about the nature of the equipment of preschool educational organizations of the Ivanovo region with electronic learning tools, to identify the features of the use of these tools in the organization of educational activities of children, and to determine the prospects.
Keywords: electronic learning tools, digital educational environment, preschool education
Elena Shcheblanova
Head of the Laboratory of Giftedness Psychology, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: According to numerous studies, intellectually gifted schoolchildren achieve greater academic success and satisfaction of learning in the homogeneously grouping on abilities classes than in heterogeneously grouped classes. Such differences are especially noticeable when using special programs for high-ability students, such as subject-specific or interdisciplinary acceleration or enrichment. In recent decades, digital devices and software have provided opportunities for teachers to create a cognitively challenging environment for gifted students in mainstream schools and individually. Qualitative research data can support the effectiveness of online education for intellectually gifted school children by providing appropriate and individualized challenges to each student. However, many questions regarding individualization, challenges, and student readiness for online learning, including internet courses, remain unresolved and need to be explored to help understand how gifted students and their teachers perceive their experience. The aim of this study was to analyze some of the issues in the education of gifted children in the digital age through a literature review and qualitative research. Many studies suggest that the variety of possibilities for intellectually gifted students to improve own knowledge and skills using the internet is currently much greater than in pre-internet times. Virtual classrooms, online discussion clubs, and other forms of media-associations benefit educators by creating challenging environments for their high-ability students. At the same time, the teacher's role is to consider the individuality of each student, their specific needs and talents, emotional and social peculiarities, and variety of trajectories of giftedness development. The research results substantiate for appropriate professional, including special psychological, training for gifted education teachers and other school staff. Important directions and approaches to improving the qualifications of teachers are suggested.
Keywords: gifted children, on-line education, teacher training, virtual classroom DOI:
Elena Shmeleva
Professor Ivanovo State University, Schuya, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Pavel Kislyakov
Professor, Russian State Social University, St. Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Svetlana Lantsova
Postgraduate student, Ivanovo State University, Schuya, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]