Научная статья на тему 'Modern systems of remote sensing of the Earth'

Modern systems of remote sensing of the Earth Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Malchikov N.O., Matveev E.O.

The paper is devoted to discussion of up-to-date Earth remote sensing systems. The work is based on the analysis of operational Earth remote sensing systems and their data application technologies. The paper presents a review of existing Russian technologies and infrastructure solution, which can become the basic for advanced information systems for satellite data application.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modern systems of remote sensing of the Earth»

УДК 528.8


Н. О. Мальчиков, Е. О. Матвеев Научный руководитель - Ю. П. Юронен Руководитель по иностранному языку - В. О. Новоселова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Е-mail: john.matveev@gmail.com

Статья посвящена обсуждению современных систем дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ). В ее основу положен анализ действующих в настоящее время систем ДЗЗ и технологий работы с ними. Представлен обзор имеющихся в настоящее время в России технологий и инфраструктурных решений. которые могут лечь в основу информационных систем, обеспечивающих работу с данными со спутников.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное зондирование, система дистанционного зондирования Земли, спутниковые данные.


N. O. Malchikov, E. O. Matveev Scientific Supervisor - Yu. P. Yuronen Foreign Language Supervisor - V. O. Novoselova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: john.matveev@gmail.com

The paper is devoted to discussion of up-to-date Earth remote sensing systems. The work is based on the analysis of operational Earth remote sensing systems and their data application technologies. The paper presents a review of existing Russian technologies and infrastructure solution, which can become the basic for advanced information systems for satellite data application.

Keywords: remote sensing, Earth remote sensing system, satellite data.

The creation and development of space means and technologies of Earth remote sensing (ERS) is currently one of the most important areas of space technology applications for socio-economic and scientific purposes. The result has been a significant progress in the development of methods and technologies of ERS, playing an important role in the information support of solving both fundamental and applied problems. Dozens of spacecraft (SC) for ERS have been successfully operated throughout the world. There has been a rapid progress in the area of raising the technical level of the spacecraft and reducing the costs of their creation and operation. This is achieved by using new construction materials and design techniques, minimizing weight and size characteristics, developing unified orbital platforms, "intellectualizing" on-board functions on the basis of modern computer means and technologies, applying the perspective facilities of forming "cluster" space systems and remote sensing satellites of different types.

Main performance specifications of Resurs-P complex:

Developer: State rocket-an-space research and development center, Assembly of the Central design Bureau "Progress"

Operator: Research Center for Earth's On-line Monitoring

Launch date: June, 25th, 2013

Launch vehicle: «Souz-2»

Mass: 6,275 kg

Orbital parameters: circle sun-synchronous H = 475 km; I = 97,3°


Active life cycle: 5 years Revisit time: 3 days

Resurs-P complex is designed for providing data for solving the following major mission objectives:

• mapping and updating of geographical, topographic and special maps;

• pollution environment control;

• inventory of natural resources (agricultural and forest land, pasture, fishing areas seafood), the creation of a land inventory and monitoring of business processes to ensure efficient operations in various sectors of the economy;

• information support of activities for oil, natural gas, ore and other mineral deposits seeking;

• controlling the construction of areas, obtaining data for engineering area evaluation for the economic activity benefits;

• controlling water conservation districts and protected areas;

• observing emergency zones in order to monitor natural disasters, accidents, and manmade catastrophes as well as their impact assessment for remediation measures planning.

Main performance specifications of Landsat-7 complex:

Launch date: April 15th, 1999

Launching site: Vandenberg Air Force Base, (USA)

Developer: Lockheed Martin (USA)

Mass: 1,973 kg

Orbital parameters: circle sun-synchronous H = 705 km

I = 98,2°

Revisit time: 16 days Prospective life cycle: 7 years

Landsat-7 complex is designed for providing data for solving the following major mission objectives:

• mapping and updating of topographic and special maps as well as plans up to the scale of 1: 200 000;

• updating of topographic base for general development of projects for territory planning schemes of federal subjects;

• justification of promising areas for oil and gas exploration works, forecasting and detection of oil and gas traps, eventual assessment of their hydrocarbon saturation;

• searching and reasoning of promising areas for exploration of metallic and non-metallic minerals;

• small-scale forest inventory, control of forest exploitation and monitoring of forests' condition;

• regional agricultural lands mapping, monitoring of land-use planning, crop forecast;

• automatic mapping of vegetation, landscapes and natural resources;

• monitoring and forecasting of water logging and desertification, salinization, karst, erosion, floods wildfires, floods, etc.

Main performance specifications of Monitor-E complex: Operational period: August 26th, 2005 (Launch) - August, 2008 Launching site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome (Russia) Launch vehicle: Rokot-KM (Russia)

Developers: Khrunichev State Research and Development Space Center (Russia) Mass: 750 kg

Orbit Type: sun-synchronous H: 550 km

I: 97,5°

Prospective life cycle: 5 years

Monitor-E complex is designed for providing data for solving the following major mission objectives:

• land resources inventory;

• thematic territory mapping;

• control of emergencies;

• geological mapping and mineral exploration;

• inventory and assessment of forests' condition, cultivated cultures, crop yield forecast;

• reclamation and irrigation control;

• environmental monitoring.

Visual comparison of imaging equipment of several systems:

Name Spectral range characteristics, mkm Spatial resolution (at nadir), m Swath width of imagery, km Swath width of range, km Resurs-P Panchromatic (0,58-0,80) Multispectral (0,45-0,52 (blue) 0,52-0,60 (green) 0,61-0,68 (red)

0,70-0,80; 0,67-0,70; 0,70-0,73; (red+ NIR)) Panchromatic



0,43-0,51 (blue)

0,51-0,58 (green)

0,60-0,70 (red)

0,70-0,90 (NIR-1)

0,80-0,90 (NIR-2) 90-160 780-890

Landsat-7 VNIR (0,45-0,52 (blue)

0,53-0,61 (green)

0,63-0,69 (red)

0,78-0,90 (NIR))

SWIR (1,55-1,75


PAN (0,52-0,90)

TIR (10,40- 12,50) 15(PAN)-60(TIR) 185

Monitor-E Panchromatic (0,51-0,85)


(0,54-0,59 (green)

0,63-0,68 (red)

0.79.0,90 (NIR)) Panchromatic - 8 Multispectral - 20/45 90-160 780-890

This article has presented quite clearly that all countries of the world are interested in the creation and development of space means and technologies of ERS. Thus, this competition is forcing all countries to go forward, creating and getting more advanced remote sensing systems, as those who can master these systems will be able to have the greatest amount of knowledge about the earth, and knowledge is power, especially on the global stage. Therefore, in the near future we can expect a lot of newer projects in the field of ERS. Considering the results of the comparison, we can say that ERS is growing rapidly. By increasing the number of spectral ranges, we get higher spatial resolution. It is important that the size of the apparatus becomes smaller, that contributes to lower cost of launching ERS systems into orbit.


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2. GIS-Forum [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://sovzond.ru/

3. Russian Federal Space Agency [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://www.ntsomz.ru/

4. Bulankin A. Yu., Bagaeva A. P. The comparison of Russian and American geographic information systems. // Collection of papers of the XIII-th International Scientific Conference of the bachelor students, master students, post-graduate students and young scientists (May 15, 2014, Krasnoyarsk), SibSAU, 2014. P.69-71.

© Мальчиков Н. О., Матвеев Е. О., 2016

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