Modern social contradictions of mass sport
UDC 796.034.2
Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth
and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract
Objective of the study was to identify modern social contradictions of mass sports based on the analysis of youth involvement in physical culture and sports activities during leisure.
Methods and structure of the study. In a specific sociological study, 930 young people aged 18 to 39 took part. The survey showed that 64.9% of respondents use the means of physical culture and sports during their leisure time. Most believe that these activities can contribute to career success. Of those involved in physical culture and sports activities, 34.4% prefer individual lessons, 37.1% - group lessons, the motives for doing them do not differ significantly. In both groups there are young people who avoid participation in competitions. 38.9% of the total number of those involved in physical culture and sports activities independently use the means of physical culture and sports at their leisure.
Results and conclusions. The survey showed the inconsistency of the directions of mass sports - the "Sport for All" movement, focused on uniting those involved through the system of mass physical culture and sports events, is opposed to persons who are isolated in the process of independent physical culture and sports activities and avoid interaction with other participants.
Keywords: "Sport for all", "Sport for yourself", physical culture and sports activities, sports culture of the individual, involvement, youth, leisure, competitive relations.
Introduction. The activation of mass sports is a priority direction of the Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation until 2030 [7]. At the same time, students of educational organizations involved in compulsory physical education classes, as well as those who are classified as participants in the "Sport for All" mass sports direction, are included in statistical reports to a greater extent. Domestic policy focused on restoring the traditions of the mass sports movement of the population does not take into account the emerging trend towards the isolation of the part of those involved in the process of independent physical education and sports activities. The increase in the number of young people using the means of physical culture and sports during their leisure time, the emergence of new physical culture and sports types requires a
modern system analysis of mass sports as a socio-cultural institution.
Objective of the study was to identify modern social contradictions of mass sports based on the analysis of youth involvement in physical culture and sports activities during leisure.
Methods and structure of the study. In the process of research work, a questionnaire was used, consisting of questions of closed and open forms, which allows assessing the involvement of an individual in physical culture and sports activities (link to the questionnaire forms/d/1YjEoQEB63rfEq36TzhardHuMmoQhwNn QFgbHXrGw8zI/edit?usp=sharing). The survey was conducted in the spring of 2022. The study involved 930 young people aged 18 to 39 years (male - 363, female - 567).
The choice of the form of physical culture and sports activities during the leisure time of those involved independently and under the supervision of specialists
Results of the study and their discussion. The
survey showed that 96% of respondents consider physical culture and sports to be beneficial for health. The number of people involved in various forms of physical culture and sports activity during leisure time was 604 people (64.9%) of the total sample of subjects (boys 71.3%, girls 60.8%). Of these, 34.4% of the respondents prefer individual lessons, 37.1% prefer group lessons, and for 28.3% the choice of the form of organization of interaction will depend on the circumstances. 79% of those who work in the company of friends and like-minded people and 72.6% of those who do it alone believe that these activities can contribute to success in their careers. The motives for engaging in physical culture and sports activities of young people who prefer group or individual activities during their leisure time do not differ significantly. An exception is the ability to communicate with friends among those who study in a group (26.3%) compared to those who prefer single classes (0%). Those who refuse to participate in competitions are more among those who study individually (37.5%), compared with those who prefer group classes (16.5%).
The survey revealed that among those involved in physical culture and sports activities, 38.9% of young people are engaged in their own free time, under the supervision of specialists in fitness clubs, sports complexes - 61.1%. A detailed differentiation of the preferred forms of employment is shown in the figure.
The data obtained as a result of the survey showed the inconsistency of the directions of mass sports. The "Sport for All" movement, which is widely promoted throughout the world and in our country, is opposed by a group of people engaged in physical culture and sports activities on their own - "for themselves". This
activity is not accounted for by any form of statistical control. Supporters of independent sports activities often avoid participation in mass physical culture and sports events, where open rivalry with other participants is envisaged.
From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the directions of mass sports can be presented as complex systemically organized objects and disclosed through the characteristics of the essence of the competitive relations shown by their participants, as well as the factors influencing the formation of these relations in the process of physical culture and sports activities, the mechanisms of internal and external functioning, evaluation of effectiveness at the personal and social levels.
The process of competitiveness as a source of individual and group activity is considered as a reliable universal indicator of the social and socio-psycho-logical development of the subject of interaction, and manifests itself in the activity of the individual either to distinguish himself (separation) or to interact with others (integration) [2]. The observed trend towards a shift in competitive relations in modern Russian society from altruism and cooperation to individualism and competitiveness has not bypassed sports as a so-ciocultural institution. And if the predominance of the competitive orientation of competitiveness is characteristic mainly of elite sports, then altruism, along with the desire for cooperation, is more pronounced in "sport for all", as a direction of mass sports. The individualistic orientation of competitiveness is considered as the realization by the subject of his goals without connection with the achievements of others and is reflected in independently carried out physical culture and sports activities, which can be represented as the
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I september I № 9 2022
"Sport for oneself" direction. At the same time, the isolation of the population during the pandemic also contributed to a shift in emphasis from mass physical culture and sports activities to individual ones.
"Sport for all" is considered a recognized direction of mass sports, since its content, methods and forms used contribute to the effective interaction of anthro-pocentric and sociocentric attitudes [3]. People involved in Sports for All events, realizing their individual needs in movement, interact with other individuals in the conditions of predetermined norms and rules, exchange existing knowledge with them, expand social ties, assimilate the values of physical culture and sports, focus on reference patterns of behavior [5].
"Sport for oneself" can be considered as a kind of physical culture and sports activity aimed at solving social and pedagogical problems focused on a person, on personal development: physical improvement, health improvement, recreation, formation and improvement of personal qualities and abilities [6]. For those who practice on their own, especially those who prefer individual forms of training, the motive of rivalry is not significant - once faced with an opponent and losing, they lose the desire to participate in activities that require maximum manifestation of physical and psycho-emotional qualities. At the same time, in self-organized activities, everyone shows competition with himself, which can be considered as a form of competition in which the individual achievements of "yesterday's self" are compared with "today's self".
The result of mass sports is the formation of a sports culture of the individual, the basis of which is a positive attitude towards sports as a type of motor activity and the values associated with it, manifested in the form of biological, psychological, pedagogical and social effects [1]. From the standpoint of the theoretical model of the sports culture of the individual, developed by V.A. Burtsev, persons involved in independent physical culture and sports activities and avoiding participation in sports competitions can only reach the reproductive level. An analysis of the manifestation of the structural components of sports culture showed the dominance of their health motives, physical self-improvement. The functional capabilities of the body are characterized by more intense mechanisms of functioning, in comparison with other participants in the mass sports movement [4]. The development of physical qualities can be both below the age and gender standards, and correspond to them. The knowledge of the theoretical organizational and methodological nature of this con-
tingent, due to the lack of a long experience of playing sports in the past (63%), is superficial in nature - at the level of familiarity with this phenomenon. At the same time, the contingent, carrying out self-knowledge, position themselves as a subject of sports activities.
At the same time, the number of those engaged in physical culture and sports activities on their own includes young people who have had a long experience in sports, whose positive attitude towards the sports lifestyle does not change, their physical qualities exceed social standards, they show the ability to independently determine the goals, objectives and content of amateur activities. classes, taking into account their interests, which corresponds to a high level of sports culture of the individual. This fact requires clarification of the content of the structural components of the sports culture of persons involved in independent physical culture and sports activities during their leisure time.
The conducted research and theoretical analysis made it possible to identify the existing contradictions: firstly, when taking care of health, an individual, on the one hand, chooses independent physical culture and sports activities avoiding competition with other people, on the other hand, he considers the value of health as a factor in increasing his own competitiveness in conditions of modern market relations; secondly, the system of mass sports is focused on uniting those who go in for a system of mass physical culture and sports events, which are a stimulus for the participation of the population in the sports life of the country, in opposition to this are persons who are isolated in the process of independent physical culture and sports activities and avoid interaction with other participants.
Conclusion. Mass sport is a complex and multifac-eted social phenomenon. His dualism is manifested in the opposition of "sport for all" to a little-studied direction - "sport for oneself". Additional research is required to determine and substantiate the socio-pedagogical and biological foundations of the population's involvement in independent physical culture and sports activities, which exclude participation in organized mass physical culture and sports events, but at the same time, involve competition with themselves for the purpose of recovery and self-improvement.
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