Khakimova Barno Muradovna, Senior teacher of TSPU named after Nizami,
Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In the psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of teaching foreign languages, the terms "competence" and "competence" are often interpreted as synonyms and are considered as the result of learning, achieving a certain level of language proficiency. Moreover, linguists are more likely to talk about the relevant competence, and psychologists-competence. Competence is a category belonging to the sphere of relations between knowledge and practical activity of a person. According to the definition of B. Y. Elkonin, competence is a qualification characteristic of an individual taken at the time of his inclusion in the activity.
Keywords: Competence, sociolinguistic competence, linguistic competence, discursive competence, socio-cultural competence, social competence, strategic competence.
Competence — the quality of a person who has on the purpose and situation of communication, the
social roles of communication participants according to the sociolinguistic rules of discourse construction and the requirements of the speech context. These features are identified at the level of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, speaking style, paralinguistic, and sign language. In general, the sociolinguistic parameter implies the adequacy of the statements of the communication situation.
Linguistic competence, which implies knowledge of vocabulary units and possession of grammatical rules, through which vocabulary units are transformed into meaningful utterances. Within the framework of linguistic competence, there are lexical, grammatical, semantic and phonological components.
Discursive competence, that is, the ability to understand and reproduce coherent foreign language utterances, logically, consistently and convincingly build your speech, correctly using lexical-grammatical and phonetic language in meaningful communication models [5, 45].
Socio-cultural competence, which includes knowledge about the stereotypes of speech and non-
completed a certain level of education, expressed in the readiness (ability) on its basis for successful (productive, effective) activities, taking into account its social significance and the social risks that may be associated with it. The competence of the individual is, in fact, potential. It manifests itself in human activity and is to a certain extent relative, because its assessment is usually given by other entities (for example, employers), whose competence, in turn, may be questionable [5, 45].
Competence involves a whole range of personal qualities of a person, including not only cognitive and operational-technological components, but also motivational, ethical, social, and behavioral. Competence is always personally colored by the qualities of a particular person, and assumes minimal experience in the application of competencies by the individual.
The communicative competence includes six sub competencies:
Sociolinguistic competence, that is, the ability to choose, use and transform language forms depending
speech behavior, their compatibility and incompatibility with the stereotypes of the native language; skills of identifying country-marked language units and their correct use in speech, the ability to choose an acceptable style of speech behavior and cope with unclear moments in the speech of native speakers in the context of communication. In modern science, the term "socio-cultural" is often replaced by the term "intercultural". In other words, intercultural competence is knowledge of the cultural characteristics of native speakers, their habits, traditions, norms of behavior and etiquette, the ability to understand and adequately use them in the process of communication, while remaining a native speaker of another culture.
Social competence, that is, the ability and desire to interact with others, confidence in yourself and in your abilities to communicate, as well as the ability to put yourself in the other's shoes and cope with emerging problem situations [2, 78].
Strategic competence, that is, the ability to use verbal and non-verbal means to compensate for the gaps in the skills and skills of using the language. I.e., these are the strategies that a person resorts to if communication has not taken place. Strategic competence also considers the abilities and qualities that include linguistic and sociological observation and sociability. The latter is a whole complex of properties: speech contact, speech tact, communicative flexibility and variability of speech and somatic behavior.
In practice, only some of the components of the systemic, holistic concept of "communicative competence" — linguistic and sociolinguistic-are most often implemented. Further consideration of competencies and subcompetencies will help to clarify the features of the formation of competencies in students studying a foreign language. So, based on the above, competence includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, skills, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of subjects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them [7, 96].
Communication is an act of communication, a connection between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding, the communication of information by one person to another or to a number of persons.
Communicative competence includes knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with other people and events, skills of working in a group, knowledge of various social roles in the team. The student should be able to introduce himself, write a letter, a questionnaire, a statement, ask a question, and conduct a discussion.
Language competence involves knowledge of the language itself, its structure and functioning, language norms, including spelling and punctuation. The formation of competence is inextricably linked with the cognitive and emotional development of the student and includes several components — basic foreign language competencies, which are characterized by certain sets of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Competence for a student is an image of his future, a reference point for mastering. For the development of students ' competencies to the optimal level, it is necessary to fill the identified competencies with didactic content, search for optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for their formation in the process [6, 36].
In the model of psychological development of a person, the concept of "competence "is applied to situations in which a person has a need to solve problems, minimizing the cost of their resources for a" unit " of a useful result. The formation of competencies is carried out by means of the content of education, thanks to which the student develops abilities and has the opportunity to solve real problems in everyday life — from domestic to industrial and social.
Educational competence involves the assimilation of a student not separate from each other knowledge and skills, but the mastery of a complex procedure, in which for each selected area there is a corresponding set of educational components that have a personal-activity character [5, 45].
Educational competence is understood as a set of semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, skills and experience of the student's activity in relation to a certain range of objects of real reality, necessary for the implementation of personally and socially significant productive activities.
We define competence as an intellectually and personally determined experience of a person's social and professional life, based on competencies. Thus, we consider competence to be a certain potency, a prerequisite. The ability of a person to actualize this potency in a particular situation indicates the presence of competence. The formation and development of competence is a long process, which is not limited by any time frame, nor by the forms of general or professional education. Competence is a sign of a socially mature, well-formed personality [2, 78].
1. General cultural competences. The range of issues in relation to which the student must be well — informed, have knowledge and experience of activity, these are the features of national and universal culture, the spiritual and moral foundations of human life and humanity, individual peoples, the cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, the role of science and religion in human life, their impact on the world, competence in the household and cultural and leisure sphere, for example, the possession of effective ways of organizing free time. This also includes the student's experience of mastering the scientific picture of the world, expanding to a culturological and universal understanding of the world.
2. Educational and cognitive competencies. This is a set of competencies of the student in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activities, correlated with real cognizable objects. This includes knowledge and skills of organizing goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, and self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities. In relation to the studied objects, the student learns creative skills of productive activity: obtain-
ing knowledge directly from reality, mastering the techniques of actions in non-standard situations, heuristic methods of solving problems. Within the framework of these competencies, the requirements of the corresponding functional literacy are determined: the ability to distinguish facts from speculation, the possession of measurement skills, the use of probabilistic, statistical and other methods of cognition [1, 87].
3. Information competencies. With the help of real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, media, Internet), the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it is formed. These competencies provide the skills of the student's activity in relation to the information contained in the academic subjects and educational areas.
4. Communication skills. They include knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and remote people and events, skills of working in a group, and knowledge of various social roles in a team. The student must be able to introduce himself, write a letter, a questionnaire, an application, ask a question, conduct a discussion, etc. For the development of these competencies in the educational process, the necessary and sufficient number of real objects of communication and ways of working with them [7, 96].
5. Social and labor competencies mean the possession of knowledge and experience in the field of civil and social activities (performing the role of a citizen, observer, voter, representative), in the social and labor sphere (consumer, buyer, customer, manufacturer), in the field of family relations and responsibilities, in matters of economics and law, in the field of professional self-determination. This includes, for example, the ability to analyze the situation in the labor market, to act in accordance with personal and public benefit, to possess the ethics of labor and civil relations. The student learns the mini-
mum necessary skills for life in modern society of cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive
social activity and functional literacy [5, 56]. competencies. This is an integrative learning goal
In conclusion we can say that, the fundamental with a clear practical focus. In order to achieve this
goal of teaching a foreign language is aimed at the goal in practice, the modern method of teaching
formation of a foreign language communicative foreign languages uses a communicative approach,
competence, including language, speech, socio- which we will consider later in our work.
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