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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kotelban A., Moroz P.

Today the development of medical education in Ukraine and the world requires new approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process. One of the methods of emotional stimulation of learning is the introduction of one's own clinical situations into the educational process, as well as examples of successful careers of famous orthodontists. This pedagogical approach demonstrates the importance of the profession, increases student motivation to learn and affects the personal and professional development of future doctors. You can also use the method of cognitive discussion to stimulate interest in learning. Thus students are divided into supporters and opponents of this or that explanation of a clinical case that directly stimulates the maximum concretization of knowledge. Simulation training allows to increase the assimilation of educational material, quality and efficiency of the educational process and, most importantly, to practice the skill on a mannequin, which contributes to the formation of students' motivation to learn. Thus, the teacher's main task is to teach the student to hear, see the information received, and more importantly - to speak. The vast majority of modern students have a small vocabulary, inability to express their thoughts, especially when it comes to scientific material with complex special terminology.

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9. Rebrova OYu. Statistical analysis of medical 10. Tseluyko S. S., Malyuk E. A., Korneeva L. S.

data. Application of application package Morfofunktsionalnaya harakteristika dermyi kozhi i STATISTICA. M.: Media Sphere 2002: 312. ego izmeneniya pri starenii. Byull. fiziol. i patol.

dyihaniya. 2016; 60: 111-116.


Kotelban A.

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Bukovynian State Medical University

Moroz P.

PhD, Assistant of the Department of Surgery № 1 Bukovynian State Medical University


Today the development of medical education in Ukraine and the world requires new approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process. One of the methods of emotional stimulation of learning is the introduction of one's own clinical situations into the educational process, as well as examples of successful careers of famous orthodontists. This pedagogical approach demonstrates the importance of the profession, increases student motivation to learn and affects the personal and professional development of future doctors. You can also use the method of cognitive discussion to stimulate interest in learning. Thus students are divided into supporters and opponents of this or that explanation of a clinical case that directly stimulates the maximum concretization of knowledge. Simulation training allows to increase the assimilation of educational material, quality and efficiency of the educational process and, most importantly, to practice the skill on a mannequin, which contributes to the formation of students' motivation to learn.

Thus, the teacher's main task is to teach the student to hear, see the information received, and more importantly - to speak. The vast majority of modern students have a small vocabulary, inability to express their thoughts, especially when it comes to scientific material with complex special terminology.

Keywords: pedagogy, medical university, students, orthodontics.

Today the development of medical education in Ukraine and the world requires new approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process [1-8]. After all, it is the student's independent work during study and practice that distinguishes the educational process of higher education from secondary education. This independence involves the entire educational process, both at home and in lectures and practical classes. In the independent work of the student his individual features are determined, which he inherited and acquired in the family, school and team. He has already created his own dynamic stereotype in the system of work, study, daily routine, and now under new conditions, in another country, he needs to change it and create a new one [13].

You have to overcome yourself in many ways, change some habits, and sometimes develop new ones. In our opinion, a qualitative indicator of improving learning outcomes among foreign students is, above all, the creation of a proper learning microclimate in the group and the education of positive emotions about learning activities, its forms and methods [3-6].

The method of cognitive discussion can also be used to stimulate interest in learning. In this case, students are divided into supporters and opponents of a particular explanation of the clinical case, which directly stimulates the maximum concretization of knowledge [1, 3, 6].

The most striking example of this method is the discussion of indications and contraindications to the choice of orthodontic appliance design or orthodontic

diagnosis based on the demonstration of models of patients' jaws, as well as photographs and X-rays. This type of work in the classroom allows you to justify and objectively prove your position.

When solving situations, students learn to act in a "team", to analyze the educational clinical situation and choose the best option in the context of the problem.

Of course, an important point is to increase student motivation to learn. To achieve this goal, first of all, there is the introduction of their own clinical situations, as well as examples of successful careers of famous orthodontists. This pedagogical approach demonstrates the importance of the profession, increases student motivation to learn and affects the personal and professional development of future doctors. Secondly, and most importantly, it is necessary to show each student the results of treatment [1-6].

In orthodontics, this is easily achieved by demonstrating models of patients' jaws, as well as photographs and X-rays before and after orthodontic treatment with various methods and devices. It is necessary that each student of the group heard and saw this material. It is better for a group to use a computer with a multimedia projector. Models of the jaws of orthodontic patients are more suitable for individual training, showing and explaining each pair of models to each student takes a long time, and if you demonstrate this from the teacher's desk, not all students will be able to consider the details.

In our opinion, a qualitative indicator of improving learning outcomes can be the creation of a proper learning microclimate in the group. The teacher at the

first lesson should identify those who want to learn and demonstrate it with their knowledge and actions, as well as their antipodes. In general, we believe that the methods of encouragement and punishment should be used more widely in education. Praise everyone is happy, and the reproach, laid out in an academic style to a careless student, can touch him, make him reconsider his attitude to the subject. Praise in front of the group is a great thing, and it should also not be forgotten in the teaching methods. To improve the microclimate in the group to increase motivation, we propose to create a competitive process. In the first lesson, after finding out the initial level of knowledge in orthodontics, you need to put "successful" students to the left of the teacher, and more "weaker" - to the right. And at each subsequent lesson, depending on the level of their knowledge, change places: transplant from left to right and back. Selfishness is often a very powerful motivating factor [1-5].

At the same time, traditional forms of medical education do not always provide effective training before a healthcare professional begins to work actively with patients. In addition, modern forms of control over the level of competence of physicians are mostly inconsistent or insufficient. And simulation training in medicine helps to overcome these problems.

Simulation is a simulation of a real process or system operation over a period of time. The use of simulation as a method for acquiring practical skills and training is called simulation training. Mastering and practicing skills during classes allows you to more thoroughly prepare the student for further independent activity, compared with the theoretical analysis of the clinical situation, especially for students of foreign nationals.

The simulation lesson is divided into several stages: initial assessment of students' knowledge, theoretical examination of skills, simulation training, debriefing, final testing and anonymous questionnaire. A checklist (checklist) has been developed to objectively assess a particular skill or clinical scenario. Practical training gives students the opportunity to work out the algorithm of actions in a specific clinical situation; optimize teamwork and clearly distribute team responsibilities. The use of simulation technologies in medicine increases students' interest in the learning process and is an important part in improving the professionalism of future doctors [2-4].

Thus, the teacher's main task is to teach the student to hear, see the information received, and more importantly - to speak. The vast majority of modern students have a small vocabulary, inability to express their thoughts, especially when it comes to scientific material with complex special terminology. Simulation training allows to increase the assimilation of educational material, quality and efficiency of the educational process and, most importantly, to practice the

skill on a mannequin, which contributes to the formation of students' motivation to learn.


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