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Smirnov N.N., student Kucher,I.N.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Smolensk State Medical University, Foreign Languages Department
Abstract. The article deals with the description of the Autism spectrum disorder characteristics in children. The most common symptoms of delays of speech and behavioral development are focused on. Modern adequate treatment methods of autism are suggested, among them discrete-trial training (DTT) and Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI).
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, delay, communication skill, behavioral intervention, risperidone, treatment.
Background. Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that typically presents during toddlerhood. Public awareness about autism spectrum disorder is growing rapidly as prevalence statistics estimate that 1 in 64 children are diagnosed with autism. This means more than a 10-fold increase in prevalence since the 1980s. Fortunately, up-to-date research is at our fingertips, as the field refines its knowledge about ASD, it is imperative for early interventionists to stay informed about the most current information and best practices, as they relate to early intervention. The most common symptoms are delays in speech and language development, abnormal social
responsiveness, medical problem, difficulties sleeping and eating etc.
Developmental screening is a short test to tell if children are learning basic skills when they should, or if they might have delays. During developmental screening the doctor might ask the parent some questions or talk and play with the child during an exam to see how she learns, speaks, behaves, and moves. A delay in any of these areas could be a sign of a problem [1].
The hallmark characteristics of ASD are deficits in social communication skills as well as repetitive and restricted behaviors. For the most part interventions are
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driven by these hallmark characteristics. For example, interventions have focused on improving social communication skills, such as language skills, play, and reciprocal communication. The necessity of early intervention has been clearly indicated as a priority in autism research. Findings indicate that children who enter early intervention have a better prognosis. Research about early intervention for children with autism is ongoing, but best practice recommendations suggest: early entry, intensive instruction all day 5-days per week, year-round, and inclusive settings [2].
There are several modern methods of autism treatment.
One of the earliest documented and most widely cited early interventions for young children with ASD is applied behavioral analysis (commonly known as ABA). Positive results from this intensive 40-h per week behavioral intervention include improvements in intellectual and educational functioning. A similar, yet unique early intervention is discrete-trial training (DTT). Proponents of DTT view ASD as a multitude of unique behaviors and reject the idea of one central deficit that can be found in all individuals with ASD [3].
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI). This is a type of ABA for very young children with an ASD, usually younger than five, and often younger than three. Pivotal Response Training aims to increase a child's motivation to learn, monitor his own behavior, and initiate communication with others. Positive changes in these behaviors should have widespread effects on other behaviors. Verbal Behavior Intervention (VBI) is a type of ABA that focuses on teaching verbal skills [4].
Medication. Currently, there is no medication that can cure autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or all of its symptoms. But some medications can help treat certain
symptoms associated with ASD, especially certain behaviors. In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug risperidone for treating irritability in children with autism who are between 5 years and 16 years of age. Risperidone is currently the only FDA-approved drug for the treatment of specific autism symptoms [3]. Other drugs are often used to help improve symptoms of autism, but they are not approved by the FDA for this specific purpose.
Physical therapy. Physical therapy includes activities and exercises that build motor skills and improve strength, posture, and balance. Problems with movement are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and many children with autism receive physical therapy. However, there is not yet solid evidence that particular therapies can improve movement skills in those with autism.
Conclusion. We have studied the main methods of treatment of autism spectrum disorder. We can say that early behavioral interventions and other treatment models have a positive influence on the mental and social development of the patient.
1. Еникеев М.И. Общая и социальная психология: учебник для вузов /
М.И. Еникеев. - М.: НОРМА-ИНФА, 1999. -624 с.
2. https://iliveok.com/health/autism-chil-dren_76867i15937.html
4. https://iliveok.com/health/syndrome-early-childhood-autism 94745i88403.html
Mogulevtseva J.A.
Bachelor of Science Russian State Agrarian University -Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
MezentsevA. V.
Doctor of Philosophy N.I. Vavilov Russian Institute of General Genetics - IOGen RAS
Summary. INTRODUCTION: Matrix metalloproteinases are a group of zinc-containing calcium-dependent endopeptidases that play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of hyperproliferative disorders, such as psoriasis. In psoriasis, matrix metalloproteinases contribute to epidermal remodeling due to their ability to modify the composition of the extracellular matrix and modulate the intercellular contacts. They also regulate the penetration of dermal microcapillaries by immune cells.
AIM of this study was to create a vector that would express small hairpin RNA (shRNA) specific to human gelatinase B and suppress its expression in cultured epidermal keratinocytes.
METHODS: shRNA specific to gelatinase B was designed using "RNAi-designer" online tool. The sequence encoding shRNA was cloned into the vector pGPV-17019250 using commercial T4 DNA-ligase and restriction endonucleases BamH1 and EcoRI. The integrity of the obtained expression vector pGPV-17019250-GB was confirmed by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing with vector-specific primers.
RESULTS: In this study, we selected a DNA sequence that encodes shRNA specific to human gelatinase B. We also synthesized and cloned the named sequence into the expression vector pGPV-17019250. In addition, we confirmed that the selected DNA sequence was properly cloned into the vector.