MODERN INTERNET RESOURCES IN TEACHING ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shegai A.V., Orazova F.O., Krivosheeva G.N.

Internet possesses the enormous information possibility and not more impressive service. Not surprising that teachers of the foreign language have high valued the potential to global network Internet. We necessary to remember about didactic problem, particularity to cognitive activity student, conditioned certain purpose of the formation. Internet with all his(its) resource is a facility to realization these integer and problems.

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Shegai A. V. teacher Orazova F. O. teacher Krivosheeva G.N.


department of foreign languages Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region

Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract: Internet possesses the enormous information possibility and not more impressive service. Not surprising that teachers of the foreign language have high valued the potential to global network Internet. We necessary to remember about didactic problem, particularity to cognitive activity student, conditioned certain purpose of the formation. Internet with all his(its) resource is a facility to realization these integer and problems.

Keywords: internet, foreign language, formation, method, project, idea, lesson, students, improve.

The Internet is a part of our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other in our ordinary life. The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war.

The role of information technologies and the method of using Internet resources in teaching a foreign language. Interest in the Internet in recent years has been caused by the enormous information capabilities with which the user can transmit and receive various information. Ordinary users today need not only new practical skills and theoretical knowledge, but also the ability to constantly apply and improve them during the period of technological progress. Continuing education-life-long education-is a way of human existence in the information society. The Internet is designed to help him in this process, the Internet is used in all fields of human activity, including in education. This educational guide aims to consider the Internet as a prospect for improving the educational system, namely, as a trend of transition from traditional to innovative learning through the use of Internet technologies in the educational process. New technical means imply new forms of teaching in the learning process. Modern pedagogical technologies, such as teaching using project methods and Internet resources, help to implement a person-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of students, their level of learning, and aptitudes. Access to the world's information resources is being opened, and the content of the teacher's activities is changing.

Speaking of a technical specialist, it should be borne in mind that practical knowledge of a foreign language should be one of its most important characteristics. As a result of the ongoing social and economic reforms in our society, the level of demand for specialists who are proficient in information technologies and foreign languages has increased dramatically. Kazakhstan is a reliable partner in the international system of relations. In this system, relations between Kazakh universities and universities of foreign countries are of particular importance. Participation in international practical conferences, preparation for passing the exam for obtaining a Cambridge certificate (for example, KET-Key English test, FCE-First Certificate in English, PET-Preliminary English Test, WEIGHT-Business English Certificate), as well as internships abroad within the framework of educational events and the opportunity to continue self-realization give students of technical specialties huge career prospects both in Kazakhstan and abroad

Improve the ability to listen on the basis of authentic sound texts on the Internet; Replenish the vocabulary, both active and passive vocabulary of the modern language; To form a stable motivation for foreign-language activity. Inclusion of the network materials in the content of the lesson allows students to better understand life on our planet, participate in joint research, scientific and creative projects, develop curiosity and skill. The method of projects is gaining more and more supporters lately. It is aimed at developing the active independent thinking of the child and teaching him not only to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that the school gives him, but also to be able to apply them in practice. The project methodology is characterized by the cooperative nature of the tasks performed when working on the project, the activities that are carried out are, in essence, creative and learner-centered. It assumes a high level of individual and collective responsibility for the fulfillment of each task for the development of the project. The joint work of a group of students on the project is inseparable from the active communicative interaction of students. Project methodology is one of the forms of organization of research cognitive activity, in which students take an active subjective position. The topic of the project may be related to one subject area or be of an interdisciplinary nature. When choosing the topic of the project, the teacher should be guided by the interests and needs of the students, their possibilities and personal significance of the forthcoming work, the practical significance of the result of the work on the project. The completed project can be presented in a variety of forms: an article, recommendations, an album, a collage and many others. Various forms of the presentation of the project are diverse: a report, a conference, a contest, a holiday, a play. The main result of the work on the project will be the actualization of existing and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities and their creative application in new conditions. Work on the project is carried out in several stages and usually goes beyond the scope of the training activities in the classroom: the choice of the topic or problem of the project; formation of a group of performers; working out of the plan of work on the project, definition of terms; distribution of tasks among students; execution of tasks, discussion in

the group of the results of each task; registration of the joint result; project report; evaluation of project implementation. Work on the project methodology requires students to a high degree of independence of search activity, coordination of their actions, active research, implementation and communication. The role of the teacher is to prepare students for work on the project, to select the topic, to help students in planning work, in monitoring and counseling students during the project as an accomplice. So, the main idea of the project method is to shift the emphasis from varioustypes of exercises to the active mental activity of students in the course of joint creative work. Use the video tutorial. To master communicative competence in English, not being in the country of the language being studied, the matter is very difficult. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is to create real and imaginary situations of communication in a foreign language lesson using different methods of work. Equally important is the introduction of schoolchildren to the cultural values of the native speaker of the language. Authentic materials, including video films, are of great importance for this purpose. Their use contributes to the realization of the most important requirement of the communicative methodology - to present the process of mastering the language as a comprehension of a living culture that is foreign to another culture; individualization of teaching and development and motivation of students' speech activity. Another advantage of the video is its emotional impact on students. Therefore, attention should be directed to the formation of the schoolchildren's personal relationship to what they saw. The use of the video helps also the development of various aspects of the mental activity of students, especially attention and memory. During the viewing in the classroom there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. In these conditions, even the inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, students need to make some efforts. Thus, involuntary attention becomes arbitrary, its intensity influences the memorization process. The use of various information input channels (auditory, visual, motor perception) positively influences the strength of the recording of regional and linguistic material. Thus, the psychological characteristics of the impact of educational videos on students contribute to the intensification of the learning process and creates favorable conditions for the formation of communicative competence of students. Use of the lesson-excursion. In our time, when the ties between different countries and peoples are developing more and more widely, acquaintance with Russian national culture becomes an indispensable element of the learning process of a foreign language. The student should be able to conduct a tour of the city, tell foreign guests about the identity of Russian culture, etc. The principle of dialogue of cultures involves the use of cultural material about his native country, which allows to develop a culture of representation of his native country, as well as to form ideas about the culture of the countries of the studied language. Teachers, conscious of the stimulating power of regional and cultural motivation, strive to develop cognitive needs for students through non-traditional conduct of the lesson. Application of the lesson-performance. A productive and productive form of education is a lesson-

performance. The use of works of foreign literature in foreign language lessons improves the pronunciation skills of students, ensures the creation of communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Preparation of the play is creative work that contributes to the development of the language skills of children and the disclosure of their individual creative abilities. This type of work activates the students' thinking and speech activity, develops their interest in literature, serves to better assimilate the culture of the country of the studied language, and also deepens the knowledge of the language, as this process of memorizing vocabulary takes place. Along with the formation of an active vocabulary of schoolchildren, a so-called passive-potential dictionary is formed. And it is important that students get satisfaction from this kind of work. Use of the lesson-holiday and lesson-interview. A very interesting and fruitful form of conducting lessons is a lesson-holiday. This form of the lesson expands the knowledge of students about the traditions and customs existing in English-speaking countries, and develops the ability of students to communicate in other languages, allowing them to participate in various situations of intercultural communication. Depending on the objectives, the topic of the lesson may include separate subtopics. For example, "Free time", "Plans for the future", "Biography", etc. Students independently work on the assignment on the country-specific literature recommended by the teacher, prepare questions for which they want answers. Preparing and conducting a lesson of this type stimulates students to further study a foreign language, contributes to the deepening of knowledge as a result of working with various sources, and also broadens the horizon. It can be concluded that the effectiveness of the educational process depends to a large extent on the teacher's ability to organize a lesson correctly and choose the right form of the training. Unconventional forms of conducting lessons provide an opportunity not only to raise students' interest in the subject, but also to develop their creative independence, to train them to work with various sources of knowledge. Such forms of conducting classes "take off" the tradition of the lesson, enliven the idea. However, it should be noted that too often resorting to such forms of organization of the educational process is inexpedient, since the non-traditional can quickly become traditional, which, in the final analysis, will lead to a drop in the interest of students in the subject. The potential of non-traditional forms of the lesson can be characterized by defining the following learning objectives: Formation of students' interest and respect for the culture of the country of the studied language; Education of the culture of communication and the need for practical use of the language in various fields of activity; Development of linguistic, intellectual and cognitive abilities, development of value orientations, feelings and emotions of the student. As we have already said, the goal of teaching a foreign language at school is to create intercultural competence of students, which is realized in the ability to communicate with each other. The key to successful speech activity of students is nontraditional forms of English language lessons, during which students become familiar with the culture of the countries of the studied

language, and also expand knowledge about the cultural heritage of their native country, which allows students to take an active part in the dialogue of cultures.


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