MODERN FORMS AND METHODS OF BİBLİOGRAPHİC ACTİVİTY İN LİBRARİES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sadigova Solmaz Azay Gizi

The article discusses modern forms and methods of bibliographic activity in libraries. The role of modern information and communication technologies is explained. The information society places new demands on all social and communication institutions, including the activation of the formation of electronic document space, libraries and bibliographies. It is noted that the information society, the activation of the formation of electronic document space, puts new demands on all social and communication institutions, including libraries and bibliographies. New information technologies allow to significantly expand, deepen and diversify all forms of information and bibliographic services, which makes them faster, more efficient and more convenient. At the same time, it is explained that with the application of digital technologies, the category of information and bibliographic services is becoming a daily information service used by any reader of any library. Electronic catalogs are becoming powerful information systems to support the work of libraries and perform large-scale tasks.

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Sadigova Solmaz Azay gizi

Azerbaijan, Baku State University Associate Professor of the Department of Bibliography, Doctor of Philosophy in History Mob.tel. +994506371959



Садыгова Солмаз Азай гызы

Азербайджан, Бакинский государственный университет доцент кафедры Библиографоведение, доктор философии наук по истории Моб.тель. +994506371959


Sadiqova Solmaz Azay qizi

Az3rbaycan, BDU, Biblioqrafiya§unashq kafedrasinin dosenti, tarix uzra fals3f3 doktoru, Mobil telefon. +994506371959

Summary. The article discusses modern forms and methods of bibliographic activity in libraries. The role of modern information and communication technologies is explained. The information society places new demands on all social and communication institutions, including the activation of the formation of electronic document space, libraries and bibliographies. It is noted that the information society, the activation of the formation of electronic document space, puts new demands on all social and communication institutions, including libraries and bibliographies. New information technologies allow to significantly expand, deepen and diversify all forms of information and bibliographic services, which makes them faster, more efficient and more convenient. At the same time, it is explained that with the application of digital technologies, the category of information and bibliographic services is becoming a daily information service used by any reader of any library. Electronic catalogs are becoming powerful information systems to support the work of libraries and perform large-scale tasks.

Резюмею. В статье рассматриваются современные формы и методы библиографической деятельности в библиотеках. Объясняется роль современных информационных и коммуникационных технологий. Информационное общество предъявляет новые требования ко всем социальным и коммуникационным институтам, включая активизацию формирования электронного пространства документов, библиотек и библиографий. Отмечается, что информационное общество, активизация формирования пространства электронных документов предъявляет новые требования ко всем социальным и коммуникационным институтам, включая библиотеки и библиографии. Новые информационные технологии позволяют значительно расширить, углубить и разнообразить все виды информационных и библиографических услуг, что делает их более быстрыми, эффективными и удобными. В то же время поясняется, что с применением цифровых технологий категория информационно-библиографических услуг становится ежедневной информационной услугой, которой пользуется любой читатель любой библиотеки. Электронные каталоги становятся мощными информационными системами для поддержки работы библиотек и выполнения крупномасштабных задач.

Xulasa. Maqalada kitabxanalarda biblioqrafik faaliyyatin muasir formalari va metodlarindan bahs olunur. Muasir informasiya va kommunikasiya texnologiyalarinin rolu izah olunur. informasiya camiyyati, elektron sanad makaninin formalaçmasinin aktivlaçmasi, kitabxana va biblioqrafiya daxil olmaqla butun sosial va rabita qurumlarinin qarçisinda yeni talablar qoyur. Qeyd olunur ki, informasiya camiyyati, elektron sanad makaninin formalaçmasinin aktivlaçmasi, kitabxana va biblioqrafiya daxil olmaqla butun sosial va rabita qurumlarinin qarçisinda yeni talablar qoyur. Yeni informasiya texnologiyalari informasiya va biblioqrafik xidmatlarin butun formalarini xeyli geniçlandirmaya, darinlaçdirmaya va çaxalandirmaya imkan verir ki, bu da onlari daha suratli, daha samarali va daha rahat edir. Eyni zamanda izah olunur ki, raqamsal texnologiyalarin tatbiqi ila informasiya va biblioqrafiya xidmatlari kateqoriyasindan istanilan kitabxananin istanilan oxucusunun istifadasinda olan gundalik malumat xidmatina çevrilir. Elektron kataloqlar kitabxanalarin içina dastak olmaq va geniç miqyasli tapçinqlan yerina yetirmak uçun guclu informasiya sistemlarina çevrilir.

Açar sôzbr:informasiya camiyyati, kitabxana, biblioqrafik faaliyyat, muasir formalar, metodlar. Ключевые слова: информационное общество, библиотека, библиографическая деятельность, современные формы, методы.

Key words: information society, library, bibliographic activity, modern forms, methods.

The creation of a new library and information infrastructure, the formation of library and bibliographic resources, the organization of their operative use, bringing the bibliographic service provided to users to the level of world standards now poses important challenges for libraries [1].

At present, the development prospects of the library are associated with the formation of the "information society", which is characterized by the stage of development of modern civilization, the growing role of information and knowledge in society. It has helped them access the world's information resources and meet their social and personal needs in information products and services.

In general, modernization is defined by theorists as a way of universal progress. At the same time, in the socio-cultural aspect of the development of modernization, the thesis is necessary to take into account the importance and characteristics of local features and various social institutions in this process as an important condition for maintaining the stability of a modernized society [6 ].

Bibliographic activity today puts forward new requirements that allow it to adapt to the level of society's expectations and significantly increase the level of cultural and socio-information. Thus, it is highly influenced by information technology and changes intensively under their influence. Everything has changed, starting with professional terminology. Card indexes have become a database, the essence of the work of bibliographers has changed: it has become more complicated due to the automation of bibliographic processes. Libraries and other information centers are now hard to imagine without computer networks. The mission of libraries remained the same, methods, tools, information retrieval. Only today is this search carried out in an immeasurably growing number of information resources. Information technology is widely used in the process of bibliographic search [7].

Modern bibliography is included in the infrastructure of scientific and creative activity. Interstate standard (GOST 7.0-99) defines bibliography as an information infrastructure that provides the preparation, dissemination and use of bibliographic information and a bibliographic activity that is an area of activity to meet the needs and develop the identity of users.

Due to the development of scientific and technical progress, along with printed materials, library funds include electronic publications, audiovisual materials, which can not be processed in traditional libraries, etc. All this makes it necessary to replace traditional library systems with new information library systems based on network computer technology at a time when library processes are computerized. Because these systems are provided with information retrieval systems that can quickly perform user queries [2, 277].

The content of bibliographic activity consists of various processes and operations for the preparation of bibliographic information and its delivery to consumers in accordance with their wishes. The essence of bibliographic information remains unchanged, but the means of presentation and implementation of key functions are improved [8].

New technologies primarily affect the composition of bibliographic sources and bibliographic processes. The search, assimilation and systematization of new sources by the bibliographer on the basis of innovative technologies helps to create new reference, bibliographic and information services.

Summarizing the information and bibliographic work experience of the largest libraries, it is possible to identify the most effective innovative areas of bibliographic activity:

- Improving the library's information retrieval systems;

- expanding its resource base through corporate library systems and Internet resources;

- use of virtual reference services;

- Improving the form and presentation of bibliographic publications.

In general, bibliographic activities are intended to provide users with access to electronic resources and to provide information about their sources on the Internet.

Improving the library's information retrieval systems is also important.

The main information product of libraries can rightly be considered an electronic catalog - a modern and flexible form of electronic information retrieval about library publications. The Electronic Catalog (EC) is an electronic database of bibliographic records for all types of publications available in the library's collection and provides readers with the most efficient and operational access to documents on various media. An electronic catalog placed on the Internet becomes a virtual electronic catalog, ie a directory with access to a remote network that expands the possibilities for potential users.

Electronic catalogs are becoming powerful information systems to support the work of libraries and perform large-scale tasks. The user, as a rule, sees only a part of the possibilities of the electronic catalog of the library, depending on what tasks he solves with the help of the catalog. "EC is obliged to provide users with all the services provided by traditional catalogs. EC is a technical search tool that provides ease of operation, high efficiency of information retrieval, and most importantly - allows you to paddle "volumes" at long distances from the user [10].

Since its inception, the library's EC has been evolving, changing, acquiring new features, which is happening in several directions, including the improvement of bibliographic records of the publication, the development of catalog-based services, expanding user access to the EC, publications. refers to the development and improvement of hardware and software for cataloging. The electronic catalog for the user is a means of access to documentary funds and electronic resources of the library. The user has the ability to conduct a multidimensional complex search for various types of documents, obtain real-time information about the location and availability of the source. EC discloses and provides services on the composition and content of the library fund of printed, audiovisual, electronic documents.

The automation of library processes, the creation of the EC and the use of communicative formats for the exchange of bibliographic information have led to the expansion of the information space of libraries. One of the promising areas is close cooperation in various fields of library activities: exchange of experience, creation and provision of electronic resources, cooperation in the field of information interaction.

Among the established library systems, the leading role is played by cataloging documents and analytical lists of periodicals.The main general objectives of the creation and operation of corporate cataloging library systems are:

The use of new electronic products in information and library activities significantly accelerates and improves the quality of user service, as well as changes the existing forms of services in general.

Reference and bibliographic services always remain one of the most important areas of library activity. With the advent of their own websites for libraries, bibliographic forms of work began to appear in remote user services.

Increasingly, there are virtual help desks or virtual help desks on the site that allow readers to leave a request and receive a response after a certain period of time. Creating a system for remote reference and information services for users provides access to information that is open to the public and free of charge. The user is given access to the library "without physically" visiting.

One of the new forms is chat session consulting. Through the library's website, the bibliographer provides interactive, in-live assistance: in real time, readers are asked a full range of questions, usually during a personal visit. At the same time, the bibliographer and the reader can not only communicate through conversation, but also have access to different digital objects (search engines, databases, digital libraries), as if they were really close [5].

The impact of the application of automated information technology in library practice has primarily affected the development of bibliographic products. Libraries produce a wide range of information and bibliographic products for different categories of users, taking into account the needs and requirements of readers, taking into account the characteristics of age. Topics of information and bibliographic products of libraries are determined by user information requests, priority areas and programs in which libraries operate: local history, recommendations for innovations in fiction, current issues of specific social groups.

As a result, bibliographic resources are created that differ in the form of presentation (traditional and electronic), methodological features and structure, purpose, content and other qualities inherent in the reflected documents and materials. The impact of the application of automated information technology in library practice has primarily affected the development of bibliographic products.

The ever-increasing flow of information makes it important to select, evaluate, present and disseminate relevant information. The efforts of bibliographers are aimed at the formation of bibliographic products, ensuring their availability, creating their own electronic publications and making them available on the library's website.

Bibliographic production is a generalized concept, both the result of the preparation process and the documented bibliographic information that is a means of serving consumers, ie readers. The term "bibliographic production" means bibliographic aids, each of which is an ordered set of bibliographic records (documents) [11].

The use of modern digital technologies allows the creation of a qualitatively new level - electronic bibliographic resources for distribution on the Internet. These are the same traditional reference and scientific-auxiliary bibliographic resources, but with a hyperlink to the texts placed in public electronic libraries, the user can immediately get the full text source.

Webbiographic guides are a special type of bibliographic guide that describes the electronic sources (web sources) that can be used through the communication channels of the global network.

In the past, libraries created single-edition publications, but today they place various electronic sources on their library websites. Weblographic guides may also be available electronically or in print. In electronic form, it is more convenient to use a number of links to a source that does not require any instructions . Weblographic resources created in libraries are a kind of reliable information gateway that provides access to the Internet.

The library is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the instructions, so it is necessary to check and specify the time of checking the Internet resource and updating the information in the webliographic guide. Additional notes to Internet resources are also updated regularly.

Webbiography is one of the most promising areas of bibliographic activity, and much remains to be done. In recent years, this trend is quite noticeable. It is used not only by federal libraries, university and municipal libraries for adults, but also by children, children and youth, central libraries and centralized library systems, and in many parts of the country.

It can be argued that the creation of bibliographic guides for distribution on the Internet is one of the steps in bringing a recommended bibliography to meet the information needs of the 21st century.

Today, the problems of many libraries are directly related to the socio-economic conditions that force them to search for their place in the cultural and information environment, to perform functions that are sometimes unusual for libraries and to respond to the needs of users in a timely manner. The library needs to change with the community, create new service models and present new ideas. Libraries today use the right to create their own unique profile. [3]. It can be said that the role of literature comes to the fore here. Bibliographic activity is the most creative, the most relevant, so it should be improved with innovative directions and forms of information provision.

At the present stage, the priority task of the bibliography is to search, assimilate and systematize information. It is clear that the traditional bibliographic activity eventually passes into the electronic environment, which will significantly increase the main quality - efficiency.

However, we must not forget that computerization has expanded access to information, but still the most important element of a complete service is not quantity, but the quality of the information provided; suitability of users' information needs. This statement is true both for a small bibliographic reference and for the most basic bibliography. The main types of traditional (printed) bibliographic resources are bibliographic index, bibliographic list and bibliographic review. These can be divided into two groups: large-scale benefits and small-scale benefits [4].

Bibliographic indexes, guide books, essays and reviews, bibliographic anthologies and encyclopedias are known as large forms.

The use of modern digital technologies allows the creation of a qualitatively new level - electronic bibliographic resources for distribution on the Internet. These are the same traditional reference and scientific-assisted bibliographic assistants, but with a hyperlink to the texts placed in the mass electronic libraries, allowing the user to get the full text source immediately.

Small forms of bibliography - bibliography, notes, bookmarks, leaflets, reading plans, booklets, brochures, etc. These forms are often used by existing libraries.

Thus, together with children and adolescents, when in a working situation, a new literature, writers help to convey to the reader in a timely manner information about everything that is of interest to a young user. Such textbooks are characterized by mobility, relevance, and the ability to respond to a variety of situations that arise in the course of both the bibliographer's and professional activities.

Digests, thematic collections, dossiers, analytical reviews, essays, in which the text is of great importance: annotations, introductory texts to sections, text-links, have become widespread. In some textbooks, evidence plays as much of a role as bibliographic data. Factographic fragments of texts are written in a popular style, which ensures their accessibility, prepares the reader for the perception of bibliographic material [4].

The main function of Daycest is to convey to the reader only the main ideas and facts contained in the source. Daycest in libraries is used in the field of actual services. Analytical reviews, statistics, text excerpts of publications, selected official and normative documents on a particular topic, etc. It is possible to add a link to the description of the document as a whole to each part of the text.

The difference between dayclasses and indexes is that when indexes are compiled, documents are grouped, and when sequences are compiled, pieces of text are grouped. Daycestes are the narrowness of the subject, the difference in the aspects of the problem, the inconsistency between the views of different authors, and so on. Books, periodicals and online publications are considered when selecting material.

Daycestors are created in both print and electronic form and are given to readers in the form they prefer. The electronic version provides hyperlinks for the convenience of users.Webbiographic guides are a special type of bibliographic guide that reflects the electronic sources (web sources) that can be used through the communication channels of the global network. Such textbooks are an important reference and bibliographic search source .


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