SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(3), March, 2023
Amirkulov Ilkhom
Teacher of Surkhandarya Regional National Center for Teacher Training in New Methods
This article examines the significance of educational processes today, development trends.
Key words: education, school, student, modern methodology.
В данной статье рассматривается значение образовательных процессов на сегодняшний день, тенденции развития.
Ключевые слова: образование, школа, ученик, современная методика.
In recent years, systematic work has been carried out in our country to improve the quality and efficiency of the education system, the formation of modern knowledge and skills among kindergarten pupils and students, ensuring close interaction and integration of educational systems and the field of science, as well as to ensure the integrity and continuity of education.
At the same time, the current state of the national education system is a necessary condition for its modernization, taking into account the requirements of the time, educating young people with highly educated, physically and spiritually healthy people, increasing the authority of managers and teachers. educational institutions, and their effective functioning requires consistent measures to create conditions.
On this issue, the next decree of our President Sh. Mirziyoyev No. PF-6108 dated November 6, 2020 and May 11, 2022 was adopted. According to him, in order to improve the sphere of education and science in our country, further increase respect for teachers and teachers, scientific and creative intelligentsia in our society, develop professional skills of students, expand the participation of the private sector in the system.
In the period of the new development of Uzbekistan, training of a new generation of personnel with high intellectual and spiritual potential, graduates of educational organizations who are able to put forward new initiatives and ideas for the development of the country and implement them as the main directions of further development of the fields of education and science, graduates of educational organizations are owners of modern professions to form the necessary skills and knowledge, optimization of educational programs and standards, improving the
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position and status of heads of educational institutions, teachers and coaches, professors and representatives of scientific fields in our society, properly assessing their work and financial incentives based on the effectiveness of their activities, professional skills and activities of teaching staff to create the necessary conditions for regular efficiency improvement, improving the qualification system based on the principle of "lifelong learning", expanding the weight of the private sector in providing scientific-research and educational activities. services, creation of a competitive environment through the creation of non-governmental educational organizations in the regions, the development of public-private partnerships in the field of education, the creation of a system of automation of education management and integrated analysis using modern information and communication technologies, further development of electronic resources and distance education, education popularization of professions in the field of IT, the transformation of science into the main driving force of the economy, expanding the scope of scientific research, stimulating the innovative activity of talented young scientists, further strengthening and developing the potential of existing scientific organizations, introducing highly effective international practice into the education system, and in developing republican educational organizations, systematic work was envisaged to be included in prestigious international rankings.
In order to form the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, to educate them in the spirit of loyalty to national and universal values, to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and the quality of teachers, to improve textbooks and teaching complexes based on the requirements of the time, to create modern models of public education institutions that meet international standards, The National Program for the Development of Public Education for 2022-2026 was also approved in accordance with the state program for the implementation of the Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the "Year of Honoring Human Values and Active Neighborliness".
According to him, the full implementation of the National Curriculum developed on the basis of the best international experience of school education and the introduction into practice of modern textbooks created by domestic and foreign authors, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession in society, creating favorable social conditions for teachers and adequate encouragement by teachers of their work, education and upbringing of youth, increasing their responsibility in the country, increasing their need for continuous professional development, forming a national personnel reserve for general education institutions, to develop criteria for
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leading school principals and exemplary teachers, and on their basis to evaluate the activities of managers and teachers, systematically organize spiritual and educational work in general secondary educational institutions, in this direction to establish mechanisms for constant monitoring, evaluation and forecasting, to increase the role of the family, especially parents, in the education and upbringing of children, meaningfully organize free time students, to improve the system of directing them to professions, strengthening the integration of children with special educational needs into the public education system and accelerating the processes of inclusive education, implementing all information exchange processes in general secondary education through a single software package for managing the public education system and expanding the scope of electronic public services in this area. to increase the attendance of general secondary educational institutions to bring ee to an optimal level, to build, reconstruct and repair schools according to modern models, to provide them with the necessary equipment.
Thus, the unified national curriculum is the basis for normative documents (basic curriculum, curriculum, textbooks, textbooks) used in the system of general secondary education.
The purpose of the Unified National Curriculum is to prepare a person who is able to use the acquired knowledge in life and find himself in modern society.
Thus, students develop social adaptability and active civic competence, competence of national and universal values, competence of awareness and expression of their identity as a person.
The advantage of the new National Curriculum is that it is in harmony with real life, training is based on the formation of practical skills, is aimed at turning life difficulties into real opportunities, is aimed at assessing social diversity, and the effectiveness of the National Curriculum is guaranteed, competencies are formed in the classroom, among the participants of the educational process of the program, including the number is preferable from the point of view of convenience for students, social flexibility and reflection of an active civic position. Therefore, when implementing the National Curriculum, first of all, the teacher must be knowledgeable and armed with new methods.
In our country, the responsible task of educating a new generation falls primarily on the teacher. This is a teacher who shapes the spiritual world of young people who will take our place tomorrow and serve the bright future of our country. His endless work is his incomparable service. The role of a teacher is very important in educating the younger generation to be educated, literate, spiritually mature and physically healthy. A child is the hope of tomorrow, he has a future ahead of him. Since the first
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days of our independence, much attention has been paid to the development of our children into a comprehensively developed generation. That is why today's teachers should effectively use all the opportunities created in our country, work effectively to improve the effectiveness of education in understanding the secrets of modern science, without yielding to anyone.
What should a teacher be like today? A modern teacher should work tirelessly, be advanced in all aspects, think deeply, be a creative teacher who effectively uses advanced pedagogical and information technologies, lead young people to spirituality, possess excellent human qualities. He should be a teacher, mature in all respects, able to set a high example to his students.Our virtue is to take care of the upbringing and development of the child, and this responsibility falls even more on the teacher. No wonder Disterveg said that "the main factor of any education is the teacher and his world of thought."
The teacher builds the foundation of the next generation through the maturity of his student. The teacher must keep up with the times and keep up with the times. Because modern scientific development requires it. A modern teacher should not only be an expert in his field, but also be aware of the latest news in all areas of interest to others. In any field, it is necessary to express an independent opinion.
A modern teacher should be an example for his students with his knowledge, appearance and inner spiritual world, a teacher should be a person who can find a way to the hearts of students, and in everything be an example for his students.
Summing up, the teacher needs to be able to organize and conduct modern lessons, be able to use advanced pedagogical technologies in the classroom.
It is important to teach young people to think independently on the basis of current modern methods of education, because having this feeling, they develop their intellectual abilities, acquire independent thinking, learn to argue their own opinion.
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