Научная статья на тему 'Models of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education'

Models of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Gorelova J., Hilko N.

Contemporary educational system in Russia is the process of reforming, which on the one hand is connected with certain difficulties, but on the other hand this situations is favourable for activation of innovative potential and pushes toward new solutions and implementation of innovative approaches and technologies. Contemporary researchers say that one of the special features, inherent in currently developing innovative educational system is co-existing of various types and models of pedagogic guidance and support, based on person-oriented educational model. This article reviews models of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education. The authors analyze the style of shaping and pedagogical activities of photo teachers, directors of photo schools. For analyzing the extent of researching in the chosen area authors used methods of observation, theoretical comparative and system analysis. The article examines various models of administration of photo schools, based on the difference between pedagogic guidance concepts of the personal creative potential development in the system of additional media education. Basic principles of various concepts and models, strong points, features are emphasized. The sources used for the research are: oral interviews with photo teachers, internet resources, leaders of photo groups’ workbooks, summarizing their media pedagogic experience, literature on mediapedagogic.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Models of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education»

Dr. Julia Gorelova,

Siberian Branch Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Omsk),

Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (Omsk),

644077, Omsk, Andrianova, 28. 6440, Omsk, Malinovskogo, 12/1-189

. [email protected]

Dr. Nikolay Hilko,

Siberian Branch Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Omsk),

Omsk state university of F.M. Dostoyevsky;

Omsk-99, Krasniy put, 36., fedorovich59@mail. ru.

Abstract. Contemporary educational system in Russia is the process of reforming, which on the one hand is connected with certain difficulties, but on the other hand this situations is favourable for activation of innovative potential and pushes toward new solutions and implementation of innovative approaches and technologies. Contemporary researchers say that one of the special features, inherent in currently developing innovative educational system is co-existing of various types and models of pedagogic guidance and support, based on person-oriented educational model.

This article reviews models of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education. The authors analyze the style of shaping and pedagogical activities of photo teachers, directors of photo schools. For analyzing the extent of researching in the chosen area authors used methods of observation, theoretical comparative and system analysis. The article examines various models of administration of photo schools, based on the difference between pedagogic guidance concepts of the personal creative potential development in the system of additional media education. Basic principles of various concepts and models, strong points, features are emphasized. The sources used for the research are: oral interviews with photo teachers, internet resources, leaders of photo groups' workbooks, summarizing their media pedagogic experience, literature on mediapedagogic.

Keywords: media education, media literacy, photo, school, teachers, students, technologies, Russia.


Nowadays additional education is one of the full-fledged areas of educational environment. Current Russian legislation marks its main function as: "satisfaction of educational needs of a person in intellectual, spiritual moral, physical and (or) occupational advancement without obtaining a higher educational level" [Federal education law of Russian Federation. No. 273-FZ].

Contemporary educational system in Russia is the process of reforming, which on the one hand is connected with certain difficulties, but on the other hand this situations is favourable for activation of innovative potential and pushes toward new solutions and implementation of innovative approaches and technologies [Verbitskaya, Kasevich, 2004].

Contemporary researchers say that one of the special features, inherent in currently developing innovative educational system is co-existing of various types and models of pedagogic guidance and support, based on person-oriented educational model. This model is

characterized by variety of interactions of personal role positions, high level of student's autonomy, variance and flexibility, attention to areas of student's motivation and sense making. In additiona a very important is the thesis that educational environment is a part of contemporary culture and its development inevitably reflects tendencies of the latter [Mokrinskiy, 2006]. Elaborating on this thesis, we can note that one of the significant characteristics of contemporary culture is its audio visual, media character, consequently implementing of media technologies and understanding their classification and meaning is an actual pedagogic problem.

Currently media resources and technologies gain more and more meaning in all aspects of social life. It is natural that active penetrating of media resources and technologies is seen in the system of basic and additional education. It is manifested in the active creation and usage of presentations, slide-shows, movies, 3D proections, media forums, installations etc in educational process. The current development tendency of social networks results in displacing or substituting real associations by network groups with different directions in media education and media culture. [Kirillova, 2006]. However, the classical understanding is that film schools, photo schools, cartooning schools and finally media schools can be and must be the centre if additional media education.

The most capacious organizational form of additional media education (AME) is film-, photo-, video amateur studios, which are the centres of creative self-development of children and youth. Various forms of youth creative activities in media culture, based on modern technologies are realized there. These activities for some types of participants are the only possibility of creative self-expression. Club form of creative self-realizations in film, photo, video art plays significant part in shaping the personal creative potential.

A.N. Tubelskiy noted in his works that learning groups of different ages, including clubs and circles contribute to creating free, humane and tolerant style of the modern educational environment [Tubelskiy, 2007].

Creative capacities and various qualities are developing in this process. Particularly accents of perception, sensor standards are formed. Also immediate influence on aesthetic consciousness of cultural values, meanings and images is taking place [Hilko, 2001].

Taking it all into account, we can define the research problem as establishing the connection between creative potential of participants of photo associations and technologies of additional media education.

Materials and methods

For the research were used: oral interviews with photo teachers, internet resources, leaders of photo groups' workbooks, summarizing their media pedagogic experience, literature on mediapedagogic, thesis abstracts. For analysis methods of observation, theoretical comparative and system analysis were used.


The problem of the wide use of the photography means in creative potential realization and artistic training of the young generation was raised recently (in the 1990s). This opinion was shared by famous figures in photo art and amateur photo art (A. Agafonov, R. Krupnov, G.N. Lukyanova, S.G. Pozharskaya, V.A. Kim, B.V. Chigishev).

History, theory and practice of teaching photography is examined by E.V. Barhatova, A.S. Vartanov, A.Y. Kravtsova, S.V. Kulagin, A.I. Lapin, A.B. Meledin, M.K. Musorin, M. Oland, S.G. Pozharskaya, G.K. Pondopulo, A.V. Redko, G.D. Rozov, A.V. Ruzaev, N.M. Solovyov, V.T. Stigneev, L. Frost. N.A. Hrenov, E.A. Yakimovich etc.

However this approach in studying opportunities of photo pedagogic cannot be seen as full-fledged for ways of creative development of participants. In this connection we should note another view on photo pedagogic as a creative area. Certain sides of the problem of using

photography in pedagogic process in context of interacting arts were actively developed of the modern researchers: T. Mambetaliev, G.A. Oparin. Photo art as an aspect of the artistic activity of amateurs in the historical context was investigated in the thesis of V.T. Stigneev, and in a wider view in the works of N.F. Hilko.

Also this multidimensional problem of interacting of photo art and educational process of teaching this art was not investigated. A problem of teaching the art of artistic photography among the subjects of artistic aesthetic cycle as a means of natural reality perception and reflection was examined by academician V.S. Kuzin, who suggested to implement special tasks for students. The majority of workbooks on photography consist of self-study guides. based on a personal author's experience, but there are Russian methods of teaching photography with scientific approach to teaching material, where creative aspects dominate (A.A. Vasilyev, D.S. Volosov, A Y. Kravtsova, A.B. Meledin, M.K. Musorin, V.D. Privalov, A.V. Ruzaev, I.N. Selesnev, N.M. Solovyova, S.V. Chernikov etc.).

We have to note that a problem of pedagogic guidance in the system of additional media education is not studied properly. Having analyzed international scientific sources we can state that the main focus of researchers is on studying issues, connected with systems of primary, secondary and profession oriented higher education, without looking at systems of additional university, pre-university training and professional retraining.

In this way the closest to the problem above is and aspect of media cultural innovations and social activity in internet in the process of youth self-education and self-training as a basis for creative leadership in pedagogy. These kind of approaches can be found in many foreign studies [Khomeriki,2015; Levitskaya, Anastasia, 2015, Rokhvadze, Roza F., Yelashkina, Natalya V. ,2013, Slepko N., Baranova Natalia A., Fayurshina, Elena A., Mitiukov, Nicholas W., 2016].

These studies contain thorough analysis of modern informatization processes and ways of informational support of innovative processes in education, which determine specificity of students' activity. They also review current changes in educational university system, which require lecturers to adapt to it and students to be ready to project individual educational route as a new form of educational activity.

Views of N. Saifutdinov are quite similar. He considers independence, students' readiness to constant learning, professional self-education and self-improvement to be very important.

However current studies almost miss out innovations in pedagogic guidance in such a system of mass education as additional education.

Speaking about modern views on the process pedagogic guidance in the system of media education, we have to note that this process is reviewed generally in the works of Russian scientists [Fedorov, 2014,2015; Levitskaya, 2015; Mikhaleva, 2015; Saifutdinova, 2012]. Many topics are revealed there: opportunities of synthesis of media criticism and media education, compromised solution for arguments between "aesthetics" and "pragmatics", combination of the artistic, experimental and analytical approaches, media skills with practice and creative approaches.

Anastasia Levitskaya sees expanding of opportunities in media educational activity and media criticism in some regional centres of media education, acting in non-professional area in mass media, which allows to develop mass media competence among various age groups with different social status. G. Mihaleva comes very close to modelling pedagogic guidance. She marks out the appearance and development of modern socio-cultural models in Russian media education, which are based on cultural studies and critical thinking theories.

A.V. Fedorov notes regional specificity of media education centres in Ural and Siberia. He justly states that although the main purpose of such centres is multifaceted, in general it can be defined as a development of media competence among the auidience. Indeed this approach contains a key quality of media education. But in the system of additional education this direction must have another component - creative personality development of participants of

studios and teams. So we can see multi-structural properties and multi-functionality of opportunities in developing various models of additional media education, which requires synthesis of modern theory and progressive creative practice experience.


Analyzing media pedagogic experience, one can conclude that success in this area depends on the right choice of the pedagogic system type. The following typology of photo teachers -workers of additional media education - can be extended also on documentary film and video art.

The first category is expert photo teachers. They are very rare. There are only two such personalities in Omsk: B.V. Chigishev and V.N. Buynitskiy. Their "personality art schools" are connected with the creation of an art laboratory, based on a desire to teach on the examples of their art by the means of imitation and reproduction, using some elements of the Teacher's style as standard patterns. The characteristics of this category is a desire to pass the expertise by the creative exchange through unions, communities and to search for the people with the similar spirit and style.

B.V. Chigishev founded the first photo school in the USSR, which existed as an informal methodic community for 20 years, from 1968 until 1988. It had many followers: E.P. Kochetova, S.S. Sarsekeev, L.M. Novikova and others. This school used following principles and technologies: help of standard patterns, art meeting, master classes, creative training through self-development in photography, personal growth, author's reports, interactions with fiction and arts, searching for original expressions means in photography, presentation of one's achievements in a team.

The second category is photo teachers inspirers. One can meet them much more often. Their activity is based not on their own photo art, but on the ability to inspire students, to inspire them on creating pieces of art, found in real life. Among Omsk media teachers of this kind we can point out: L.M. Novikova, S.S. Sarsekeev, O.A. and A. Moskalenko, O.L. Siverina, E.P. Kochetova. They tend to inspire by the word and examples of other classic experts, to inspire on figurative vision and the search of harmony in photo images, to awaken talents and the urge for creativity and finally to make students love their work, to make them believe in themselves in their creative potential. Long-term experience of Omsk veteran media teachers and young directors of photo and video studios prove the effectiveness of this innovative teacher-inspirer technology

The third category - photo teachers initiators - is quite frequent. They don't inspire participants, implying that his will happen by itself, but by their suggestions they initiate creative activity and arising of new ideas. There are few such teachers in Omsk photo pedagogic practice: V.A. Dyakonov, M. Kunakbaev, V.A. and O.V. Toropchin, V.P. Volnina. Their pedagogic guidance is based on a desire to examine and manifest creative potential of participants, to set the pitch in arising of new ideas, to suggest an alternative of creative realization of the participant's message.

The forth category - photo teachers experimenters, critics. They are very rare. Their activity is based on implementing innovations in pedagogic process, in organization and conducting lessons. It is important for them to show advantages of the rational optimization of media pedagogic process, to implement experimental aspects in conducting lessons, to unite technical advancements with creative art practice, to awaken the interest to experiments in participants. There were such teachers in Omsk: V.D. Asmolov (boarding school no. 2), V.A. Petrov and A.R. Sitin, working in 1990s in photo studios of the Municipal centre for child's and youth technical art.

The fifth category - consulting teachers in personal and family photo service and photo teachers business coaches. Lately they prevail in autonomous photo schools, service centres, in

Internet and photography courses. Their pedagogic activity is not always certain and is often doubtful. In Omsk there is such photo teacher V. Melnichenko and his photo school "So-bytie". Most often they work as tutors and consultants, supporting mastering the techniques of photography and basics of photo business to use it as a hobby. Pedagogic part of this type include development of technical competence of participants, the feeling of economical effectiveness of their projects, the emphasis on creativity in the process of connecting their creative and business plans, the desire to use family interest to photography for creating club community.

The sixth category - photo teachers art-therapists - is a new school in media pedagogic, closing up with art-therapy (the area of psychotherapy). It is of a high importance in resorts, boarding houses, social centres, mental hospitals and it must be conducted along with the doctor in charge. This practice is described by psychiatrist Mark Burno [Burno, 1998].


In the 21th century photo schools has began to gain multistage character and a commercial direction. They become a part of photo business, which is directed to itself or to interaction between business and art. Different types of pedagogic guidance actualize prevailing of some types of organizational forms of activity and innovative technologies in photo pedagogic and media education. The example here can be multiart and interactive technologies of creative pedagogic activity such as concert presentations, photo performance, photo open air, photo tours, summer photo schoold, contests on film, photo, video art, personal, thematic and studio photo exhibitions, photo artists studios, photo vernisages, author's and team photo exhibitions.

Media education nowadays is extended on all groups of population. Lately it is claimed by veterans, people of the middle and old age, disabled people, orphans, which after immersion into media art use it a powerful means of art-therapy and healing art. It is needed by those in health resorts, health camps for adults and children, rehabilitation centres, organizations for developing talents, social service centres. This activity becomes a basis for practice of students, future media teachers. Such organizations (centres of media entertainment) at various institutions will allow consciously organize reflection of creative media products by their participants, to organize clients', children's leisure wisely.


Burno, M.E. (1999). Therapy by creative self-expression: clinical therapy by the art and spiritual culture. Moscow psychotherapeutic journal. No.1, pp.19-42.

Federal education law of Russian Federation No. 273-FZ. Passed by the State Duma on 21.12.2012. Consultant plus. http://www.consultant.ru

Hilko, N.F. (2001). The role of audio visual culture in the creative self-realization of personality. Omsk: Publishing House of Siberian branch of the Russian scientific research institute of cultural and natural heritage, 446 p. Kirillova, N.B. (2006). Media culture: from modern to postmodern. Moscow: Academic Project, 448 p. Mokrinskiy, M.G. (2006). The new quality of the humanities in the specialized school. Educational Studies. No.4, pp. 124-134. https://vo.hse.ru/data/2010/12/31/1208183460/15mokr.pdf

Tubelskiy, A.N. (2007). The way of school life - hidden content of education. Educational Studies. No.4, pp. 177180. http://ecsocman.hse.ru/data/2011/05/06/1268032554/6%20Tuberskijj.pdf

Verbitskaya, L.A., Kasevich, V.B. (2004). On modernization of Russian high education: today problems and possible solutions. Educational Studies. No.4, pp. 10-22.


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