DOI 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2018-1-63-9-14 UDC 612.014+611.77-055.1(477)
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In the article, the analysis of discriminatory models of the affiliation of practically healthy men to the northern or other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine on the basis of peculiarities of finger and palmar dermatologic indices was constructed and analyzed. The highest level of discrimination was found among the men of the northern and southern and northern and eastern regions of Ukraine. Most often discriminant variables between men of the northern and other regions of Ukraine are the type of pattern on the fingers of the right hand and the asymmetry of the comb account of the lines a-b and c-d. The largest contribution to discrimination between northern and other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine has the asymmetry of the comb account of the lines a-b and c-d.
Key words: discriminatory analysis, dermatoglyphic, practically healthy men.
Dermatoglyphics is a section of human morphology that studies skin relief (papillary lines) of palmar and plantar surfaces of the skin. The special value of the dermatoglyphic method of research is that the papillary pattern is a direct reflection of the human genotype and is not exposed to the external environment, that is, does not change with age. This feature, in fact, has resulted in increased interest in the human skin figure among the police, as an opportunity to identify a person. However, in the future, scientists suggested that there might be a link between the genes that cause the human skin pattern and the genes responsible for a variety of diseases. Currently, there are clear regularities between the features of dermatological patterns and specific lesions of certain systems and organs [2, 12, 16-18]. There are separate works that examined the relationship between the features of the skin pattern and anthropometric indicators of the head and body in general, the blood group, gender identity [1, 4, 6, 14, 15]. Of particular interest are the works in which the interrelations between the indices of palmar and plantar dermatoglyphic and ethnic, racial affiliation of a person are investigated [9, 10]. In the light of recent events - when escalation of military conflicts took place in different parts of the world, migration processes intensified, there was a need to apply a simple, cheap and reliable method of verifying ethnic, or even better, administrative-territorial belongings of a person or its remnants. In Ukraine, this topic has not been studied sufficiently [8-10], which pushes us to find a solution to this problem.
The purpose of the work is to construct and analyze discriminant models of the affiliation of practically healthy men to northern or other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine on the basis of peculiarities of indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphic.
Material and methods. From the database of research center of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya primary dermatological figures were taken from 410 practically healthy men between the ages of 19 and 35 in the third generation of inhabitants of the respective administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine [5] : 72 from the northern (Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions), 47 - from the south (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhian regions and Autonomous Republic of Crimea), 165 from the central (Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Poltava and Dnipropetrovsk regions), 71 - from the western (Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions), 45 - from the eastern (Kharkiv, Lugansk and Donetsk regions). Conducted, with the help of a special questionnaire, analysis of the medical and social factors of the living conditions of all those surveyed, indicates a fairly high homogeneity of samples of somatic healthy men from different regions of Ukraine [19]. Imprints of the palmar surfaces of the brushes and the individual fingers of the right and left hands were obtained using a printing ink on a sheet of paper [7]. The obtained dermatoglyphic material was analyzed by H. Cummins and Ch. Midlo [3] methods according to T. D. Gladkova [7]. The construction of discriminatory models of the possible assignment of men to northern or other regions of Ukraine, based on the specifics of dermatological indicators, was carried out in the license package "STATISTICA 6.1".
Results and its discussion. It is established that, taking into account the indexes of finger and palmar dermatoglyphic, the discriminatory function covers 88.2% of practically healthy men from the northern region of Ukraine and 69.1% from the southern region of Ukraine. In general, a model that takes into account the
index of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics in practically healthy men from the northern and southern regions of Ukraine correctly covers the representatives of these regions of Ukraine in 80.9% of cases.
Between practically healthy men from the northern and southern regions of Ukraine discriminant variable there is an asymmetry of comb account of line a-b (RL_AB), type of the pattern of the 4th finger of the right hand (TF_R4), comb account of the 3rd finger of the right hand (FRC_R3), asymmetry of comb account of line c-d (RL_SD), the asymmetry of angle atb (RL_ATB), the value of angle btc of left palm (BTC_L) and the frequency of the intermediate axial three-radius of the left palm (T1_R) (Table. 1). Moreover, the greatest contribution to discrimination between practically healthy men from the northern and southern regions of Ukraine has the asymmetry of the comb account of line a-b. All other discriminant variables are less significant, but in most cases isolated credible impact of discrimination between sets (except intermediate frequency axial three-radius of left hand). In general, the set of all variables has almost medial (staams WUks lOibdD= 0,665; F = 7,310; 0<0,001) dSOHiHation between men from the northern and southern regions of Ukraine (see Table. 1).
Table 1
Report of discriminatory analysis in practically healthy men of the northern and southern regions of _Ukraine in dependence on features of indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphic_
WUks' Lambda 0,665; F (7,102) = 7,310; 00,0000
Discriminant variables Wilks' Lambda Partial Lambda F-remove (1,102) p-level Toler.
RL AB 0,795 0,838 19,70 0,0000 0,704
TF R4 0,711 0,937 6,838 0,0103 0,966
FRC R3 0,706 0,944 6,066 0,0155 0,960
RL CD 0,720 0,925 8,241 0,0050 0,949
RL ATB 0,723 0,922 8,689 0,0040 0,674
BTC L 0,701 0,949 5,443 0,0216 0,819
T1 R 0,682 0,977 2,392 0,1251 0,847
Note: here and in similar tables Wilks' Lambda - WHkQ LQnbdDstQStnS; QJtM LQnbdD- Wilkes Lambda statistics for a single variable contribution to dHQHiBQDa bawCDi miilQniis; F-remove - standard F-tBtfO-thDDQrQmidHg □Q-tDH LOibdq Olevel - p- level associated with the corresponding F-rCmOvC Toler. - tolerance of a variable (measure of redundancy of a variable).
The established coefficients of classification of discriminant functions allow us to calculate the classification index (Df), by which one can be predict the relevance of the indicators to "typical" for men northern or "typical" for men in the southern regions of Ukraine. Definition Df is given in the form of equations, where the attribution to men of the northern region of Ukraine is possible at a value of Df close to 17.72, and to men of the southern region of Ukraine - with the value of Df, close to 16.29: Df (for men in the northern region of Ukraine) = RL_AB x 0,081 + TF_R4 x 2,017 + FRC_R3 x 0,274 -RL_CD x 0,092 - RL_ATB x 0,100 + BTC_L x 1,125 + T1_R x 12,27 - 17,72;
Df (for men in the southern region of Ukraine) = -RL_AB x 0,189 + TF_R4 x 1,473 + FRC_R3 x 0,184 + RL_CD x 0,024 + RL_ATB x 0,260 + BTC_L x 1,375 + T1_R x 10,70 - 16,29.
To determine the significance of all discriminant functions, criterion %2 (Table 2) was used. The table below shows that the function is statistically significant. That is, a reliable interpretation of the classification indices obtained by practically healthy men from the northern and southern regions of Ukraine, taking into account the above dermatological indicators are possible.
Table 2
Report of incremental criterion with inclusion of all canonical roots in practically healthy male
Eigenvalue Canonicl R Wilks' Lambda Chi-Sqr. Df p-level
0 0,502 0,578 0,666 42,49 7 0,0000
Note: here and in similar tables Eigenvalue - the value of the roots for QXh dSfflmBOt funQDOi; mOnDC R - HOnOn! vQuQR fO- dSfOat rOOs; DhB Sqr. - standard criterion x2 Of HOnsCnitEVDrOOs; Df - thOnumbCr Of dCgrOS Of frCBOm; Olevel - p- level associated with the corresponding x2.
With regard to the indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, discriminant function covers 39.7% of practically healthy men from the northern region of Ukraine and 89.5% of the central region of Ukraine. In general, a model that takes into account the indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics in practically healthy men from the northern and central regions of Ukraine correctly covers the representatives of these regions of Ukraine in 74.1% of cases.
Between the practically healthy men in the northern and central regions of Ukraine, the discriminant variables are the asymmetry of the comb account of the c-d line (RL_CD), the type of the 2nd left-hand finger pattern (TF_L2) pattern, the type of the 2nd right-hand finger pattern (TF_R2), the asymmetry of the comb 3rd finger count (RL_FRC3), 3rd right hand finger pattern type (TF_R3), asymmetry of comb account line a-b (RL_AB) asymmetry magnitude of the angle atb (RL_ATB) (Table 3). Moreover, the greatest contribution to discrimination between practically healthy men from the northern and central regions of Ukraine has the
asymmetry of the comb account of the c-d line. All other discriminant variables are less significant, but in the majority of cases, there is a significant single effect on discrimination between populations (with the exception of the asymmetry of the 3rd finger comb account). In general, the totality of all variables has negligible (WtkQ LQmbdQstQtstQs = 0,801; F = 7,481; D<0,001) dSQmHQtQi bQwQl mQi frQm thQnQthQn ad central regions of Ukraine (Table 3).
Table 3
Report of discriminatory analysis in practically healthy men of the northern and central regions of
Ukraine, depending on features of indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics
Wtks' LQmbdQ 0,801; F (7,212) = 7,481; №0,0000
Discriminant variables Wilks' Lambda Partial Lambda F-remove (1,212) p-level Toler.
RL CD 0,866 0,926 16,95 0,0001 0,959
TF_L2 0,826 0,971 6,278 0,0130 0,800
TF R2 0,831 0,965 7,676 0,0061 0,798
RL FRC3 0,814 0,985 3,243 0,0731 0,977
TF R3 0,824 0,974 5,727 0,0176 0,878
RL AB 0,834 0,961 8,572 0,0038 0,734
RL ATB 0,824 0,973 5,921 0,0158 0,752
The classification indices (Df) for men from the northern and central regions of Ukraine, depending on the features of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, have the form of the following equations:
Df (for men in the northern region of Ukraine) = -RL_CD x 0,013 + TF_L2 x 1,836 + TF_R2 x 1,524 -RL_FRC3 x 0,022 + TF_R3 x 2,357 + RL_AB x 0,157 - RL_ATB x 0,190 - 10,04;
Df (for men in the central region of Ukraine) = RL_CD x 0,107 + TF_L2 x 1,401 + TF_R2 x 2,012 -RL_FRC3 x 0,084 + TF_R3 x 1,921 + RL_AB x 0,044 + RL_ATB x 0,003 - 8,197.
In determining the significance of all discriminatory functions using criterion %2 it is established that a reliable interpretation of the classification indices obtained between practically healthy men in the northern and central regions of Ukraine is possible (Table 4).
Table 4
Report of incremental criterion with inclusion of all canonical roots in practically healthy male
Eigenvalue Canonicl R Wilks' Lambda Chi-Sqr. Df p-level
0 0,247 0,445 0,802 47,35 7 0,0000
Taking into account the indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, the discriminatory function covers 76.5% of practically healthy men from the northern region of Ukraine and 72.7% from the western region of Ukraine. In general, a model that takes into account the index of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics in practically healthy men from the northern and western regions of Ukraine correctly covers the representatives of these regions of Ukraine in 74.6% of cases. Between practically healthy men from the northern and western regions of Ukraine, discriminant variables are the asymmetry of the comb count of the cd line (RL_CD), the type of the right-hand palm pattern of 1st finger (TF_R1), the right palmar btc angle (BTC_R), the asymmetry of the comb line a-b count (RL_AB) and the asymmetry of the magnitude of the angle atb (RL_ATB) (Table 5).
Table 5
Report of discriminatory analysis in practically healthy men of the northern and western regions of
Wtks' LQmbdQ 0,747; F (5,128) = 8,651; №0,0000
Discriminant variables Wilks' Lambda Partial Lambda F-remove (1,128) p-level Toler.
RL CD 0,868 0,861 20,72 0,0000 0,865
TF_R1 0,802 0,932 9,333 0,0027 0,943
BTC R 0,781 0,957 5,798 0,0175 0,835
RL AB 0,793 0,943 7,757 0,0062 0,788
RL ATB 0,778 0,961 5,243 0,0237 0,803
Moreover, the greatest contribution to discrimination between practically healthy men from the northern and western regions of Ukraine has the asymmetry of the comb account of the line c-d. All other discriminatory variables have a less significant but credible single effect on discriminating between qggrQpQ. on gQiQa, thQtoaitE of Qi vambiQ has Hstgnarnnt (WtkQ LQnbdQstaams = 0.747; f = 8.651; EK0.001) dSQShHQta. bQwQn mQi frQm thQnQthQn aid wQtQn rQgtOis Of UkrQna(smaQblD5). Classification indices (Df) for men from the northern and western regions of Ukraine, depending on the features of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, have the form of the following equations:
Df (for men in the northern region of Ukraine) = RL_CD x 0,242 + TF_R1 x 2,221 + BTC_R x 1,766 + RL_AB x 0,259 - RL_ATB x 0,224 -12,80;
Df (for men in the western region of Ukraine) = RL_CD x 0,409 + TF_R1 x 1,648 + BTC_R x 1,989 + RL_AB x 0,112 - RL_ATB x 0,006 -13,29. In determining the significance of all discriminatory functions using criterion %2 it is established that a reliable interpretation of the classification indices obtained between practically healthy men in the northern and western regions of Ukraine is possible (Table 6).
Table 6
Report of incremental criterion with inclusion of all canonical roots in practically healthy male
Eigenvalue Canonicl R Wilks' Lambda Chi-Sqr. Df p-level
0 0,338 0,503 0,747 37,70 5 0,0000
When taking into account the indexes of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, the discriminatory function covers 86.1% of practically healthy men from the northern region of Ukraine and 66.7% of the eastern region of Ukraine. In general, a model that takes into account finger and palmar dermatoglyphic indices in practically healthy men from the northern and eastern regions of Ukraine correctly covers the representatives of these regions of Ukraine in 78.6% of cases.
Between practically healthy men from the northern and eastern regions of Ukraine, discriminant variables are the type of the first finger of right hand pattern (TF_R1), asymmetry of comb account line a-b (RL_AB), the type of the 3rd finger left hand pattern (TF_L3), comb account of the 3rd left finger left hand (FRC_L3), comb account of the 1st finger of right hand (FRC_R1), pattern on the 4th interdigital pillow of the left palm (IV_L) and pattern on the 2nd interdigital pillow of the right palm (II_R) (Table 7). Moreover, the greatest contribution to discrimination between practically healthy men from the northern and eastern regions of Ukraine have the type of the first-finger pattern of the right hand and the asymmetry of the comb account of the line a-b.
All other discriminatory variables have a less significant but credible single effect on discriminating between aggregates. In general, the totality of all variables has almost average (Wilks Lambda statistics = 0.658; F = 8.092; EK0.001) dSffimHatffli bBwDQi mQi frOn thDnQthQn ad HBtQn regions of Ukraine (see Table 7).
Table 7
Report of discriminatory analysis in practically healthy men of the northern and eastern regions of
Wiks' LabdQ 0,658; F (7,109) = 8,092; M),0000
Discriminant variables Wilks' Lambda Partial Lambda F-remove (1,109) p-level Toler.
TF R1 0,721 0,912 10,49 0,0016 0,800
RL_AB 0,718 0,916 9,999 0,0020 0,954
TF L3 0,693 0,950 5,721 0,0185 0,963
FRC L3 0,707 0,931 8,088 0,0053 0,766
FRC R1 0,698 0,942 6,694 0,0110 0,724
IV L 0,713 0,923 9,035 0,0033 0,746
II R 0,694 0,948 6,023 0,0157 0,815
The classification indices (Df) for men from the northern and eastern regions of Ukraine, depending on the features of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics, have the form of the following equations:
Df (for men in the northern region of Ukraine) = TF_R1 x 3,847 + RL_AB x 0,298 + TF_L3 x 3,079 -FRC_L3 x 0,041 + FRC_R1 x 0,382 + IV_L x 9,941 + II_R x 3,411 - 22,89;
Df (for men in the eastern region of Ukraine) = TF_R1 x 3,044 + RL_AB x 0,128 + TF_L3 x 2,382 + FRC_L3 x 0,074 + FRC_R1 x 0,281 + IV_L x 7,989 + II_R x 4,729 - 18,57. In determining the significance of all discriminatory functions using criterion %2 it is established that a reliable interpretation of the classification indices obtained between practically healthy men in the northern and eastern regions of Ukraine is possible (Table 8).
Table 8
Report of incremental criterion with inclusion of all canonical roots in practically healthy male
Eigenvalue Canonicl R Wilks' Lambda Chi-Sqr. Df p-level
0 0,520 0,585 0,658 46,66 7 0,0000
In our previous studies [13] we found the highest variability of qualitative signs of finger dermatoglyphics of somatically healthy men in the northern and southern regions of Ukraine. Finger
dermatoglyphics does not differentiate between administrative and territorial local groups of men between the northern and central regions, and palmar - between northern and central, northern and western, as well as northern and eastern regions of Ukraine.
The high taxonomic value for intra-population differentiation of the local level have: types of patterns with high intensity of comb formation, capacity of the pattern, pattern of hypothenar, thenar, II and III interdigital intervals, size of angles atd, ati and dat, index of Cummins, additional axis three radius and length of segment ct.
Using the method of discriminant analysis in the research N.M. Kozan [11] analyzed dermatological figures on the hands of individuals who are representatives of the Hutsuls and Boykos ethno-territorial groups living on the territory of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. It is shown that the defining feature of the person's belonging to these groups is the Ab angle on the right palm (the total value of Wilks' Lambda statistics is 0.309). We have set twice as bigger value of the Wilks' Lambda statistics and, accordingly, the lower level of discrimination due to the entry of various ethnic groups into the various administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine.
1. Built on the base of performance characteristics of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics significant discriminant models of belonging practically healthy men to the northern or other administrative-territorial regions of Ukraine set the highest level of discrimination between men of north and south and the north and east regions.
2. Discriminant variable between men of the north and other regions of Ukraine most often is the type of pattern on the fingers of the right hand and asymmetry of comb counting lines a-b and c-d. The largest contribution to discrimination between the northern and other regions of Ukraine gives the asymmetry of the comb account of the lines a-b and c-d.
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В статп побудованi i проведено аналiз дискримiнантних моделей приналежносп практично здорових чоловiкiв до швшчного або iнших адмiнiстративно-територiальних регiонiв Укра!ни на основi особливостей показниюв пальцево! i долонно! дерматоглiфiки. Найвищий рiвень дискримшаци встановлено мiж чоловiками швшчного i пiвденного та пiвнiчного i сидного регiонiв Укра!ни. Найчастiше дискримшантними змiнними мiж чоловiками пiвнiчного та шших регiонiв Укра!ни е тип вiзерунку на пальцях право! кист i асиметрiя гребiнцевого рахунку лшш а-Ь та с-ё. Найбiльший внесок у дискримшащю мiж пiвнiчним та шшими адмiнiстративно-територiальними регiонами Укра!ни мае асиметрiя гребiнцевого рахунку лiнiй а-Ь та с-ё.
Ключовi слова: дискримшантний аналiз, дерматогтфка, практично здоровi чоловга.
Стаття надiйшла 11.11.2017 р.
В статье построены и проведен анализ дискриминантных моделей принадлежности практически здоровых мужчин к северному или другим административно-территориальным регионам Украины на основании особенностей показателей пальцевой и ладонной дерматоглифики. Наиболее высокий уровень дискриминации установлено между мужчинами северного и южного, а также северного и восточного регионов Украины. Чаще всего дискриминантными переменными между мужчинами северного и других регионов Украины является тип узора на пальцах правой кисти и асимметрия гребневого счета линий а-Ь и с-ё. Наибольший вклад в дискриминацию между северным и другими административно-территориальными регионами Украины имеет асимметрия гребневого счета линий а-Ь и с-ё.
Ключевые слова: дискриминантный анализ, дерматоглифика, практически здоровые мужчины.
Рецензент Срошенко Г.А.
DOI 10.26724 / 2079-8334-2018-1-63-14-19 УДК614.2-084+61:621.3
е-шаЛ; [email protected]
У статп наведено результати iмплементацi!' в едину медичну шформацшну систему закладу охорони здоров'я удосконалених анамнестичних анкет з метою формування шдивщуальних профiлактичних програм. Впровадження дано! розробки дозволить запровадити мошторинг i оцiнку факторiв ризику розвитку неiнфекцiйних захворювань та перелжу обгрунтованих дiагностичних обстежень, що е тдгрунтям для планування необидных обсяпв профiлактичних втручань. Широке використання можливостей медично!' iнформацiйно! системи дозволить приймати обгрунтоваш управлiнськi рiшення, проводити !х аналiз та рацiонально використовувати ресурси закладу охорони здоров'я.
Ключовi слова: медична шформацшна система, профiлактичнi медичш огляди, анамнестичнi анкети, монiторинг i оцшка, управлшня профшактикою.
Стаття е фрагментом НДР «Розробка моделi оргашзацй багатофакторноI профилактики та управлшня ятстю медично! допомоги при окремих хротчних нешфекцшних захворюваннях прикртеного населення», № державноI реестраци 0114и002118.
В умовах реформування сфери охорони здоров'я гостро сто!ть необхiднiсть поглибленого науково-практичного тдходу до вивчення питань, що стосуються планування та проведення профiлактичних медичних огJIядiв дорослого населення з урахуванням кращого свiтового досвщу та даних доказового менеджменту охорони здоров'я, посилення ролi та функцп лiкаря первинно! ланки. Саме з профешйними компетенцiями лiкарiв первинно! ланки (амейними лiкарями, дiльничними терапевтами) пов'язана можливють рацiонально мiнiмiзувати витрати на кожний конкретний випадок (звернення з профшактичною метою), оскiльки вони повинт вирiшити переважну бiльшiсть медичних потреб пащента на своему рiвнi. Важливою е i необхiднiсть бiльш ретельного вiдбору тестiв та профiлактичних захощв, зокрема, необхiднiсть обов'язкового облiку вшу, статi, iндивiдуальних факторiв ризику, щоб, якнайбiльше, знизити ризик побiчних ефекпв пов'язаних з виконанням процедури обстеження та знизити частоту хибно позитивних результатiв. Основою профiлактики Н1З е визначення найбiльш iстотних ФР, !х профiлактика, монiторинг i контроль на осжга поетапного