Научная статья на тему 'Modeling business architecture in pension Fund Russian region of Krasnodar territory Abinsk'

Modeling business architecture in pension Fund Russian region of Krasnodar territory Abinsk Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Grubich Tatiana Yurievna, Sennikova Anastasia Alexandrovna

This article discusses the concept of enterprise architecture. The simulation of one of the main domains of enterprise architecture, namely the business architecture. Following the results of the simulations performed, conclusions and recommendations for improvement of the study of the object domain.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modeling business architecture in pension Fund Russian region of Krasnodar territory Abinsk»

Grubich Tatiana Yurievna, Kuban State Agrarian University, senior lecturer, department of system analysis and information processing

E-mail: [email protected] Sennikova Anastasia Alexandrovna, Kuban State Agrarian University, 4th year student of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, training direction «Business Informatics»

Modeling business architecture in pension fund Russian region of Krasnodar territory Abinsk

Abstract: This article discusses the concept of enterprise architecture. The simulation of one of the main domains of enterprise architecture, namely the business architecture. Following the results of the simulations performed, conclusions and recommendations for improvement of the study of the object domain.

Keywords: enterprise architecture, the Pension Fund, modeling, integration model, decomposition of functions, location of performing the functions of business-events analysis.

Business is becoming increasingly addicted on infor- A1.3 Keeping system personified registration rights

mation technology. Termination work the information of participants in the mandatory pension insurance sys-

system entails a losses for the organization. IT professionals need methods of management of information systems targeted at increasing efficiency.

One of these methods is the enterprise architecture.

Legal Pension Fund regime defined by the Regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Supreme Council of 27 December 1991 (as amended. 5 August 2000).

RF Pension Fund is subject to the Government of the Russian Federation, before whom reports annually on the results its activities. The budget of the Pension Fund is annually approved by the supreme legislative body of the country. The Fund's resources are state property. The fund is formed at the federal level and in the subjects Russian Federation, it allow realize payments to all pensioners, regardless of their seats previous work and residence. The whole system of the values Pension Fund constructed based on the respect for the guaranteed rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and the priority of national interests.

Model business process called its formalized description that reflects the really existing or prospective company activities.

Activities FIU by Abinsk district by maintenance of Russian citizens is details the into three processes: the main business processes, ancillary business processes and management.

А1. Key business processes include

A1.1 Establishment and payment of insurance pensions (by category).

A1.2 Appointment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens.


A1.4 Implementation Programs governmental of co-financing of pensions.

A1.5 Issuing state certificates for maternal (family) capital.

A1.6 Formation, investment and payment of means pension savings.

А2. Ancillary business processes include

A2.1 Maintaining infrastructure (budget planning, management finance, accounting, legal support, reporting).

A2.2 Technical support (offices content, service maintenance of equipment).

A2.3 Information provision (introduction of a new software, programs by destinations, storage management, and obtain information and data programs).

A2.4 Personnel management (creation and management of strategy, development and personnel training).

A2.5 Flow of documents.

А3. Business process «management» includes

A3.1 Analysis, forecasting and planning.

A3.2 Coordination and approval.

A3.3 Recruitment clerical work.

A3.4 Coordination and control.

To establish links between business processes and business strategies and driving forces and factors success make use of the communication matrix.

So assessment "important," marked the following business processes: appointment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens; Keeping system personified registration rights of participants in

Modeling business architecture in pension fund Russian region of Krasnodar territory Abinsk

the mandatory pension insurance system; issuance of state certificates for maternal (family) capital; Formation, investment and pay of means pension savings. The assessment "not important," noted the following business processes: establishment and payment of insurance pensions (by category); implementation Programs governmental of co-financing of pensions.

Business processes are marked with a evaluation of «not important» carry a secondary importance, but are also strategically important for the organization.

Next, is carried construction high-level models for key business processes. Analysis business processes FIU Abinsk district is carried out through decomposition of functions/processes.

For the business process "A1. Key business processes «subprocesses will be» A1.1 Establishment and payment of insurance pensions (by category)", "A1.2 Appointment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens", "A1.3 Keeping system personified registration rights of participants in the mandatory pension insurance system", "A1.4 Implementation Programs governmental of co-financing of pensions", "A1.5 Issuing state certificates for maternal (family) capital ", "A1.6 Formation, investment and payment of means pension savings." The person responsible for the implementation of the business process is the chief of FIU Abinsk district.

For business process "A2. Ancillary business processes «subprocesses will be» A2.1 Maintaining infrastructure (budget planning, management finance, accounting, legal support, reporting)", "A2.2 Technical support (offices content, service maintenance of equipment)", "A2. 3 Information provision (introduction of a new software, programs by destinations, storage management, and obtain information and data programs)", "A2.4 Personnel management (creation and management of strategy, development and personnel training)", "A2.5 Flow of documents". The person responsible for the implementation of a business process is a deputy director.

For business process «A3 Management «subprocesses will be» A3.1 Analysis, forecasting and planning", "A3.2 Coordination and approval", "A3.3 Recruitment clerical work", "A3.4 Coordination and control".

Analysis Business Event allows you to understand how business events caused and what kind associated processes with him occur in the value added chain of the enterprise.

For the key business process initiators and participants are the chapter of the FIU in Abinsk, the head of department of social payments, the head of the depart-

ment for providing social guarantees and social service organization, head Management of the organization of the personified accounting, Head of administration Division of insurance premiums, the interaction with insurers and debt collection. Partners from the external environment: banks, businesses, investors, State, Government Russia.

For ancillary the business processes of the initiators and participants are the head of the FIU in Abinsk, the head of the personnel department, the head of the automation department. Partners from the external environment — State, Government Russia. Initialization of innovation is to improve the methods of work with clients, new software products.

For business process «Management» the initiators and participants are head of economic department, head of the personnel department, the head of the automation department. Partners from the external environment is the state, the Government of the Russian Federation. Initialization of innovation lies in the use of IT for carrying out analysis, forecasting and planning.

The model the locations identifies the place where the business functions are carried out, and provides logistics glance to function performed the organization. The purpose to locations simulation is an visualization of organizational units, definition of places, where functions are performed and links between them.

Location of main business process: accounting, legal department, administrative apparatus, analysts department, management apparatus. Requirements for the technology infrastructure and the architecture of application systems: MS Office.

Location of support business processes: social payments department, department ensuring social guarantees and the organization of social service, organization Office of personified registration, insurance premiums administration department, interaction with insurers and debt collection. Requirements for the technology infrastructure and architecture of the MS Office application systems, specialized software for accounting.

Location Business Process «Management»: social payments department, department ensure social guarantees and the organization of social service, organization management of the personified accounting, insurance premiums administration department, interaction with insurers and debt collection. Requirements for the technology infrastructure and application systems architecture: specialized software for analysis, forecasting and calculations.

Model Integration reflects the requirements for the interfaces between processes and business events. This mod-

el serves as the basis for the construction of information architecture and application systems architecture.

Communication between processes «A1. Key business processes» and «A2. Ancillary business processes»: reporting departments, agreement, information about new positions, laws. Requirements for application architecture and technology infrastructure: improving the information exchange between processes, reliability, timely information on new regulations, laws, timely execution of requests, data access in several departments, the implementation of simple and complex transactions across the enterprise.

Communication between processes «A1 Main business processes» and «A3 Management»: reports

departments. Requirements for application architecture and technology infrastructure: increase in efficiency, visualization software of presentation of information, access to data across the enterprise, the implementation of simple and complex transactions across the enterprise.

Communication between processes «A2 Ancillary business processes» and «A3 Management»: analytical, accounting and management information, resources. Requirements for application architecture and technology infrastructure: increase in efficiency, visualization software of presentation of information, access to data across the enterprise, the implementation of simple and complex transactions across the enterprise.


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Pilipenko Andrey Viktorovich, Senior Lecturer, Orenburg branch REU them. GVPlekhanov Russian Lazareva Oksana Sergeevna, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Orenburg branch REU them. GV Plekhanov Russian E-mail: [email protected]

In-house planning in times of crisis: opportunities for further development

Abstract: This article discusses topical issues of corporate planning at the enterprise in Russia in the conditions of crisis-tions flowing. It is proposed to identify the main areas of study planning and forecasting experience at the enterprise level Economics.

Keywords: in-house planning, business planning, to overcome the crisis in the Russian economy.

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