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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nesterenko Irina V., Kovalevska Nadiia S., Sokolova Evgenia B.

The article is aimed at substantiating the organizational and methodical provisions, elaborating practical recommendations to improve the accounting policy of the hospitality industry enterprises. An optimization model of the accounting policy of hotel enterprises is proposed, allowing to identify the accounting-analytical resources of management in terms of the allocated reporting economic segments and on their basis to form reporting by the hotel segments. Developing the theory of costs classification, it is determined that the grouping of costs be appropriate to carry out by the most significant hotel segments, which meets the tasks of costs management, based on the characteristics of the hotel activity, creates conditions for economic substantiation of the goals of the structural units. Expediency of the maximum integration of the hotel’s accounting policy in accordance with international standards and national regulations that define the specifics of its formation is proved. In order to improve the costs management process of the hotel industry enterprises by segment, a sub-accounts system to the account 23 «Production» is recommended, wherein the second-order sub-accounts match the basic, supportive and additional level of services, and the third-order accounts match the enterprise’s production services. The proposed accounting policy model allows for rationalizing the process of formation of information resources at different levels of the hotel enterprise management and developing methodical principles for reflecting hotel services in accounting in accordance with the requirements of both international and national financial reporting standards.

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"Obsiah realizovanykh posluh za vydamy ekonomichnoi diialnosti po Kharkivskii oblasti" [Volume of Sold Services by Types of Economic Activity in Kharkiv Region]. Holovne upravlinnia statystyky u Kharkivskii oblasti. http://kh.ukrstat.gov.ua/informatsiine-suspilstvo-stat/3379-obsyag-realizovanikh-poslug-za-vidami-ekonomichnoji-diyalnosti-po-kharkivskij-oblasti Poltorak, K. A., and Zozulyov, O. V. "Zastosuvannia kraud-tekhnolohii v marketynhovii diialnosti pidpryiemstv" [Use of Crowd-Technologies in Marketing Activities of Enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu Ukrainy «Kyivskyi poli-tekhnichnyi instytut». 2014. https://ela.kpi.ua/bit-stream/123456789/11872/1/66.pdf "Reiestr krashchykh postachalnykiv tovariv ta posluh 2019" [Register of the Best Suppliers of Goods and

Services 2019]. Vseukrainskyi haluzevo-analitych-nyi tsentr. https://ukr-centr.com.ua/rate_2019_vs_ nat?edrpou=35417654 Tovt, T. I., and Drozd, N. V. "Napriamky zastosuvannia kraud-tekhnolohii u diialnosti pidpryiemstv" [Directions of Application of Crowd-Technologies in the Activities of Enterprises]. Naukovyi visnyk Mukachivskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia «Ekonomika», no. 2 (2019): 80-85.

DOI:10.31339/2313-8114-2019-2(12)-80-85 Zavydivska, O. I. "Kraudsorsynh yak innovatsiinyi instrument zabezpechennia rozvytku personalu" [Crowdsourcing as an Innovative Tool for Staff Development]. Suchasni tekhnolohii menedzhmentu, informatsiine, finansove ta oblikove zabezpechennia rozvytku ekonomiky v umovakh yevrointehratsii. 2020. http://www.suem.edu. ua/documents/tezy_conference_2020_04.pdf

UDC 657.2:005.44:640.4 JEL: M41; M49



UDC 657.2:005.44:640.4 JEL: M41; M49

Nesterenko I. V., Kovalevska N. S., Sokolova E. B. Modeling Accounting Policies for the Hospitality Industry

in the Context of Globalization

The article is aimed at substantiating the organizational and methodical provisions, elaborating practical recommendations to improve the accounting policy of the hospitality industry enterprises. An optimization model of the accounting policy of hotel enterprises is proposed, allowing to identify the accounting-analytical resources of management in terms of the allocated reporting economic segments and on their basis to form reporting by the hotel segments. Developing the theory of costs classification, it is determined that the grouping of costs be appropriate to carry out by the most significant hotel segments, which meets the tasks of costs management, based on the characteristics of the hotel activity, creates conditions for economic substantiation of the goals of the structural units. Expediency of the maximum integration of the hotel's accounting policy in accordance with international standards and national regulations that define the specifics of its formation is proved. In order to improve the costs management process of the hotel industry enterprises by segment, a sub-accounts system to the account 23 «Production» is recommended, wherein the second-order sub-accounts match the basic, supportive and additional level of services, and the third-order accounts match the enterprise's production services. The proposed accounting policy model allows for rationalizing the process of formation of information resources at different levels of the hotel enterprise management and developing methodical principles for reflecting hotel services in accounting in accordance with the requirements of both international and national financial reporting standards. Keywords: accounting policy, hotel, accounting, modeling, costs. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-6-212-218 Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Nesterenko Irina V. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Kovalevska Nadiia S. - PhD (Economics), Associate Professor ща еру Department of Commodity Science, Trade and Product Quality Management, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine) E-mail: [email protected]

Sokolova Evgenia B. - PhD (Engineering), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Commodity Science, Trade and Product Quality Management, Kharkiv State

University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine)

E-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6246-6012

УДК 657.2:005.44:640.4 JEL: M41; M49

Нестеренко I. В., Ковалевська Н. С., Соколова £. Б. Моделювання облшово! полтики тдприемств готельно! тдустрн в умовахглобал'зацИ

Метою cmammi е обфунтування органiзацiйних i методичних положень, розробка практичних рекомендацй з удосконалення облшовоi полтики тдприемств готельноi ндустрИ. Запропоновано оптимiзацiйну модель обл'шовоi полтики готельних тдприемств, яка дозволяе отримувати облшово-анал'тичт ресурси управл'шня в розрiзi вид'шених звтних господарських сегмент'в та на !х основi складати зв'ттсть за сегментами готелю. Розвиваючи теорю класиф'жацивитрат, визначено, щогрупування витрат доцльнозд'шснюватиза найб'шьшвпливовими сегментами готелю, що вiдповiдае завданням управл'шня витратами, виходячи iз особливостей готельноi д'тльност'!, створюе умови економiчного об(рун-тування и/лей структурних тдроздтв. Доведено доцмьнкть максимально: нтеграип облшовоi полтики готелю за мiжнародними стандар-

тами та нацональними нормативними документами, як визначають особливот iiформування. З метою вдосконалення процесу управлння витратами тдприемств готельноi шдустри за сегментами рекомендовано систему субрахунюв до рахунка 23 «Виробництво», в якй субрахун-ки другого порядку в'дпов'дають основному, допомiжному та додатковому р'вню послуг, а рахунки третього порядку - виробничим службам тдприемства. Застосування запропонованоi методики облку витрат готельного тдприемства дозволить встановити контроль над р'внем фактичних витрат, ¡х нормативними та плановими показниками, а також сприятиме калькулюванню соб'вартостi готельних послуг. Запро-понована модель обл'шовоiполтики дозволяерацiоналiзувати процес формування iнформацiйнихресурсв на рзнихр'вняхуправл'шня готельним тдприемством i розробити методичт засади вдображення готельних послуг у бухгалтерському облку тдпотдно до вимог мжнародних i на-цональних стандарт'¡в ф'шансовоi зттности

Ключов'! слова: обл'шова полтика, готель, обл'ш, моделювання, витрати. Рис.: 4. Табл.: 1. Ббл.: 10.

Нестеренко 1рина Володимирiвна - кандидат економiчних наук, доцент кафедри фiнансiв та облку, Хармвський державний ушверситет харчу-вання та торгiвлi (вул. Клочмвська, 333, Хармв, 61051, Украна) E-mail: irina_nest@bigmir. net

Ковалевська Надiя Сергпвна - кандидат економ'мних наук, доцент кафедри товарознавства, торгiвлi та управл'шня ямстю товар'в, Хармвський державний ушверситет харчування та торгiвлi (вул. Клочмвська, 333, Хармв, 61051, Украна) E-mail: [email protected]

Соколова Свгешя Бориавна - кандидат техтчних наук, старший викладач кафедри товарознавства, торгiвлi та управлння ямстю товар'ю,

Хармвський державний ушверситет харчування та торг'влi (вул. Клочмвська, 333, Хармв, 61051, Украна)

E-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6246-6012

УДК 657.2:005.44:640.4 JEL: M41; M49

Нестеренко И. В., Ковалевская Н. С., Соколова Е. Б. Моделирование учетной политики предприятий гостиничной индустрии

в условиях глобализации

Целью статьи является обоснование организационных и методических положений, разработка практических рекомендаций по усовершенствованию учетной политики предприятий гостиничной индустрии. Предложена оптимизационная модель учетной политики гостиничных предприятий, которая позволяет выявить учетно-аналитические ресурсы управления в разрезе выделенных отчетных хозяйственных сегментов и на их основе формировать отчетность по сегментам гостиницы. Развивая теорию классификации расходов, определено, что группирование расходов целесообразно осуществлять по наиболее весомым сегментам гостиницы, что отвечает задачам управления расходами, исходя из особенностей гостиничной деятельности, создает условия экономического обоснования целей структурных подразделений. Доказана целесообразность максимальной интеграции учетной политики гостиницы в соответствии с международными стандартами и национальными нормативными документами, которые определяют особенности её формирования. С целью усовершенствования процесса управления расходами предприятий гостиничной индустрии по сегментам рекомендована система субсчетов к счету 23 «Производство», в которой субсчета второго порядка отвечают основному, вспомогательному и дополнительному уровню услуг, а счета третьего порядка - производственным службам предприятия. Предложенная модель учетной политики позволяет рационализировать процесс формирования информационных ресурсов на разных уровнях управления гостиничным предприятием и разработать методические принципы отражения гостиничных услуг в бухгалтерском учете в соответствии с требованиями международных и национальных стандартов финансовой отчетности. Ключевые слова: учетная политика, гостиница, учет, моделирование, расходы. Рис.: 4. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 10.

Нестеренко Ирина Владимировна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры финансов и учета, Харьковский государственный университет питания и торговли (ул. Клочковская, 333, Харьков, 61051, Украина) E-mail: irina_nest@bigmir. net

Ковалевская Надежда Сергеевна - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры товароведения, торговли и управления качеством товаров, Харьковский государственный университет питания и торговли (ул. Клочковская, 333, Харьков, 61051, Украина) E-mail: [email protected]

Соколова Евгения Борисовна - кандидат технических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры товароведения, торговли и управления качеством товаров, Харьковский государственный университет питания и торговли (ул. Клочковская, 333, Харьков, 61051, Украина) E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6246-6012

The growth in the share of the hospitality and tour- diversity of recreational tourist services, increasing re-

ism industry in the world economy, formation of quirements for quality of hotel services as well as growing

the global hotel chain and associations, diversi- number of foreign tourists, Ukraine's participation in the

fication of the hotel business are the main trends in the world economic, scientific, educational and cultural space.

international hospitality industry in the context of global- Given the relevance of the topic, especially in the

ization. In the process of synergetic management, due to context of globalization of the hospitality industry, many

the development of tourism and intensification of busi- authors (Yu. Veryha, O. Vysochan, H. Davydov, M. Ko-

ness mobility, there observed: a growing volume of hotel rinko, A. Mazaraki, Yu. Manachynska, M. Pushkar,

services; increasing requirements for quality and range of L. Yanchevata, and others) in their works highlight or-

services in the hospitality industry. All the trends are pri- ganizational and methodological aspects of accounting

marily associated with changes in the duration of holidays, and internal auditing of services provided by various sec-



tors of the economy, including the hospitality industry. Some theoretical and applied aspects of the operation of the hospitality industry are studied in the papers of L. Lukianova, O. Melnyk, I. Minich, S. Skobkin, L. Shmat-ko, and others. Taking into consideration all the mentioned results, it should be noted that the theoretical and methodological issues of hotel accounting are limited to fragmentary studies of the display of settlement transactions; evaluation of profitability; cost of services; assessment of investment policy effectiveness. The issues of forming accounting policies for the hospitality industry remain insufficiently developed.

The aim of the article is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and develop practical recommendations aimed to improve information tools for modelling accounting policies for the hospitality industry in the context of globalization.

The growth in the investment attractiveness of the sector of hotel services requires re-equipment and significant capital investments in the hospitality industry. At the same time, inefficient resource management hinders optimizing activities of hotels, improving the quality of services, increasing profitability, which requires implementing effective accounting policies. A balanced and effective model of accounting policies would contribute to enhancing efficiency of a hotel.

Therefore, it is advisable to start the development of accounting policies for hotels with analyzing information needs of hotel management and its current problems, in particular: inefficient use of the existing tools to influence consumers (insufficient use or misuse of the whole complex of marketing, organizational and financial tools, as well as related resources for making informed decisions by consumers); lack of information on the formation of hotel complex centers, distribution of operational and managerial functions and responsibilities among them, their interaction with the administration of the hotels; inconsistency between the organizational structure and the strategy, goals and objectives of development of the hotel; inefficiency of functional interconnections between business units of the hotel; lack of a mechanism for implementing timely adjustments in the organizational structure of the hotel; lack of a systems and interconnected customer-oriented management approach based on correct distribution of management priorities and adequate allocation of the hotel's resources among its units.

The expediency of developing enterprise accounting policy is established by law. In particular, the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" (Art. 1) defines it as "a set of principles, methods, and procedures applied by an enterprise to prepare and present its financial statements". Art. 5 of the Law states that "... an enterprise chooses its accounting policy independently ..." [1]. The IAS 8 "Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors" defines the concept under study as "the specific principles, bases, conventions,

rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements" [5]. In contrast to Ukrainian regulations [1; 2], IAS 8, to denote the concept, uses the plural form. This is due to the fact that according to the international rules, the accounting policy that is established in respect of a particular object of accounting is considered a separate accounting policy. Based on the national definition, the set of such accounting policies constitutes a single accounting policy of an enterprise.

Professor M. S. Pushkar, believes that "accounting policy is a regulation (collection of rules) under which Accounting Department carries out financial and management accounting ..." [4].

The analysis of the interpretations of the concept "accounting policy" indicates that there is high scientific and practical interest in the studied category and the lack of a unified and unambiguous approach due to multifaceted nature of the concept. Scientific sources and accounting regulations contain a wide range of opinions on how to interpret "accounting policy". Thus, ambiguous approaches to accounting policy interpretation, the ignorance of its importance for the rationalization of hotel management are due to the lack of standards in Ukraine that would provide for clear parameters of hotel accounting policy, its justification, formation and variability. Modeling accounting policies depends on accommodation specifics, which should be classified by form (hotel and non-hotel facilities) and type (collective and individual accommodation facilities) (Fig. 1).

A large number of goals and objectives of the hotel accounting policy implies the presence of a wide range of economic interests when choosing a particular accounting option. The management of a hotel, when defining the elements of its accounting policy, should set several interrelated goals, which it seeks to achieve through effectively constructed accounting policy.

The studied scientific publications and relevant regulations define the following accounting policy goals: reporting (42% of the literature sources) [1; 5; 7; 9, p. 25; 10, p. 155]; keeping records (38% of the literature sources) [10], organizing accounting (19% of the literature sources) [10], accounting management (9.5% of the literature sources) [5]; creating the hotel management system (9.5% of the literature sources) [7] and forming information resources for managers (4.8% of the studied literature sources) [4]. With consideration for the results of the analysis of approaches to defining accounting policy, we propose to interpret it as a hotel's choosing specific methods, techniques, forms for organizing, managing accounting and financial reporting, based on the established rules and features of its activities (organizational and technological characteristics, the number and qualifications of accounting staff, the level of technological equipment of Accounting Department, the number of units, etc.) [6].

Fig. 1. Classification of different types of accommodation facilities

According to I. Pryanichnikova, the document on accounting policy, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of IFRS, can consist of three sections and appendices: general provisions, organizational section, methodological section [3]. However, most scientists studying the theoretical and practical parts of accounting policy, propose to single out such sections as general provisions, methodology, technical issues and organization of accounting [8]. In our opinion, these sections include all the necessary aspects of building an accounting information system for hotels and should be clearly defined in the Order on the accounting policy. In terms of organizational, technical, methodological sections of the Order on the accounting policy for hotels, we propose to single out the elements shown in Fig. 2, which will create a model of the optimal accounting policy of a hotel.

In order to meet the needs of hotel management, special attention should be paid to operating costs and classifying them according to accounting items. At the same time, the grouping should be made by expense centers, expense sources, responsibility centers. The singling out of the second group is conditioned by the need for calculations, and the items of this group are sources of expenses, which might be considered as types of hotel services. In order to increase efficiency of accounting in hotels it is recommended to introduce a hierarchical system for classifying a hotel's expenses (Fig. 3).

The advantages of this classification system are: a practical approach for expenses classification, consideration for peculiar features of a hotel's activities, which complies with the tasks of cost management; accuracy in assessment of the hotel's KPIs and credibility of the information presented in financial and internal reporting. The

process of modeling accounting policies should include studying the specifics of the hospitality industry and developing elements relevant to the features of the process of providing hotel services (Tbl. 1).

Depending on the specifics of the hotel, the volume of its activity, the number of suppliers and contractors, in terms of basic and additional services, at the next stage of accounting policies modeling, it is advisable to develop a current chart of accounts. In order to optimize activities of hotels, we recommend opening sub-accounts in addition to those of the standard chart of accounts, which will increase the transparency of accounting procedures, promote rational organization of accounting management at the hotel (Fig. 4).

An important role in determining the organizational accounting issues in a hotel is played by telecommunication systems and information technologies both in re-cordkeeping and management of the hotel. The latest integrated hotel automation systems help increase efficiency of accounting (accounting of cash flows, cost of services provided, income received, etc.) based on the information on room reservation, hotel occupancy, guest accommodation, room availability, scheduled check-ins and checkouts, provision of food, and other related services.

We propose to improve the methodological section of the hotel accounting policy, and for this purpose, it is necessary to:

+ separately disclose the features of income recognition of other selected segments (except for the method of recognizing income from hotel services); + determine the method of transfer pricing and the method of distribution of overhead costs of the hotel;




< £

O u

1 1 1 \r

Elements Elements Elements Elements

of General of Organizational of Technical of Methodological

provisions se ction section section section


• Name of the hotel • Organization • Current chart of accounts • Method of accounting

• Location of accounting work • Form of accounting valuation (revaluation)

of the hotel • The structure • Technologies used • Methods of inventory

• Form of ownership of the accounting for processing accounting disposal valuation

• Legal form and analytical service information • Methods and procedure

• Presence • The level • System of accounting for asset depreciation

of branches of centralization registers, forms • Procedure for writing off

and other structural of accounting work of primary documents, the inventory value

subdivisions • Options to organize schedule of document • Determination of the

assigned management circulation structure of deferred

to a separate accounting service • Reporting structure expenses and the

balance sheet • List of responsibility and procedure procedure for their

• Presence centers • Procedure for taking writing off

of business • List of cost centers inventory of assets • Procedure for creating

segments • Information and liabilities reserves

• Activities constituting trade • List of the software, • Mechanism for calculating

in accordance secret the procedure devices, etc. the cost of hotel services

with the charter for its protection • Procedure for ensuring • Procedure for recognizing

documents the storage income from the provision

of the hotel and confidentiality of hotel services

of information • Procedure for deferred

income accounting

• Distribution of tangible

assets to fixed assets and

non-current tangible assets

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• Determination of the

significance of the data

to be disclosed

in the report

Fig. 2. Model of the Order on the accounting policy of a hotel

+ unify the methods of depreciation of non-current assets of hotels by units; + valuate inventory disposal in the segment of hotel services using the FIFO method, and in the restaurant segment (due to the short shelf life of the stock) - by the weighted average cost method; + enshrine in legislation use the method of writing off the work uniform cost for the restaurant segment and to establish the cost criterion for capitalization of the cost of the uniform for the hotel segment;

+ organize analytical cost accounting in accordance with the needs of calculating the cost of hotel services, with consideration for the specifics and technology of their provision [6].


Thus, the results of the scientific research proved the feasibility of maximum integration of Ukraine into

common economic space. For this purposes, it is necessary to achieve the compliance of accounting policies with international standards and national regulations, which determine the specific of its formation. To optimize the accounting process in the hospitality industry, it is recommended to implement the proposed model, which allows obtaining accounting and analytical management resources with consideration for the specific features of hotel facilities.

It can provide a basis for financial reporting, which will improve hotel management efficiency with neither considerable changes in the organizational structure nor significant financial investments. ■


1. Закон Украши «Про бухгалтерський обл^ та фшан-сову 3BÍTHÍCTb» вщ 16.07.1999. № 996. URL: https:// zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/996-14

Features of expenses grouping

With regard to the period considered






Depending on management decisions


Non relevant


By activity

Core activities

By participation in the production process



Other activities

Other operational activities


By elements

Material expenses


Salary expenses


Benefits-related deduction

Other expenses

By coordinator of activity ) ; Expense cente r

> < *

By production purpose ) ; Costs to serve visitors Operational expenses

By method of attributing costs to services rendered


By performance



>r <....... --- " V

Productive (effective) Productive (non-effective)


By expense item ) > Expense items

By service type ) > Cost of services

Fig. 3. Hierarchical system of classification of hotel expenses

Лист Мастерства фшанав Укра'ни «Про обл^ову полтику» вщ 21.12.2005 р. № 31-34000-10-5/27793. URL: article?art_id=58984&cat_id=34931 Пряничникова И. Первый шаг к МСФО: новая учетная политика. Баланс. 2007. № 63. С. 31-34. Пушкар М. С. Обл^ова полiтика i зв^шсть : навч. по-ci6. Тернопiль : Карт-бланш, 2004. 141 с. МСБО (IAS) 8. Облiковi полiтики, змiни в облiкових оцшках та помилки. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/929_020

Янчева Л. М., Герасимова Н. С., Левiна М. В. Обл^ i аудит готельних послуг : монографiя. Харкiв : ХДУХТ, 2013. 208 с.

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О ш

Table 1

Model of hotel accounting policy

Features of hotel services Elements of accounting policy

1. Standardization and classification of hotel activities Application of a flexible remuneration system, based on the work cycle of the hotel

2. Territorial location of the hotel Technological specifics of the hotel work

3. Organization of customer service Incomplete hotel occupancy cannot be compensated for in the future

4. Identity of production and consumption of the service Quality control (absence of work in progress and residues of finished products)

5. Seasonal nature of consumption The hotel room occupancy is uneven

6. Flexible work schedule Flexible working schedule of the hotel servants

7. There is no need to store the hotel product Marketing policy (application of flexible pricing policy)

8 Form of consumption of services Organization of expense tracking during the implementation of the system of self-service for hotel visitors

9. Long-term hotel stay At the end of using the hotel service, the total cost of providing services is calculated, with making adjustments to the previous bill

10. Close cooperation with hotel customers Organization of the control and rationalization of the production process

23 Production

23.1 Main activities 23.2 Related services 23.3 Extras

i > > <

23.11 Room reservation 23.21 Luggage storage

and registration services 23.22 Communications services

23.12 Cleaning 23.23 Bar services

23.13 Laundry services 23.24 Café services

23.14 Maintenance of the 23.25 Restaurant services

production cycle 23.26 Medical services

23.15 Other services 23.27 Housekeeping 23.28 Parking 23.29 Security 23.30 Other services

23.31 Sauna services

23.32 Hairdressing services

23.33 Billiards

23.34 Computer services

23.35 24/7 Transport service

23.36 International communication services

23.37 Business center services

23.38 Excursion services

23.39 Sports and recreation center

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

23.310 Concession stands

23.311 Dry cleaning

23.312 Currency exchange

23.313 Other services

Fig. 4. Recommended chart of accounts (sub-ledger accounts reflecting production costs) of the hotel

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