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Ключевые слова
mixed infection / ectoparasites / tick borne diseases / ixodes ticks

Аннотация научной статьи по Сельскохозяйственные науки, автор научной работы — Berdikulov Maxat Amanbekovich, Mussayeva Gulzhan Kalenovna, Maikhin Kydyrbay Tazhibayevich, Samarkhanov Serik Kaysanovich

Studies have shown that in the nature of the course of mixed invasions caused by blood parasites, there is a complex set of relationships associated with the virulence of each member of the parasitocenosis, the sequence of their entry into the body of the susceptible animal, the timing of parasite development in the warm-blooded host and the manifestation of disease symptoms, immunological restructuring of the organism in response to the introduced parasite and, finally, the state of the animal organism itself before infection with these or those pathogens. In farms of Turkestan region blood-parasitic diseases of cattle in most cases occur in mixed form. In this complex set of relationships of parasitocenosis members between themselves and with the host organism play factors that determine the ability of the parasite to develop in the host organism and the state of the immune system of the animal.

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UDK 619:616.995.132




Candidate of veterinary sciences, «National Reference Center for Veterinary», Astana, st. 150 years of Abai, 22/3, A20C2D0M, Kazakhstan


PhD, Almaty branch «National Reference Center for Veterinary», Almaty, 221b Rayymbek

Avenue, A20C2D0M, Kazakhstan


Candidate of veterinary sciences, Almaty branch «National Reference Center for Veterinary», Almaty, 221b Rayymbek Avenue, A20C2D0M, Kazakhstan


chief specialist Almaty branch «National Reference Center for Veterinary», Almaty, 221b Rayymbek Avenue, A20C2D0M, Kazakhstan

Introduction. Studies have shown that in the nature of the course of mixed invasions caused by blood parasites, there is a complex set of relationships associated with the virulence of each member of the parasitocenosis, the sequence of their entry into the body of the susceptible animal, the timing of parasite development in the warm-blooded host and the manifestation of disease symptoms, immunological restructuring of the organism in response to the introduced parasite and, finally, the state of the animal organism itself before infection with these or those pathogens.

In farms of Turkestan region blood-parasitic diseases of cattle in most cases occur in mixed form. In this complex set of relationships of parasitocenosis members between themselves and with the host organism play factors that determine the ability of the parasite to develop in the host organism and the state of the immune system of the animal.

Key words: mixed infection, ectoparasites, tick borne diseases, ixodes ticks

As a result of long-term researches of scientists of our Republic of Kazakhstan it was established that on the territory of South Kazakhstan almost everywhere there are other genera of ixodid ticks: Rhipicephalus bursa, Dermacentor marginatus, Ixodes persulcstus, Haemaphysalis punctata and H.sulcata, koshar ticks and others. It is known from literature sources that many of them are potential vectors of Anaplasma marginale [1, р.727; 2, 8(11); 3, р. 306-314 ]. Currently, 21 species of ticks of the Ixodidae family are considered to be vectors of the anaplasmosis pathogen.

A number of domestic and foreign authors have established that the causative agent of cattle anaplasmosis - Anaplasma marginale (Theiler, 1910) - can be carried by 22 species of ixodid ticks and one species of argas ticks, most of which are registered in South Kazakhstan.

Thus, natural conditions of the South of Kazakhstan are very favourable for the development of ixodid ticks. Seasonal dynamics of bovine theileriosis completely coincides with seasonal dynamics of ixodid ticks development. It should be noted that the course of theileriosis in South Kazakhstan has its own peculiarities. Bovine theileriosis runs differently - either very severely, with a high percentage of mortality, or in the form of asymptomatic theileriosis. As a rule, local animals are much more easily affected than imported animals. In some areas, even imported animals sometimes do not get sick if they are carrying animals, vector ticks and susceptible animals are present. Most researchers believe that different course of theileriosis is associated with different

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virulence of the pathogen. Researchers note that the virulence of theileriosis is very variable and depends on the vector, the rate of circulation of the pathogen in it and ambient air temperature. In addition to bovine theileriosis, anaplasmosis is also registered Turkestan Oblast. Thus, the diversity of mite vectors and circulation of pathogens in them, different manifestation and course of animal piroplasmidosis, including anaplasmosis, causes the need to study and clarify these issues for the correct construction of measures to combat piroplasmidosis in cattle.

Taking this into account, we set ourselves the task to study the severity, seasonality of the course of theileriosis and the possibility of mixed course of infestation with anaplasmosis. In addition, the issues of epizootology, relationships of the causative agent of bovine anaplasmosis in mixed invasions with theileriosis in South Kazakhstan remain unstudied.

The doctrine of the outstanding scientist academician E.N.Pavlovsky about parasitocenoses was widely reflected in all biological sciences, in particular in medicine and veterinary medicine. Thus, A.Waksman, who for many years studied the relationships of microorganisms in mixed populations, came to the conclusion that pure cultures of microorganisms exist only in the test tube of the experimenter. In nature, including human and animal organisms, they are found only in interacting associations. He noted that a mixed population of microbes consists of a variety of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and protozoa; to these latter, in some cases, should be added various algae, diatoms, nematodes and other worms, as well as insects [4, р. 108-129].

In production conditions, many invasive and infectious diseases of animals occur in the form of mixed infections (invasions). Depending on the season of the year and zonal distribution, mixed infestations are more often manifested in helminthiasis and coccidiosis, together with pathogens of blood-parasitic diseases.

It is known that some co-members of the parasitocenosis have antagonistic, others -synergistic, others - indifferent relationships. These relationships between two or more pathogens in one vertebrate host affect indirectly or directly on the course of a particular disease and on parasite-host relationships.

Many facts have been accumulated on the basis of experimental and field observations, indicating a more severe course of combined infections (invasions) than mono-infections or monoinvasions.

Based on their own studies and analysis of literature data, the authors concluded that in many cases ticks, which are used to transfer Babesia divergenes, Theileria annulata, Anaplasma centrale to cattle, simultaneously transmitted rickettsiae to animals. Attention is drawn to the fact that in natural conditions the causative agents of blood-parasitic diseases often coexist together with rickettsiae, and this should be taken into account when setting up experiments, carrying out serological diagnostics, as well as treating sick animals [5, р.35-37; 6, p.122;].

Three species of blood parasites of cattle were registered in the south of Kazakhstan: Piroplasma bigeminum, Theileria annulata, Anaplasma marginale.

Theileria annulata was the most frequently observed pathogen of Theileria annulata (62.7% of the total number); Piroplasmid species P.bigeminum was observed in 28.6% and A.marginale in 8.7% of cases.

In Makhtaaral, Saryagash, Sairam and Shardara districts Th.appulata, P.bigeminum and Anaplasma marginale and their combinations were observed. In foothill steppe zones Th.annulata and A.marginale were observed more often, piroplasmosis pathogens were registered very rarely.

Studying of features of course of mixed invasions caused by blood parasites is of scientific and practical interest. Piroplasmosis, theileriosis and anaplasmosis in various combinations cause the greatest damage to cattle breeding in the south of Kazakhstan.

In this regard, since 2023, in experimental and natural conditions we have been studying the peculiarities of the course of mixed infestations in various combinations of pathogens and, in particular, blood parasites Piroplasma bigeminum, Theileria annulata, Anaplasma marginale.

The obtained results of experiments on mixed invasions of piroplasmosis, theileriosis, anaplasmosis and noted features of manifestation of diseases, character of parasitemia, pathological,

ОФ "Международный научно-исследовательский центр "Endless Light in Science"

morphological and biochemical changes allow us to dwell on very complex and interesting relationships, on the one hand, between Piroplasma bigeminum, Theileria annulata, Anaplasma marginale and, on the other hand, between them and leptospires. The invasion is severe in case of simultaneous disease of cattle with theileriosis and leptospirosis, with predominant signs of theileriosis, and often leads to death. Many such cases were observed in Turkestan and Sairam districts.

When calves are simultaneously infected with three pathogens - piroplasmosis, theileriosis and anaplasmosis - clinical signs of piroplasmosis prevail in the initial period. This is natural, as piroplasmosis has a short incubation period and the disease is acute. Piroplasmas are followed by anaplasmas. For the first two days the disease runs as a mixed infestation of P.bigeminum+A.marginale, in the following days the piroplasms disappear and the number of anaplasmas sharply increases in the blood. Then theileria appear, and clinical signs of theileriosis are acutely manifested. Animals become seriously ill and die in a state of depression.

The development of a particular species of pathogen will depend on the extent to which the organism has undergone reorganisation in relation to one of the common pathogens. The leading role, as it seems to us, in this complex set of relationships between members of the parasitocenosis among themselves and with the host organism play factors that determine the ability of the parasite to develop in the host organism, and the state of defence mechanisms of the latter.

Taking this into account, we set a task to study the severity, seasonality of the course of theileriosis and the possibility of mixed course of infestation with anaplasmosis. In addition, the issues of epizootology, relationships of the causative agent of bovine anaplasmosis in mixed invasions with theileriosis in South Kazakhstan remain unstudied.

The distribution and seasonality of bovine theileriosis and anaplasmosis were studied by microscopic examination of blood smears from diseased and suspected animals taken during visits to farms in the mentioned districts. In addition, data from district veterinary laboratories on blood parasite diagnosis were used. To determine the percentage of erythrocyte infestation by blood parasites, 300 - 400 microscope fields of view were viewed.

In order to establish the species composition and seasonal dynamics of ixodid ticks, ticks were collected from cattle during the season of blood-parasitic diseases.

In Ordabasy district of South Kazakhstan region 54 heads of cattle, including 13 heads of calves were examined in summer 2024. At that 9 cows and 3 calves of current year of birth were found to have clinical signs of theileriosis. In diseased animals there was noted an increase of pre-scapular or supra-knee lymph nodes, in which garnet bodies were found. In 7 animals there was noted oppression of general condition, refusal of feed and increase of body temperature up to 41.1-41.3 degrees.

At microscopic examination of blood smears it was found that from 12 patients in the blood of 7 animals erythrocytes were affected by theileria, and in the blood of 5 animals erythrocytes were affected by theileria and anaplasma in the south-east of the Republic, far insufficient to assess the epizootic state, to identify the causes of occurrence and zonal spread of the disease.

It is known from literature sources that potential carriers of bovine taileriosis are ticks H.detrium, H.anatolicum, and B.calcaratus pyroplasmosis, and the transmission of the causative agent of tick pyroplasmosis proceeds according to the transovarial type. The data we have obtained on the biotopic pattern of the incidence and spread of ticks fully confirm this opinion.

The work was carried out within the framework of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2026 'Study of the role of bloodsucking insects in the spread of arbovirus infection of farm animals in the southern regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (State registration «AP23489181»).


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