Биология в сельском хозяйстве №4 (29), 2020
УДК/ UDC: 636/637.04
Lyashuk A.R., Postgraduate student Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin, Orel, Russia, e-mail: [email protected]
Ляшук А.Р., аспирант
ФГБОУ ВО "Орловский государственный аграрный университет имени Н.В. Парахина", Орел, Россия
(Молочная продуктивность, состав и свойства молока коров различных линий в условиях Орловской области)
Milk processing is growing rapidly in the Oryol Region. At the same time, 57 agricultural organizations and 47 farm (and personal subsidiary) plots are involved in dairy cattle breeding in the region, containing 32 thousand dairy cows in total. To realize the production potential of the dairy subcomplex and the further expansion of the Oryol region as a processing cluster, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive studies to investigate the composition and properties of milk from cows of various origins to identify the most promising genotypes. This work aimed to study milk productivity, composition, and properties of milk of Black-and-White cows of various linear affiliation, bred in the Oryol region. The objectives of the study were to determine the indicators of milk productivity, the qualitative composition of milk, and the physico-chemical properties of milk from cows of various lines of Black-and-White Holstein cattle bred in the Oryol region. In terms of milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the superiority of Reflection Sovereign cows over Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain cows was 11.6% and 11.2%, respectively. In terms of milk fat, the superiority was 12.1% and 10.2%, respectively. The amount of milk protein and sugar produced by Reflection Sovereign cows for 305 days of lactation exceeded these indicators in Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain cows by 12.0-10.5% and 12.2-9.6%, respectively. In terms of mass fraction of casein, the performance of the Montvik Chieftain cows was 1.6% higher than the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovereign cows. Cows of the Montvik Chieftain line showed a similar superiority over cows of the first and third groups and in terms of the mass fraction of milk sugar -by 2.1% and by 1.8%. The content of MSNF in milk was also higher in the Montvik Chieftain cows in comparison with Vis Back Ideal - by 1.6%. The studies allowed us to conclude that the milk of the cows of the experimental groups did not differ in the studied physical and chemical properties. At the same time, milk from cows of the Vis Back Ideal, Montvik Chieftain, and Reflection Sovereign lines met all the requirements of GOST 31449-2013 "Raw cow's milk".
Keywords: line of cows, lactation, milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, casein, milk minerals, SNF, titratable milk acidity, milk density.
В Орловской области активно развивается переработка молока. При этом молочным скотоводством в области занимаются 57 сельскохозяйственных организаций и 47 фермерских и личных подсобных хозяйств, в которых содержится 32 тыс. молочных коров. Для реализации производственного потенциала молочного подкомплекса и дальнейшего развития Орловской области как перерабатывающего кластера, необходимо проведение комплексных исследований по изучению состава и свойств молока коров различного происхождения с целью выявления наиболее перспективных генотипов. Целью данной работы было изучить молочную продуктивность, состав и свойства молока черно-пестрых коров различной линейной принадлежности, разводимых в условиях Орловской области. В задачи исследования входило определение показателей молочной продуктивности, качественного состава молока и физико-химических свойств молока коров различных линий черно-пестрого голштинизированного скота, разводимого в условиях Орловской области. По удою за 305 дней лактации превосходство коров Рефлекшн Соверинг над коровами линии Вис Бэк Айдиал и линии Монтвик Чифтейн составило соответственно 11,6% и 11,2%. По количеству молочного жира превосходство составило соответственно 12,1% и 10,2%. Произведенное коровами линии Рефлекшн Соверинг за 305 дней лактации количество молочного белка и сахара превосходило эти показатели у коров линии Вис Бэк Айдиал и линии Монтвик Чифтейн соответственно на 12,0-10,5% и на 12,2-9,6%. В отношении массовой доли казеина, показатели коров линии Монтвик Чифтейн были выше показателей коров линии Вис Бэк Айдиал и линии Рефлекшн Соверинг на 1,6%. Аналогичное превосходство демонстрировали коровы линии Монтвик Чифтейн над коровами первой и третьей групп и в части массовой доли молочного сахара - на 2,1% и на 1,8%. Содержание в молоке СОМО также было более высоким у коров линии Монтвик Чифтейн в сравнении с показателями Вис Бэк Айдиал - на 1,6%. Проведенные исследования позволили сделать вывод о том, что молоко коров подопытных групп по изученным физико-химическим свойствам не имело различий. При этом, молоко коров линий Вис Бэк Айдиал, Монтвик Чифтейн и Ре-флекшн Соверинг соответствовало всем требованиям ГОСТ 31449-2013 «Молоко коровье сырое».
Ключевые слова: линия коров, лактация, удой, молочный жир, молочный белок, казеин, минеральные вещества молока, СОМО, титруемая кислотность молока, плотность молока.
Introduction. Milk is one of the most important human food products. In our country, as in many other countries, mainly cow's milk is used. In our country, it makes up about 95% of the total amount of milk consumed by the population. In 2020, the consumption of dairy products in the Russian Federation (in terms of raw milk) may reach 34.8 million tons. Since 2016, consumption has increased by about 1 million tons. This trend is expected to continue and another 1 million tonnes may be added over the next five years. At the same time, in terms of per capita consumption, the Russian Federation is still seriously lagging behind the countries of the European Union. Thus, the consumption of butter in the Russian Federation is 2.8 kg per person per year, cheese - 6.4 kg, while in the EU these figures are 4 kg and 20.2 kg, respectively [1].
The Oryol region as a manufacturer of high-quality dairy products has significant unrealized potential and many competitive advantages, which include favorable natural and climatic conditions, a good level of transport and energy infrastructure, free production facilities, and qualified personnel [2].
Milk processing is actively developing in the Oryol Region. So, in 2019, a large complex for processing the milk of the Syrobogatov company was opened in Oryol, using milk mainly from local livestock enterprises and farms. At the same time, 57 agricultural organizations and 47 private subsidiary plots are engaged in dairy cattle breeding in the region, all of which contain 32 thousand dairy cows [3].
To actualize the production potential of the dairy subcomplex and further develop the Oryol region as a processing cluster, it is necessary to carry out comprehen-
sive studies to study the composition and properties of milk from cows of various origins to identify the most promising genotypes [4, 5, 6, 7].
Along with the improvement of the fodder base and the technological aspects of dairy farming, the increase in the productivity of the dairy herd and improvement of technical qualities of the milk produced will allow the region to take its rightful place in the Russian dairy food market [8, 9, 10, 11].
This work aimed to study milk productivity, composition, and properties of milk of black-and-white cows of various linear affiliation, bred in the Oryol region.
The objectives of the study were to determine the indicators of milk productivity, the qualitative composition of milk, and the physicochemical properties of milk from cows of various lines of black-and-white Holstein cattle bred in the Oryol region.
Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in the period from 2019 to 2020 in a breeding reproducer for the Black-and-White breed "Orlovskoye" in the Oryol district of the Oryol region. This farm is typical for the Oryol region in terms of housing conditions, the level of feed, and the technology of milk production. The rations on the farm were per zootechnical standards.
For the research, experimental groups of cows were formed, which are similar in terms of the age of the third lactation and live weight. The research material was individual experimental data, data of pedigree cards, documents of zootechnical and pedigree registration.
The experimental part of the work was a scientific and economic experiment, the scheme of which is shown in Figure 1.
1st group (control) 2nd group 3rd group
Vis Back Ideal line, n = 13 Montvik Chieftain line, n = 10 Reflection Sovereign line, n = 18
Milk productivity, kg Milk composition, % Physicochemical properties of milk
Milk yield in 305 days of lactation Mass fraction of milk fat Titratable acidity, 0T
The amount of milk fat Mass fraction of milk protein Density, kg/m3
The amount of milk protein including:
The amount of milk sugar mass fraction of casein
mass fraction of whey proteins
Mass fraction of milk sugar
Dry solids
Figure 1 - Scheme of the experiment
Under the objectives of the study, three groups of cows of the different lineage were formed: Group 1 - Vis Back Ideal line (control), Group 2 - Montvik Chieftain line, and Group 3 - Reflection Sovereign line.
The milk productivity of the experimental cows was taken into account by carrying out monthly control milking. The biochemical composition and physicochemical properties of milk were determined in milk samples from cows at 3 months of the last completed lactation.
The content of fat, protein, MSNF, and density of milk in the samples were determined using the device "Laktan 1-4 M". The content of casein and whey protein was determined by formol titration. Dry matter and milk sugar content were determined through the calculation according to standard formulas. The titratable acidity of milk was determined by the titrimetric method in the presence of phenolphthalein, the heat resistance was determined by the alcohol test method.
As follows from the materials presented in Table 1, the milk productivity of cows of different lines had certain differences. At the same time, according to the studied indicators, the cows of the Reflection Sovereign line were significantly superior to the cows of the Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain lines.
So, in terms of milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the superiority of cows of the third group over cows of the first and second groups was 11.6% and 11.2%, respectively (P<0.05-0.01). In terms of milk fat, the superiority was 12.1% and 10.2%, respectively (P<0.05-0.01). The
The analysis of the data obtained shows that the specific indicators of the biochemical composition of milk from cows of the Montvik Chieftain line exceeded the indicators of the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovereign lines in several components.
For example, in terms of mass fraction of casein, the performance of the Montvik Chieftain cows was 1.6% higher than that of the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovereign cows (P<0.05). Cows of the Montvik Chieftain line
Biometric processing of the experimental results was carried out using the Microsoft Excel program according to the method of G.F. Lakin [12].
Results. Following the tasks set, we carried out a comparative study of milk productivity for the estimated period of productive use of cows of the studied genotypes in one of the breeding farms of the Oryol region. The following indicators were assessed: the number of completed lactations, the average milk yield per lactation, and the total milk yield for all completed lactations (Table 1).
amount of milk protein and sugar produced by cows of the Reflection Sovereign line for 305 days of lactation exceeded these indicators in cows of the Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain lines, respectively, by 12.0-10.5% (P<0.05) and 12.2- 9.6% (P<0.05).
In turn, there was no significant difference between the indicators of milk productivity of cows of the Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain lines.
At the next stage of research, we studied the indicators of the biochemical composition of the milk of cows in the experimental groups (Table 2).
showed similar superiority over cows of the first and third groups and in terms of the mass fraction of milk sugar -by 2.1% (P<0.05) and 1.8% (P<0.01). The content of MSNF in milk was also higher in the Montvik Chieftain cows in comparison with Vis Back Ideal - by 1.6% (P<0.05). Concerning the rest of the studied indicators, no differences were found between the experimental groups.
The physicochemical properties of milk from cows in the experimental groups are presented in Table 3.
Table 3 - Physical and chemical properties of milk of cows
Indicators Experimental groups
Vis Back Ideal (control), n = 13 Montvik Chieftain, n = 10 Reflection Sovereign, n = 18
Acidity, 0T 17.59±0,04 18.1±0,08 17.58±0,06
Density, kg/m3 1029.1±11,0 1029.2±26,0 1028.9±19,0
Table 1 - Milk productivity of cows for 305 days of lactation, M±m
Indicators Experimental groups
Vis Back Ideal (control), n = 13 Montvik Chieftain, n = 10 Reflection Sovereign, n = 18
Milk yield, kg 6105±245 6127±202 6813±152*
Milk fat amount, kg 242.3±9,76 246.5±8,01 271.6±6.17*
Milk protein amount, kg 200.0±8,39 202.6±6,65 223.9±4.95*
Milk sugar amount, kg 288.3±11,63 295.0±9,59 323.2±7.35*
Hereinafter: * - (P<0,05); ** - (P<0,01).
Table 2 - Composition of milk of cows, M±m
Indicators Experimental groups
Vis Back Ideal (control), n = 13 Montvik Chieftain, n = 10 Reflection Sovereign, n = 18
Mass fraction of milk fat, % 3.97±0.02 4.02±0.03 3.99±0.02
Mass fraction of milk protein,% including: mass fraction of casein,% mass fraction of whey proteins,% 3.28±0.02 2.66±0.01 0.62±0.003 3.31±0.02 2.70±0.01** 0.61±0.002 3.29±0.01 2.66±0.01 0.63±0.001
Mass fraction of milk sugar, % 4.72±0.03 4.82±0.03* 4.74±0.02
Minerals, % 0.81±0.003 0.82±0.003 0.82±0.003
Dry solids, % 12.78±0.08 12.97±0.08 12,84±0.05
MSNF, % 8.81±0.04 8.95±0.05* 8.85±0.03
Биология в сельском хозяйстве №4 (29), 2020
The studies made it possible to conclude that the milk of the cows of the experimental groups did not differ in the studied physicochemical properties. At the same time, milk from cows of the Vis Back Ideal, Montvik Chieftain, and Reflection Sovereign lines met all the requirements of GOST 31449-2013 "Raw cow's milk".
Conclusions. 1. In terms of milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the superiority of Reflection Sovereign cows over Vis Back Ideal and Montvik Chieftain cows was 11.6% and 11.2%, respectively (P<0.05-0.01). In terms of milk fat, the advantage was 12.1% and 10.2%, respectively (P<0.05-0.01).
2. The amount of milk protein and sugar produced by cows of the Reflection Sovereign line for 305 days of lactation exceeded these indicators in cows of the Vis Back Ideal line and the Montvik Chieftain line by 12.010.5% (P<0.05) and 12, respectively, 2-9.6% (P<0.05).
3. In terms of mass fraction of casein, the performance of the Montvik Chieftain cows was higher than that of the Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovereign cows by 1.6% (P<0.05). Cows of the Montvik Chieftain line showed similar superiority over cows of the first and third groups and in terms of the mass fraction of milk sugar -by 2.1% (P<0.05) and 1.8% (P<0.01).
4. The content of MSNF in milk was also higher in the Montvik Chieftain cows in comparison with Vis Back Ideal - by 1.6% (P<0.05).
5. The studies carried out allowed us to conclude that the milk of cows from the experimental groups did not differ in the studied physical and chemical properties. At the same time, milk from cows of the Vis Back Ideal, Montvik Chieftain, and Reflection Sovereign lines met all the requirements of GOST 31449-2013 "Raw cow's milk".
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Поступила в редакцию: 10.10.2020 г.
Ляшук Алексей Романович, аспирант кафедры частной зоотехнии и разведения сельскохозяйственных животных ФГБОУ ВО «Орловский государственный аграрный университет имени Н. В. Парахина», e-mail: [email protected]