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Vorotnikov A.A.
Abstract: the article is devoted to analysis of the MFO market. Microfinance and microcredit activities become more and more popular nowadays, So that I have decided to look through the market and find some trends.
Keywords: MFO, microfinance, credit, loan, microfinance market, microfinance organization, microcredit organization.
UDC 33.6.7
The sphere of MFO is growing exponentially. It has grown 10 times since 2013. Annual growth in 2013-2014 was about 70%, next year it has slowly decreased to 38%. 1757 MFO were registered during the 2015 year. There are two reasons of such growth. First of all, it's easy to organize. The firm of a special business form just needs to send an application to the Central Bank and to be included in a special register. The second one is demand for quick money or an ability to get a loan, when a bank refused to do it. Lack of law restrictions made it possible for MFO to break their contracts and to overstate the rates by hiding them. The problem solution was found in 2010, when the law "About microfinance and microfinance organizations" was adopted, and in 2013 the law "About consumer's credit (loan)" was adopted. These two laws have identified forms and methods of registration of MFO and creation of reserve funds, the rules of clear rates of loans and ordered to work with CRB (credit references bureau) [1], [2].
1 Temovaya Svetlana Yurievna - Science adviser.
Analysis of Russian market shows us that 30 percent of loans are not repaid. It becomes possible by business-plans of MFO. It is caused by low quality of scoring. Superficial glance on person's appearance and answering a few typical questions is not enough. In addition, there is no general CRB, so, it is irrational to make an application to every CRB just for a small loan.
Research of specificity of microfinance business includes analysis of Russian regions and quantitative and qualitative comparison of offered services. Data was systematized and presented downside in the chart 1.
Table 1. Main participants of MFO market in Moscow (2016year)
finance organisation Credit hisory Amount of loans Type of service Amou nt of % Size of a loan
Name Without mortgage With mortgag e offices Min Ma x
Standart loan
Domashnije Positive, 2 0 Home 32 225% -250% 10 000 30 000
dengi prob- service Loan «Club»
lem 170% -190% 25 000 50 000
Turbozaim Positive, problem 1 0 Bank account, credit card 2 730% 1 000 16 000
10 000 30 000
MFO Invest Positive 8 0 Cash in 1 109% - 15 000 100 000
Group offices 328,5 % Until wage
5 000 40 000
5 000 30 000
Until wage
Positive, problem 1 000 20 000
Cash in offices 73% - Until pension
Fast Money 5 1 56 5110% 1 000 20 000
Loan with aim
500 3 000
Moscow MFOs are the most loyal and open for clients with different credit histories. For example, about 91% of MFO are ready to provide a loan to a person, whose credit history was declined by a bank. It is caused by high level of competition in the market that is why MFOs are trying to limit requirements to scoring and to simplify the requirements for potential customers. Wide range of rates is also the result of competition. Its fluctuations are from 64% to 5110% in Moscow. It is an interesting fact that MFOs that work over the whole country (such as «Domashnije dengi» and «Turbozaim» have lower rates in comparison with local MFOs that work only in few regions. So, «Domashnije dengi» offers more beneficial conditions than either « Invest group» or «Fast Money», the rates of which are the highest in MFO market - 5110% per year.
The analysis of MFO market in Russia has shown us some trends. Firstly, possible maximal loans amounts of local MFOs in various regions of Russia are lower than in Moscow. For example, it is about 10-15 thousands rubles in Smolensk region, and 16 thousands rubles in Krasnoyarsk region. MFOs of Moscow region make it possible to raise a loan of 20-50 thousands rubles.
Moreover, during the research of Russian regions, the fact has been identified that there is one firm in each region with key figures exceeding ordinaries for that region 50-60 times. Usually such MFO is a local secret monopoly for large loans.
Another feature of MFO market in Russia is that there are 2-4 organizations that work in every region of our country. As a rule, their loans are bigger than ordinaries in such a region, but their rates are higher from 220 to 730%. The popularity of such MFOs is caused by high level of consumer trust.
Nevertheless, the market of MFO is growing fast and its major problems still need to be solved. Therefore, to decrease the amount of delays and to increase efficiency of their activities it is important to restrict the amount of MFOs by licensing them and creating official ratings. If they want to decrease rates, they have to simplify the process of funding and to decrease its costs for an MFO, which has clear reports and high level of profitability. General CRB would increase efficiency of scoring, it would also help banks.
Using prepaid credit cards and online loans saves the client's time. Moreover, some businesses have successful experience in such technologies, e.g., Zaimer ltd. provides loans without personal attendance, it is fully automatic process made by a program. It has its own clear algorithms. But robot pays attention to a customer's needs. He has some programs for discounts for loyal customers; it is able to cancel fines and penalties for those people who were trapped in a difficult situation.
Microfinance is one of the most dynamic sectors in the current market. Its volume is 120 billion rubles, with the prospect of 350 billion and annual growth of 40%. The potential of market is huge: about 70% of the residents of small towns are not served by banks, and the intersection of customer banking sector and micro-loans is only 25%. Thus, the MFO market includes a wide range of microloans, and requires more attention to the basis of its operation and more precise and at the same time, careful legislative regulation of the activities of its subjects, which guarantees its transparency and objectivity in relation to clients.
1. Federal law 02.07.2010 N 151-®3 (edit. 28.06.2014) "About microfinance activity and the microfinance organizations" // ConsultantPlus. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ (date of access: 27.03.2016).
2. Federal law 21.12.2013 N 353-®3 (edit. 21.07.2014) "About a consumer loan" // ConsultantPlus. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ (date of access: 28.03.2016).