Научная статья на тему 'Методические подходы к формализации управления инфокоммуникационными системами и сетями специального назначения'

Методические подходы к формализации управления инфокоммуникационными системами и сетями специального назначения Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Буренин Андрей Николаевич, Легков Константин Евгеньевич

В настоящее время в условиях расширения номенклатуры услуг связи, заказчиков телекоммуникационных и инфокоммуникационных сетей специального назначения интересует прежде всего их качественные и количественные показатели. Основными качественными и количественными показателями являются: гарантированное качество услуги «из конца в конец», доступность услуги, наличие устойчивой постоянной связи, мобильность, универсальность оборудования доступа, гарантия совместимости различных стандартов, возможность поддержки индивидуальных настроек и профиля потребителя услуг. Поэтому эффективные решения в области управления такими сетями наиболее важны. Функционирование современных инфокоммуникационных систем и сетей специального назначения (ИКС СН) с высокими качественными показателями может быть обеспечено только при решении комплекса задач управления ими. Постоянно возрастающая сложность организация различных сетей, входящих в состав инфокоммуникационной системы специального назначения (абонентские и объектовые сети, сети доступа, многоуровневая транспортная сеть, сети услуг прикладного уровня) приводит к тому, что чрезвычайно усложняются процедуры принятия решений и выработки управляющих воздействий при разработке и создании мощных автоматизированных систем управления (АСУ) ИКС СН. Для обеспечения возможности осуществления широкой автоматизации процедур управления ИКС СН и создания на этой основе специального программного обеспечения комплексов средств автоматизации АСУ ИКС СН, последовательно излагаются достаточно строгие методические подходы к постановке и решению задачи управления ИКС СН, позволяющие в последствии разработать соответствующее алгоритмическое обеспечение АСУ ИКС СН.

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Похожие темы научных работ по математике , автор научной работы — Буренин Андрей Николаевич, Легков Константин Евгеньевич

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Текст научной работы на тему «Методические подходы к формализации управления инфокоммуникационными системами и сетями специального назначения»


Burenin Andrey Nikolaevich,

Ph.D., associate professor, chief specialist of JSC «Research Institute «Rubin», St. Petersburg, Russian, [email protected]

Legkov Konstantin Evgenyevich,

Ph.D., deputy head of the Department automated systems of control, Military Space Academy, St. Petersburg, Russian,

[email protected]

Keywords: functioning, infocommunication networks of a special purpose, information influence, management, architectural construction.

Now in the conditions of extension the nomenclature of communication services, customers of telecommunication and infocommunication networks of a special purpose interests first of all their quality and quantitative indices. The main quality i_ and quantitative indices are: the guaranteed quality of service «from the end - in the end», availability of service, exist-U ence of a stable continuous communication, mobility, universality of the equipment access, a guarantee of compatibility û£ various standards, possibility of support individual settings and a profile of the consumer services. Therefore effective

decisions in the field of management such networks are most important. <C The functioning of modern infocommunication system and networks of special purpose (ICN SP) with high quality indicators can be achieved only when all tasks of management. The ever-increasing complexity of organization of various networks included in the ICN SP (personal and facility network, access network, transport network multi-level, network services application level) leads to extremely complicated procedure of decision-making and development of control actions in the development and creation of powerful automated control systems (ACS) ICN SP. So the article, to enable extensive automation of management procedures ICN SP and creation on this basis of the special software complexes of means ACS ICN SP, consistent sets out rather strict methodological approaches to the formulation and management of ICN SP, allowing to develop an appropriate algorithmic support of automated control systems ICN SP.

Currently within departmental communication systems of special purpose creates a number of information systems and telecommunication networks that form in their entirety by the information communication system or the special-purpose network (ICN SP), which is actually information and telecommunication the core of the relevant system connection, and provide users with requested services. [1, 2].

The functioning of the departmental ICN SP with high quality indicators in the conditions of enough rigid requirements of the special users of information systems and Executive bodies, is possible only if the solution of complex management tasks assigned to management information system ICN [3 - 5].

The increased complexity of telecommunication networks, which are part of the departmental ICN (subscriber network, site network, access network, transport network, network services, each network level), and processes of their functioning, increasing the number of used telecom-

munication and information technology, potential errors in their implementation, and therefore in the provision of services and opportunities opposing parties on the implementation of the various influences on the network, necessitate the development and implementation of sufficiently powerful automated subsystems for monitoring, planning and operational management, which, in turn, significantly increases quality performance of each network, determine critical network resources and prepare data for selection of adequate programme management.

When the various tasks of ensuring management ICN SP are solves, that uses different approaches to the formalized representation of the processes of functioning and management, which can serve as the mathematical theory of control processes of a General type [6].

In the description of various dynamical systems, which, of course, is the inhomogeneous ICN SP, are most often used either linear vector and matrix differential equations, or equations reduced to linear.

Let the operation of the heterogeneous ICN SP is described by vector-matrix equation of the form:


-= Ax(t)+f (t) , (1)


where f(t) - is some vector function describing deterministic perturbations, including management ICN SP.

In this case x(t=0)=x0, the initial state ICN SP is quite fixed.

Stable steady-state operation ICN SP characterizes the case when the matrix A is constant. This case is extremely important for practice is the aim control ICN SP.

The solution of equation (1) has the following form:


x(0 =y(t)+J K(t - s)f (s) . (2)


In this case, y(t) is a solution of the homogeneous equation and such a representation is a systematic study of the forms of solving various classes of linear functional equations for which a solution is obtained either in the form of (2), or in a more General form:


x(t) = y (t)+| K(t, s)f (s) . (3) 0

Here it should be noted the important issue of stability of both linear and nonlinear ICN SP. Currently, however, it is not possible to establish a link between like-minded theories of management and sustainability, as the results in the area in which these theories overlap very little.

In General it can be shown that the study of a number of control processes ICN SP leads to the problem of determining such a vector function f(t) that minimizes the functional

t t O(t) = í [x(t) - x0] dt +a1 í f (s) ds . (4)

0 0

In (4) ax is a nonnegative constant, and the variable x(t) associated with the function f(t) equation (2) or (3).

In this case, the control problem can be described as follows. Consider first ICN SP, defined in any time moment the state vector x(t). Suppose that you want to hold in some initial state x0.

If ICN SP operates in isolation (all by myself), it describes a homogeneous vector equation dx(t)

-= Ax(t) (5)


If this continues, x(t=0)=x0 the initial state ICN SP is fixed.

We agree that we will estimate the deviation from the desired state ICN SP for the time interval [0, T] by means of the functionality


01(t) =J [x(t) - x0] dt (6)


Let's call it the price deviations from the desired state ICN SP. We agree also to be a means of price control ICN SP over the same time period, the functional


O2(t) = a1 J f(s)ds. (7)


The functionals (6) and (7) are quadratic, and the measure of price control will be determined by the price deviation.

If you choose f(t) to minimize the total price deviations from the desired state ICN SP for the time interval [0, T], we arrived at the formulated above problem of control.

Using classical methods for solving obtained linear equation of Euler, which gives the opportunity to use the theory of Hilbert space to display basic properties of the solution, which in General are common for problems of the above type, when a vector function x(t) and the function f(t) are related by equations of the form (2) or (3).

Considered still ICN SP can be called deterministic, in the sense that the behavior of the network in the future is completely determined by its condition at the moment. For the formation of the General approach it was necessary. However, the real ICN SP function in more complex random or even hostile environment.

Let us now consider the more General case, when ICN SP be the impact that is not fully known and may not be taken into account. As examples, we show interference, informational influence, terrorist acts, etc.

One (but not the only, as will be shown below) the path in order to bypass the "ignorance" of the important processes is the introduction of the notion of random function. The notion of helping the formulation of the problem in any case, regardless of whether one believes the designer and official control in fact, it is this influence that accidentally.

Assume, in view of the above, that ICN SP is described by a linear vector equation of the form


-= Ax(t)+f (t)+r(t) , (8)


where r(t) - is some random vector function characterizing the influence ICN SP.

This means that for any value of t the vector r(t) is a vector random variable with distribution dependent on t.

In such a case defined above the functional (4) is itself a random variable. In order to formulate the minimization problem, we must introduce some mean value functional (4). The simplest of all the averages is the expected value and to solve the problem for this case, it is necessary to determine, due to the linearity of equations (2) and quadratic functional (4), only the expected value as a function of time and the correlation function R[r(s), r(t)].

However, for many generated ICN SP the solution of problems of management it is impossible to implement classical methods. For ICN SP such that the functional that should be minimized linearly f, but the function itself f(t) imposed linear constraints. As a rule, problems of this kind arise in special conditions ICN SP and here the main mathematical


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tool is a Lemma the Neyman-Pearson [6], and the applied methods use the properties of the spaces of moments.

In many cases the functioning of the real ICN SP in the special conditions of typical tasks that are neither linear nor sufficiently nonlinear to allow unfettered use of classical methods. To these problems, it is advisable to apply certain combined methods related to determining the minimum on all features y(t) functional

Ф(j) = ! F(x, y) dt . 0


In (9) vector function x(t) and function y(t) the associated differential equation

dx(t ) dt

= G[x(t),y (t)], x(t=0)=x0, 0 < y(t) < x(t) (10)

y(t ) =


y ',0 < y * < x x

if о < t < t if t i < t < t

if T 2 < t < T


The values T1 and T2 in the General case depend on the values and functions F(x, y) and G[x(t), y(t)].

For each value t > 0 there is a linear mapping p* that transforms the vector-function f(t) in the n-dimensional vector with the i-th component equal to


I exp[-l.s] Ea .f. (s) ds 0 1 j ij j



ZG{ J expR.s] Z a.f. (s)

1 л 1 -• у J

ds =



: Z J ( Z в-a., e xp[-l. s]) f . ( s) ds

i o i i j i J

It is obvious that the maximum of the expression (13) equal

Zj ÇZ6.a. exp[-Z.s] ) ds .

i 0 i 1 у 1


Given in (10), the constraint is usually greatly complicates the solution of the problem, however, is the most natural for the description of different multi-stage processes, and its presence leads to the combination of equations of Euler and imposed inequalities.

For the vast majority of ICN SP function F(x, y) and G[x(t),y(t)] you can specify is quite simple, thus minimizing the functiony(t) has a fairly simple structure:

Often functioning ICN SP in the special conditions suggests that extraneous factors it can no longer be regarded as a random function, and it is reasonable to consider them as a kind of hostile to the aims of the network operation. Thus, when in the process of solving tasks of management tend to minimize the measure of price divergence, the opposing side tries to maximize. However, despite the diametrically opposed actions of the parties, to explore and solve problems in which control actions and destructive effects oppose each other, to a certain extent easier. The equation describing ICN SP under these conditions, takes the form:

dx(t) dt

= Ax(t)+f (t)+g(t),


where g(t) - is some non-random vector function characterizing the influence ICN SP of the opposing side that may change.

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In such stochasticity is introduced by means of the theory of Borel and von Neumann [7], created specifically to research and solve General classes of problems of this kind.

Often in the practical solution of control problems ICN SP the use of the above methods is difficult and perhaps the use of methods based on providing indicators in the form of probabilistic measures of control definition, or providing an extremum of the mathematical expectation of some functional, or performance quantiles, which are also dependent on many random and non-random parameters ICN SP.

Ф* (y) = M^(y, Param ICN)]. P№(y, Param ICN)]^z ]>Pz .

(16) (17)

From (12) it follows that the required time will be the smallest value t > 0 at which the set X0 = {x0} itself contains a vectory (t=0), since this vector when t > t* belongs to a set X0={x0}, then it needs to be at zero distance from the set X(t*)={x(t*)}. But since many X0={x0}, due to a known fact from the theory of Banach spaces, is closed, the set of vector functions f(t) can be topologized so that it is compact, and that each consider the mapping p" was continuous.

If f*(t) satisfies the ratio p*f*(t)= - y(0), therefore there are some constants 01,....., 0n, not all zero, for which

the function f" (t) maximizes the expression


The latter, defined by expression (17), is used most often because it allows to use probabilistic-temporal characteristics of the ICN SP.

Thus, for various kinds of ICN SP and different conditions of their functioning, it is advisable to use those or other methods of solving problems of management presented in this article.


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3. Burenin A.N. Problemy sistemno-arkhitekturnogo postroeniya avtomatizirovannoy sistemy upravleniya sis-temoy svyazi obshchego pol'zovaniya [The problems of system-architecture design of the automated system management system public communications]. Telekommu-nikatsionnye tekhnologii. 2001. No.1. Pp. 83-94.

4. Burenin A.N., Kurnosov V.I. Teoreticheskie osnovy upravleniya sovremennymi telekommunikatsionnymi set-yami [Theoretical bases of management of modern telecommunications networks]. Moscow: Nauka. 2011. 464 p.

5. Legkov K.E., Burenin A.N. Arkhitektura sistem up-ravleniya sovremennykh infokommunikatsionnykh setey spetsial'nogo naznacheniya [The architecture of the control systems of modern communication networks]. H&ES Research. 2013. Vol. 5. No. 6. Pp. 42-46.

6. Bellman R., Glicksberg I., Gross O. Nekotorye vo-prosy matematicheskoy teorii protsessov upravleniya [Some problems of mathematical theory of control processes]. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo inostrannoy literatury. 1962.336 p.

7. Wiener N. Kibernetika, ili upravlenie i svyaz' v zhi-votnom i mashine. [Cybernetics, or control and communication in the animal and the machine]. Moscow: Sovetskoe radio. 1958. 567 p.

For citation:

Burenin A.N., Legkov K.E. Methodological approaches to formalize management infocommunication systems and networks of special purpose. H&ES Research. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 64-67.


Буренин Андрей Николаевич,

г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, [email protected]

Легков Константин Евгеньевич,

г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, [email protected]


В настоящее время в условиях расширения номенклатуры услуг связи, заказчиков телекоммуникационных и инфокоммуникационных сетей специального назначения интересует прежде всего их качественные и количественные показатели. Основными качественными и количественными показателями являются: гарантированное качество услуги «из конца - в конец», доступность услуги, наличие устойчивой постоянной связи, мобильность, универсальность оборудования доступа, гарантия совместимости различных стандартов, возможность поддержки индивидуальных настроек и профиля потребителя услуг. Поэтому эффективные решения в области управления такими сетями наиболее важны.

Функционирование современных инфокоммуникационных систем и сетей специального назначения (ИКС СН) с высокими качественными показателями может быть обеспечено только при решении комплекса задач управления ими.

Постоянно возрастающая сложность организация различных сетей, входящих в состав инфокоммуникацион-ной системы специального назначения (абонентские и объектовые сети, сети доступа, многоуровневая транспортная сеть, сети услуг прикладного уровня) приводит к тому, что чрезвычайно усложняются процедуры принятия решений и выработки управляющих воздействий при разработке и создании мощных автоматизированных систем управления (АСУ) ИКС СН. Для обеспечения возможности осуществления широкой автоматизации процедур управления ИКС СН и создания на этой основе специального программного обеспечения комплексов средств автоматизации АСУ ИКС СН, последовательно излагаются достаточно строгие методические подходы к постановке и решению задачи управления ИКС СН, позволяющие в последствии разработать соответствующее алгоритмическое обеспечение АСУ ИКС СН.

Ключевые слова: функционирование, инфокомму-никационные сети специального назначения, информационное воздействие, управление, архитектурное построение.

Информация об авторе:

Буренин А.Н., к.т.н., доцент, главный специалист ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт «Рубин»; Легков К.Е., к.т.н., заместитель начальника кафедры автоматизированных систем управления Военно-космической академии имени А.Ф. Можайского.

Для цитирования:

Буренин А.Н., Легков К.Е. Методические подходы к формализации управления инфокоммуникационными системами и сетями специального назначения. Наукоемкие технологии в космических исследованиях Земли. 2015. Т. 7. № 5. С. 64-67.


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