Sanaqulov H.R. associate professor lecturer
department ofpedagogy and psychology ofprimary education
Sa'dullayeva S. U.
1st year master
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Annotation: This article analyzes the initial pedagogical processes in the vocational guidance of primary school students, in which the teacher's pedagogical skills, knowledge and skills in choosing a profession, tasks, as well as personal qualities in choosing a profession, o. Information is provided on the content of the psychology of students, the criteria for determining the readiness of students to choose a profession, the preparation of students for career guidance.
Key words: teacher, technology, profession, occupation, patience, interest, labor, ability.
In recent years, the Republic of Uzbekistan, along with all sectors, has been carrying out large-scale reforms in the education system. The effectiveness of these changes is due to the fact that our country occupies a worthy place among the developed countries, first of all, with the development of science and education. In order to further increase the effectiveness of the work, to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the state and society, to implement the priorities of modernization of the country and liberalization of all spheres of life, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 7, 2017 Education, culture, science, literature, art and sports in the priority area "Development of the social sphere" of the Decree No. PF-4947 "On the Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" development of areas, improvement of state youth policy [1].
It is known that the development of any society depends on the social, political, economic stability, the high level of development of the intellectual and moral potential of its citizens. After all, the national issue of training plays an important role in the spiritual renewal of our society, the formation of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, ensuring the integration of the world community in the formation of a socially oriented market economy. [5;14].
It should be noted that the contribution of our teachers and educators is invaluable in the development of our children, who today master modern
knowledge and professions, foreign languages, step into life with great hope and confidence, and are the backbone of our future. An elementary school teacher not only provides students with an initial knowledge of the world of science, but also guides students in the process. As a result, the student from an early age loves a profession, dreams of it, imagines himself as the owner of that profession. All forms and methods of vocational guidance for primary school students should serve the purposeful career choices of students. Junior high school students are far from choosing a career. However, the process of choosing the right profession among them should be such a basis that the interests, thoughts and intentions of high school students in the profession will later develop on this basis. 'should be. Career guidance for elementary school students in Technology classes requires an individual approach to each of them. It is necessary to take into account the qualities of the student, such as temperament, will, attention, determination to achieve the set goal, initiative, organization, discipline, responsible attitude to the task. In addition, career guidance should take into account the reasons for choosing a profession, the social significance, interests and opportunities of the profession, the level of preparation for the profession, family traditions and the advice of parents, educators.
Occupation - a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of labor activity in a particular field as a result of special training and work experience, physical activity, mental abilities and rights (training) ) is a type of [3-56].
The school is the first source of enlightenment to quench one's thirst for knowledge. At school, the student begins to develop as an individual. It is when the first professional feelings arise. These are diligence, understanding and understanding of the need to work, the ability to plan and control their work, proper organization of the workplace, cost-effectiveness, patience, perseverance, the most rational way to perform the task (seven o ' lchab, a person) to be able to choose and save time, and so on. It is necessary to gradually take children to the world of professions, to teach them to aim in this world. The teacher observes in the classroom, talks to the child, and in the process of analyzing the product of the child's activity, notices some of his characteristics, abilities, interests, tendencies, which form these qualities and attributes. All of the above can be a major factor in the career choices of primary school students. Early detection of important professional qualities and qualities in a child and the right choice of profession based on their characteristics can allow them to master it successfully, to achieve high results in work.
The main purpose of forming career concepts in primary school students is to help young people make career choices based on their abilities, interests and inclinations, as well as social needs. In our society, great attention is paid to ensuring that everyone is able to fully demonstrate their abilities, work efficiently, and engage in activities and conditions. It is necessary to teach the
student to work, not only to love the work, but to get used to it in such a way that the work is absorbed into his body. Guide them also into the good behaviors and to avoid displaying some profane ones.
The requirements of the State Education Standard for the education of children of primary school age also pay special attention to the fact that children are mature in terms of morality and ability to work. From an early age, children are taught habits such as hard work and respect for the work of others. These habits form the basis of the content of raising a child in a moral, hard-working manner. Minimum requirements for elementary school students in terms of morality and ability to work:
- know the value of adult work;
- self-confidence;
- self-service;
- be able to do light work at home or in the school yard;
- assistance to adults working in the neighborhood or on the farm;
- know how to put toys and room furniture in their place;
- Understanding that hard work is a good habit, etc., will serve as a foundation for career choices for primary school students. The purpose of vocational guidance for primary school students is to acquaint them with the work, types of professions, directions and to form in students an interest in professional activities. In them to achieve this
- to get an idea of the world of work and profession;
- Organize conversations and discussions with students on topics such as "Who I am", "My profession", "Choosing a profession - a mirror of life";
- develop self-esteem skills;
- The development of intellectual and emotional will is important.
The honest attitude of children to this age is reflected in the ability to understand its role in life and society, the desire to do any work, nature, the environment, the preservation of its wealth, and so on.
Organize non-traditional travel classes in the primary grades with the school administration to acquaint students with the activities, direction and life of various industry colleges, enterprises, where there are meetings with advanced workers on various topics. should
In conclusion, it is desirable that the primary school teacher of "Technology" work in close cooperation with school psychologists and science teachers. For example, in a technology class, a student can fully express the profession he or she is interested in or is capable of. At the same time, the teacher of this lesson should diagnose the student along with the professional culture of the class teacher. Parents' meetings at the school should be conducted in conjunction with professional staff. This is because the student, in cooperation with his parents, receives information about professions and has the opportunity to choose it. Only when the interaction in the family allows you to fully choose a profession, then the student will have a tendency to a profession.
z gives the effect. At the same time, we will contribute to the future generations to find their place in life, as well as to further the development of our country.
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