UDC 796 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-21-27
Methodology of planning the training process of young 7-8-year-old boys hockey players taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-
Aleksandr S. Torkhov', Ildus G. Gibadullin2, Aleksandr A. Kharin3, Oleg V. Kosenovich4
1Izhevsk State Medical Academy Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-8580-0944, [email protected] 2M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk
Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6386-1121, [email protected]* 3Udmurt State University Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-1643-1898, [email protected] Udmurt State Agrarian University Izhevsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-0755-8475, [email protected]
Abstract: The article considers the process of physical training and describes the experimental methodology of planning the training process of young 7-8-year-old boys hockey players on the basis of taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply. The effectiveness of the created methodology was estimated according to the comparison of physical fitness indices of the boys from the experimental and control groups and according to the changes in the indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism in the experimental group in the end of the experiment. Material. Creation and experimental effectiveness substantiation of the methodology of planning the training process of young 7-8 year-old hockey players on the basis of the system of muscle activity energy-supply. Research methods: information sources analysis and summarizing, general physical fitness testing, method of express-diagnostics of the functional state and reserve capacities of an organism "D&K-Test", pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The results of the pedagogical experiment analysis showed that all considered indices of organism functional and reserve capacities improved among the hockey players from the experimental group and all compared values have statistically valid differences. Conclusion. We can claim that the experimental methodology of the training process planning among young 7-8 year-old hockey players taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply is more effective in comparison with the standard program of the federal standard.
Keywords: young hockey players, multifactorial express-diagnostics «D&K-Test», systems of energy-supply, physical training.
For citation: Aleksandr S. Torkhov, Ildus G. Gibadullin, Aleksandr A. Kharin, Oleg V. Kosenovich. Methodology of planning the training process of young 7-8-year-old boys hockey players taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2023; 18(1): 19-23. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-21-27.
The training process organization among young hockey players is regulated in accordance with the federal standard of sports training in "Hockey" [7]. Some authors describe the issue of planning training loads during young hockey players training [7,10]. We also found the works connected with the training process planning on the basis of muscle activity energy supply systems. For example, Mironov A.Yu. [1] in his work considers the problem of educational-training process individualization on
the basis of bioenergetic types. Kapralova A.M. [3] in her work studies the necessity to take into account the mechanism of muscle activity energy-supply during the training process organization with the qualified karatekas. Tikhonov Yu.V. [8] reveals the factors, which define the necessity to organize the training of marathon runners taking into account the peculiarities of muscle activity energy-supply mechanism. There are works not connected with educational-training process, but which take into consideration bioenergetic types, for example, the
work by Torkhov A.S. and other authors [9]. This work proves the effectiveness of the load planning for a complex development of physical qualities among the students of medical Academy, taking into account bioenergetic types. In spite of the research works diversity, including the works, which take into consideration muscle activity energy-supply. We revealed no research works connected with training process planning among young hockey players at the stage of initial training, taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply.
The aim of the research is to create and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the training process planning methodology among young 7-8-year-old hockey players on the basis of taking into account muscle activity energy-supply system.
The objectives of the research:
1. To diagnose functional and reserve capacities of an organism and determine the systems of muscle activity energy-supply among young 7-8 year-old hockey players.
2. To create and experimentally check the effectiveness of the methodology of the training process planning among young hockey players, taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply.
Materials and methods
The following research methods were used: information sources analysis and summarizing, general physical fitness testing, method of express-diagnostics of the functional state and reserve capacities of an organism "D&K-Test", pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
44 boys (year of birth: 2013-2014) hockey players from junior team "Progress KIDS" took part in the experiment. Training lessons were held in the control (n=20) and the experimental (n =24) groups.
Using the method of multifactorial express-diagnostics «D&K-Test» by professor Dushanin S.A. [2], we defined functional and reserve capacities of an organism among young hockey players from the experimental group. According to the definite indices of the functional and reserve capacities of an organism we determined bioenergetic profiles of young hockey players from the experimental group. The first group of boys included the players, who had ANAMC (anaerobic metabolic capacity ) (1-11%) and AMC (aerobic metabolic capacity) (89-99%) -1 boy; the 2nd group included the boys, who have ANAMC (12-20%) and AMC (80-88%) - 1 boy; the 3rd group included the boys, who have ANAMC (2129%) and AMC (71-79%) - 9 boys; the 4th group included the boys, who have ANAMC (30-38%) and AMC (62-70%) - 10 boys; the 5th group included the boys, who have ANAMC (39-83%) and AMC (1761%) - 3 boys. Taking this fact into consideration, the boys of the 1st and the 2nd bioenergetic profile were included into the group of aerobic type (2 boys), hockey players of the 3rd bioenergetic profile were included into the group of the mixed type (9 boys) and the boys of the 4th-5th bioenergetic profile were included into the group of anaerobic type (13 boys).
Table 1 and picture present the distribution according to the systems of energy-supply among young hockey players "Progress KIDS" from the experimental group.
Table 1
Systems of muscle activity energy-supply among the boys from the experimental group
Types of energy-supply
Aerobic Anaerobic Mixed
2 13 9
Total 24
40,00% 20,00% 0,00%
Аэробная Анаэробная Смешанная
Fig. Systems of muscle activity energy-supply among the boys from the experimental group, %
The presented distribution of bioenergetic profiles into bioenergetic types of muscle activity energy-supply is offered by professor Gibadullin I.G. and other authors [4, 5].
The training lesson for young hockey players from the control group was planned in accordance with the federal standard: GPT (general physical training) - 22-24%, SPT (special physical training) -2-4%, technical training- 33-34%, tactical training-7-9%, theoretical and psychological training-
5-6%, medical-biological and rehabilitation measures - 24-26%. In the experimental group the load was planned according to the created by us methodology of the training process planning, taking into account the system of muscle activity energy supply: GPT - 90%, SPT - 10%. We created a weekly micro cycle, this load was differentiated depending on the system of muscle activity energy-supply in terms of the created weekly micro cycle (table 2).
Table 2
Weekly micro cycle of the experimental group and the load depending on the system of organism energy supply, %
MirracycJc WqUq SintL'Bix ihFfiwrflj -supply
mtkidih Kind, of 111e lii ail AB#K MLTL'J .VlULTIltlir
M on dlV □ QJjLTGblL Monday 50% JSDfii 20R4
Tuesday rflmnclh men bed Tuesday 35% 35%
WukmiMhy a'.T'iibiiu Wed 11™ day 20% 50R4
Thursday sji'j'jl gjjTLcs TJiuriday SpGrt Ujrn'j:-
Friday KlCUDClh ucicjibcd Friday 35 % iSS-i
Saturday aeratae Saturday 2m-n 5CRi
Sunday day Sunday day dJT
Educational-training lessons in the experimental group were held by two coaches.
On Monday anaerobic training was held, directed toward the quickness of movements. Aerobic group fulfills the load of speed oriented character 50% from the planned time for this kind of exercises, the mixed group - 30% and anaerobic group - 20%. After the exercises end the anaerobic group completes first, running is fulfilled in the tempo. It corresponds with the pulse 120-130 beats/min.
When speed-oriented exercises end young hockey players join those, who run. One of the coaches sets the pace of running. After the first circle the pulse is registered and if it is necessary the tempo of running is corrected.
On Tuesday and Friday respondents have strength oriented training. Each of the planned exercises is fulfilled for time within 20-30 seconds (depending on difficulty). The exercises were fulfilled using line method. As children are not physically developed enough, the main aim of strength oriented training was skeletal muscles strengthening.
On Wednesday aerobic training was held. The exercises, directed toward endurance development, were used. In this kind of exercises the first finished hockey players of aerobic group, then hockey players of mixed and anaerobic group. When the group finishes the exercises it starts running laps in
the tempo. It corresponds with 120-130 beats/min pulse. Tempo of running is set by the second coach. The pulse is also controlled and if it is necessary the tempo of running is corrected.
On Thursday relaxing training is organized. Sport games. The load during this day was not differentiated according to the systems of muscle activity energy-supply.
On Saturday aerobic training was held. Young hockey players from the experimental group had cross-country running. During running pulse was controlled. It was within the limits of 120-140 beats/ min. The pace of running was set by the coach, each 5-6 minutes pulse was registered and if it was necessary the tempo of running was corrected. Aerobic group runs approximately 1,5-2 km, mixed - 2-2,5 km, anaerobic - 3 km.
On Sunday young 7-8 year-old hockey players from the experimental group had a day off.
Thus, the micro cycle was repeated each week during the pedagogical experiment period - since August till December, 2021. Young 7-8 year-old hockey players from the experimental group had the load according to created by us methodology of the training process planning, taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply.
Results and discussion
Optimal loads during the training process have a positive influence on the level of physical readiness. In order to substantiate the effectiveness of created by us experimental methodology of the training planning among young hockey players, taking into consideration the system of muscle activity energy-supply. We tested physical readiness in the control
and experimental groups at the beginning and in the end of the pedagogical experiment.
In order to test physical readiness we used generally adopted tests for young hockey players of sports-health improving stage of training: 30 m running, 500 m running and dip up in prone position. Table 3 presents the results of testing.
Table 3
The indices of testing physical readiness of 7-8 year-old hockey players at the beginning and in the end of
the experiment
Tiisls Slay.LK E:x.pcnmoib] L.r*up Contra! ur'/'Up-
X ±D CIUDC.. ? Xia chaot, * r
.11!' n: r.Mining IKLJIIIDIDC •-■DAS LjfifiPi •■■0.05
3<H> m runn.nj lu'uiiininj 2.3J±flJ7 IJ&LQ.iS iJOORi >0.tt5
Old l.lfi JQ.S? 2,5610.51
Dip up in pranij petition tKLJinDIDC 1 ]. 25=7,77 (Mi IP,7Ci-Kj«i L2,flJ% •■■0.05
end Irt.M^K.VK ICLifi^.Qii
"30 m running" index among young hockey players from the experimental group improves from 6,44±0,62 sec. till 6,16±0,64 sec., the increase was 4,57%, in terms of statistically valid differences (p<0,05). Young hockey players from the control group also had positive changes in this index in the end of the experiment: from 6,49±0,62 sec. till 6,39±0,60 sec., the increase was 1,66%, in terms of statistically valid differences (p<0,05).
The results of "500 m running" among young hockey players from the experimental group improve: before the experiment - 2,34±0,27 min, after the experiment- 2,16±0,39 min, the increase was 8,41%, the differences between the compared values have statistically significant character (p<0,05). Young hockey players from the control group had insignificant increase, it was 1,00%, from 2,38±0,45 min till 2,36±0,51 min, in terms of statistically insignificant differences (p>0,05).
The results of testing before and after the experiment show positive dynamics among young hockey players from the experimental and control group. In the experimental group the results in "Dip up in prone position" test improved from
Table 4
Functional and reserve capacities of an organism among young hockey players from the experimental group
at the beginning and in the end of the experiment
21,25±7,77 times till 26,92±8,78 times, the increase was 26,67%. Hockey players from the control group also had the results increase from 18,70±8,66 times till 20,95±9,08 times, the increase was 12,03%. In both groups the results of the compared values have statistically valid character (p<0,05).
At the beginning and in the end of the pedagogical experiment we organized multifactorial express-diagnostics "D&K-Test" by professor Dushanin S.A. in order to define organism functional and reserve capacities among young hockey players from the experimental group. Table 4 presents the results of testing.
Let's consider the indices of functional and reserve capacities of an organism at the beginning and in the end of the pedagogical experiment among young hockey players from the experimental group. The index, which characterizes strength oriented endurance in c.u., improves from 36,93±8,86 till 38,64±9,24, the increase was 4,63% in terms of valid differences (p<0,05).
lndicci Sti-ce X±ri riianc P
Sirene Lb oriented enduranee|e.uj bOEIIML 3ft,93lK.Sii Ajfiy^i
end 3H.fWU4.24
■¡peed endurance 1 u.u.) nee inn. 33.l9i5.iii 3JiCfti
Wariunc ejpie¡h1c.iL) 'beginn. 3J 2110157,74
end 356,79i№JI
MOC' icnu&imal ow^en LLMir-umptiooil mil k^i lieu.inn. 7l.HOl5.JJ 4,3JH-i
end 74.ff9l5.64
]|Rlanrn ■ hearl Lite th reihe-1J af anaerobe e i:>:i;ih.i|i:ml 'beginn. 173.DܱJiJ03 4JT!4
end mo.stt^
<]cnenl enervene Hundic.u.b nee inn. 2fl9,i»li:ji4 4 JTÜ
end 219Jfill4jftfc
The index, which characterizes speed endurance in c.u., shows the improvement in the end of the experiment for 2,80% and is 33,19±5,86 at the beginning and 34,45±6,16 in the end of the experiment, in terms of statistically valid differences (p<0,05). MOC improves from 71,00±5,34 till 74,09±5,64 ml/kg, the index increases for 4,35%, in terms of statistically valid differences (p<0,05). HRtanm also changes, the index increases for 4,37% - from 173,00±8,03 till 180,56±9,64, in terms of significant differences of the compared indices (p<0,05). General energetic fund also improved for 4,37% - from 209,99±12,84 till 219,16±14,66, in terms of statistically valid differences (p<0,05).
The results of the pedagogical experiment analysis showed that among young hockey players from the experimental group tests results (which characterize quickness, endurance and strength) are higher than among young hockey players from the control group. There are more statistically valid differences in the experimental group, than in the control group. In the end of the pedagogical experiment all considered indices of the functional and reserve capacities improve among young hockey players from the experimental group and all compared values have statistically valid differences.
We can claim that the experimental methodology of the training process planning among young 7-8 year-old hockey players (boys) taking into account the system of muscle activity energy-supply is more effective in comparison with the standard program of the federal standard.
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Submitted: 20.02.2023 Author's information:
Aleksandr S. Torkhov - Senior Lecturer, Izhevsk State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Kommunarov str, House 281, e-mail: torkhov78@ mail.ru
Ildus G. Gibadullin - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, M.T. Kalashnikov State Technical University, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia, Izhevsk, Studencheskaya str., House 7, e-mail: [email protected] Aleksandr A. Kharin - Senior Lecturer, Udmurt State University, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str., House 1/1, e-mail: [email protected]
Oleg V. Kosenovich - Senior Lecturer, Udmurt State Agrarian University, 426069, Russia, Izhevsk, Studencheskaya str., House 11, e-mail: [email protected]