UDC 796.8
DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-105-109
Methodology of moral breeding formation of 15-17-year-old teen-agers, who live in the Far North, using traditional games
Egor E. Starkov*, Margarita G. Kolodeznikova M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University Yakutsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-6616-5009, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-0327-1976, [email protected]
Abstract: Nowadays children and teen-agers demonstrate many different negative character traits. They are expressed in a form of moral ill-breeding, weak volitional development, insufficiently developed positive character traits and personality qualities. It is important to study pedagogical basics of teen-agers' moral development. There is inconsistency between moral-ethical qualities of the definite part of youth, especially teen-agers, and adopted in society norms. It is necessary to improve the whole system of moral-ethical upbringing of young generation in terms of the increasing role of a moral factor in the life of a society. Material. Create and experimentally check the effectiveness of the moral breeding formation methodology of 15-17-year-old teen-agers. They live in the Far North, using traditional games. Research methods. Information sources analysis; diagnostic methods, which include observation, conversation, questionnaire survey; pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We created, theoretically substantiated and experimentally checked the methodology of moral breeding formation among the pupils of a rural school in the Far North. During the research we proved its effectiveness. Conclusion. The experiment showed that traditional games use provided knowledge broadening and improvement in the sphere of general national culture, involved schoolchildren into the sources of spirituality, kindness and humaneness toward coevals: starting from amiability, approving sign, assessment and ending with help, care, friendly cooperation, joy from joint actions.
Keywords: moral breeding, methodology of moral breeding formation, 15-17-year-old teenagers, traditional games, physical culture.
For citation: Egor E. Starkov*, Margarita G. Kolodeznikova. Methodology of moral breeding formation of 15-17 year-old teen-agers, who live in the Far North, using traditional games. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(4): 90-93. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-4-105-109.
Nowadays children and teen-agers demonstrate many different negative character traits. They are expressed in a form of moral ill-breeding, weak volitional development, insufficiently developed positive character traits and personality qualities. It is important to study pedagogical basics of teenagers' moral development. As there is inconsistency between moral-ethical qualities of the definite part of youth, especially teen-agers, and adopted in society norms. It is necessary to improve the whole system of young generation moral-ethical upbringing in terms of the increasing role of a moral factor in the life of a society.
The role of family in spiritual values formation decreases. We see negative influence of mass media, modern music, fashion, mass culture. It leads to senior schoolchildren's adequate notions of good and evil, conscience, duty, faith, responsibility destruction. It becomes obvious that modern schoolchildren are more interested in gadgets and computer games, than in spiritual values.
Searching for the rational ways of moral problems solution among young people is connected with the names of the outstanding teachers of this country, such as V.G. Aleksandrov [1], V.P. Kochnev [2], I.I. Portnyagin [4] and others. General pedagogical problems of moral upbringing were studied by many teachers - specialists, such as I.S. Portnyagin [3], LA. Afanasev [5], V.F. Afanasev [6], М.G. Kolodeznikova [7] and many others. Their research works analysis and other research works, connected with moral upbringing study gives an opportunity to underline that with the society development increases the urgency of the presented problem, as more and more new aspects are reveled. In this connection the works of some scientists not completely reveal the increasing demands of the practice.
Materials and methods
The following research methods are used in the work: scientific-methodical sources analysis, diagnostic methods (observation, conversation,
questionnaire survey), pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results and discussion
The conclusions of studying theoretical aspect of spiritual values formation
1. Spiritual values are considered by us as moral imperative of students' social behavior, as the definite steadily mastered attitude to people and nature.
2. In terms of spiritual values it is more reasonable to use the term "formation". It means irreversible qualitative and structural transformations, the ability of a personality to "accumulate" changes, self-actualization on the basis of higher humanistic values.
3. During moral upbringing realization among schoolchildren, during educational-upbringing and cultural-leisure activity it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of schoolchildren development, the influence of parents, coevals and youth associations on them and also adopted in society social-cultural, axiological preferences, national traditions.
The methodology of traditional games introduction into the content of physical culture lessons for rural school pupils' moral breeding formation in the Far North
The aims and objectives of this stage of experimental work:
After the methodology mastering pupils should:
1. Have the notion of:
- traditional games, competitions in oral traditional arts;
- national kinds of sport.
2. Know:
- the history of origin and formation of traditional physical exercises, games and competitions of Yakutia aboriginal people;
- traditional ethno-cultural beliefs of Yakutia peoples concerning physical upbringing;
- ethno-pedagogical peculiarities of physical upbringing among Yakutia aboriginal people;
- classification of traditional and outdoor games;
- methodology of teaching and training national kinds of sport.
3. Master:
- the main elements of the national kinds of sport technique.
The presented methodology should be used during 4 weeks and includes 12 lessons. They should be held 3 times a week.
The part of the traditional games methodology introduction into the content of physical culture lessons in order to form moral breeding among rural school pupils in the Far North
Lesson 1
Getting acquainted with national physical
culture. History of origin and formation of traditional physical exercises, games and competitions of Yakutia aboriginal people.
1. Tell the history of origin and formation of traditional physical exercises, games and competitions of Yakutia aboriginal people.
2. Show visual aids connected with the national kinds of sport.
3. Answer the questions, which pupils are interested in.
Lesson 4
Objective 1: to get pupils acquainted with the technique of "tutum ergiir" ("Yakut rotator") fulfillment.
1. Visual aids demonstration.
2. Show the technique of Yakut rotator fulfillment.
Objective 2: to teach the technique Yakut rotator fulfillment.
1. It is necessary to fulfill the exercise after thorough warming-up. First of all it is necessary to fulfill bridge on a mat, as bridge is the main position during Yakut rotator fulfillment.
2. Start to fulfill Yakut rotator. To sit on one leg (stationary), then put the other leg behind it and start body rotation.
3. The main technique of the exercise is to gain the balance. It is necessary to help pupils to define the grasp and correct amplitude of the exercise fulfillment.
Methodical recommendations: during the rotation fulfillment a coach should hold the pupil's waist. The main thing is to sit on the leg (as a person squats, but on one leg), there is no necessity to keep back in tension and put legs far aside.
Lesson 5
Objective 1: to get pupils acquainted with the technique of "kylyy" jumps fulfillment.
1. Visual aids demonstration.
2. Show the technique of "kylyy" jumps fulfillment.
Objective 2: teach the technique "kylyy" jumps fulfillment.
1. Run-up is fully individual and depends on the level of pupil's physical and technical readiness. Run-up is fulfilled with speeding-up and achieves maximal level by the moment of repulsion.
2. Repulsion - at this stage the leg is placed on the bar for repulsion with a quick movement. The body is bent forward. This position provides the least degree of horizontal speed loss. Repulsion starts from the extension in knee joints and ends with the complete take-off leg straightening. Hands during
repulsion fulfill a simultaneous swing movement forward and increase the repulsion and the leap.
3. The leap (flying phase) is fulfilled upwards. Swing-up leg continues running: is brought forward being bent in knee and hip joints. Take-off leg, bent in knee and hip joints, leaves swing-up leg behind, is carried forward, then goes down to the ground with a raking movement - from the toe to the foot. Repulsion, the phase of flight and foot setting on the ground make one leap. The following leaps should be fulfilled rhythmically with the stress on the forward movement orientation, than the upward movement. The body is slightly bent forward, hands fulfill simultaneous swing movement in terms of legs in order to preserve the balance and for more energetic jumper's forward move. In "kylyy" the main mistake of jumpers is high jumps fulfillment during the first two-three jumps.
4. Landing starts during the 6th leap with shin of both legs "carrying forward". Landing should be fulfilled strictly according to the rules. It should be fulfilled on two legs. In accordance with the rules, in cases when a jumper fulfills landing on one leg or makes less or more than 6 jumps, this jump is not counted and the judge announces the effort failed.
Lesson 7
Objective 1: to get pupils acquainted with traditional board games of Yakutia aboriginal people.
Games form one of the biggest units of our general national culture. They reflect all spheres of material and spiritual creativity.
1. Visual aids demonstration.
2. Show the technique games fulfillment.
Objective 2: to teach pupils play board games.
1. "Khabylyk" ("Candle lighters") game is the most ancient game in Yakut national culture. The game is played with the simple candle lighters. They were used in every family in order to make fire in Yakut fireplace. In ancient times children played with them, later adults also started to play with them. This game teaches to count, define, imagine, think quicker.
The evaluation scale creation and substantiation in order to estimate the level of moral breeding among rural school pupils in the Far North.
In order to estimate adequately the level of moral breeding among the pupils during the control test we created special evaluation scale. However, we couldn't use it without an expert assessment. That is why we organized a questionnaire survey. It helped to estimate the validity of created by us scale, revealing the opinion of teachers of general education school.
The evaluation scale included 3 marks, where "3" is the lowest mark, "5" is the highest mark. Each
mark corresponded with the definite criteria. It we received with the help of scientific literature study and conversations with teachers.
During the research we organized a questionnaire survey in order to reveal the expert assessment of created by us scale. The questions of the survey were placed online in "Google-form". In general 32 teachers (31,7% had the highest qualification category, 43,3% had the 1st category, 25% didn't have any category) took part in the survey. Taking into account the analyzed results of held by us questionnaire survey we can come to the conclusion that this survey helped us to estimate the validity of created by us scale for the level of moral breeding estimation among pupils in the Far North. On the basis of a questionnaire survey results we come to the conclusion that the scale is valid.
Experimental substantiation of the moral breeding methodology among 15-17-year-old teenagers. They live in the Far North.
During the stating stage of the research for the pedagogical experiment organization we chose 2 groups of senior schoolchildren -32 people. The control group included 20 teen-agers. The experimental group included 12 teen-agers. At the initial stage we revealed spiritual upbringing of senior schoolchildren according to created by us evaluation scale.
The initial level of teen-agers' moral breeding diagnostics was realized with the help of a questionnaire survey. The survey was in a written form. The answers were registered in special forms. Teen-agers were offered to answer 10 questions. The results of each respondent were calculated, the sum of points for answers was revealed. Maximal amount of points, which a respondent could get, was 24 points. The levels of teen-agers' moral breeding were defined according to the amount of received points: high level - 19-24 points, mark "5", the average level - 11-18 points, mark "4", a low level - 11 points, mark "3". During the control stage of an empiric research one more teen-agers' moral breeding diagnostics was held. During the control stage we also compared the received results of the stating and control stages, summarized the research results and made conclusion concerning the effectiveness of the created program.
The additional diagnostics of moral breeding among teen-agers was realized with the help of the same methods, as at the stating stage of the research.
The considered problem of moral breeding formation among the pupils of a rural school in the Far North by means of traditional games helps to make some conclusions of the theoretical and experimental work and prove the validity of the initial hypotheses.
Summing up the results of the research we come to the following conclusion:
1. The research proves that traditional games of physical education are the part of general-national culture and have deep-roots in the history of this multinational country development. Organizing the course for moral breeding formation we involve schoolchildren into the roots of spirituality.
2. On the basis of the adopted initial concepts we realized the methodology of moral breeding formation by means of traditional games at physical culture lessons. The objectives of the final period of the experiment were the achieved knowledge broadening and improvement.
3. The experiment showed that during traditional games use schoolchildren demonstrated different manifestations of goodwill and humanity toward coevals: starting from amiability, approving sign, assessment and ending with help, care, friendly cooperation, joy from joint actions.
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Submitted: 21.10.2022 Author's information:
Egor E. Starkov — Undergraduate, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, 677000, Russia, Yakutsk, Belinskogo str., House 58, e-mail: [email protected]
Margarita G. Kolodeznikova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Professor, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, 677000, Russia, Yakutsk, Belinskogo str., House 58, e-mail: mgkolodeznikova@ inbox.ru