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Khoshimov F.A.\ Rakhmonov I.U.2, Kurbonov N.N.3
1Khoshimov Fozildjon Abidovich - Doctor of Technical Science, Head of Laboratory, INSTITUTE PROBLEM ENERGY ENGINEER ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN; 2Rakhmonov Ikromjon Usmonovich - Doctor of Technical Science (DSc), Head of Department; 3Kurbonov Nurbek Nurullo ugli - doctoral Student,
Abstract: in the rational use of energy resources, calculating the efficiency of their use and acting according to the results is one of the important issues today. This article discusses energy complexes that have a significant impact on the life cycle of energy resources. At the same time, the method of calculating the energy capacity indicators there is also widely covered, and the results obtained using the software prepared based on this method are described.
Keywords: energy efficiency, auxiliary, servicing, enterprises, artificial neural networks, calculation methods, basic, medium, service provider, system, functionality, fuel energy complexes.
The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is an intersectoral system that includes the extraction, processing of various types of fuel and energy production, their transportation, distribution and consumption [1].
The fuel and energy complex include the following enterprises:
• main (fuel and energy industries);
• auxiliary (specialized engineering and transport);
• servicing (specialized construction and installation, repair and other enterprises) production, as well as the control system.
Today, there are 23 fuel energy complexes in Uzbekistan, and it is very important to determine, analyze and compare their energy efficiency with other indicators [2].
Figure 1 Deficiencies in existing programs and solution in new system
Fig. 2. Deficiencies in existing programs and solution in new system
Today, several systems determine energy efficiency and have convenient interfaces for preparing reports, but several shortcomings identified in them create the need for a new system. Taking these into account, a new approach was developed [3]. The Figure (Figure 1) shows the drawbacks of the existing programs and how relevant this system is when these shortcomings are filled in the new system.
The determination of energy efficiency was organized based on three levels.
1. Formation of incoming data.
2. Implementation of preliminary account books.
3. Primary analysis in the enterprise itself.
4. Analyze.
The formation of incoming data is organized based on Figure 2, and its operation is organized based on internal and external sources. Internal sources include resources provided by the enterprise itself, and external sources include information obtained from other existing systems based on integration.
Entered data is used to calculate energy efficiency indicators at the stage of initial calculations. [5,6] The overall energy efficiency targets for enterprises are calculated as follows:
• enterprise energy efficiency (E) is determined by the formula:
E = — x 100%
Figure 2 The structure of formation of incoming data
Fig. 2. The structure offormation of incoming data
- TCE - the total cost of expenses for fuels and lubricants, heat supply, electricity consumption, gas supply, thousand UZS;
- CMP - the cost of manufactured products (works, services), thousand UZS.
• The share of the volume (cost) of the cost of electricity consumption (C), in the total volume of TCE, is determined by the formula that [7]:
C = — x 100% TCE
CEE - the volume of costs for the consumption of electrical energy, thousand UZS.
• the share of the volume (cost) of the cost of fuel consumption (FC) in the total volume of TCE is determined by the formula [8]:
FC=—x 100% TCE
- EFC - the volume of expenses for fuel consumption, thousand UZS.
• the share of the volume (cost) of costs for the consumption of thermal energy (CTE), in the total volume of TCE, is determined by the formula:
CCTE CTE = —— x 100% TCE
CCTE - the volume of costs for the consumption of thermal energy, thousand UZS [9, 10].
Fig.3. The interface of state of energy efficiency of enterprises
in test mode.
Fig. 3. The interface of state of energy efficiency of enterprises in test mode
Indicators are formed on the chart based on the indicators calculated in the comparison stage. Through this diagram, it is possible to see which part of the enterprise is working in what order, how far it has deviated from the established norm and the level of danger of this deviation. Figure 3 shows the state of the enterprise entered in test mode [11].
By changing the time interval shown in right side of Figure 3, the energy efficiency indicator can be viewed for the desired interval. Conclusion
Calculation of energy efficiency indicators and organization of management based on the results are the main issues of today. To sum up, the available energy efficiency software has its drawbacks as well as its convenience. Filling these shortcomings, a new system was developed, through this system it is possible to see and analyze the state of operation of the enterprise at any interval of time. At the same time, it is possible to analyze energy efficiency indicators based on several levels in the case where enterprises make inter-level comparisons.
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9. Рахмонов И.У., Тоиров М.М. Наивыгоднейшие режимы энергоемких потребителей промышленных предприятий с различным технологическим процессом // Издательство «Проблемы науки». " European science", 2021. № 6 (62). Декабрь. Стр. 17-19.
10. Рахмонов И.У., Нажимова А.М. Оценка влияния энергетических, технологических и эксплуатационных факторов на показатели удельного расхода электроэнергии на единицу выпускаемой продукции // Научно-методический журнал "Проблемы науки". № 8 (67), 2021. Ноябрь. Стр. 20-22.
11. Рахмонов И.У., Зиявуддинов А.Ф. Исследование закономерности изменения параметров электропотребления промышленных предприятий // Научно-методический журнал "Проблемы современной науки и образования", 2021. № 9 (166). Октябрь. Стр. 17-20.