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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gerlee Sh., Nyamsuren O., Baljinnyam T.

Pasture land use plan problems in Mongolian desert steppe and desert have become worse in years to come.Economic, social and ecological adverse consequences have occurred because of more increased overgrazing which is natural resources.The research work purpose is to study pasture land using features and to determine ways of grazing improvement methods in the Govi region.Saintsagaan soum, Dundgovi aimag was selected with regard to the research purpose.Pasture land using features, nomadic style and geographic location of the soum was studied and the pasture land use plan was developed and implemented with participant of local people and community in 2015. For the Saintsagaan soum, the largest proportion of the herders makes migration to other aimags and soums and the plan suited to the feature was processed. In 2015, a review of the implementation of the plan and ways for further improvement was identified.

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Для определения оптимальных значений факторов, при котором возникает наименьшая неравномерность распределения удобрений уравнение (3) исследовали на минимум на ЭВМ Получены следующие параметры рассеивателя тукового сошника для широкополосного внесения удобрений L1 = 20 мм, ^ = 60 мм, а1 = 250 и D = 40 мм.

В 2006-2008 годах на полях совхоза Гувалак Касанского тумана Кашкадарьинского вилоята для определения эффективности новой технологии проведены агротехнические опыты при помощи приспособленного чизеля-культиватора ЧКУ-4М с междурядьем 90 см.

Результатов опытов показали что при применении новой технологии внесения удобрений вместо применяемой технологии урожай хлопка-сырца повышается на 2,5-3,0 ц/га. Если новая технология внесения удобрений (внесение удобрений на глубину 16-18 см, лентой шириной 12-14 см, одновременно с формированием гребни) на вспаханном поле урожай хлопка-сырца повышается по сравнению с обычной технологией более чем 5 ц/га.


1. Хаджиев. А. Механизация локального внесения минеральных удобрений под хлопчатник. - Ташкент: Мехнат, 1988. - 185 с.

2. Хидиров Т., Батиров З. Рузикулов З. Внесение минеральных удобрений под растения хлопчатника// Аграрная наука, 2008, №9, 22 - 23 с.


Gerlee Sh., Nyamsuren O., Baljinnyam T.

Mongolian University of Life Sciences

Abstract. Pasture land use plan problems in Mongolian desert steppe and desert have become worse in years to come.Economic, social and ecological adverse consequences have occurred because of more increased overgrazing which is natural resources.The research work purpose is to study pasture land using features and to determine ways of grazing improvement methods in the Govi region.Saintsagaan soum, Dundgovi aimag was selected with regard to the research purpose.Pasture land using features, nomadic style and geographic location of the soum was studied and the pasture land use plan was developed and implemented with participant of local people and community in 2015. For the Saintsagaan soum, the largest proportion of the herders makes migration to other aimags and soums and the plan suited to the feature was processed. In 2015, a review of the implementation of the plan and ways for further improvement was identified.

Goals. Process pasture land managementplan in the Govi region and develop ways to monitor for the implementation and to process the improvement ways. Following objectives are set in order to achieve thepurpose


• Pasture land use planning

• Monitoring and evaluation to pasture land use plan

Methods. Method of the pasture land use plan with participant of local people provided in "Method of the soum land management plan processing for the year" 2010 written by Doctor Gerlee.Sh was used for developing the Pasture land use planing desert and steppe region which provided participant of local people in way of bottom-up planning.

For monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the plan, herders and expert were asked questionnaire which included 105 herders, 5 experts, 4 heads of the Bags and local governors. Performance which is impossible to quantified by the percentage is defined in comply with the

"Regulation for the Monitoring ProceduresAssessment Results"approved by Governmental Resolution of November in 2010.


Pasture land use plan for Saintsagaan soum-2015 was developed in accordance with the following measures.

1. Plan to provide the winter and spring camp land possession, long-term use of the pasture land , hayfields possession and use

2. Plan the measures to determine pasture land yield amount and to regulate pasture capacity.

3. Plan activities of pasture land protection, improvement, irrigation, rehabilitation and disinfestation

4. Plan organized movements in order to overcome poor weather conditions or pasture land shift

5. Plan measures to improve pasture land irrigation

6. Plan use and protection of intensive animal husbandry region,

Following recommendation provided and summarized as result ofvariety of ideas by herders and Heads of the Bags with regard to the pasture land management plan implementationand its improvement.

• To develop and implementpasture land management planbased on participation of the local people, to involve the local people to monitoring process, to provide information and promotion, to increase participation of soum's experts and head of the Bags and to build system of accountability;

• To test and implement pasture land management methods based on pasture land rehabilitation capacity to the pasture land management plan in Govi region, asresult, to plant the measure suited to the rehabilitation capacity in appropriate range of land and reasonably introduce pasture land using feature;

• Seeing from the research result, there is lot of herders' interest of participation which shows all herders' willingnessto cooperate. It facilitates to develop and implement the plan based on the local herders' participation and feedback, to increase the herders' participation;

• Local administration will promote any experts, herders and groups which initiate and find financial resources for pasture land management plan implementation;

• To nomad in certain area such as bush and straw, and in fenced area, build fencing to control the pastoralists, establish group of herders for protecting the pasture land and encampment, form herders to cooperate into the organization, build fence in winter camp area and pasture land , use pasture land under schedule and improve structure of livestock;

• To take measures to regulate the movement of outside encampment;

• To make Pasture land Management Agreement with the group of herders;

Saintsagaansoum has 4 herder groups and it is divided into 4 pasture land users.

There are name, number, size, pasture land situation,number of livestock, the type of dominant pasture land andaverage yield per a hectare of each pasture land section in below.

• Naran Group: the group name is Naran and size of the territory is 79.7 hectares. There is total of 85 winter and spring camps. The group has total of real 29340 or 38148 units of sheep.

• Tevs Group: the group name is Tevsh and size of the territory is 77.0 hectares. There is total of 98 winter camps. The group has total of real 57097 or 82332 units of sheep.

Table 1. Area of Bag

Herder group Area (ha )

Naran 79.7

Tevsh 77

Dalai 107.2

Uizen 69.2

• Dalai Group: the group name is Dalai and size of the territory is 107.2 hectares. There is total of 130 winter camps. The group has total of real 41661 or 53322 units of sheep.

• Uizen Group: the group name is Uizen and size of the territory is 69,2 hectares. There is total of 118 winter camps. The group has total of real 57035 or 71573 units of sheep.

Seeing from above graphics, the Tevsh group of SaintsagaanSoumhas maximum pastureland overloading. It shows that number of livestock of herder households exceeded than normal amount of livestockwhile the pasture land loading and utilizationof theNaran group was normal.

Table 2. Average annual capacity of the pasture land of the group of herders in Saintsagaan soum

Number of pasturelan d usage Name Size, Hectare Yield per ahectare (centner) Total pasture land reserves (centner) Grass amount used per a sheep in a year (centner) Pasture land loading (head of sheep) The number of sheep on the pasture land (by transferring to head of sheep) Pasture capacity & utilizatio n

Naran herder group

1 Naran 79,7 2.0 159,4 4.2 37,952 38148 -196

Tevsh herder group

2 Tevsh 77,0 1.2 92,4 4.2 22000 82332 -60332

Dalai herder group

3 Dalai 107,2 0.4 42,8 4.2 10,190 53322 -43132

Uizen herder group

4 Uizen 69,2 1.2 83,0 4.2 19,761 71573 -51812

Area of Bag in Saintsagaau


YÏÎ3EH A 69 2 HaiE- 79.9 ■ N aran

■ Tevsh

i . 107.2 Ta bu 77 Dalai ■ U íze n

Capacity of pasture


MM ■ Naran

-33% -39% ■ Tevsh

1 Dalai

■ Uizen


Fig. 1. Area of Bag Fig. 2. Capacity of pasture

in herder group


1. The pasture land utilization practiceshould be introduced in order to improve pasture land utilization in the Govi region. In other words, the Herders are divided into migratory and non-migratory forms. Thus management measures met with the above requirements should be taken, and migratory and non-migratory forms should be introduced to the taking measures for receiving recommendation to the plan.

2. It is clear that the pasture land utilization, plan and management with participation of the local people are optimal way for implementing group organization.In other words, the research result shows the that dividing the group into 3-4 pasture group which is widely used formin high mountains, forest and steppe areas is not appropriate.

3. The monitoring system is required for ensuring for the pasture land utilization, planning and implementation


1. Gerlee.Sh,(2011), 'Improvement of soum pastureland planing'

2. Avaadorj D., Baasandorj Ya. (2006). Change of physical characteristics of pasture soil and ecological degradation. "Perfecting of pasture management" Proceedings of theoretical and practical conference, Ulaanbaatar.

3. Dash, D., Mandakh, D., and Khualenbek, A. (2006). Desertification map of Mongolia.

4. D.Dorligsuren, (2011) Herders self - governing organizations in Mongolia. IX International rangeland Congress, Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society. Rosario, Argentina.

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