Научная статья на тему 'Method of teaching foreign languages using tecnical equipment'

Method of teaching foreign languages using tecnical equipment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khusainova Leyla Yunusovna

This article deals with teaching of English using technical means in studijg English banguage and different ways of their using in practice. A study of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem made it possible to conclude that the use of technical teaching aids in foreign language lessons makes it possible to present the material clearly, helps to improve the quality of education and reduce student fatigue. Technical teaching aids help the teacher to increase the pace of presentation of the material and in the most complete satisfaction of students' requests and curiosity. The effectiveness of the use of technical means in teaching speech depends not only on the exact determination of its place in the training system, but also on how rationally the structure of the video lesson is organized, how the educational capabilities of the video material are aligned with the learning objectives.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Method of teaching foreign languages using tecnical equipment»


The present study has given an opportunity to explore three different modern digital applications for teaching foreign languages: DuoLingo, Memrise and FluentU. The services available represent a set of exercises and practical ways to learn a foreign language.

The scientific research conducted has provided an opportunity to explore the practical ways to use and study existing modern applications from the perspective of modern pedagogy.

The research which has been conducted opens a significant perspective for further deep and broad research of practical effects to be achieved through using existing applications for teaching a foreign language. This can make it possible to develop a whole new set of exercises for pupils and students.


1. M. Abbasova, N. Mammadova. The Role of Digital Technology in English Language Teaching in Azerbaijan // International Journal of English Linguistics. — 2019. — Vol. 9. DOI 10.5539/ijel.v9n2p364.

2. M. Warschauer, R. Kern. Theory and practice of network-based language learning // Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. — P. 1-19

3. H. J. Shin, J. B. Son. EFL teachers' perceptions and perspectives on internet assisted language teaching. // Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ). — 2007. — Vol. 9. 8(2). — Retrieved from http://callej.org/journal/8-2/h-js_j-bs.html

4. A. Quezada. PSchools in the context of E-education and e-society. 12th Iberian Conference on Information systems and technologies. Lisbon, Portugal — 2017.


Khusainova Leyla Yunusovna

Ph.D. Associate Professor, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Department of Foreign Languages.


Annotation. This article deals with teaching of English using technical means in studijg English banguage and different ways of their using in practice. A study of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem made it possible to conclude that the use of technical teaching aids in foreign language lessons makes it possible to present the material clearly, helps to improve the quality of education and reduce student fatigue. Technical teaching aids help the teacher to increase the pace of presentation of the material and in the most complete satisfaction of students' requests and curiosity.

The effectiveness of the use of technical means in teaching speech depends not only on the exact determination of its place in the training system, but also on how rationally the structure of the video lesson is organized, how the educational capabilities of the video material are aligned with the learning objectives.

Key words: auxiliary, genuine, determine effectiveness, widespread, requirement, memorization, satisfaction, capabilities, hypothesis, aesthetic.


Among the problems theoretically and experimentally solved by the methodology of foreign languages, communicative competence and methods for achieving it are one of the most relevant. Mastering the communicative competence in English, not being in the country of the language being studied, is a very difficult matter. Therefore, an important task of a teacher is to create real and imaginary situations of communication at a foreign language lesson, using various methods and working methods (role-playing games, discussions, creative projects, etc.). In solving this problem, a huge role is played by technical teaching aids that allow students to give more complete and accurate information on the topic being studied, increase the visibility of training and cause a desire to further improve the language culture.

No less important is the task of introducing students to the cultural values of the people - native speakers. For these purposes, the use of authentic materials (drawings, texts, sound recordings, etc.) is of great importance. Acquaintance with the life of English-speaking countries takes place mainly through the text and illustrations for it, watching movie clips, transparencies, filmstrips, etc.

Hence, the importance and relevance of studying the use of video materials is obvious. The main means of teaching a foreign language is the language environment, and all other means are auxiliary, their purpose is to create a more or less pronounced illusion of introducing students to the natural environment. Conducting a lesson entirely in a foreign language creates a prototype of a foreign language environment, brings the learning process closer to the conditions of genuine communication in a given language.

In this article, we set the goal and objectives to prove that the use of technical means is one of the main technical means of teaching a foreign language, and in particular its speech side.

A brief analysis of the literature and legal acts used in the article.

1. Baranova M.V. Improving the grammatical side of the dialogical speech of fifth-year students of the faculty of foreign languages in the process of working on a video film.

2. Barmenkova O.I. Effective methods of teaching English.

3. Gorodilova G.G. Speech training and technical means.

4. Karpov G.V. Romanin V.A. Technical training aids. Kirsh T.K. Audiovisual and technical means in training.

5. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical training tools and methods of their use.

6.Komkov I.F. Methods of teaching foreign languages.

7. Molibog A.G., Tarnopolsky A.I. Technical training tools and their application.

8. Tsesarsky L.D. The use of technical means in the teaching of foreign languages.

9. Barry Tomalin, Susan Stempleski. Video in action.

10. Modern Media in Foreign Language Education: Theory and Implementation / Ed. by Wm. F. Smith. In conjunction with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. - Lincolnwood: National Textbook Company.

Theoretical and practical significance - we assume that the use of technical means improves the assimilation of knowledge in foreign language lessons, namely:

- make up for the lack of a natural foreign language environment at all stages of training and expand the horizons of students;

- the implementation of the important didactic principle of visibility and the education of aesthetic taste among students;

- training, taking into account the individual typological characteristics of each student;

- ensuring the accelerated formation and development of auditory and visual self-control skills and the interest in students in the subject;

- the maximum use of the analytical and imitation abilities of students, the more complete mobilization of their internal resources.

Research Objectives:

- identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the use of technical training tools in the classroom;

- determine the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language using video materials in the educational process;

- develop a system of exercises for the use of video materials at different stages of teaching a foreign language.

- conduct a study using video materials in the classroom to improve the effectiveness of training.

Using empirical methods such as conversation, questionnaires, and analysis, a system of exercises for the use of video materials at different stages of training was developed. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the theoretical justification for the need to use technical means in foreign language lessons in order to make the educational process effective. The practical significance lies in the development of some recommendations on the use of technical means in teaching a foreign language, namely the selection of exercises and texts.

Video materials are technical teaching aids related to modern teaching methods. The teacher should not only know what video materials are, but also be able to put them into practice. Only by properly mastering the methodology of working with video materials can he convey knowledge to students.

Throughout the history of human society, man invented and created machines, a technique that would make it possible to achieve better results with less effort and energy. The development of technology has made changes in all aspects of human life, including in the learning process.

In the field of teaching foreign languages, the use of technical means of teaching and control is one of the most pressing problems. The appearance of teaching equipment, the possibility of using it to learn a foreign language changed the learning process and radically influenced the teaching methodology. A few years ago, the concept of "technical means" was associated with studies and studies in the field of technical and exact sciences, but did not refer to the study of a foreign language. Traditional, well-known teaching aids are increasingly attracting new visual and auditory visual aids, such as a tape recorder, VCR, instructional cinema and television. Now foreign language teachers have at their disposal a whole arsenal of technical means of teaching - a complex technical system, the management of which requires special training.

Technical training tools - a set of technical devices with didactic support used in the educational process for the presentation and processing of information in order to optimize it. Technical means of teaching combine two concepts: technical devices (equipment) and didactic teaching aids (information carriers), which are reproduced using these devices.

Technical means of teaching is of particular importance in teaching foreign languages in connection with the transfer of emphasis on language acquisition as a means of communication. The transfer of information now, with the widespread use of the media - radio, television and cinema - is carried out mainly not in writing, as it was before, but orally. The need to teach more people to speak a foreign language and understand foreign language spoken has increased with the growth of international political, economic and cultural ties.

Technical training aids technical means of teaching - a set of technical devices with didactic support used in the educational process for the presentation and processing of information in order to optimize it. Technical means of teaching combine two concepts: technical devices (equipment) and didactic teaching aids (information carriers), which are reproduced using these devices.

It is difficult to classify technical training aids due to the variety of their devices, functional capabilities, and methods of presenting information. We list their main classifications:

1) according to the functional purpose (the nature of the educational tasks to be solved);

2) according to the principle of design and operation;

3) by type of training;

4) according to the logic of work;

5) by the nature of the impact on the senses;

6) by the nature of the presentation of information.

According to the functional purpose, technical means of teaching are divided into technical means of transmitting educational information, knowledge control, training, teaching and self-learning tools, and auxiliary tools. In addition, there are technical means that combine functions for various purposes - combined.

Technical means of transmitting information: slide projectors, overhead projectors, epiprojectors, tape recorders, radio installations, music centers (audio systems), players, radio centers, film projectors and film installations, televisions, video recorders, personal computers, etc. A distinctive feature of all these technical devices is the conversion of information recorded on one or another carrier, in a form convenient for perception.

Technical control tools combine all kinds of technical devices and complexes that allow, according to a certain program and given criteria, with one degree or another to assess the degree of assimilation of educational material. For this purpose, both old modifications of devices of the AMK-2 type and the latest computer technologies are used. Controlling technical means of teaching are individual and group. They differ in the type of training programs and the method of entering students' responses. The degree of complexity of knowledge control ranges from simple cards, cassettes, and automated control tickets to special computer programs. However, the use of these devices, as practice has shown, is advisable only within narrow limits and cannot replace the direct contacts of the teacher with students during the analysis and evaluation of the results of their work.

The main difficulty in mastering a foreign language is the development of listening and speaking skills. Invaluable help in this is provided by technical training aids.

The main purpose of technical means of teaching is to intensify the learning process, especially the process of accelerating the rhythm, speed, dynamics of speech in general, - precisely those qualities that the practice of teaching without technical means of teaching cannot adequately prepare.

technical means of teaching can take on some of the functions of a teacher; ask questions, tell, dictate, etc., i.e. technical means of teaching partially exempt the teacher from the laborious work of automating speech skills and create an additional language environment.

However, technical means of teaching will never replace a teacher completely. The teacher studies the possibilities of each of the existing TSOs for solving specific tasks of classroom and independent work of students, identifies experimentally the effectiveness of certain types of technical means of teachings at different stages of training - when familiarizing themselves with training material, during training and during independent work.

During the independent work of students, technical means of teachings help to consolidate and automate the speech skills acquired in the classroom.

The method by which training is conducted predetermines the use of technical means of teaching, as well as the principles of creating benefits using technical means of teaching . The inclusion of technical means of teaching should not violate the integrity of the curriculum.

The prospect of using technical equipment specifically designed for teaching IJ has opened up great opportunities for creating new complexes of textbooks, laboratory work, etc. The high efficiency of the use of technical means in teaching foreign languages has been undeniably proved by the practice of teaching foreign languages in our country.

The principles of using technical means of teaching are based on already existing teaching methods, to various degrees modified, modernized and adapted to modern requirements of the theory of teaching a foreign language.

The main task when choosing a method is a scientific approach to the study of a foreign language, the widespread use of the achievements of linguistics, psychology and methodology, the study of the interaction of the native and foreign languages at different levels - phonetic, grammatical and lexical.

In English sources, technical means of teaching is called audiovisual means that are divided into hard (hardware) and soft (software). The hard ones include tape recorders, projectors, televisions, computers, the soft ones include information carriers: phonograph records, magnetic tape, magnetic and optical disks, slides, movies.

It is difficult to classify technical training aids due to the diversity of their device, functionality, methods of presenting information:

1) according to the functional purpose (the nature of the educational tasks to be solved);

2) the principle of design and operation;

3) the type of training;

4) the logic of work;

5) the nature of the impact on the senses;

6) the nature of the presentation of information.

Technical teaching aids are also classified according to the nature of the presentation (screen, sound and screen-sound means and equipment); according to its functional purpose (combined means-computers, multimedia equipment, classroom technical complexes and a group of auxiliary technical teaching aids).

On-screen hardware includes projection equipment; overhead projector, overhead projector, overhead projector. With their help, it is possible to project various recordings, pictures, transparencies and filmstrips on the screen.

The simplicity of controlling a slide projector and diascope makes them a convenient and effective means of teaching a foreign language. Transparencies have an advantage over filmstrips in that they can be shown in any sequence convenient for the teacher and in any quantity.

Transparencies can be selected in a series by topic; cities, art, geography of the country, etc. On-screen audio means provide wider possibilities for using visual-auditory visibility in teaching a foreign language; computer, cinema, educational television.

The most reliable sound tool that has proven itself over many decades is a computer or a recording of educational material in a foreign language. These notes are usually intended for the initial stage of training. They are made to textbooks, grammar and conversational courses.

None of the types of educational equipment, taken separately, can fully ensure the success of training, and only the correct combination of them, which meets the characteristics of the studied issue and the cognitive activity of students, makes it possible to achieve optimal results.

The undoubted advantage of modern English textbooks is the richness of their regional geographic information. A significant place among the texts is occupied by such types of them as letters, advertisements, signs, profiles, menus.

Along with this, it is important to give students a visual representation of life, traditions, linguistic realities of English-speaking countries. Educational videos can serve this purpose, the use of which helps to realize the most important communicative requirement.

Moreover, the use of computer records in the lessons contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivation of speech activity of students.

It should be noted that the use of video material in the lesson is not only another source of information. The use of video material contributes to the development of various aspects of the students' mental activity, and, above all, attention and memory. While watching in the audience there is an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. In order to understand the content of the film, students need to make some efforts. And the intensity of attention affects the process of memorization. The use of various channels of information (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the durability of imprinting regional and linguistic material.

The urgency of the problem of using a computer when teaching foreign languages is due to the fact that one of the main tasks of teaching foreign languages at a university - teaching foreign language spoken - must be solved with the wide use of technical means of visualization, and in particular video visualization.

One of the main features of video that is not characteristic of any other means of visualization is the ability to create a speech environment that students lack in teaching a foreign language. The number of new lexical units should not exceed 3-7 and most of them should be understood by students from a situational context. Working with video clips consists of the following four steps:

1. Work with unfamiliar words.

Work on new words should be done orally. Such work should begin 2 to 3 lessons before the demonstration of the movie, and it should not take more than 3 to 4 minutes.

2. Introductory conversation.

Using computer recordings at the initial stage of training can help the teacher solve the problem of lagging ones.

It is very important that the teacher warn students that they may come across words that they don't know.

3. View the fragment.

From the very beginning, the fragment must be shown in the audience at least two times.

4. Test understanding of the video clip.

The main task that the teacher faces at the verification stage is the understanding of the film fragment by students. Here you can recommend the following methods of work:

- dialogue teacher - student. Questions can be raised in this order: general, separation, alternative, special.

- determination by students whether a particular teacher's statement corresponds to the plot of the film.

- retell the plot of the film.

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Such valuable video quality, as a combination of a bright form of video visualization with the possibility of multiple presentation, is increasingly recognized every year as an effective teaching tool in learning foreign languages both in our country and abroad.

The material of the lesson should correspond to the level of knowledge of students at this stage of training. When selecting material, one must also take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

The methodology of teaching foreign languages explores the goals and content, patterns, means, techniques, methods and systems of instruction, and also studies the processes of learning and education on the material of a foreign language.

Methods and techniques of working with technical means of teaching meet the general requirement of the methodology of teaching foreign languages and are its integral part. The use of technical means of teaching, both new and widely used for many years, is subordinate to the general goals and content of the process of teaching a foreign language, which is based on the general theory of instruction, taking into account the psychological laws

of thinking and memory. The methodology of teaching a foreign language has constant links with the science of the language - linguistics. The process of verbal communication takes place in four types of speech activity: speaking, listening, writing and reading.

Speaking has two sides - speaking and listening. Speaking is impossible to learn without listening. The development of listening skills as a type of speech activity is one of the independent tasks of teaching a foreign language.

Opportunities to listen to foreign speech were limited mainly by listening to the teacher's speech. Thanks to the language laboratory, the ability to listen to foreign oral speech performed by native speakers has increased. However, recording listening is different from listening in a natural conversation.

To develop skills using a computer, you need special audio exercises and audio texts that take into account the difficulty of perceiving speech without visual support for the text.

Listening is an integral part of spoken language.

One of the constantly developing and improving technical tools that are widely used in teaching a foreign language are a laptop and a computer.

Displaying a video in a foreign language class provides an opportunity to visually acquaint students with the features of oral speech, typical language models, intonation, etc.

Compared to other types of technical means of teaching, video has obvious advantages: for a unit of time, a student receives much more information, since it comes simultaneously through two channels - visual and auditory.

The video film has an important ideological and educational value. It introduces the history, culture, modern life, traditions, customs and mores of the country of the language being studied.

We can say with confidence that audiovisual tools are increasingly used in the methodology of teaching foreign languages at all levels and in the development of various skills.

One of the main tasks of teaching foreign speech is the development of speaking skills. But mastering this type of activity is fraught with great difficulties, which are due to the complexity of the process of generating a speech utterance. In order to create a motivation for communication in a foreign language in an educational setting, it is necessary to use the situation, i.e. circumstances in which the speaker is placed, which causes him to speak. In the process of watching videos in a foreign language at lessons, conditions are created when students enter into a conversation or discussion. In addition, they listen to the speech of a native speaker, get acquainted with the history, culture, geography of the country.

The effectiveness of using the language laboratory depends on the rational organization of classes. You can offer different options for using a computer or laptop.


To solve each of the tasks set, students must know not only the general content of the video material, but also remember the details, as well as be able to evaluate events, characterize the characters using words and expressions from the speech accompaniment of the video material. The use of audiovisual teaching aids, the exercises we proposed on the use of technical teaching aids help to improve the quality of learning in foreign language lessons, allow students to give a visual picture of life, traditions, language realities of English-speaking countries and develop the motivation of speech activity of students.

Thus, the hypothesis put forward by us was confirmed that technical teaching aids in foreign language lessons really help to improve the assimilation of knowledge, help to compensate for the lack of a foreign language environment at all stages of education, broaden their horizons, and also enhance the aesthetic taste of students. The psychological and pedagogical aspects of the use of technical teaching aids, including video materials, revealed by us, made it possible to determine the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language:

- the formation of positive motivation in learning a new language,

- a friendly and interested attitude to the country of the language being studied, its culture and people;

- the formation of students' ability to carry out both oral and written forms of communication;

- taking into account the age characteristics and interests of students;

- the development of their creative abilities in the process of active cognitive activity.

We recommend that teachers, students of pedagogical practice, when conducting foreign language lessons, try to use technical teaching tools more widely in order to increase the effectiveness of training, expand vocabulary and develop students' attention, and in order to diversify the lesson.

List of references

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3. Gorodilova G.G. Speech training and technical means. - M., 1979.

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6. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical training tools and methods of their use. - M.: Academy, 2003 .-- 256 p.

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10. Barry Tomalin, Susan Stempleski. Video in action. 1991.

11. Modern Media in Foreign Language Education: Theory and Implementation / Ed. by Wm. F. Smith. In conjunction with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. - Lincolnwood: National Textbook Company, 1994 .-- 295 p.

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УДК 378


Мурзаева Айнагуль Кадыровна, Зикирова Шайгуль Камаловна, Мергенбаева Салтанат Рапыковна

(Кыргызстан, Кызыл-Кыя)



Murzaeva Ainagul Kadyrovna, Zikirova Shaigul Kamalovna, Mergenbaeva Saltanat Rapykovna

(Kyrgyzstan, Kyzyl-Kya)

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности использования инновационной технологии «перевернутый урок» в сочетании с обучением в сотрудничестве при обучении второму языку в вузе. Поиск новых технологий к обучению обусловлен возрастающей ролью самообразования в концепции общекультурных компетенций современного специалиста. Поэтому современные педагогические технологии помогают развивать у студентов навыки самостоятельного обучения. Преимущества изучаемой технологии обнаруживается в увеличении времени на индивидуально-самостоятельную работу со студентами, в возможности давать дополнительные общекультурные знания параллельно с изучением определенного тематического раздела с одной стороны, а также во включении студентов в активную познавательную деятельность, развитии их самостоятельности с другой. В статье показаны основные подходы к определению технологии «перевернутый урок», даны ее достоинства и недостатки, трудности технического характера, возникающие при реализации технологии и, наконец, положительный эффект, который может быть достигнут при использовании технологии «перевернутый урок» на занятиях по изучения второго языка у студентов вуза.

Annotation. This article discusses the functions of using the innovative technology "inverted lesson" in combination with learning in collaboration when teaching a second language at a University. The search for new technologies for training is due to the increasing role of self-education in the concept of General cultural competencies of a modern specialist. Therefore, modern pedagogical technologies help to develop students ' self-learning skills. The advantages of the studied technology is found to increase the time of individual independent work by students, opportunities to provide additional cultural knowledge in parallel with the study of a specific thematic section on the one hand, as well as the inclusion of students in active cognitive activity, develop their autonomy on the other. The article shows the main approaches to the definition of the "inverted lesson" technology, its advantages and disadvantages, technical difficulties that arise when implementing the technology, and, finally, the positive effect that can be achieved when using the "inverted lesson" technology in the classroom for learning a second language for University students.

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