Section 5. Primary General Education
Losieva Oksana Yuriivna, Public Educational Institution "Zaporizhzhia Regional Institute of Post Graduate Pedagogical Education", the competitor, primary education chair E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: In the article the peculiarities of implementation of media education at English lessons at primary schools of Ukraine are highlighted. The reasons of its necessity and the origins of the term are considered. The aims of the current Concept of implementation of media education in Ukraine are described. The educational curriculums "Fundamentals ofMedia Literacy: Media Interaction" and "Stages to Media Literacy" and teachers' manuals are reviewed. The lack of methodological materials that offer integration with English is revealed. It was emphasized on expediency of development of mediacompetence of students by means of English language.
Keywords: media education, media competence, Ukrainian primary schools, English lessons, younger learners.
The rapid development of information technologies and mass media disables the functioning of society without their regular use in everyday life. However, it effect contradictory on all parts of the population, including children. Often, media resourses become the major factor in the socialization of primary students in modern society, while their parents solve problems of everyday life. Since the content of media materials is often imperfect (i.e. poor quality, low moral, distorted), and there is immobilization, excessive impressibility, moral development, imitation of expressions and actions among the risks for children under the age of 6-7 (L. Naidionova), there is an urgent need for the formation of mediacompetence, starting with preschool and primary education. However, despite the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine's
approval of the Media Education Implementation Concept and the "Fundamentals of Media Literacy" course (2013), it is virtually impossible to use the course as an independent subject because of the students' burden. That is why attention should be paid to the integration approach as the main one in the primary school for forming a coherent picture of the surrounding world, as it is discussed in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. In addition, taking into account the urgent need for knowledge of foreign languages, since 2015 the Ukrainian authorities have taken certain steps to promote their study among Ukrainians (2016 was declared as the year of English in Ukraine, 2017/2018 academic year was of German, and 2018/2019 - of French language). Therefore, considering the double relevance of the problem, we will analyze the
experience of implementing media education at English lessons at primary schools.
We would like to emphasize that the first Media Education Implementation Concept in Ukraine was adopted on May 20, 2010 (Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 886 dated July 27, 2011), which initiated an all-Ukrainian experiment of the implementation of media education in educational process of schools. With the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1 / 9-226 of March 29, 2013, the studying of the "Fundamentals of media literacy" in educational institutions was started. Certain objective factors (the achievements of media education at the international level during 2010-2016, the experience of the experimental implementation of media education, the conditions of external information aggression, armed conflict in the east and the annexation of the Crimea covered by media) [1] caused the renewal of this document in 2016.
The main objective of the renewed Concept is to "promote the development of an effective media education system in Ukraine, which should become the foundation of the state's humanitarian security, the development and consolidation of civil society, countering external information aggression, and fully prepare children and young people for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system, form the citizens media information literacy and media culture according to their age, individual and other characteristics" [2].
In addition, among the forms of mastering the media education at school, the Concept defines the integrated approach to media didactics within the disciplines for the formation of critical thinking and communication competence. In this case, English as a school subject can be used as a means of learning. Thus, E. Mustafaieva underscores the ability of this discipline to develop the pupils' creative potential due to the use of mass media on the one hand, and
to contribute to the formation of critical thinking skills - on the other [3].
It should be noted that for the first time the term "media education" was used by UNESCO in 1973 in the context of studying the problems of cinema and television in the sense of "teaching theory and practical skills for mastering modern media" [4, 3]. Today the specialists of this organization consider the media education to be a constituent part of the basic civil rights of people in any country of the world for freedom of self-expression and information, as well as an instrument for supporting a democratic society. At the same time, UNESCO recommends the states all over the world to implement media education in their educational curriculuma [5; 6].
It should be also mentioned that the essence of media education is differently interpreted by domestic and foreign teachers. The first ones often understand it as "mastering media equipment and using media capabilities in the learning process", while the others see their goal in "forming an autonomous media personality" [6].
We can partly agree with this observation, because there are some Ukrainian teachers who understand that media education means the formation of immunity to television (by M. McLuhan, Canadian media teacher).
The issues of media education in primary school were studied by O. Baryshpolets, O. Burim, O. Va-retska, O. Volosheniuk, G. Degtiarev, A. Kozha-nova, L. Naidionova, O. Sharikov and others. The use of media technologies at English lessons is illustrated in works written by N. Lavrynenko, E. Mustafaieva, G. Poliakova, N. Reznyk, J. Romaniuk, O. Tkachova and others.
G. Poliakova describes a series of multimedia products for various subjects including English, which are used in 1-4th grades at schools of Ukraine. The author defines their game orientation, introduces the algorithm of some tasks, points to their ability to help in developing certain skills and abilities [7].
N. Reznyk and O. Tkachova, who study the use of mass media technologies in learning a foreign language [8], indicate their effectiveness, in particular, online newspapers, forums, e-mail as means of teaching and developing speech skills, especially reading and listening skills. The authors offer differentiated exercises, possible tasks for them, emphasize their ability to motivate students, create a real linguistic environment in the classroom and save time for the teacher. Among the positive qualities of the media, researchers note their ability to provide new information all the time and make a self-control of the level of knowledge.
However, in our opinion, while using media materials at English lessons at primary school, there is a significant lack of exercisesand tasks for the development of critical thinking, which is one of the tasks of the school media education. It is important to teach students to analyze what they have seen, to distinguish the difference between the reality and fiction, to compare somebody's actions with their own ones, to be responsible for the created product, etc.
Let's pay attention to educational media education programs.
Thus, the curriculum "Fundamentals of Media Literacy: Media Interaction" for pupils of 1-4th grades of Ukrainian schools (authors O. Volosheni-uk, G. Degtiarev, G. Kravchenko, S. Kramarovsky, O. Romanov, O. Stadnik) declares the necessity of formation students' sustainable value system for the further thoughtful use of media products, the creation of immunity to manipulation done by the media, and awareness of the effects of media on human life in general and its mental health in particular.
The educational program "Stages to Media Literacy" for 2-4th grades (authors V. Litostanskyi,
V. Danylenko, V. Melezhyk, T. Ivanova, O. Volosh-eniuk, V. Ivanov) aims to form students' skills in analyzing and evaluating media materials, using them in education and everyday life, creating their own products and the ability to present them online.
Media education manuals for primary school teachers have recently been published. In particular, the publication "Media Literacy in Primary School" introduces the educational program "I am in the media space" and lesson plans for it. Authors O. Volosheniuk, O. Ganyk, V. Golosh-chapov, G. Degtiarev, I. Ivanov, A. Kozhanov, G. Pisa, O. Shkrebets, O. Yankovych consider it is necessary to educate a "media literate student who is capable to transform information into knowledge; mediacompetent member of society, who is capable not to undergo media aggression and manipulation" [9; 11]. Teacher's guide "Media Literacy and Critical Thinking at Primary School" [10] offers exersices that help forming civic and media competence. On the othe hand, the integrated nature of the lessons described in the publication corresponds to the basic thesis of the New Ukrainian School Concept. Unfortunately, among them there is no exercises that would involve integration with a foreign language.
Consequently, in Ukrainian educational system there are some attempts to use the mass media products during the learning English in primary classes, which provides the formation of students' media awareness, motivation to study the subject and meets the requirements of the time. However, the issue of the development of media competency of younger learners and the ability to resist manipulative media by means of a foreign language still needs attention. Our further intelligence will be directed to it.
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