Научная статья на тему 'Media and informati on literacy: the solution of questions of formati on of a civic stan d in Kazakhstan'

Media and informati on literacy: the solution of questions of formati on of a civic stan d in Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
UNESCO / media and information literacy (MIL) / civil position / communications / mass media / Kazakhstan / new techno / ЮНЕСКО / медійна та інформаційна грамотність (МІГ) / громадянська позиція / комунікації / мас-медіа / Казахстан / нові технології

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Akhmetova Laila Seysembekovna, Shorokhov Dmitry Pavlovich

For the world community UNESCO has developed international standards of media information literacy, which have been adopted by all UNESCO member countries. In Central Asia, Kazakhstan was the first to deal with these issues 10 years ago. The group of scientists of the Kazakh National University named by al-Farabi is working on studying this issue. Most of the scientific works on media education are aimed at justifying the need for media education in modern society and its value. The purpose of the article is the development of methodological materials on the formation of literacy in the field of media and information literacy for training target groups and informing the public. The authors of this article apply the methodology of comparative historical research, the methodology and technique of sociological research, the systemic and structural-functional approach in combination with comparative historical method and statistical data analysis, as well as the study of official documents characterizing the policy of international community and Kazakhstan. Also, content analysis and qualitative documents analysis, as well as comparative research methods, were used. As a result of the research, it was concluded that any conceptual design, scientific paradigm suffers to some extent with idealization and the conceptual approach of UNESCO discussion formed the basis for this review, causing positive expectations. However, media is not always socially-oriented tool. It is clear that in this scenario, it is not necessary to rely solely on the consciousness of journalists and self-censorship of editors. However, understanding the principal approaches of UNESCO and following the recommendations developed can control risks and contribute to the development of a full-fledged civil society. Practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the field of media, psychology, pedagogy, culture, history, journalists, political scientists, social engineers, teachers, students and post-graduate students of universities. The results of the research can be integrated into the educational and upbringing processes. It is necessary to train target groups for the further dissemination and training of media and information literacy and to address the issues of forming a civic position in Kazakhstan.

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ЮНЕСКО для світової спільноти розробили міжнародні стандарти медійної інформаційної грамотності, які були прийняті всіма країнами – членами ЮНЕСКО. У Центрально-Азіатському просторі цими питаннями першим став займатися Казахстан 10 років поспіль. Група вчених Казахського Національного університету імені аль-Фарабі працює над вивченням цього питання. Більшість наукових робіт з медіа-освіти спрямовано на обґрунтування необхідності медіа-освіти в сучасному суспільстві, його цінності. Пропонуються методичні матеріали щодо формування в медійній та інформаційній галузі грамотності щодо навчання цільових груп та інформування громадськості. Застосовується методологія порівняльно-історичного аналізу, методологія і техніка соціологічного дослідження, системний і структурно-функціональний підхід у поєднанні з порівняльно-історичним методом і аналізом статистичних даних, а також вивченні офіційних документів, що характеризують політику міжнародного співтовариства і держави Казахстан, правового регулювання тощо. Використані контент-аналіз і якісний аналіз документів, а також метод компаративістських досліджень. У результаті дослідження дійшли висновку, що будь-яка концептуальна конструкція, наукова парадигма тою чи іншою мірою заідеалізована, і застосування концептуального підходу ЮНЕСКО було закладено в основу даного огляду, що викликає позитивні очікування. Однак ЗМІ не завжди є соціально орієнтованим інструментом. Зрозуміло, що при такому розкладі розраховувати виключно на свідомість журналістів та самоцензуру редакторів не доводиться. Однак, розуміння принципових підходів ЮНЕСКО та дотримання вироблених рекомендацій може коригувати ризики та сприяти розвитку повноцінного громадянського суспільства. Практична значущість дослідження полягає у можливості використання його результатів у медіа-галузі, психології, педагогіці, культурі, історії, журналістами, політологами, соціальними інженерами, педагогами, студентами та аспірантами університетів. Результати дослідження можуть бути інтегровані в освітній і виховний процеси. Необхідною є підготовка цільових груп для подальшого поширення та навчання медійної та інформаційної грамотності та вирішення питань формування громадянської позиції в Казахстані.

Текст научной работы на тему «Media and informati on literacy: the solution of questions of formati on of a civic stan d in Kazakhstan»

UDC: 304.444 (008.004)

Akhmetova Laila Seysembekovna,

professor, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, prosp. al-Farabi, 71, tel.: 8 701 744 04 75, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3607-3688 Ахметова Лайла Сейсембековна, професор, Казахський Нащональний утверситет 1мен1 аль-Фараб1, Казахстан, 050040, Алмати, просп. аль-Фара-6i, 71, тел.: 8 701 744 04 75, e-mail: laila_ [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3607-3688 Ахметова Лайла Сейсембековна, профессор, Казахский Национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, 050040, Алматы, просп. аль-Фара-би, 71, тел.: 8 701 744 04 75, e-mail: laila_ [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3607-3688

Shorokhov Dmitry Pavlovich,

Associate Professor, Kazakh National University of al-Farabi, Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, prosp. al-Farabi, 71, tel.: 8 701 739 87 75, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0318-0436

Шорохов Дмитро Павлович,

доцент, Казахський Нащональний утверситет iменi аль-Фарабi, Казахстан, 050040, Алмати, просп. аль-Фарабi, 71, тел.: 8 701 739 87 75, e-mail:shorokhov_d@ mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-0318-0436 Шорохов Дмитрий Павлович,

доцент, Казахский Национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, 050040, Алматы, просп. аль-Фараби, 71, тел.: 8 701 739 87 75, e-mail:shorokhov_d@ mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-0318-0436

DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.129


Abstract. For the world community UNESCO has developed international standards of media information literacy, which have been adopted by all UNESCO member countries.

In Central Asia, Kazakhstan was the first to deal with these issues 10 years ago. The group of scientists of the Kazakh National University named by al-Farabi is working on studying this issue. Most of the scientific works on media education are aimed at justifying the need for media education in modern society and its value.

The purpose of the article is the development of methodological materials on the formation of literacy in the field of media and information literacy for training target groups and informing the public. The authors of this article apply the methodology of comparative historical research, the methodology and technique of sociological research, the systemic and structural-functional approach in combination with comparative historical method and statistical data analysis, as well as the study of official documents characterizing the policy of international community and Kazakhstan. Also, content analysis and qualitative documents analysis, as well as comparative research methods, were used.

As a result of the research, it was concluded that any conceptual design, scientific paradigm suffers to some extent with idealization and the conceptual approach of UNESCO discussion formed the basis for this review, causing positive expectations. However, media is not always socially-oriented tool. It is clear that in this scenario, it is not necessary to rely solely on the consciousness of journalists and self-censorship of editors. However, understanding the principal approaches of UNESCO and following the recommendations developed can control risks and contribute to the development of a full-fledged civil society.

Practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the field of media, psychology, pedagogy, culture, history, journalists, political scientists, social engineers, teachers, students and post-graduate students of universities. The results of the research can be integrated into the educational and upbringing processes. It is necessary to train target groups for the further dissemination and training of media and information literacy and to address the issues of forming a civic position in Kazakhstan.

Keywords: UNESCO, media and information literacy (MIL), civil position, communications, mass media, Kazakhstan, new technologies.


Анотащя. ЮНЕСКО для св^ово! стльноти розробили мiжнароднi стандарта медшно! шформацшно! грамотносп, яю були прийнят вама краша-ми - членами ЮНЕСКО.

У Центрально-Азiатському просторi цими питаннями першим став за-йматися Казахстан 10 роив постль. Група вчених Казахського Нащональ-ного унiверситету iменi аль-Фарабi працюе над вивченням цього питання.

Бшьшють наукових робiт з медiа-освiти спрямовано на обгрунтування необхiдностi медiа-освiти в сучасному суспiльствi, його цшносл.

Пропонуються методичнi матерiали щодо формування в медшнш та ш-формацшнш галузi грамотностi щодо навчання щльових груп та шформу-вання громадськосп. Застосовуеться методологiя порiвняльно-iсторично-го аналiзу, методологiя i технiка соцiологiчного дослвдження, системний i структурно-функцiональний пiдхiд у поеднанш з порiвняльно-iсторичним методом i аналiзом статистичних даних, а також вивченнi офiцiйних доку-ментiв, що характеризують полiтику мiжнародного спiвтовариства i держа-ви Казахстан, правового регулювання тощо. Використанi контент-аналiз i яисний аналiз документiв, а також метод компаративютських дослiджень.

У результатi дослщження дiйшли висновку, що будь-яка концептуальна конструкщя, наукова парадигма тою чи шшою мiрою заiдеалiзована, i за-стосування концептуального пiдходу ЮНЕСКО було закладено в основу даного огляду, що викликае позитивш очшування. Однак ЗМ1 не завжди е сощально орiентованим iнструментом. Зрозумiло, що при такому розкладi розраховувати виключно на свщомють журналiстiв та самоцензуру редак-торiв не доводиться. Однак, розумшня принципових пiдходiв ЮНЕСКО та дотримання вироблених рекомендацш може коригувати ризики та сприяти розвитку повнощнного громадянського сусшльства.

Практична значущiсть дослiдження полягае у можливост використан-ня його резулыалв у медiа-галузi, психологи, педагопщ, культурi, кторп, журналiстами, полiтологами, сощальними iнженерами, педагогами, студентами та асшрантами унiверситетiв. Результати дослiдження можуть бути штегроваш в освiтнiй i виховний процеси. Необхiдною е шдготовка цiльових груп для подальшого поширення та навчання медшно1 та шфор-мацшно1 грамотностi та вирiшення питань формування громадянсько! по-зицп в Казахстана

Ключовi слова: ЮНЕСКО, медшна та iнформацiйна грамотнiсть (М1Г), громадянська позищя, комушкаци, мас-медiа, Казахстан, новi технологи.


Аннотация. ЮНЕСКО для мирового сообщества разработали международные стандарты медийной информационной грамотности, которые были приняты всеми странами — членами ЮНЕСКО.

В Центрально-Азиатском пространстве этими вопросами первым стал заниматься Казахстан 10 лет назад. Группа ученых Казахского Национального университета имени аль-Фараби работает над изучением этого вопроса. Большинство научных работ по медиаобразованию направлено на обосно-

вание необходимости медиаобразования в современном обществе, его ценности.

Предлагаются методические материалы по формированию грамотности для обучения целевых групп и информирования общественности в медийной и информационной области. Применяются методология сравнительно-исторического исследования, методология и техника социологического исследования, системный и структурно-функциональный подход в сочетании со сравнительно-историческим методом и анализом статистических данных, а также изучены официальные документы, характеризующие политику международного сообщества и государства Казахстан, правового регулирования и т. д. Использован также контент-анализ и качественный анализ документов, а также методов компаративистских исследований.

В результате исследования сделан вывод, что любая концептуальная конструкция, научная парадигма в той или иной степени заидеализирована и разговор о концептуальном подходе ЮНЕСКО лег в основу данного обзора, вызывая позитивные ожидания. Однако СМИ не всегда являются социально ориентированным инструментом. Понятно, что при таком раскладе рассчитывать исключительно на сознательность журналистов и самоцензуру редакторов не приходится. Однако понимание принципиальных подходов ЮНЕСКО и следование выработанным рекомендациям может курировать риски и способствовать развитию полноценного гражданского общества.

Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности использования его результатов в области медиа, психологии, педагогике, культуре, истории, журналистами, политологами, социальными инженерами, педагогами, студентами и аспирантами университетов. Результаты исследования могут быть интегрированы в образовательный и воспитательный процессы.

Необходима подготовка целевых групп для дальнейшего распространения и обучения медийной и информационной грамотности и решения вопросов формирования гражданской позиции в Казахстане.

Ключевые слова: ЮНЕСКО, медийная и информационная грамотность (МИГ), гражданская позиция, коммуникации, масс-медиа, Казахстан, новые технологии.

Target setting. From the 60-th years of the last century the whole world works in the field of information literacy. Since the end of the 80-th years the western countries began to make legislative decisions in this area and actively

discuss problems of media information literacy among the international community. Result understanding that information technologies are ahead of all and everything in understanding that it is necessary to settle the questions fac-

ing the world: how to live in democratic society and to observe national security of the country how to give understanding of media information literacy to all people: from a child to an elderly person, irrespective of the status, welfare, the place of residence and all other indicators.

UNESCO for the world community was developed by the international standards of media information literacy which have been adopted by all member countries of UNESCO.

Kazakhstan was the first country, which in Central Asian space began to deal with these issues 10 years ago. The group of scientists of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University works on studying of this question.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. In spite of the fact that media education as some independent direction of scientific practical activities has begun to develop relatively recently, it is possible to note that there is large volume of works, generally by foreign authors. The majority of scientific works on media education are directed on the one hand to justification ofmedia education need for modern society, its value and demand as new direction of scientific activity in general, and pedagogical, in particular (for example, Masterman L. [1-3], Hart A. [4], etc.), with another one — a search of concrete its realization of models and practical recommendations' development of creation of media educational programs (Vartanova E. L. [5], Fedo-rov A. Century [6, 7] etc.)

Among foreign specialists in problems of media education it is also necessary to note such works, as by Wilson S. [8-10] Silverblatt And. [11], Sema-

li L. M. [12], Baranov O. A. [13]. The

researches are devoted to a problem of media interaction and younger generation by Bondarenko E. A. [14], Zhilavs-koy I. V. [15], Zaznobina L. S. [16], Penzina C. H. [17], etc.

In general, methodological principles of the article are, first of all, definitions and recommendations about media formation questions of UNESCO [18-20].

The purpose of the article is to describe the development of methodical materials on formation of literacy in the field of media and information literacy for training of target groups and informing the public.

There are used a lot of methods in our article. Such as methodology of a comparative-historical research, methodology and technique of a sociological research, system and structurally functional approach in a combination to a comparative-historical method and the analysis of statistical data and also official documents studying which characterize a policy of the international community and Kazakhstan state, legal regulation, etc. The comparative researches are supposed also by content analysis and the qualitative analysis of documents.

The statement of basic materials. Concepts of media education and information literacy are tightly interconnected among themselves. Information literacy, certainly, is much wider — it envelops practically all spheres which assume exchange, distribution, storage and information security. Here library literacy, digital, computer literacy etc. enters, and also it is safely possible to refer media literacy and media education. The role of electronic media

promptly increases in connection with the speed of their development and a level of distribution. Due to the new technical capabilities the nature of mass media changes — the convergent journalism gains steam, bloggers and vloger compete with traditional media. All this requires judgment.

Couple of decades ago for obtaining information serious time expenditure — time for a trip to library, design of the order, search of a necessary source, etc. was required. Audiovisual archives by and large were destiny of favorites. Additional restrictions existed for inhabitants of the periphery — a possibility of access at rural and countrymen were 10 times less than at city. Plus to it censorship in Soviet period seriously dosed information flows.

Since the beginning of the 2000th years the situation began to change cardinally. Appearance of the broadband high-speed Internet in fact blurred frontiers, having changed the world to "the global village of Maklyuen". And thanks to smartphones and the mobile Internet now it isn't even necessary to be at home to track the current news in online the mode and to use archives of the most various libraries, forums and the websites.

Here along with huge positive potential, there are also negative aspects. Information happens not only truthful — pluralism and alternative sources don't guarantee its objectivity yet. Social networks not only allow to reduce distances, granting to people an opportunity to communicate, but also are a powerful platform for distribution of rumors, gossips and frank misinformation.

The abundance of the contradictory, unbalanced points of view from time

to time destabilizes audience, without meeting expectations, leads to social shocks. Consequences can be watched not only in the countries of "the third world", but also in the advanced states. The last presidential race in America is an evident to that demonstration. Of course, didn't reach "the Arab spring", but a turmoil, protest movements with the smashed store windows beaten by citizens and other expenses of "democratic" manifestations, — eloquently illustrated that freedom of speech is not always that saving lightning protector which is capable to guarantee stable and progressive development of civil society.

On the other hand, total monitoring and restrictive measures — too not a panacea. The rigid restrictions characteristic of authoritarian regimes, inevitably lead to a collapse. The weighed approach is necessary for achievement of harmonic balance between support of freedom of expression and the guaranteed protection against destructive components — such as: promotion of terrorism, extremism, ethnic strife, etc. Media and information literacy just, and shall help if not to overcome everything then to deal with the main problem zones and potential threats in a media discourse.

In 2012 in Russian under Alton Grizzl and Caroline Wilson's editorial office of UNESCO published the book "Media and information literacy: the program of training of teachers" [10] where authors select 9 mains and 5 additional modules the INSTANT as subject matter. The following belongs to basic modules:

• Civic stand;

• Ethical aspects of news;

• Information in media;

• Media speech and language of information;

• Advertizing;

• New and traditional media;

• Internet;

• Library literacy

• Communication and training.

And besides there are also additional


• Audience;

• Media, technologies and global village;

• Digital mounting and computer retouching;

• Shooting using different plans and foreshortenings;

• Transnational advertizing and superbrands [10].

Certainly, this modular circuit will be over time will extend. Even already now it can be reconsidered as it is structured spontaneously. Besides, it is necessary to mark that the special attention is deserved by a subject of promotion which isn't in this list yet too.

From the logical point of view the Ecosystem the INSTANT in which all range of communication options and means of distribution of information integrates is thought much more over, beginning from traditional books and finishing with the latest IT development. Here belongs: media literacy, library, news, computer, digital literacy, also freedom not only of access, but also self-expression, Internet literacy, literacy in the sphere of cinema, television, advertizing, computer games, etc.

Alton Grizzl, Caroline Wilson and coauthors select eleven segments, but they are too not final [10]. For example, at the independent level the fixed study of a segment of social networks

and some other is necessary already now.

This article doesn't set as the purpose conceptual revising of didactic system. Until we only try to consider more attentively the first module concerning questions of formation of a civic stand.

MIL and formation of a civic stand.

Medial and informational the competent person knows that he not only has rights to obtain information, but also to self-express equally creatively. The MIL learns to find alternative methods of obtaining information, to analyze sources and adequately to evaluate them. The individual in this conceptual approach is given the chance to use pluralism of media. It assumes existence of the real competition between different media. Content, a line item and estimates of commercial, communal and public mass media shan't duplicate each other. The information agenda isn't full without exchange of judgements of ordinary citizens and bloggers.

The information access implies not only about what write or suppress media. It is also life of social networks, Internet issuings and forums. An opportunity timely gets acquainted with resolutions of official bodies and government institutions. An opportunity will report to the public about an arbitrariness of officials in time, about how to solve these or those home problems etc.

MIL actively promotes exchange of experience — through Internet resources of the master can share own achievements, finds, to discuss shop interests, to find and advise specialized technical literature; to prompt how to bypass

censorship and to get access to the disabled websites.

The information access assumes not only one-sided process of receiving, but also and distribution of original content. Self-expression realizes a line item of the socially active citizen for whom it is important not only his personal wellbeing, but also an opportunity to bring a benefit to people around, to gratuitously share positive emotions. For example, talented people I upload the video with own musical compositions, songs, beautiful photos, etc. Handicraftsmen show ease and dexterity with what they create samples of applied art, open secrets of skill and explicitly show how to achieve the necessary result. Skilled professional performers or fans teach playing a guitar, and other music instruments.

MIL enriches life, does it more interesting and more various. The individual involved in full communicating process stops being just a customer, he broadens own horizons, permanently studies and self-improves. Such person becomes difficult to be manipulated as he knows about obligations of public authorities, and, first of all, about own constitutional rights. For Kazakhstan a cornerstone in this question is the second paragraph of the twentieth article of the Constitution where it is told that everyone "has the right freely to receive and distribute information by any, not forbidden law, a method" [21].

With laws business is more complex. The ideal model on access to information has to be based on the fundamental rule that there is certain, strictly limited list of the classified information which can't be disclosed, but all the rest is authorized. This rule has to concern

not only journalists, but also ordinary citizens. So far, unfortunately, in our society other concept prevails. Any information which is officially not recognized resolved automatically gets under category of an office or state secret. It contradicts the principle of publicity of public authorities and not quite helps to be implemented the Anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025. However, the solution of this question is provided in the program of institutional reforms "100 concrete steps" [22] by the 94th point where it is told that development "the LAW ON ACCESS TO INFORMATION which will allow to make any information which is at the disposal of public authorities except for carried to the state secret and other information protected by the legislation" [23] is necessary.

On November 16, 2015 there was such Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 401-V "About access to information" [23]. In him, unfortunately, instead of "any" information only that which is included in one of 12 allowed points became available:

"1) about the emergency situations and accidents menacing to safety and health of citizens and their consequences, and also about natural disasters, their official forecasts and consequences;

2) about a condition of health care, sanitation, demography, migration, education, culture, social protection, economy, agriculture, and also about a condition of crime;

3) about the facts of commission of acts of terrorism;

4) about a condition of ecology, fire safety, and also about a sanitary and

epidemiologic and radiation situation, safety of foodstuff;

5) about the privileges, compensations and privileges provided by the state to natural and legal entities;

6) about the facts of violation of the rights and freedoms of the person and citizen;

7) about the sizes of gold and foreign exchange reserve of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) the Republic of Kazakhstan containing texts of regulations, except for the regulations containing the state secrets and other secrets, and also their projects protected by the law; [23]

9) about formation and an expenditure of means from republican and local budgets, except for the data containing the state secrets;

10) about control of an expenditure of means from republican and local budgets, except for the data containing the state secrets;

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11) about the legality violation facts by owners of information, their officials;

12) about mass repressions for political, social and other motives, including being in archives, except for information carried to the state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan" [23].

And that even is restrictions in three points here. Besides, there is quite extensive list of the legal secrets protected by the law. Information for the official use isn't subject to disclosure. So so far is what to work on, and to complete transparency still far.

On the other hand, when we spoke about a civic stand and self-expression above, only the positive moments were considered. The objective reality is much more difficult. It is necessary to remember that information can be used

by unfair people in the evil. On a bowl of scales on the one hand protection of society against corruption, transparency of functioning of state agencies, freedom of expression, and with another — the mystery of private life, protection of private interests, etc. lies.

One Internet user can be guided by altruistic motives, another — mercenary thoughts. Someone spreads the tutorial how to impose log in Indesigne, and someone step by step learns how to crack others mail or to listen to telephone conversations. One users share skills of preprinting preparation of photos, and others post a photo of mockeries at animals (for example, the case with minor Khabarovsk fleecers which caused a huge resonance on social networks and in traditional mass media). With abundance of instructions for production of explosives, drugs, with appeals to ethnic strife, with rollers where school students and schoolgirls beat each other, in every possible way humiliate and even force, it is necessary to fight somehow. To what to the useful, it is asked, it is possible to learn if to get on the page of group of suicides?

For representatives of traditional media certain requirements were worked out in due time. Theorists and practitioners from journalism, estimating efficiency and efficiency of own activities, paid attention to possible consequences of unfair execution of the functional duties and created some kind of ideal behavioral model at which it is necessary to aim.

Its key characteristics consist in the following [18-20]:

- News shall move quickly, raise the questions, important for society, and to be urgent, and the assessment of real

threats for life of citizens shall be adequate and not pile on the agony of unjustified fear and horror at all.

- Journalists and editors have to remember responsibility of "fourth estate" to society, have to protect ordinary citizens from an arbitrariness of officials, controlling activity of state agencies and large monopolists.

- At consecration of a problem situation it is necessary to analyze soberly and impartially relationships of cause and effect, avoiding narrow-mindedness, and, giving an equal opportunity to protect own position to all participants of the conflict, — the scenario when one party has accused another, and for the answer or a justification of the place wasn't, we don't accept.

- Mass media need to approach consciously selection of the facts and to try to systematize them that the audience had a complete picture of perception of surrounding reality.

- Journalists need to stimulate public interest, paying the attention of readers, listeners and audience to problem aspects of life of society, latently forming an active civic stand.

- Media have to watch sharp-sigh-tedly behavior of politicians and public figures both on a post, and in off-duty time, however it is impossible to interfere in space of private life of ordinary law-abiding citizens under no circumstances.

- It is necessary that work of mass media was based on the principle of interactivity that citizens fully participated in communication process, reacting to publications, leaving comments and sharing own point of view [18-20].

Besides, there is a concept of "editorial independence". It assumes that the

owner of media has no right to define information policy of the editorial office, that is to interfere with working process and to dictate to the journalist or the editor what position should be taken in illumination of this or that question. Formally — it certainly is achievable, but is real if between the owner and the editor there are disagreements, then about the last usually speak — at first he looked for the truth, and now looks for work.

The advertiser or the investor will stop financing of the edition if it begins to allow the critic in his address. Editors-in-chief, people, traditionally educated, are also perfectly informed on what subjects are a taboo and for what red line it is impossible to step.

From told quite logically follows that all media are affiliated with someone. It can be either public authorities, or commercial structures, or parties therefore absolutely independent editions don't exist as they get financial support. In case mass media are quite successful commercial project and are able to afford to choose advertisers, they are dependent too — on need of audience for receiving sensational materials.

Acquaintance to bases of critical thinking if don't guarantee, then considerably increase chances to avoid unfair primitive manipulations which can arise in the course of formation of media of public opinion. Ability to ignore provocative messages, to competently weigh the value of the obtained information, allows to keep stability, as at the level of the personal growth, and development of the state in general. The series of so-called "color" revolutions fully reflect to what degree it is

possible to heat emotionally audience and to what consequences all this leads for the state.

With what work Kyrgyzstan gets out of crisis as it storms Georgia and Moldova when media, social networks and various information resources lift degree of social tension, heat a situation in extremely difficult sphere of the international and interfaith relations, then inevitably there are serious cataclysms.

The active actions caused by protest moods, the social movements, meetings, etc. always originally arise in information space. An old kind formula — "at the beginning there was a word", — works at an extent of all mankind. The ideas are thrown in mass consciousness, systematically stimulated by means of mass media and not only, and then realized.

This message, despite isolation from reality, have harmoniously laid down on the paved way and have been apprehended by audience as categorical axioms. In two decades of copying of history enough young people for whom the Soviet past is connected only with repressions, Famine-Genocide and an other negative has managed to grow. Unfortunately, in their consciousness there was no place for critical thinking. They were certainly "advanced" users of gadgets, the Internet and social networks, but to call them medial and information competent it is impossible. First of all they couldn't separate soberly a peel of ideological promotion from grains of objective information.

Conclusions. Summing up the results, it is necessary to tell that the example is eloquent — it not just characterizes a situation in separately

taken area. In the global plan of an event of2014 became critical and havebrought world information and communication processes to a new phase — a phase of open ideological opposition of times of "Cold War". The new trend was outlined — it is quite deservedly possible to designate 2016 year of promotion.

The reality is always much broader, than any theoretical generalization. Any conceptual design, a scientific pra-digm in a varying degree suffers from idealization. In our case, a dialect about conceptual approach of UNESCO which has formed the basis of our small review here the emphasis is placed generally on positive expectations. However media are not always the socially oriented tool.

It is clear, what in this situation it isn't necessary to count only on consciousness of journalists and self-censorship of editors. However the understanding of basic approaches of UNESCO and following to the developed recommendations can stop risks and promote development of full-fledged civil society.

The practical importance of a research consists in a possibility of use of his results in the field of media, psychology, pedagogics, cultures, stories, journalists, political scientists, social engineers, teachers, students and graduate students of universities.

Recommendations. Results of a research can be integrated into educational and educational processes. Training of target groups is necessary for further distribution and training of media and information literacy and the solution of questions of formation of a civic stand in Kazakhstan.


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