Sh.I. Khojakhanov1, M.U. Mahamadaliyeva2, O.A. Agamurodov3 doi: 10.15350/24103586.2021.10.4
This article provides literature on young calves dyspepsia, treatment, and measures to prevent its occurrence.
Key words: Dyspepsia, diet, hygiene, colostrum, fever, pregnant animals, saline solution, regidron.
Relevance of the topic: In recent years, the incidence of dyspepsia in pedigree cows on all farms specializing in cattle breeding in the country is high. This can lead to the death of the calf if it is not used in time to prevent and treat the disease. If this disease is not prevented and treated in time, it will cause great economic damage to livestock, ie it will cause serious damage to livestock farms with stunted growth and deaths. In this regard, the development of measures for the treatment and prevention of this disease is one of the most pressing issues facing professionals today.
About dyspepsia: In the first days after calving, the calf has a weak immune system and the stomach is not well developed. It is therefore very susceptible to any type of disease, especially intestinal, for example, calf dyspepsia. Often this disease affects animals due to improper nutrition and improper care. Dyspepsia is a digestive disease, otherwise it is called enzymatic diarrhea. Typically, newborn calves up to 10 days of age become ill, especially with oral milk. First, dyspepsia affects calves with very weak immunity, from which healthy animals become infected. Therefore, large cattle may perish. The disease can occur at any time of the year, but most often in spring or late winter [1].
One of the main reasons for the occurrence of dyspepsia in calves is the lack of sanitary hygiene and poor feeding of mother cows during lactation. serves as a key factor in the outflow. Dyspepsia is most common in calves from 1 day to 7-10 days of age. Affected calves have diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, cardiovascular system, liver dysfunction, weakness, weakened response to external influences. At the onset of the disease, the fluid quickly becomes whitish-yellow, then whitish-blue, and the air bubbles are mixed. It is bitter at first and then turns into an odor when used. Intestinal motility increases sharply, and when the abdominal wall is palpated, the calf moans from the intensity of the pain, and the defusion accelerates and becomes painful. In the first days of the disease, the body temperature rises to 0.5-1 degrees, followed by a decrease in body temperature to 36-35 degrees due to a violation of thermoregulation and diarrhea [2]
Impaired water-salt metabolism leads to dryness of the mucous membranes, dryness and loss of luster of the skin, deep depression of the eyeball. The pulse rate increases to 140 beats per minute and is often undetectable, with a respiratory rate of 36 to 40 beats per minute.
The main symptoms of dyspepsia are calf diarrhea, lethargy.
• poor quality colostrum - the cow did not receive enough nutrients during feeding or was provided with moderate food;
1Khojakhanov Shohruzkhon Idriskhoja ogli - Assistant of the Tashkent Branch of the Samarkand institute of veterinary medicine.
2Mahamadaliyeva Madina Ulugbek kyzy - Student of the Tashkent Branch of the Samarkand institute of veterinary medicine.
3Agamurodov Oraz Agamurodovich - Student of the Tashkent Branch of the Samarkand institute of veterinary medicine.
• Conditions of illegal detention: a small cage with a large number of calves, slime, drafts, moisture, cold;
• dirty food containers;
• lack of walking;
• overeating;
• delaying the cow;
• cold or spoiled colostrum.
Symptoms of the disease due to poor quality of milk appear 2 hours after the first feeding. As a result, the body is sharply dehydrated and all metabolic processes are significantly slowed down, which adversely affects the growth and development of the calf. Calf dyspepsia can take two forms - mild and severe. The first type of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms: worsening of appetite, lethargy and decreased interest in everything around, loose stools (2 times a day). If the animal starts treatment on time at this stage, there will be a full recovery. The severe form is slightly different: calves lose appetite, body temperature rises and the skin becomes cold. Fluid stools come out more often, the pulse speeds up. If urgent measures are not taken, the animals will die within 2-5 days due to toxins (waste products of pathogens) and dehydration of the body.
The following measures should be taken to treat dyspepsia:
• regular and proper nutrition;
• support water and vitamin balance in the body;
• Prevention of all fermentation processes in the intestine.
Depending on the severity of treatment. If there is a simple form, then the causes of dyspepsia have been identified, such as poor quality vaccination of the cow and improper feeding of the cow that is giving oral milk. In this case, all sick animals divide into clean cells and do not feed for 6-12 hours. Only warm saline or 1% saline solution is given by sucker drinkers. Giving oral milk 1-2 times on the first day is replaced by 1% saline solution. Various infusions have proven to be good for treating mild diarrhea in calves at home. For 1 kg of bay or chamomile leaves take 10 liters of boiled water. They are drunk before feeding with oral milk, 2-3 times a day from 100-150 ml twice a day or for three days. To normalize the work of the stomach for 5-7 days is given 30-50 ml of gastric juice, diluted with 50% boiled water. Also acidophilic brothObject and subject of research:
The livestock farm "TURGUNBOY SHOKIROV" located in Asaka district of Andijan region was selected for carrying out preventive measures. Today, the farm has 200 dairy cows, 120 calves and 250 carcasses. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, the farm first separated calves with dyspepsia from the herd (dispensary). The farm then treated and treated calves with dyspepsia.
Treatment and Prevention of Dyspepsia: Initially, calves with dyspepsia were isolated from the farm and the following treatments were performed:
1) Sick calves were isolated.
2) Calf feed was controlled.
3) Calves were given half of the daily norm of milk.
4) 20 g of zinaprim powder and 10 g of oxytetracycline powder were added to the milk given to the calves.
5) Add 40 g of salt and 20 g of sugar to 1 liter of water and drink 3-4 times a day.
6) 10 ml of ascorbic acid in a 0.9% solution of NaCl, and 10 ml of a complex vitamin was administered intravenously twice a day.
In order to prevent the disease, the rules of sanitary hygiene should be observed in the care and care of calves. From the earliest stages of calving, it is important to pay attention to the diet of the cows and to organize the weaning process in order to prevent the spread of the disease. After the cows are weaned, the amount of succulent feed is reduced and replaced with roughage. Proper organization of the calving process is one of the most important tasks for a cow.
1. Proper organization of zoohygienic requirements in the first 10 days of calf life is an important factor in preventing the development of dyspepsia.
2. Proper nutrition of calves is also important in preventing the development of dyspepsia.
3. When calf dyspepsia is detected and preventive measures are not organized properly, it can lead to the death of the calf.
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2. Norboyev Q.N., Bakirov B.B., Eshburiyev B.M. Internal non-communicable diseases of animals. Textbook. Samarkand, SamSU Editorial Publishing Department, 2020.
3. Norboyev Q.N., Bakirov B.B., Eshburiyev B.M. Practical training in the field of non-communicable diseases of animals. Study guide. Samarkand, "N.Doba", 2009.
© Sh.I. Khojakhanov, M.U. Mahamadaliyeva, O.A. Agamurodov, 2021.