MATERIAL SELECTION DURING PREPRODUCTION OF THE MACHINERY DETAILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-346-351




Alimjon Akhmadjanovich Riskulov, Nodirjon Qayumjonovich Tursunov,

Khurshidbek Ikromovich Nurmetov, Gulnora Buranovna Yuldasheva

Tashkent State Transport University [email protected]

Production of technical articles starts from selection of materials which they will be produced of. A scientifically grounded approach to solving this problem lies in application of methods and means of the system approach. The system approach is a direction in methodology of scientific cognition which is based on consideration of objects as systems consisting of a multiplicity of interconnected elements which form integrity, a unity. The aim of the system approach to material selection is grounding of a selection strategy or forecasting results of selection of the most practicable materials [1]. Complexity of this goal lies in the necessity of analysis of a large group of factors which determine relations between production and article consumers: nomenclature of materials, multiplicity of parameters of their structure and properties, levels of their hierarchy, saturation of connections between the levels, and interconnection between technological, economic, social, and other aspects. Selection of materials for manufacturing of technological articles starts from material nomenclature analysis. Its aim is to find out materials possessing the best combination of operating parameters [2].

Further basing on technological properties of the selected materials variants of manufacturing technology of an article are considered depending on its construction, weight, dimensions, and the type of article surface processing etc. Materials of the optimal variant have to be accessible, to possess low cost, and to meet the criteria of economical effectiveness [3]. This means that operability of articles produced of them has to correspond with social labour costs on realisation of their technological advantages taking into account the social effect of their use and the economic impact of production. Such a comparison is a serious problem due to narrow specialisation of sciences, particularly due to disconnection of technological and economic disciplines.

Product development. Article construction, materials used in it, and a technology of article obtainment are connected with the structure of production which turns out these articles. A technological basis

for obtainment of articles which possess a set use value, i.e.

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-346-351


usefulness, the property to meet a person's needs, social costs of production being the lowest. Social costs reflect a society development level and determine the effectiveness of elements of a production process: labour power and means and objects of labour i.e. materials. A scheme of material selection at the early preproduction stage is given in fig. 1. A characteristic of the scheme elements will be given further in the next works.

A product requirements document is the initial document for designing technical articles and preproduction. During its drafting first conditions of article loading, influence of surrounding and operating media, structural peculiarities of analogous articles (if any), set reliability parameters, technological service life, and technological effectiveness of an article being designed are analysed. Then designing stages, required technical documents, article quality indicators, operating and technological and economic requirements to an article are defined and registered in a product requirements document [4].

Basing on a product requirements document a material group is determined operating and technological properties of which will be subject to further analysis according to the criteria of economic effectiveness. This is rather a difficult task since the amount of information to be analysed is, as a rule, great. Metal-working branches of industry, for example, use materials the number of technological characteristics of which exceeds a million. Their systematisation in reference guides in the form of tables and standards is not rational enough since in that case up to 30% of working hours of engineering and technological personnel occupied in material selection is spend on search for information. This stage includes the following elements of the system approach to material selection: precise determination of material parameters and their quantitative characteristics; systematised and centralised storage of characteristics in memory of a computer; and objective data on possibility of purchase of raw materials and semi-products [5].

Material data base is a multiplicity of parameters of materials of different grades together with standard programmes using which updating and processing of this information is carried out, which are stored in memory of a computer. Programming methods which allow creating effectively operated fetching programmes, the amount of encoded information which forms the base array being large, are used during data base development [6]. They allow to enlarge the base, to select material grades possessing the required characteristics (or ones close to them), and to place materials in a fetch according to

set priorities.

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Tashkent State Transport University

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-346-351

Volume 3 | TSTU Conference 1 | 2022 Prospects for Training International


The goal of construction is to realise material properties in an article with a set use value. An accounting estimate of article operability, which includes structure adjustment according to the criterion of a decrease in effective mass of an article and estimation of structural element stress-strain state, of wearing characteristics and thermal factor of joints, and of technological service life of a structure, is carried out for each variant of selected materials [7].

Analysis of requirements to an article

Conditions of loading, a medium characteristic Dimensional and structural peculiarities Operating characteristics Economic and technological effectiveness of manufacturing

Development of a product requirements document

Material preselection


An accounting and structural estimation of article operability

Structure selection, dim ensional optim is at ion according to the minimal article weight criterion A stress-strain state estimation An estimation of friction characteristics and the thermal factor of elements An estimation of technological service life

A technological and economic Improvement of material Article manufacturing technology

analysis of the structure selection development

Laboratory tests

Benchmark tests

Improvement of a raw-material base


Pilot tests

Establishment of cooperation connections for supply of materials and units

Development of process sheets


Development of standards of work and material-saving indicators


Fig. 1. Scheme of material selection and requirements to a

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-346-351



Material and structure selection is adjusted in the process of testing of an article or its particular joints which includes three stages: laboratory, benchmark, and pilot tests. During the last ones article operating parameters and their correspondence to a product requirements document are determined experimentally in industrial conditions through studying joint wear, material ageing, and other processes which occur within an article during operation [8]. Simultaneously technological preproduction is carried out in the course of which a raw material base is estimated and analysis of economic connections and search for cooperation partners are carried out [10].

An article material consumption decrease is one of the primary criteria of right material selection during production establishment [11]. Statistics proves that up to 75% of issues concerning material saving are solved at the product development stage, up to 13% - during technological preproduction, and only 12% - in the process of product manufacturing.


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