Научная статья на тему 'Marketing mechanisms of tourist industry development in an unstable environment'

Marketing mechanisms of tourist industry development in an unstable environment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
tourism industry / tourist services market / marketing mechanisms / cultural industry / unstable environment / unconventional tourist product / industrial tourism / туристична індустрія / ринок туристичних послуг / механізми маркетингу / нестабільне середовище / культурна індустрія / нетрадиційний туристичний продукт / промисловий туризм

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Valentina V. Barabanova, Galina A. Bohatyryova, Ganna O. Gorina

The development of the tourism industry must take into account the peculiarities of the modern economic space, which is constantly changing and has many negative factors. Such an unstable environment is characterized by an uneven relationship and interdependent factors that affect the creation and consumption of the tourism product and create the multidimensionality of the tourist services market. On the basis of studying the mobility and variability of environmental factors as the modern information cooperation between producers and consumers in the tourist services market, we address the problem of implementing marketing mechanisms and their influence on the formation of consumer demand for tourist services. The use of marketing approaches and the mechanism of their implementation, the creation of a modern marketing environment will add stability in the market of tourist services and enhance its competitiveness. It is a question of changing the conceptual model of setting the problem of development of the tourist services market, which should be based on the totality of beliefs, values that are consumer oriented, the system of communication with specific people; finding effective ways to transform the perception of the customer’s expectations into the criteria for the desired quality of the tourism product, etc. An effective marketing strategy in the market of tourist services is possible provided that the mechanisms of influence of marketing instruments on the work of the tourism enterprise are explored in the conditions of an unstable environment, taking into account communicative and social methods of increasing the effectiveness of marketing activity in the market of tourist services. It is marketing that allows you to study and analyze the market as an object that is constantly evolving and changing under the influence of human activity. The marketing mechanisms identified by the authors in the context of environmental stabilization (research on consumer motivation and psychology, creation of new types of tourism product, involvement of employees in the formation of marketing policy of the enterprise, public-private partnership, development of creative industries, etc.) imply the recognition of culture as an instrument for the development of regional cultural industries, which implies the formation of a market for tourist services, taking into account the opportunities of the region and its cultural characteristics. The choice of the region is explained by the fact that the characteristic feature of Kryvyi Rih is the excessive technological load, its pollution under the influence of the activities of mining, metallurgical and other industrial enterprises and therefore the search for ways to overcome the environmental crisis.We analyze the possibilities of the Kryvyi Rih region from the point of view of forming the promotional environment through the cultural policy of the region, promotion of the brand of the city, formation of its image. Potential development opportunities in the industrial tourism industry have been identified. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is provided by the position of modern economic theory, management theory, psychology of communications, works of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of tourism marketing. The research work uses methods that provide its logical essence – the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of system-structural analysis, the method of modeling complex systems.

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Маркетингові механізми розвитку індустрії туризму в умовах нестабільного середовища

Розвиток індустрії туризму повинен передбачати врахування особливостей сучасного економічного простору, який постійно змінюється і має багато негативних чинників. Таке нестабільне середовище характеризується нерівномірністю взаємозв’язків та взаємообумовлених факторів, які впливають на процес утворення та споживання туристичного продукту й утворюють багатовимірність ринку туристичних послуг. На основі вивчення рухливості й змінності чинників середовища як сучасного інформаційного співробітництва між виробниками та споживачами на ринку туристичних послуг набуває актуальності проблема реалізації маркетингових механізмів та їх впливу на формування попиту споживачів туристичних послуг. Використання маркетингових підходів та механізму їх реалізації, створення сучасного маркетингового середовища додасть стабільності на ринку туристичних послуг та підсилить його конкурентоспроможність. Мова йде про зміну концептуальної моделі постановки проблеми розвитку ринку туристичних послуг, яка повинна ґрунтуватися на врахуванні сукупності переконань, цінностей, які повинні бути зорієнтовані на споживача, систему комунікацій з конкретними людьми; пошук ефективних методів перетворення сприйняття суб’єктом туристичної діяльності очікувань клієнтів в критерії бажаної якості туристичного продукту тощо. Ефективна маркетингова стратегія на ринку туристичних послуг можлива за умови дослідження механізмів впливу інструментарію маркетингу на роботу туристичного підприємства в умовах нестабільного середовища, врахування комунікативних і соціальних прийомів підвищення ефективності маркетингової діяльності на ринку туристичних послуг. Саме маркетинг дозволяє вивчати і аналізувати ринок як об’єкт, який постійно формується та змінюється під впливом діяльності людини. Маркетингові механізми визначені авторами у контексті стабілізації середовища (дослідження мотивації і психології споживачів, створення нових видів турпродукту, залучення працівників до формування маркетингової політики підприємства, приватно-громадське партнерство, розвиток креативних індустрій та ін.) передбачають визнання культури як інструменту розвитку регіональних культурних індустрій, що передбачає формування ринку туристичних послуг з урахуванням можливостей регіону та культурних його характеристик. Вибір регіону пояснюється тим, що характерною рисою Криворіжжя є надмірне технологічне навантаження, його забруднення під впливом діяльності підприємств гірничодобувної, металургійної та ін. промисловості, а отже пошук шляхів подолання екологічної кризи. Проаналізовані можливості Криворізького регіону з точки зору формування середовища заохочення шляхом культурної політики регіону, просування бренду міста, формування його іміджу. Визначені потенційні можливості розвитку в регіоні туризму індустріального спрямування. Теоретико-методологічною основою дослідження є положення сучасної економічної теорії, теорії управління, психології комунікацій, наукові праці вітчизняних та зарубіжних учених в галузі маркетингу туристичної діяльності. У дослідженні використані методи, що забезпечують його логічну сутність – діалектичний метод наукового пізнання, метод системно-структурного аналізу, метод моделювання складних систем.

Текст научной работы на тему «Marketing mechanisms of tourist industry development in an unstable environment»

Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecologi

Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)


Geology, 29(4), 625-636. doi: 10.15421/112056

Valentina V. Barabanova, Galina A. Bohatyryova, Ganna O. Gorma Joum. Geol. Geograph. Geoecology, 29 (4), 625-636.

Marketing mechanisms of tourist industry development in an unstable environment

Valentina V. Barabanova, Galina A. Bohatyryova, Ganna O. Gorina

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhaylo Tuhan-Baranovs'kyy, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, [email protected]

Received: 27.03.2020 Abstract. The development of the tourism industry must take into account the peculiarities

Received in revisedform: 10.06.2020 of the modern economic space, which is constantly changing and has many negative fac-Accepted: 07.08.2020 tors. Such an unstable environment is characterized by an uneven relationship and interde-

pendent factors that affect the creation and consumption of the tourism product and create the multidimensionality of the tourist services market. On the basis of studying the mobility and variability of environmental factors as the modern information cooperation between producers and consumers in the tourist services market, we address the problem of implementing marketing mechanisms and their influence on the formation of consumer demand for tourist services. The use of marketing approaches and the mechanism of their implementation, the creation of a modern marketing environment will add stability in the market of tourist services and enhance its competitiveness. It is a question of changing the conceptual model of setting the problem of development of the tourist services market, which should be based on the totality of beliefs, values that are consumer oriented, the system of communication with specific people; finding effective ways to transform the perception of the customer's expectations into the criteria for the desired quality of the tourism product, etc. An effective marketing strategy in the market of tourist services is possible provided that the mechanisms of influence of marketing instruments on the work of the tourism enterprise are explored in the conditions of an unstable environment, taking into account communicative and social methods of increasing the effectiveness of marketing activity in the market of tourist services. It is marketing that allows you to study and analyze the market as an object that is constantly evolving and changing under the influence of human activity. The marketing mechanisms identified by the authors in the context of environmental stabilization (research on consumer motivation and psychology, creation of new types of tourism product, involvement of employees in the formation of marketing policy of the enterprise, public-private partnership, development of creative industries, etc.) imply the recognition of culture as an instrument for the development of regional cultural industries, which implies the formation of a market for tourist services, taking into account the opportunities of the region and its cultural characteristics. The choice of the region is explained by the fact that the characteristic feature of Kryvyi Rih is the excessive technological load, its pollution under the influence of the activities of mining, metallurgical and other industrial enterprises and therefore the search for ways to overcome the environmental crisis.We analyze the possibilities of the Kryvyi Rih region from the point of view of forming the promotional environment through the cultural policy of the region, promotion of the brand of the city, formation of its image. Potential development opportunities in the industrial tourism industry have been identified. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is provided by the position of modern economic theory, management theory, psychology of communications, works of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of tourism marketing. The research work uses methods that provide its logical essence - the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of system-structural analysis, the method of modeling complex systems.

Keywords: tourism industry, tourist services market, marketing mechanisms, cultural industry, unstable environment,unconventional tourist product, industrial tourism

Маркетингов1 мехашзми розвитку шдустрн туризму в умовах нестабшьного середовища

В. В. Барабанова, Г.А. Богатирьова, Г.О. Горша

Донецький нацгональний утверситет економжи i торггвлг гмеш Михаила Туган-Барановського, Кривий Р1г, Украша, [email protected]

Анотащя. Розвиток шдустрй туризму повинен передбачати врахування особливостей сучасного eK0H0MÍ4H0r0 простору, який постшно змшюеться i мае багато негативних чинниюв. Таке нестабшьне середовище характеризуется нерiвномiрнiстю взаемозв'язюв та взаемообумовлених факторгв, яю впливають на процес утворення та споживання туристичного продукту й утворюють багатовимiрнiсть ринку туристичних послуг. На оснж вивчення рухливосп й змшносл чинниюв середовища

як сучасного iнформацiйного спiвробiтництва мiж виробниками та споживачами на ринку туристичних послуг набувае актуальностi проблема ре^заци маркетингових механiзмiв та !х впливу на формування попиту споживачiв туристичних послуг. Використання маркетингових пiдходiв та мехатзму 1х реалiзацil, створення сучасного маркетингового середовища додасть стабiльностi на ринку туристичних послуг та тдсилить його конкурентоспроможшсть. Мова йде про змшу концептуально1 моделi постановки проблеми розвитку ринку туристичних послуг, яка повинна Грунтуватися на врахуванш сукупност переконань, ценностей, яю повиннi бути зорiентованi на споживача, систему комушкацш з конкретними людьми; пошук ефективних методiв перетворення сприйняття суб'ектом туристично! дiяльностi очiкувань ктенпв в кригерй бажано! якостi туристичного продукту тощо. Ефективна маркетингова стратегiя на ринку туристичних послуг можлива за умови доолдження механiзмiв впливу iнсгрументарiю маркетингу на роботу туристичного тдприемства в умовах нестабшьного середовища, врахування комушкативних i соцiальних прийомгв пiдвищення ефективност маркетингово! дiяльностi на ринку туристичних послуг. Саме маркетинг дозволяе вивчати i аналiзувати ринок як об'ект, який постiйно формуеться та змшюеться пiд впливом дiяльностi людини. Маркетинговi механiзми визначенi авторами у контекст! стабЫзацл середовища (дослвджен-ня мотивацй i психологи споживачiв, створення нових видiв турпродукту, залучення пращвниюв до формування маркетингово! полижи тдприемства, приватно-громадське партнерство, розвиток креативних шдустрш та iн.) передбачають визнання культури як iнструменту розвитку регiональних культурних iндустрiй, що передбачае формування ринку туристичних послуг з урахуванням можливостей регiону та культурних його характеристик. Вибiр регiону пояснюеться тим, що характерною рисою Криворiжжя е надшрне технологiчне навантаження, його забруднення тд впливом дiяльностi пiдприемств прничодобувно!, металургшно! та iн. промисловостi, а отже пошук шляхiв подолання еколопчно! кризи. Проаналiзованi можливостi Криворiзького регiону з точки зору формування середовища заохочення шляхом культурно! полижи регiону, просування бренду мiста, формування його iмiджу. Визначенi потенцiйнi можливостi розвитку в регюш туризму iндустрiального спрямування. Теоретико-методолопчною основою дослiдження е положення сучасно! економiчноl теори, теори управлiння, психологи комушкацш, науюж працi вiтчизняних та зарубiжних учених в галузi маркетингу туристично! дiяльностi. У дослiдженнi використаш методи, що забезпечують його лопчну сутнiсть - дiалектичний метод наукового пiзнання, метод системно-структурного аналiзу, метод моделювання складних систем.

Ключовi слова: туристична iндустрiя, ринок туристичних послуг, мехатзми маркетингу,нестабтьне середовище, культурна iндустрiя, нетрадицтний туристичний продукт, промисловий туризм

Introduction. An important part of the strategy of modernization of the Ukrainian economy at the present stage is the transition from the industrial and raw material model of development to a post-industrial or creative model, based on the use of human potential and knowledge, which is a certain basis for the development and implementation of ideas for the cultural and economic development of the modern metropolis. It is the modern industrial city that presents the main indicators of the state of unstable environment and acts as a complex socio-economic system.

The economic space of the modern city is an infrastructure whose main features are the uneven and non-linear process of creation and consumption of the tourist product; the multidimensionality of the tourist services market. The main signs of instability of the economic space of a modern industrial city are the formation of its structure in a directive economy with no internal incentives for self-development; performance of production tasks at any cost; the predominance of the influence of social factors; reorientation to the «consumption model» as opposed to the «development model», etc. In the given context, the search for effective marketing instruments for the development of the tourism industry becomes relevant.

Marketing activities are aimed at a deeper study of the motivation and psychology of consumers and other market participants in order to identify opportunities to influence them, involving the creation of new types of tourism product, technology, improvement

of forms of product promotion, distribution channels and methods of entry into new markets. An analysis of the works of specialists in the field has shown that in order to obtain the most positive result in the market of tourist services, marketing activity should be carried out systematically and constantly. At the same time, it is important to choose a development strategy according to which marketing of services is considered as a special type of activity that shapes the social environment and conditions of life of society. Materials and methods of research. People do not buy goods or services in the tourist market, but their functional capacity meets a specific human need. That is why one of the tasks of the marketing approach as the basis of the creative industry is to provide and disseminate information not about the properties of the tourist product, but about the real benefit and advantages for the client. It is important to study and shape the needs of customers and meet these needs with more effective methods than competitors, while improving the well-being of all members of society (Golubkov, 1999).

Today it is possible to state insufficient marketing awareness and lack of knowledge of both the managers of tourism enterprises and staff, as well as insufficient practical experience in this field. In general, 95.7% of tourist enterprises in Ukraine do not have a marketing department in their organizational structure. However, the way it works is not proof of the priority of the marketing concept. Research has

confirmed that authoritarian methods and the reluctance to change outdated management now prevail in the management of tourism enterprises in Ukraine. In other words, most directors of tourism enterprises (100% of the largest and largest, 96% of the medium and 95% of the small) are not ready to open access to all information at the enterprise and involve employees in making decisions and shaping the enterprise marketing policy (State Statistics Committee of Ukraine: Tourist flows in 2016).

In an unstable environment, its factors are beyond the control of the travel company. However, they do have a significant impact on customer behaviour. Therefore, they should be constantly taken into account not only when making marketing decisions but also in daily professional activities. We are talking about the peculiarities of the functioning of the modern metropolis: poor adaptation to global challenges; specifics of the urban environment of social interaction; lack of motivation of workers to raise their level of education; excessive technological load, etc.

In our opinion, the factors of instability of the environment characterized by a high level of interdependence should be studied and taken into account in professional activity in the tourism industry on a continuous basis (Fig. 1).

One of the directions of solving problems of development of the tourism industry as a component of socio-economic environment should be the formation of the market of tourist services, taking into account the possibilities of the region and its cultural charac-

Ukraine, on October 20, 2017, as part of «the Creative Ukraine» International Forum (Regional development strategies, 2019).

«The Culture Bridges» is a program for the development of the Ukrainian cultural sector aimed at establishing effective links between artists, cultural operators and institutions in Ukraine and the EU. The main objectives of the program are to promote cultural cooperation and intercultural dialogue between Ukraine and the EU through projects that enhance international mobility and cultural cooperation; promoting the capacity of the Ukrainian cultural and creative sector and the development of local cultural and creative industries; expanding Ukraine's participation in the EU's «Creative Europe» program projects; promoting mutual understanding and cultural diversity in Ukraine through internal cultural mobility and project initiatives.

Participation in the aforementioned programs will promote awareness of the importance of culture for economic development and social cohesion; developing knowledge and capacity of actors working in the cultural and creative sectors; encouraging wider public participation in cultural events, etc.

One of the directions of implementation of creative industries in an unstable environment should be the revival of old urban areas with already laid infrastructure, which saves on the development of new territories. Investors would rather invest in the development of a historic district or public open space in the historic center than anywhere else. The introduc-

Fig. 1. Factors of unstable environment of the tourism industry. Source: compiled by the authors

teristics. In particular, the development of regional cultural industries will be facilitated by cooperation with EU countries. In particular, this concerns «the Culture Bridges program», which was presented by Simon Williams, Director of the British Council in

tion of a real estate tax in Ukraine, the uniqueness and value of historic real estate will help to fill the local budgets (Bartoshuk, 2011).

Historic sites seem to have their own personality. And not for nothing, because buildings here are just as

important as people. The compactness of the building, the human scale of the buildings, the proportionality of the street space contributes to the intensity ofcom-munication. That is why historic districts are the most profitable places to start your own business, and why the most organized and active communities exist right here. A powerful and well-coordinated community is able to take care of its area, support individual members, organize joint and open events for everyone, and ultimately be responsible for the condition of the historic quarter or building without the involvement of outside money (Development of the tourism industry as a tool for economic development and investment attractiveness of Ukraine, 2019).

Important for the realization of the creative industries in the volatile environment of the modern city should be a private-public partnership based on the involvement of the community as a full participant in the successful preservation of cultural heritage as the basis of a creative economy. It can be characterized as: post-industrial economy, the main feature of which is the dominance of the service sector over manufacturing ; information economy based on the use of information - knowledge economy; an innovative economy, the main feature of which is the continuous production of ideas or innovations that are driven by dynamic changes in the market for consumption of services; a global network economy based on the interaction between the «carriers» of the idea on a global scale through the Internet. The priority direction of the creative economy should be the cultural policy of a particular region, the promotion of a city>s brand, the formation of its image and individuality (Gorina, 2015).

We have come to the conclusion that the creative industries, as a marketing technology at the present stage of development, are actively using cultural heritage and art as a resource to create new tourism

products and services. Unfortunately, Ukraine has not developed a sustainable model for the preservation of historical and architectural heritage. Existing rules have the character of coercion, strict control and punishment for non-compliance, which does not contribute to the promotion and stimulation of non-state initiatives. Therefore, the question arises of creating the conditions and opportunities for interest and involvement of different participants in the preservation of cultural heritage, and the creation of an environment for encouraging mutually beneficial cooperation of all stakeholders. Often, public protests are the only possible way to stop the destruction of historic sites. However, such an approach can only guarantee the safety of a memory for a short time. An interesting example is the success of the cultural heritage preservation system in the Anglo-Saxon world, in particular the United States, based on productive interaction between the private and public sectors. In particular, the history of private initiative to preserve the national treasures of the United States is older than the National Park Service (an agency of the US Department of the Interior Affairs, an analogue of the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of cultural heritage in Ukraine). Currently, there are more than 160 partner organizations that assist the NPS in the conservation of national parks. A large number of national parks operate solely through private-public partnerships (World Tourism Organization. UNWTO, 2019).

The study and analysis of the United States' experience in the sustainable preservation of cultural heritage, modified to reflect the Ukrainian context, can serve as a model for an effective program to initiate and support the involvement of the private sector in preserving the cultural heritage of Ukraine and implementing creative approaches to the socio-economic development of the city (Eurostat, 2019), (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Chart of dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine for 2010-2018

It should be noted that the modern creative industry of the socio-economic environment of the city involves the marketing of territories, which is a fundamentally new creative approach to social change and social processes in a democratic society. It implies a change in marketing strategy in order to build a new image of different types of tourism, because tourism is a powerful social force that is potentially able to achieve the greatest social goals. For this reason, territorial marketing is interpreted as the realization of a marketing creative paradigm in the socio-cultural sphere. According to our research the last ten years in Ukraine show an increase in outbound tourism in 2018 compared to the previous period and is 30%.

Given the statistic that 77% of Ukrainians have never left the country, the potential of the tourist services market in Ukraine, including industrial destinations, is far from being exhausted and has great potential.

An important aspect of the development of the tourism industry in an unstable environment is the consideration of factors affecting consumer psychology, among which the Internet is a priority. According to some experts, tourism companies over time are re-qualified as guides on computer networks, that is, the main task of tourism enterprises will be to help find the necessary information on the Internet. We thought it appropriate to analyze the use of networking as a marketing mechanism in the activities of travel companies Join UP, Anex Tour, TPG, TEZ Tour, Coral Travel, Pegas Touristik, TUI Ukraine, Accord Tour, GTO Travel Company. Of particular interest is the technique of British Internet technology specialist Anthony Jordanson, which determines the level of use of Internet resources (Daudzhest Uaneta, 2017). It proposes to assign a factor of -5 to +5 to each of the possible uses of the Internet involved in the enterprise, depending on the intensity and quality of use. According to this method, you can calculate the total coefficient of efficiency of Internet usage by any institution. To assess the level of use of Internet resources by tourism companies in Ukraine according to this method, we conducted a survey of experts in the tourism market.

A panel of 10 Internet experts was selected to conduct this research. In the previous phase, the objects of the study were identified with the experts. A representative group of nine Ukrainian travel companies (Join UP, Annex Tour, TPG, TEZ Tour, Coral Travel, Pegas Touristik, TUI Ukraine, Accord Tour, GTO Travel Company) was selected for the analysis. The average expert evaluation of the use of Internet resources by tourism business enterprises of the 9 top companies in the tourist services market in Ukraine is

presented in Table 1. Certainly, TUI Ukraine is one of the largest tour operators in Ukraine, which opened the first interactive sales office; «Leader of the Year 2018» in tourism; it constantly expands the range of destinations and updates the line of hotels with special concepts of rest; TEZ Tour - an innovative company in the domestic tourism market; has its own departments, a wide selection of routes with an individual approach and orders via the Internet; Accord tour -with a wide range of discounts and special offers, etc.

As a result of the expert evaluation of the nine largest travel agencies of Ukraine, the total coefficients of efficient use of Internet resources were determined. As we can see, the following companies are included in the top three leaders -TUI Ukraine, TEZ Tour.

As we can see from Table 1, some of the companies are introducing new services to the tourist services market, such as: Travel Sim (virtual roaming service), virtual 3D tour of TUI Ukraine offices (total factor 51), virtual reality in offices, offering tours online, credit at 0%.

Some companies found innovations interesting. In particular, TUI Ukraine has launched the Regular flight program - online booking of regular flights; Coral Travel - has implemented Coral + Instant Booking, which is compatible with various mobile devices 24 hours a day. This company was recognized as the best in 2017 by participating in state tourism development programs aimed at social assistance for orphanages and veterans through cooperation with charitable foundations. TPG publishes the Travel magazine, which thoroughly covers the latest travel news, thematic tours to different countries. TEZ Tour Company (total factor of 43.5) implemented a system of excursions under the TEZ BONUS program in Turkey and Egypt; has a website that covers the material in three languages (English, Ukrainian and Russian), exhibits related materials for tourists (memorials, phone numbers of tourist support services, etc.). The company also invites tourists to take part in the Voluntary Registration of Citizens of Ukraine project, which aims to prevent and assist citizens of Ukraine in the event of unforeseen events while traveling. The company offers a social orientation project "TourExchange", which takes into account all requests of the average consumer of tourist services of different age and social categories for the organization of excursion services during the tours (it is about taking into account the opportunities to purchase the tour at an affordable price, at the most convenient time, with advance booking of tickets, etc.).

As we can see, there is a clear tendency to increase this indicator depending on the status (rating) of the tourism company; by constantly expanding the

Table 1. Estimation of the level of use of Internet resources by tour operators by the method of Jordanson. Source: compiled by authors [Daudzhest,2017]

Name of the means of use of Internet resources Travel companies of Ukraine Join UP! Anex Tour* TPG TEZ Tour Coral Travel Pegas Touristik TUI Ukraine GTO Travel Company

Travel company website +2 +3 +4 +5 +4 +3 +4 +3

Emailing +3 +3 +3 +4,5 +3 +3 +4,5 +3

Banner and contextual advertising +1 +4,5 +5 +4 +3 +1 +5 +2

Participation in joint projects and advertising on famous travel portals +2 +3 +4 +4 +4 +2 +5 +2

Exchange links with other businesses and resources +4 +4 +4,6 +4 +4,9 +2 +4 +2,5

Integration into online booking systems, on-line booking module +2 +3 +4 +5 +4,6 +2 +4,5 +4,5

Virtual Tours: 3D tours of the company's offices 0 0 0 0 0 0 +5 0

Contextual mentions 2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2 +3 +1

Online counseling, online surveys 0 +4 +4 +4 +3 +1 +5 +2

Advertising in social media +2 +3 +3 +2 +2 +3 +4 +3

Mobile site +1 +1 +1 +2 +5 +1 +3 +2

The total coefficient 20 31,5 36,6 43,5 36,5 20 51 25

range of use of new Internet resources, companies, thus creating sustainable competitive advantages of enterprises and enhancing their own competitiveness. The promotion of its services through the Internet space gives tourist companies a number of advantages over their competitors. The conducted research suggests that there is a direct relationship between the use of IT in the activities of tourism enterprises to ensure the effective implementation of marketing functions, to determine the prerequisites for ensuring the quality of tourism services in the context of the use of information technology. Marketing mechanisms include the development of programs for the benefit of a particular region, which include advertising, promotion, and the reputation for catering to the interests of large groups of people, whose totality is society.

The main purpose of marketing is to harmonize the interests of the organization, consumers and society as a whole, and therefore priority should be given to the formation of mechanisms to regulate the processes of development of the regional market of tourist services.

An interesting example is the Tourism Development Program in Dnepropetrovsk region for 20142022, which aims are to form an exclusive and diverse tourism product, promote it in the domestic and international markets through advertising and infor-

mation campaigns (Dnepropetrovsk region tourism development program for 2014-2022).

Among the priority tasks of tourism development in Dnipropetrovsk region are: inclusion of industrial sites of Dnipropetrovsk region in the European Industrial Heritage Route (EIHR); development of industrial tourism; creation of hostels on the basis of dormitories of vocational schools and universities; promotion of rural green tourism and more. The Program emphasizes the significant recreational potential of the region, namely: there are 114 nature reserves and sites, 51 nature monuments, 8 landscape art parks, 3 protected tracts. In Dnipropetrovsk region there are 84 hotels, 130 recreation centers, 240 tourist organizations, about 200 of which work in the field of international tourism.

Large industrial cities saturated with enterprises of industrial complex infrastructure whose production processes pollute the environment are an example of ignoring the laws of development and reproduction of the natural resource base. That explains the traditionally biased public attitude towards depressed territories. Only if effective marketing technologies are implemented can the cultural potential of the region be realized.

Solving the problem requires considerable work to restore the harmonization of relationships between the individual, in particular the harmonization of their

needs and the natural environment, the study and implementation of industrial attractions, the effective use of anthropogenic and man-made landscapes, technological artifacts. The use of local resources as tourist and recreational potential is promising as a way of overcoming the negative image of the region. It is the development of industrial tourism as a creative industry that can preserve regional identity, stimulate the local service sector and the employment of the population.

Figure 3 presents a structural and functional model of the characteristics and characteristics of the tourist image of the region, components of its image policy. We have identified the structural elements of the tourist image of the region to which we have referred: the status of the tourist region, its appearance, regional symbolism, emotional connections with the region, tourist image policy and marketing of the region. In our opinion, the main factors for changing the tourist image are the economic situation in the region, urban planning, political situation and technical innovations, etc. In this context, marketing creative technologies are an example of a well-formed tourist image of the region.

World experience shows that industrial tourism for the enterprise itself is more a struggle for image, and indirectly for the prestige of the region in which it is located. For the enterprises of the region, the process of forming the image of socially-oriented production by transforming them into objects of industrial tourism should become an integral part of the strategy of innovative development. Industrial tourism is better than any kind of advertising, because having seen the quality process of production with his own eyes, the tourist becomes more loyal to the producer of a certain group of goods and services. Effective advertising of an industrial enterprise that does not require financial expenses is an effective means of additional profit and all this combines industrial tourism. A large number of domestic and foreign tourists are willing to pay money to see the production process with their own eyes. Not only the production of goods, but also the production of services can be turned into a show for tourists without sacrificing the production process (Meshko & Karplyuk,2015).

Today, Kryvyi Rih is taking confident steps to develop industrial tourism, in particular mining tourism. For example, PJSC "Kryvyi Rih Iron and Steel Works" officially introduced visits to the mines ofthe enterprise. Excursions are held on Fridays, and everyone who wishes to go to the tour operators in advance can get acquainted with the underground objects in person.

Given the current trends of economic development, the powerful industrial potential of our city and the need to diversify the economy, industrial tourism is emerging as a new promising phenomenon that can turn Kryvyi Rih into a tourist center (Strategic plan for the development of the city of Kryvyi Rih for the period until 2025, 2016).

The presence of such a non-standard tourist product as industrial tourism allows you to create creative excursion programs with unique objects: underground, transport, museums of industrial history, socio-cultural attractions related to the industrial past of the region. For example, in the city there are the following industrial excursions ; «Northern Lights of Kryvyi Rih», «Mining Kryvyi Rih», «Descent into the Operating Mine», etc.; sightseeing excursions « Night Kryvyi Rih from the Height of the Petrivskiy Dump», «Kryvyi Rih - the City of Ore and Metal»; the event excursions «Festival of Industrial Culture Night», «Along the Historic Streets of the Old Town», «The Old Gdantsevsky Mine», «To the Old Red Layer Mine», and others. As practice shows, tourist activity in large industrial centers suffers from a great deal of formalization, and therefore is oriented towards the production of relevant services as a commodity of mass culture. As tourists increase their needs for quality services, it is necessary to take into account environmental components and introduce the instrumental values of industrial tourism as a socio-cultural practice.

Industrial tourism can greatly enhance the image of the modern industrial region and city. The positive image of the industrial region will be formed more successfully under the conditions of: availability of excursions and other tourist services; meeting cognitive needs; cultural and educational actions; getting acquainted with the extraordinary, amazing results of the impact of industrial production technology on the geospatial landscape composition. It is industrial tourism that is able to meet the demand for excursions for certain social groups of the population, to influence the rational-careful attitude and use of natural resources. In particular, the experience of Kryvorizhzhya of planting trees and plants on waste heaps by residents of the city with the involvement of student youth is interesting (Ya.V. Shramko & V.L. Kazakov, 2013).

The main task should be to develop a new model of perception of industrial objects, which requires the development and implementation of a system of effective positioning. Note that a systematic approach to the development of the market of tourist services should be based on the principles of integrity, multi-functionality, development, multiplicity of system el-

Fig. 3. Signs and characteristics of the tourist image of the region. Source: Compiled by the authors

ements, functional and structural structure, and so on. We have developed a structural and functional model of this system, which is a combination of sev- eral subsystems: systematization of types of industrial objects, positioning strategies (product differentiation, finding their niche, low cost strategy) and instruments for their implementation. An important component of the system is the instruments we have identified for the subjective positioning of an unconventional tourist product, which is an industrial heritage with its unique man-made entities. We considered the main elements of the system's implementation: prepara-

tion and dissemination of positive tourist information, knowledge of discriminatory barriers of target audience, etc. The elements of subjective positioning were defined: studying the peculiarities of the perception of industrial objects, motivation of their visits, the study of demand for industrial tourism, etc. These elements are aimed at the purposeful use of the life experience of consumers of tourist services which allow them to achieve psycho-physical relaxation, which will ultimately lead to the creation of a positive tourist image of the industrial region. It is the industrial enterprises or production processes that make it possible to form

Fig. 4. Structural and functional model of the system of effective positioning of non-traditional tourist product.

Source: by the author

a unique offer for the consumers of tourist services, because they are able to give new impressions, knowledge and more, (Fig. 4).

The acquisition by tourists of insights into certain stages of the production process, the ability to access industrial sites will demonstrate the openness of enterprises to dialogue and communication with

consumers of tourist services and will strengthen the positive opinion about the tourist object. It should be noted that the costs of organizing excursions to industrial sites are minimal, but they have a large informational impact (brand advertising, product lines, etc.), which affects the competitiveness of the territory. The researcher V L Kazakov believes that «within the an-

■ number of sightseers, thousand UAH

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Fig. 5. Dynamics of the number of sigh

thropogenically altered territories, skills of harmonious relations between man and nature are acquired, and a resource-saving stereotype of behaviour at the level of personality is formed» (Kazakov, 2006).

Kryvyi Rih has an extensive multifaceted structure of industrial objects, various specialized industrial enterprises. The industrial heritage of Kryvyi Rih is: a system of unique mining and industrial landscapes of European importance, unique engineering and technogenic formations. The attraction of tourists to the region requires creative offers to the consumer of tour services with unique objects of industrial destinations, organization of tours of industrial objects, creation of unique industrial museums on the basis of quality advertising and information materials. At the same time, the achievement of the optimal tourist and recreational load for the preservation of tourist resources, and therefore the system of effective positioning of non-traditional tourist product, should become an important task. From our point of view, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of «system of effective positioning of non-traditional tourism product, which includes the typological structure of industrial facilities, positioning strategies and tools for subjective positioning, as well as the concept of» system of industrial facilities «(perceptions and motivation visitors) (Bogatyreva, Barabanova, 2019). Any system will be effective in terms of interaction of its components and subsystems, which bear the characteristics of the whole system.

The report on the implementation of the Program for the Development of Industrial Tourism in Kryvyi Rih in 2017 (approved by the City Council Decision on 31.01.2018) showed that the total amount of funds foreseen for the implementation of the Program activities in 2017 amounted to UAH 574 379,00, of which: 424 379,00 UAH. came from the city budget, while 150 000 UAH came from funds from other sources

;ers in Kryvyi Rih for 2014-2019 ( 14).

not prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine. According to the results of the work, the funds spent from the city budget amounted to 354 582,00 UAH. In addition, other funds amounting to UAH 495,000 were raised for the implementation of the Program during the reporting period respectively in 2018 -UAH 588,144.

To achieve the efficiency and quality of the implementation of the Program, the department of industrial tourism is based on the municipal enterprise «Institute of Development of the City of Kryvyi Rih» of the Kryvyi Rih City Council; there is a city working group on tourism development in the city of Kryvyi Rih, which ensures coordination of urgent issues identified by the Program. We considered it expedient to follow the dynamics of the number of sightseers who used the services of local tour agencies in Kryvyi Rih during 2014-2019pp. (Strategic plan for the development of the city of Kryvyi Rih for the period until, 2025), (Fig.5).

One of the key factors for the successful development of industrial tourism is the creation of a diverse system of tourist excursion routes. The city has developed, tested and improved 71 tourist routes of varying complexity, 14 of which during 2017. An important element in the development of the tourism industry is the activity of economic entities that sell the tourism product (tour operators, travel agencies, etc.). According to the results of monitoring, 6 travel agencies of Kryvyi Rih organize and conduct city excursions (Pacyuk, 2008).

Industrial tourism is an important component forming the tourist image of the region, because conducting industrial excursions satisfies the need for people for rest and knowledge; very often this is associated with business visits. Specialists define the meaning of the term «industrial (manufacturing) tour-ism» from different points of view: as a designation of

travel to places related to industry (V. O. Sorochan); as a way of studying industrial architecture, exploring landscapes of industrial importance (V. S. Patsyuk). Industrial tourism, as part of the tourist services market, promotes mine tourism, food industry visits, quarries and tourism to sites of man-made disasters (such as the Chornobyl NPS) (Meshko & Karplyuk, 2015).

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We fully agree with the view that conducting industrial trips to businesses not only attracts new staff but also creates a positive image of the region as a whole (Regional development strategies, 2019). The openness of the enterprises to visit allows Ukrainian and foreign tourists to get acquainted with their production processes, working conditions, and increase their overall level of development. Such excursions are a strong marketing move because the company has the opportunity to demonstrate its power, advantages over its competitors, attract new buyers or investors, and thereby increase its revenues (Matuzko, 2009). Conclusion. Having studied the marketing mechanisms of tourism industry development in an unstable environment, we came to some conclusions. The modern economic space demonstrates the many dimensions of the tourist services market, built on the mobility and variability of factors of an unstable environment (this concerns unpreparedness for global competition and turbulence).

The indices of unstable environment determined by the authors prove that the modern industrial city presents the influence of factors of the given environment on the tourism industry. This concerns the need to implement innovative marketing mechanisms that will affect the development of the region. These mechanisms include: cooperation between producers and consumers of tourism services (primarily information) based on the establishment of a feedback mechanism and flexible response to changes in requests of consumers of tourist services; implementation of measures to preserve the cultural heritage of the region based on the implementation of regional cultural industries; variability of communication tools (public consultations, open method of coordination, structural dialogue, etc.) and constructive interaction of public organizations with the government; realization of instrumental values of industrial tourism as a socio-cultural practice by means of marketing technologies through formation of a new model of perception of industrial objects; improvement of forms of promotion of products, distribution channels and methods of entering new markets in conditions of unstable environment. This will contribute to the socioeconomic development of the modern city area and the development of the tourism industry in the region.


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