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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R., Holybtsova K., Demchenko N.

The scientific works on the management of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and the application of marketing systems in pharmacy are studied. A SWOT-analysis of the potential and development trends of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine was conducted. On the basis of the conducted PEST-analysis the macroeconomic factors in which the manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprise functions are investigated. The purposes of marketing and communicative activity of production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and criteria of their achievement are defined.

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1. On approval of license conditions for conducting business activity on production of medicines, wholesale and retail trade in medicines, import of medicines (except for active pharmaceutical ingredients) / Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from November, 30, 2016, number 929. [E-resource] - access mode: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/go/929-2016-%D0%BF

2. Educational and professional program "Pharmacy" for the first (Barchelor) level of high education. [E-resource] - access mode


3. Goryacha L. O., Prokopenko T. S. Assessment of compliance of the pharmacist's educational program with the requirements of the labor market / Goryacha L. O., Prokopenko T. S. // Pharmaceutical journal. -2014. - No 3. - P. 95 - 99.

4. Draft Criteria for assessing the quality of higher education programs and methodological recommendations for their application during accreditation [E-resource] - access mode: http://education-ua.org/ua/component/cck/?task=download&collec-tion=blog_files_x&xi=1&file=blog_files&id=2209


Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Management and Public Administration Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Holybtsova K.

Post-graduate student of the Management and Public Adminastration Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Demchenko N.

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The scientific works on the management of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and the application of marketing systems in pharmacy are studied. A SWOT-analysis of the potential and development trends of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine was conducted. On the basis of the conducted PEST-analysis the macroeconomic factors in which the manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprise functions are investigated. The purposes of marketing and communicative activity of production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and criteria of their achievement are defined.

Keywords: manufacturing pharmaceutical company, marketing, SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis


The development of the pharmaceutical sector is one of the main indicators of sustainable development of the country and a necessary condition for improving the quality of human life. Addressing the transformation of management mechanisms in the manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector should be aimed at their adaptation to the changing external environment, provided the combination of economic interests of the state, business and society.

Marketing analysis of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine allows businesses to identify priority areas for improvement of technological processes and management systems, taking into account the characteristics and importance of pharmaceutical production.

Issues of the current state of problems of management of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine were considered in the scientific works of many scientists: B. Gromovyk [1], A. Nemchenko [2], I. Pestun [3], O. Posylkina [4], V. Tolochko [5] and others.

A large number of works of scientists and practitioners are devoted to the application of the marketing system in pharmacy, special attention should be paid to the studies of L. Dmitrenko [6], S. Zhadko [7], S. Mnushko [8], S. Pashutin [9], A. Yudanov [10] and others. However, a number of issues related to the use of marketing analysis of trends in the development of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies have not been sufficiently studied and need to be considered and addressed.

The purpose of the article is to conduct a marketing analysis of trends in the production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector.

Materials and Methods

The methods used in the study include methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, the method of SWOT and PEST analysis.

Results and Discussion

Today, the commercial success or failure of businesses in any sector of the national economy is determined by the level of use of marketing principles in their activities. It is known that marketing is the process of planning and implementing the development, pricing,

promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange situations that meet the goals of people and organizations [11].

For manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical sector, the use of marketing tools plays a crucial role. That is, with the help of marketing is the focus of production enterprises to meet certain needs of consumers and the market and increases the efficiency of its financial and economic activities.

One of the important components of marketing analysis is the external environment in which the business entity operates. It, in turn, includes macro- and micro-environment. The components of marketing analysis of the macroenvironment include the assessment of demographic, economic, social, scientific and technical, political, legal and natural conditions and cultural environment. The analysis clarifies the impact of these conditions on the current activities of economic entities. Regarding the

SWOT-analysis of environmental factors and the internal situation on the development trends of manu-factoring enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector allows us to conclude that first of all it is necessary to improve state policy in the field of pharmaceutical development, create favorable conditions and measures

microenvironment, it is necessary to study the influence of consumers (customers) of medicines, competitors, intermediaries (wholesale pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical distributors, carriers, etc.) and suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

According to the authors, SWOT-analysis of the potential and development trends of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine is an effective tool for marketing analysis and structural description of strategic characteristics, potential opportunities and threats from the external and internal market environment in the pharmaceutical sector (Table 1).

Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the industry (Strenght and Weakness) in comparison with the opportunities and threats (Opportunities and Threats) of the external market environment allows us to identify trends in the pharmaceutical sector and find optimal ways to implement them.

for pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine. Thus, today, given the limitations and negative impact of the external environment in which manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector operate and based on the assessment of results and insufficient level of competitiveness in global pharmaceutical markets, it

Table 1

SWOT-analysis of environmental factors and the internal situation on the development trends of _enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector_

Internal environment

Strengths Weak sides

Availability of technological potential of production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector, sufficient for the manufacture of modern pharmaceutical products Availability of domestic enterprises that are able to compete with foreign pharmaceutical enterprises The presence of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies engaged in the implementation of their own scientific developments A number of domestic pharmaceutical companies have a sound development strategy Cooperation with foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical products Availability of leading specialists and highly qualified personnel at domestic production pharmaceutical companies The cost of credit resources in Ukraine is higher than profitability Lack of large system integrated structures High transaction costs Outflow of skilled labor from Ukraine Insufficient presence of Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturers in the markets of developed countries Energy and resource intensity of pharmaceutical production Low innovative activity of pharmaceutical enterprises

External environment

Opportunities Threats

Interest in lending to high-tech manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine by foreign investors Existence of projects of modernization, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises Creation of powerful corporations with appropriate state preferences Emergence of authority and expansion of presence in the markets of the European Union (EU), India, China, Latin American countries Favorable state policy of legislative and organizational support of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine Insufficient state measures for the development of domestic enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector The general economic downturn, the difficult demographic, socio-political situation in Ukraine and the reduction of public funding Increasing the number of foreign owners in domestic pharmaceutical companies Existence of more powerful manufacturers of pharmaceutical products on the world market Active activity of key competitors: EU, China, USA, etc.

is necessary to focus on internal factors of production of pharmaceutical enterprises.

Given that the activities of manufacturing enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector are closely linked to the political, economic, socio-cultural and

Political factors are always very important, both for individual economic activities and for the entire national economy, as they regulate the authorities to obtain the resources necessary for the activities of economic entities.

Economic factors dictate the rules of the game in the market, respectively, their analysis should be systematic and based on statistical reporting of economic entities and other reports.

Assessment of socio-cultural factors of influence allows to draw conclusions about the mood in society regarding social security, to forecast changes in the expectations of potential consumers of products and services. The analysis of technological factors of influence gives the chance to estimate "bottlenecks" and to make certain steps for improvement of production technology and management system, to create opportunities for release and realization of qualitative production.

For manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical sector, conducting a PEST analysis of the macroenvironment is the first step in forming a system of adaptive management to prevent threats,

technological environment of the country, the authors consider it appropriate to conduct PEST-analysis, which allows to identify macro-environmental factors that play the most important role in enterprise development (Table 2).

reduce the negative impact on its activities and use competitive advantages to maximize profits.

The next step of the study was to analyze the marketing communications of manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical sector in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. The main areas in which the analysis was conducted by the authors are as follows:

- the process of formation of marketing communications at pharmaceutical enterprises, which involves identifying the objectives and integration of marketing tools used to maximize the impact of communications on the efficiency of economic entities;

- effectiveness and efficiency of the system and individual tools of marketing communications, taking into account the communicative and economic efficiency and effectiveness.

Within the framework of the proposed approach, in addition to identifying the presence of clearly defined goals, it is necessary to determine their order in importance and criteria for achievement (Table 3).

Table 2

PEST-analysis of macroeconomic factors of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises of Ukraine

Political factors Economic factors

Unstable political situation Instability of the legal environment Imperfection of the legal framework Constant changes in legislation and unstable government policy Unforeseen actions of state and local governments Imperfection of the tax system International political events The economic crisis lasted High cost of credit resources Exchange rate instability Increasing competition in foreign markets Low profitability of production A small number of pharmaceutical companies capable of competing on an equal footing with foreign multinational corporations The level of GDP, GRP Inflation rates Unemployment rate Insufficient state funding

Sociocultural factors Technological factors

Reducing the attractiveness of work in pharmacy Low social status in the manufacturing sector National and religious factors Inconsistency of available technical means Insufficient level of automation and production technology Lack of proper level of information and communication Low innovation activity

Table 3

Objectives of marketing and communication activities of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical


Target marketing Cycle of marketing communication activities Criteria

1. Growing share of the pharmaceutical market 2. Increasing sales of pharmaceutical products 3. Improving the level of knowledge and image of pharmaceutical products and manufacturing pharmaceutical companies 4. Improving consumer satisfaction with pharmaceutical products 5. Increasing the marginal profit of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies Informing 20% of available buyers

Persuasion 50% consumers aged 30 to 60

Incentives to buy 30% consumers aged 30 to 60

In general, the goals of marketing communications for manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector are much more and they all differ depending on the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, image and competitiveness of manufactured pharmaceutical products. Therefore, the main task of the first stage of the analysis of marketing communications is the correct and objective definition of marketing goals. With regard to the choice of communication tools, the manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector need to take into account the specifics of their activities and the type of market in which they mainly operate.

Approaches to the analysis of the effectiveness of marketing communications may be different, due to their multi-purpose orientation. One of the approaches can be based on grouping the results of marketing communications by criteria: attracting new customers, retaining and developing of existing [12]. For the manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector, this is an increase in the number of purchases of pharmaceutical products, and the creation of the image of the enterprise and products, and an increase in the share of the pharmaceutical market, and an increase in sales of manufactured pharmaceuticals.

The indicators that characterize the economic performance of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies, it is appropriate to include the share of the pharmaceutical market, sales of pharmaceutical products, profit of the manufacturing pharmaceutical company.

Increasing sales of manufactured products has always been one of the main goals of all pharmaceutical companies, ie additional sales are the most indicative result of communication activities. It is calculated by the formula:


Vn = ■



ge Va - additional sales volume due to a certain communication event, UAH;

As - average daily sales volume before the beginning of the communication period, UAH;

S - relative increase in average daily sales for the period of the communicative event compared to the communicative, %;

T - the period during which the communicative event was carried out, days.

Another important indicator for assessing the effectiveness of marketing communications is the ratio of growth in sales at the end of the communication program to the amount of costs for marketing communications:

E =

Sa-Sb B ,


ge E - effectiveness of marketing communication activities;

Sa - sales volume after the completion of communication activities, thousand UAH;

Sb - sales volume before the beginning of communicative events, thousand UAH;

B - the amount of costs for communication activities, thousand UAH.

It should be noted that marketing communication activities have always had a positive effect on the formation and development of the image of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies, and as a result it makes a profit. However, unfortunately, not all manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical sector pay due attention to the analysis of their own marketing communications, the creation of an appropriate level of monitoring of marketing activities to improve the satisfaction of consumers of pharmaceutical products.


The marketing analysis of trends in the development of manufacturing enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector allowed us to conclude that there are urgent problems with the current state of economic entities, for which the use of modern marketing tools plays a crucial role. It was found that the lack of a modern system of marketing communications in manufacturing pharmaceutical companies limits their potential and reduces the level of efficiency of financial and economic activities.

The prospect of further research should be to build a model of adaptive management of production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector based on the use of marketing tools.


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Kucherenko L.

Dr.hab., Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

Khromylova O.

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

Lisyanskaya A.

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

Pavlyuk I. V.

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Senior Judicial Expert in the Sector for the Study of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, their Analogues and Precursors in the Materials and Products Research Division of the Zaporizhe Research Experimental Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


Кучеренко Л.1.

д-р фарм. наук, професор, зав. каф. фармацевтично'1 xiMii, Запор1зький державний медичний ymiверситет, Украша

Хромильова О.В. канд. фарм. наук, доцент каф. фармацевтично'1 хгми, Запорiзький державний медичний }miверситет, Украша

Лисянська Г.П. канд. фарм. наук, доцент каф. технологи лтв, Запорiзький державний медичний }miверситет, Украша

Павлюк 1.В.

канд. бiол. наук, старший судовий експерт сектору до^дження наркотичних засобiв, психотропних речовин, 1х аналогiв i прекурсорiв вiддiлу до^джень матерiалiв i виробiв Запорiзького науково-до^дного експертно-кримталктичного центру МВС


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