УДК 669.168
Tolymbekov M. Zh.
Chemical-Metallurgical Institute of NC CPMRM
К^азащтаныц XXI гасырдагы ф ер р ом ар ганец m / дуныежуз1Л1к endipymiiepiniц алеы катарына шыгу потенциалы марганец шикi зат к,орымен, цуат ас пап тары мен, техникальщ даму дврежес1мен жене технологияльщ менгеру нвтгжелершен тольщ камтылган.
Потенциал Казахстана стать в XXI веке одним из ведущих мировых производителей ферромарганца обеспечен запасами марганцевых руд, производительными мощностями и техническим уровнем развития, а также технологическими наработками в металлургии сплавов марганца.
Kazakhstan 's potentiality to become one of the leading world producers of ferromanganese in XXI century based upon manganese ore resources, on industrial capacities and technical development level, also on technological working-outs in metallurgy of manganese alloys.
The pressing problem in metallurgy of Kazakhstan is an adoption in industry of the production of high-quality (low-phosphorus) marks of ferromanganese. The raw material base of ferromanganese production is provided on decades, as the Republic moved up into second place in CIS (after the Ukraine) by the stores of manganese-bearing raw, materia! which are practically completely (by 98%) concentrated in Central Kazakhstan
and by 90% are represented by iron manganese varieties [1]. Balance stores of manganese ores in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered on 9 deposits and out of balance - by 6 ones. These deposits, besides Murdzhic, Mangyshlak and several minor others, are situated in Central Kazakhstan, in Zhezkazgan region. Forecasted stores of manganese ores of Central Kazakhstan jointly with explored deposits are 700 mln. t (Table 1).
In detail explored deposits (Western Karazhal, Eastern Karazhal, Far-Eastern Karazhal, Big Ktay, Ushkatyn III, Ushkatyn I) hold 473 mln. t. Manganese ores are represented by residuealmetamorphized types and united into three groups:
To the development up to 2005 year there are planned on the whole deposits with considerable stores of oxidic ores:
- by Atasu group - Big Ktay and Western Karazhal, the main site (area) of Eastern Karazhal, Far - East Karazhal;
- Ushkatyn III of the Ushkatyn group of the deposits.
At present, there are exploited the deposits Western Karazhal, Eastern Karazhal, Big Ktay - of Atasu group and
Atasu (Karashal), Uskatyn and Zhezdy-Ulutau. The deposits of these three groups include almost all the explored stores (more than 99%) of manganese ores. The ores of indicated groups are represented by oxidic (primary) and oxidized (porous) varieties.
the deposit Ushkatyn III. The most important deposit of manganese ores in Kazakhstan is Ushkatyn LU, whose ores by the quality exceed Nickopol and Chiatur ores. The mean content of manganese in oxidized ores is 28,3%, and in primary ones - 23,53%. High content of manganese and low content of phosphorus in these ores determine them as the source of the high-guality raw material to produce manganese alloys. The chemical composition of manganese concentrate of Zhayrem MCC (mining-
Table 1
Explored and forecasted stores of manganese ores of Kazakhstan
Deposits Explored stores, mln. t Forecasted stores, mln. t
A+B+C С > P P P
Big Ktay 3.1 ! - -
Eastern Karazhal (in sum with Far-Eastern) 15,4 - - - -
North Karazhal 0,1 - - - -
Ushkatyn LU 66,4 15,1 40 - -
Western Karazhal 305,3 50,9 50 - -
Ushkatyn I 1,7 - • -
Kamys - - - 30 -
Ushkatyn II - - 8 - -
Karasoy - - - - 5
Sloping - - - - 15
Akshagat - - - 5 -
Shokpartas - - - - 30
Sum-total 390,3 67,7 98 35 50
concentrating combínate) obtained from Ushkatyn ores ranges in a wide interval by the manganese content (30-58%). Explored stores of manganese ores of the Ushkatyn 111 deposit are small, therefore, it is required to relate to the ores of this deposit with care and to use manganese in the process of ore preparation and melt out the alloy with maximum. At electrothermics of the high-carbonromanganese (78% Mri, 6,5% C, not more than 2% Si, the rest of iron -13%) there are made stringent requirements to the Mn from raw material [2]. The ratio Mn/Fe in metal is to be 6. As the factor of the iron transition into metal at electromeltind is 95%, and 55% (at fluxless method) up to 75-80% (at flux one), then the ratio Mn/Fe in the concentrate to produce a standard ferromanganese is to be not less than 8. Therefore, there are very inportant: the ores of the Ushkatyn HI deposit with manganese content 35-45% and the ratio of manganese to iron more than 8 suitable to melt out high-carbon ferromanganese without preliminary preparation. It is provided for ironmanganese ores to be concentrated metallurgical!}' producing the by-product of the mirror (manganous) iron up to process stage. The main merit of manganese raw material of Kazakhstan is a low content (0,05-0,06%) of phosphorus in them, that provides the production of low-phosphorous ferroalloys, for instance, high-carbon ferromanganese with phosphorus content less than 0,25%. At present, by using of
the concentrate with a high manganese content (52-55%>) this ratio is 10-12. In order to bring the concentrate to necessary ratio Mn/Fe by standard demand one can use iron-ore pellets, iron ore and other iron-bearing materials. It is more rational instead of the latter to use ironmanganese varieties of raw material.
Productivity of two electrical furnaces of the power by 33 MVA provides for the annual production of high-carbon ferromanganese of the marks FMn78, FMn78A not less than 60.000 t (from them 40 ths. t to internal consumers, the rest of on the export). Owing to the structural rearrangement of ferrous metallurgy in XXI century directed on the development of high-quality special metal products (including stainless and high-temperature steels) and welding production, there is forecasted the conservation of the high-carbon ferromanganese production on the indicated level and a sharp growth of the volume of melting out of the refined marks of ferromanganese. The refined ferromanganese will be melted out from oxidized of the I grade and primary ores of the Ushkatyn III deposit by 160 ths. t (in the account on the total volume 6,4 mln. t during 40 years). To produce such a amount of refined ferromanganese is necessary to melt out silicomanganese from raw material of Kazakhstan about 65 ths. t/year, that will be decreased at the expense of developing of the converter
process of the refining. Herewith, there will be met the demands in refined ferromanganese of industry of Eastern zone of CIS (Ural, Siberia of Russia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia), where the shortage on this alloy is 70 ths. t and will be increased.
Up to the present there are developed industrial schemes of concentration of Ushkatyn ores. There are realized the works by expansion of the raw-material base of ferromanganese production, by the improvement of a technology and waste
utilization. At pilot-plant conditions there is developed the technology of production of low-phosphorous carbonaceous ferromanganese from concentrates of oxidized manganese ores of the Ushkatyn III deposit. On the furnace by power 1200 kVA of Aksu plant of ferroalloys there was produced carbonaceous ferromanganese of the flux melting from blend (in ratio 7:3) of Ushkatyn concentrates of the I (fractions 25-8 mm) and II grades (fractions 83 mm) of the chemical composition, %:
Grade Mn Fe Si02 Al2Q3CaO MgO P L.atS.
I 44.6 4.4 9.72 2.25 3.45 1.1 0.017 12.8
II 39.1 7.6 13.34 3.12 5.0 0.6 0.024 12.26
Specific consumptions of materials (on one base ton) in recalculation on the raw material with 48% Mn) are the following, % : of the concentrate of the I grade 1,34-1,38, concentrate of the II grade 0,51-0,52: coke breeze 0,41-0,45; limestone 0,36-0,43. The consumption of electroenergy 11,8-12,4 MJ/b. t. The high-carbon ferromanganese by the variants of meltings had a chemical composition within the limits, %: manganese 77,8-78,5; iron 13,6-15,5; silicon 0,57-0,92; phosphorus 0,038-0,041, that corresponds to the mark FMn78A. Herewith, manganese recovery was about 84,5% at slag basicity 1,14 and ratio - 0,576. By the indicated was based the possibility of the principle of
melting of a standard ferromanganese that was verified by production tests on the electrical furnace RKZ48F by power 48 MVA of SC "ChempronT (Zhambyl) [3].
The melting were carried on by fluxless and flux methods. It is produced more then 2000 t of low-phosphorous high-carbon
ferromanganese. Flux melting is more effective and provides the production of more qualitative metal (of the mark FMn78A) with silicon content less than 1,0% and phosphorus not more then 0,1%.
Concentrates produced from primarily - oxidic ores of Ushkatyn III deposit on the plant "with the following chemical compositions, %:
Sample of fraction 1.25-8 mm (lump) 37,2
1. 8-0 mm (briquettes)
2. 25-8 mm (lump) 41,2 2. 8-0 mm (briquettes)
Mil FeO Si02 CaO MgO P Lat S
If,4 10,7 9,4 1,9 0,019 9,6
30,1 11,7 14,5 11,1 1,4 0,02 8,1
4,8 12,7 10,6 1,2 0,019 7,2
36,0 7,2 13,4 10,1 1,7 0,019 9,4,
were subject to technological tests by melting of high - carbon ferromanganese in semi-industrial furnace of the power 1600 kW UkrNIIspezsteels using concentrates of fractions 25-8 mm of the sample 2 with introduction of calculated quantities of coke breeze, limestone and iron chip. There is produced standard high-carbon ferromanganese with phosphorus content 0,06-0,1% at the manganese recovery into alloy of 77-80% and slag ratio 1,1. Herewith, there is excluded the necessity of underblending of low -phosphorous slag (as it is usually obtained in acting production), that determines higher technical-economical indices of the process as compared to the existing technology. Such high results are obtained at carrying out of pilot-plant industrial meltings in the furnace of power 7,5 MVA of Zaporozhe ferroalloys plant, where there is also melted out a standard high-carbon ferromanganese with low content of phosphorus (0,05%).
The concentrate of the fraction 25-8 of the sample I (with a higher content of iron) is suitable to melt out low-phosphorous high-carbon ferromanganese in a blend with the concentrate of the fraction 25-8 mm of the sample 2 in ratio 3:7 that approximately meets the ratio of the stores of indicated differences of the primary row material on the deposit.
Adoption in industry of ferromanganese production is retarded due to a necessity of considerable capital investments and other organization problems. It is foreseen to produce mass (ordinary) metal to use widely instead of ferroalloys consumption a direct alloying and steel refining by manganese-ore raw material. As a whole, development of technologies of ferromanganese production will lead out the Republic of Kazakstan in 21 century into the first row of producers of this ferroalloy.
1. Букетов Е.А., Габдуллин Т.Г., Такенов Т.Д. Металлургическая переработка марганцевых руд Центрального Казахстана.//Алма-Ата: Наука Каз ССР, 1979. 184 с.
2. В.П. Елютин, Ю.А. Павлов, Б.Е. Левин,.Е.М. Алексеев. Произ-
водство ферросплавов//М.: Метал-лургиздат, 1957. 436 с.
3. Байсанов CO., Габдуллин Т.Г, Такенов Т.Д. и др. Об организации производства марганцевых ферросплавов из казахстанского сырья на АО "Хим-пром7/Сталь. 1997. № 7. С. 29-32.