УДК 338
Сейсенбаева Гульназ Досымбаевна, преподаватель, Талдыкорганский высший политехнический колледж город Талдыкорган, Республика Казахстан.
Туленова Арайлым Тузелбаевна, преподаватель, Талдыкорганский высший политехнический колледж город Талдыкорган, Республика Казахстан. Seisenbayeva Gulnaz D. [email protected] Tulenova Arailym T. [email protected]
В статье рассматриваются особенности управления конкурентоспособностью предприятия, его финансовая устойчивость; значение устойчивости предприятия в развитии внешнеэкономической среды государства; основные составляющие конкурентоспособности предприятия в экономике Казахстана. Авторы рассматривают мировой опыт управления конкурентоспособностью предприятий. Чтобы обеспечивать выживаемость предприятия в современных условиях, управленческому персоналу необходимо, прежде всего, уметь реально оценивать финансовое состояние, как своего предприятия, так и существующих потенциальных конкурентов. Финансовое состояние - важнейшая характеристика экономической деятельности предприятия. Она определяет конкурентоспособность, потенциал в деловом сотрудничестве, оценивает, в какой степени гарантированы экономические интересы самого предприятия и его партнеров в финансовом и производственном отношении. Однако одного умения реально оценивать финансовое состояние недостаточно, для успешного функционирования предприятия и достижения им поставленной цели.
The article deals with the features of enterprise competitiveness management, its financial stability; the importance of enterprise stability in the development of the foreign economic environment of the state; the main components of enterprise competitiveness in the Kazakh economy. The authors consider the world experience
of enterprise competitiveness management. The article describes that in order to ensure the survival of the enterprise in modern conditions, management personnel must, first of all, be able to realistically assess the financial condition of both their enterprise and existing potential competitors. Financial condition is the most important characteristic of an enterprise's economic activity. It determines the competitiveness, potential in business cooperation, and assesses the extent to which the economic interests of the enterprise and its partners are guaranteed in financial and production terms. However, the ability to really assess the financial condition is not enough for the successful functioning of the enterprise and achieving its goals.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, модернизация, экономика, финансы, государственная программа, рынок, конкуренция, экономический рост
Key words: competitiveness, modernization, economy, finance, state program, market, competition, economic growth
Globalization of the world economy, participation in this process of the Republic of Kazakhstan means an increasingly close intertwining of national economies, which contributes to more intensive development on this basis of foreign economic activity (FEA).
Thus, the liberalization of foreign economic activity sets the task for enterprises to improve foreign economic activity in the context of increasing competition both in domestic and foreign markets.
The competitiveness of an enterprise can be described as its potential quality, which includes:
1. The ability of the enterprise to get a real assessment of the expectations of the target group of consumers, as well as to track trends in consumer behavior. In other words, the company must be able to timely, objectively and accurately assess consumer demand both at the present time and to forecast its dynamics for the future. Such an assessment is possible only on the basis of a scientific model of the target consumer group, taking into account its economic, socio-cultural and psychological factors, developed by methods of modern sociology and marketing.
2. The ability to organize production, the results of which will meet the expectations of the target group of consumers as the most useful product in relation to price and quality. Speaking about the results, we mean not only the consumer quality of the product, but also its marketing quality (price, warranty, after-sales service, etc.).
The problem of development of competitiveness e is still poorly investigated. The development of the competitiveness is devoted to the many publications of
scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and countries near and far abroad, in particular in the publications of such authors as L. E. Ostrovskiy, I. P. Faminskii, I. N. Gerchikova, G. L. Azoev, V. Andrianov, S. Glazyev, M. I. Knish, V. V. Krivorotov, A. E., Lieberman, S. S. Magomedov, I. Maksimova, A. K. Afanasiev, M. Mescon, K. Bowman, F. Kotler, M. Porter, X. Mezer, H. A. Safronova, X. Fashiev, P. A. Fatkhutdinova, N. S. Yashin and others.
The creation of competitive advantages by Kazakh companies requires the study of best practices of foreign countries, mainly the United States. And this is not accidental. On the one hand, American producers were the first to draw attention to the need to introduce targeted programs to control production costs and promote goods to domestic and international markets. On the other hand, the high efficiency of the use of such programs by American companies is obvious: according to the research of the world economic Forum on the index of micro-economic competitiveness of States, reflecting the competitiveness of national companies, the United States took the first place in 2002. This result is mainly due to the complex policy pursued by American companies aimed at creating innovative and global competitive advantages, the core of which is the technological policy.
Support for innovative competitive advantages in the United States is carried out through:
- application of financial and credit instruments to stimulate R & d (research and development);
- promotion of the quality standards system in the world trade;
- implementation by public authorities of part of the marketing functions usually performed by enterprises;
- protection of intellectual property and copyright;
- cooperation of the forces of state bodies, business, universities and military laboratories in the development and transfer of technologies.
One of the most important factors of Japan's competitiveness at the global level is the presence of acute domestic competition, which opened the way to world markets. As a rule, the saturation of the domestic market with certain goods causes an increase in their exports. At the same time, the rapid saturation of the market encourages competing companies to introduce new products, increasing productivity to minimize the delivery time of new modifications of models and samples.
Thus, the presence of well-developed domestic competition in the country was one of the factors of its competitiveness in the world market.
Applicable to Kazakh Industrialists, the Japanese and American competitiveness management model is as follows (figure 1)
Научно-образовательный журнал для студентов и преподавателей «StudNet» №5/2020
Analysis of market conditions, determination of competitive advantages of products and enterprises, setting strategic goals to maintain or improve their competitiveness
Decomposition of goals and development of strategies to I ^ ensure the competitiveness
Planning of revenue( income), level of quality and cost of production, determination of parameters of break-even production
Organization of works, attraction (acquisition) of resources, operational management of implementation of measures to ensure product
quality, cost reduction and improvement of the enterprise
Figure 1. The General scheme of management of competitiveness of products
and businesses
Note: compiled by the authors on the basis of the studied material.
In practice, the implementation of the basic functions of competitiveness management is difficult due to the imperfection of the regulatory and methodological support of this type of activity, as well as the lack of sufficient motivation and experience of the company's managers.
Competitiveness is a property of an object that is characterized by the degree of real or potential satisfaction of a specific need in comparison with similar objects presented in this market. Competitiveness determines the ability to withstand competition in comparison with similar objects in this market.
The most important reason for maintaining the competitive advantage of a commercial organization is the constant modernization of production and other key
activities. The type of competitive advantage and the environment in which it is implemented combine the concept of basic competitive strategy (BCS).
All activities of the organization in competition in a particular industry can be divided into categories, the Union of which forms a value chain (Fig. 2).
Types of supporting activities Infrastructure Positional profit (margin)
Human resource management
Technology development
Main activities
Internal ^ . External ^, , . , . . Operations , . . Marketing Service logistics logistics
Figure 2. Value chain
Note: compiled by the authors on the basis of the studied material.
In a market economy, improving the competitiveness of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprises is a necessary condition for the country's integration into the global economy. The development of the concept of increasing the competitiveness of foreign economic activity of an industrial enterprise is not an easy task. Therefore, depending on the impact of the external environment, internal factors, strategic objectives, individual characteristics of the enterprise, it is necessary to take measures to improve the competitiveness of foreign economic activity, which should include: the choice of an effective export strategy and optimal forms of international economic cooperation; improvement of organizational and managerial conditions of enterprises in the foreign market; improvement of product quality; better use of resources; to expand the range and improve the product structure; to organize an effective system of certification of exported products, to introduce mechanisms and rules of bar coding for manufactured products by light industry enterprises.
It is necessary to carry out fundamental changes and transformations in the formation and implementation of new forms of foreign economic policy, providing: structural adjustment of production in order to reorient the sectors of the national economy to the preferential and accelerated development of export-oriented enterprises and industries.
Используемые источники
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4. Сукманов Е. В., Лиманская М. В. (2017). Стремление к международной конкурентоспособности как приоритетное направление внешнеэкономической деятельности предприятия. Экономика и управление инновационными технологиями. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 20.01.2020).
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