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Natural and Exact Sciences •••
Науки о Земле / Earth Science Оригинальная статья / Original Article УДК 338.2:911.9
DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-87-93. EDN: INRKBS
Management and Marketing Role in the Development of Tourism Infrastructure in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
© 2022 Ilakha Yu. Mamedova
Baku State University Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT. Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region is considered one of the most attractive tourist areas, rich in favorable climatic conditions, beautiful landscapes, rivers, mountain massifs, ancient settlements, and historical and cultural heritage examples. The development of the tourism sector has been stimulated by the construction of recreation centers, hotels and tourism facilities that meet modern requirements in the economic-geographic region, as well as the improvement of the transport infrastructure. However, the management and marketing role in tourism infrastructure developing is almost unexplored. This has caused severe problems in the tourism sector of the region. Aim. Substantiate the role of management and marketing in tourism infrastructure developing, identify their advantages, and determine ways to manage and organise tourism infrastructure to achieve positive dynamics between income and expenditure in the tourism sector. Methods. Mathematical-statistical and systematic-comparative methods were used in the paper. Results. For this reason, in the paper, the directions determining the development of tourism infrastructure in Ganja-Gazakh economic-geographical region were investigated, and it was analyzed the management and marketing policy of strategic planning in this area. Conclusions. The role of management and marketing in the tourism infrastructure is very weak, and the development of the tourism sector on a regional scale lags behind the general development trend.
Keywords: tourism, recreation, management, marketing, infrastructure.
For citation: Mamedova I. Yu. Management and Marketing Role in the Development of Tourism Infrastructure in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Dagestan State Pedagogical University. Journal. Natural and Exact Sciences. 2022. Vol. 16. No. 3. Pp. 87-93. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-87-93. EDN: INRKBS_
Роль менеджмента и маркетинга в развитии туристической инфраструктуры в Гянджа-Газахском экономико-географическом районе Азербайджанской Республики
© 2022 Мамедова И. Ю.
Бакинский государственный университет Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: [email protected]
РЕЗЮМЕ. Гянджа-Газахский экономико-географический район считается одним из самых привлекательных туристических регионов, богатый благоприятными климатическими условиями, красивыми ландшафтами, реками, горными массивами, древними поселениями и образцами историко-культурного наследия. Развитие туристической отрасли стимулируется строительством баз отдыха, гостиниц и объектов туризма, отвечающих современным требованиям экономико-
географического региона, а также совершенствованием транспортной инфраструктуры. Однако роль менеджмента и маркетинга в развитии туристической инфраструктуры практически не изучена. Это вызвало серьезные проблемы в туристическом секторе региона. Цель. Обосновать роль менеджмента и маркетинга в развитии туристической инфраструктуры, выявить их преимущества, определить способы управления и организации туристической инфраструктуры с целью достижения положительной динамики между доходами и расходами в сфере туризма. Методы. При написании статьи были использованы математико-статистический и систематически-сравнительный методы. Результаты. В статье были исследованы направления, определяющие развитие туристической инфраструктуры в Гянджа-Газахском экономико-географическом районе, а также проанализирована управленческая и маркетинговая политика стратегического планирования в этой сфере. Выводы. Роль менеджмента и маркетинга в туристической инфраструктуре очень слаба, а развитие в региональном масштабе сферы туризма отстает от общей тенденции развития.
Ключевые слова: туризм, рекреация, менеджмент, маркетинг, инфраструктура.
Формат цитирования: Мамедова И. Ю. Роль менеджмента и маркетинга в развитии туристической инфраструктуры в Гянджа-Газахском экономико-географическом районе Азербайджанской Республики // Известия Дагестанского государственного педагогического университета. Естественные и точные науки. 2022. Т. 16. № 3. С. 87-93. DOI: 10.31161/1995-0675-2022-16-3-87-93. EDN: INRKBS (In English)
By incorporating the service sphere, tourism has entered people's daily life and actively participates in strengthening the country's political, economic and cultural relations. From this point of view, tourism is understood not only as a means of travel and recreation but also as a system that shapes social relations in a broader sense. The tourism sector's development helps solve many regional socioeconomic problems and strengthens intercultural integration.
Natural conditions and natural resources have a positive effect on the development of the tourism sector. However, we cannot forget the importance of tourism infrastructure, management and marketing. Because in the market economy conditions, although the activity of the tourism sector is regulated within the framework of the state's laws, its working principles are based on supply and demand, which can be realized based on a successful management policy and marketing.
The main business activities of management and marketing include analyzing the market, trade, service, transportation, etc. In addition to studying the proportionality between demand and supply in the fields, close participation in the solution of several problems mentioned below is also envisaged:
- improvement of the economic income and socio-cultural life levels of those working in the tourism sector;
- improvement of tourism infrastructure according to world standards;
- preparation of tourist routes that develop tourists' taste and outlook;
- studying the impact of the tourism sector on natural, cultural and social areas, justifying its work process with international tourism experience.
Material and research methods Ganja-Kazakh Economic-Geographic Region is located in the western part of Azerbaijan, on the northern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The territory of the economic-geographic region is 12.3 thousand km2, which is 14.2 % of the country's territory, and its population is 1298.9 thousand people, which is 12.9 % of the country's population [9]. In terms of tourism infrastructure, Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region is partly well provided. The study of tourism infrastructure on a scientific basis is considered one of the important conditions since this factor takes a leading place in the development of the tourism sector in the region.
The mathematical-statistical method was used in the calculation, analysis and charting obtained with the help of statistical materials; the systematic-comparative method was used in the systematization of the collected data and their comparative analysis.
Scientific innovations and author's personal recommendations
For the first time, the role of management and marketing in tourism infrastructure developing at the regional scale was substantiated, and the advantages and issues of the tourism services sector in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region were explained. As
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a result of the research, it was determined that although the potential opportunities of the tourism sector are highly appreciated, it is not fully used. One of the essential ways to overcome this problem is to justify the role of management and marketing in developing tourism infrastructure and to open its advantages to local entrepreneurs.
The place of the tourism sector in the economy of Azerbaijan
The tourism sector, as the most profitable sector of the economy, was considered one of the rapidly developing sectors in Azerbaijan until the pandemic. The guarantor of the development was related to the package of measures adopted at the state level and their proper implementation. Investments allocated to the tourism sector, improvement of the material and technical base in this area, reconstruction of road transport and social infrastructure based on modern requirements, etc. can be a clear example.
One of the steps taken at the state level in the direction of the regional sustainable development in Azerbaijan and the improvement of the population's financial well-being is related to the tourism sector because the tourism sector, being the most priority direction of the economy, ensures the opening of new jobs and the quick return of investments made in it. Although we saw the opposite during the pandemic, in a short time, the tourism sector started to serve local tourists first and then foreign tourists again, becoming a sector that brings income to the country's economy.
In general, the state's support for the tourism sector lays the foundation for the development of this field, improving the management system by creating a modern tourism market that can meet the country's economic
Accessible infrastructure increases investment in regions in the conditions of the market economy. It expands the activities of national entrepreneurs and foreign business people [8]. Management and marketing in this field regulate the minimum use of labour and financial resources and maximum profit,
interests. The story of the tourism sector is based on the country's management and marketing strategy, and its application is planned by studying international experience.
The value of the gross domestic product in Azerbaijan in 2021 was 92857.7 thousand manats, which means 9269.3 manats per person. The share of tourism in the gross domestic product was only 1.3% [3]. This indicator is much higher in developed countries and is being developed along with the service sector. Considering the features of sustainable economic development in our republic, the tourism sector is considered one of the priority directions. Its development trend depends on the working principles of management and marketing.
Results and discussion
Tourism infrastructure is understood as a set of enterprises, departments and organisations whose activity is aimed at meeting the needs of people involved in recreation, as well as means of communication and transportation and tourist accommodation facilities [6]. Tourism infrastructure can also be considered an independent business entity is providing services to tourists in whole or part [7]. Tourism infrastructure is the basis of the sustainable development of the tourism sector. The efficient use of tourism resources and the improvement of the tourism sector development are related to the tourism infrastructure. If we examine the study of tourism infrastructure in terms of thematic structure, we can see that it is divided into several groups (fig 1). Separate studies should be conducted on these groups, and the importance of tourism infrastructure in the development of any region should be determined.
stimulating entrepreneurial activity and obtaining more profit with less work.
Management serves to increase efficiency and manage them in many financial and economic areas. Management analyses the market's demand and supply and assists in obtaining more profit [1]. Marketing
Fig 1. Thematic structural scheme of tourism infrastructure
Рис. 1. Тематическая структурная схема туристической инфраструктуры
determines the customer's need, helps bring the product to the market, and contributes to the business's success [4]. The marketing specialist decides which product to introduce according to the demand and supply of the market. At this time, the quality of the service increases, and a variety of products is created.
The development of the tourism sector is based on the business principles of enterprises operating in this field, as well as management and marketing in the effective organisation of tourism. For example, a health care institution should provide medical examinations, health procedures, planting greenery, ecologically clean air, cultural and educational events, quality service and so on. Management and marketing provide a choice between enterprises, prepare an information bank about them, create cooperative relations with tour companies, and improve the leadership quality.
The specific features of management and marketing in the tourism sector are related to the availability of services offered to tourists. Services include transportation, reception, catering, accommodation, entertainment, etc., accessibility: price policy (application of discounts), tariffs (cost of tourist trips), etc.
Travel agencies and tour operators are the primary and leading force of management and marketing in the tourism sector. However, the activities of travel agencies and tour operators in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region are not at such an encouraging level.
According to the statistics for 2021, 150 tour operators and travel agencies operate in Azerbaijan. Two belong to the state, and the rest belong to the non-state sector. In 2020, this indicator was 300 tour operators and
travel agencies. The decrease of tour operators and travel agencies has led to a decrease in tourist departures and their value. In the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region this indicator is quite low, and 2 % of tourist trips sold by tour operators and travel agencies in Azerbaijan, and 1.4 % of their value, fall on the share of our research region. If we analyse these indicators by years, we will see that only in 2017, 18.6 % of tourist departures and 19.7 % of their value were in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region, and the main part of them was in the Tovuz Region (96, 4%) and Ganja City (3.6 %). [10]. It should be noted with great regret that those who came to the city of Naftalan, the medical tourism centre of Azerbaijan, did not use the services of tour operators and travel agencies.
Let's look at tour operators and travel agencies' income and expenses. We will see that the growth trend is noticeable in Azerbaijan from 2006-2019, in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region in 2014-2017 and 2019. Although the growth was stable and continued for years, a severe decrease was observed in the following years due to the pandemic. The negative balance between income and expenses occurred in Azerbaijan only in 2020 and in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region in 2013, 2018, 2020 and 2021 (Fig. 2). Observing a negative balance in the economic-geographic region is mainly related to the activities of tour operators and travel agencies. Thus, since their activity is unsatisfactory in areas, it is possible to see a negative balance between income and expenses in almost all economic-geographic areas.
Fig. 2. Income and expenses of tour operators and travel agencies in the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ganja-Kazakh Economic-Geographic Region, thousand manats [10]
Рис. 2. Доходы и расходы туроператоров и турагентств в Азербайджанской Республике и Гянджа-Газахском экономико-географическом районе, тыс. манатов
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To study the activities of tour operators and travel agencies more deeply, it is required to study the domestic and foreign trips of Azerbaijani citizens, as well as the dynamics of foreign citizens travelling in the territory of Azerbaijan [5]. For this purpose, the dynamics of the number of citizens in the country and foreign countries visiting the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region have been determined.
In 2021, 205 tourists travelled to Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region through travel agencies and tour operators. This means 3.4 % of the travellers across the country. Domestic trips made up 9.9 % of total tourists, and trips outside the country made up 0.2 % [10]. Hotels played a unique role in the overnight stays of tourists during trips.
Hotels are considered one of the main indicators of the tourism sector activity. Because hotels, in addition to providing services to citizens, are an area that brings income to the country's budget [2]. If we look
In addition to the number of hotels, the numbers in them and the one-time capacity are significant. Thus, the overnight stay, feeding, effective spending of leisure time, forms of recreation and other forms of tourism infrastructure for the tourists coming to the region are the basis of tourism infrastructure.
If we look at the dynamics of the number of rooms and one-time capacity in hotels in the Ganja-Gazakh economic-geographic region, we will see that a decrease was
at the dynamics of the number of hotels in Azerbaijan, we will see that there has been an increase over the years. Still, some inequality has been recorded in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region. During 20112021, the number of hotels in Azerbaijan was 40.2 %, and in Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region, it was 27.7 % (fig. 3). The highest increase was recorded in Ganja City by 2.1 times. Although this indicator is observed in all regions of the economic-geographic region, a decrease is noticeable in Goranboy and Gazakh regions, and there are no hotels at all in the Samukh Region [9]. One fact should be taken into account, although the Naftalan City is a sanatorium-resort centre, only two hotels are registered in the city. Other and more famous hotels (Gashalti Health Hotel Naftalan, Chinar Hotel & Spa Naftalan, Garabag Resort & Spa, Sehrli Naftalan, etc.) are not included in the statistics department's data for some reason.
observed in 2021 compared to 2006. Thus, in 2006, the number of hotel rooms was 2,282, and the total capacity was 5,228; in 2021, these indicators were 1,897 and 3,882, respectively. If we compare these indicators for Azerbaijan, we will see that the number of hotel rooms has increased by 2.2 times, and the total capacity has increased by 2.1 times [10]. Experts explain the reasons for the decline in Ganja-Gazakh economic-geographic region with different arguments. The reason for this is the region's distance from the capital, the price
Fig. 3. The number of hotels in the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ganja-Kazakh Economic-Geographic Region, unit [9]
Рис. 3. Количество гостиниц в Азербайджанской Республике и Гянджа-Газахском экономико-географическом районе, ед.
policy, the quality of service and the lack of entertainment venues.
Despite the reductions mentioned above, the income and expenses of hotels in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region have increased over the years. This can be connected with devaluation and inflation, which happened twice in our republic. In 2006, the income of hotels was 743.3 thousand
Tourism infrastructure revives the tourism sector's development and increases its potential. The operation of hotels, one of the main components of the tourism infrastructure in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region, reveals severe problems in this area. For this reason, a marketing strategy should be developed in the region, and its principles should be defined. When preparing a management and marketing strategy, tour companies, tour operators, tourism-excursion organisations, accommodation establishments, catering establishments, etc. should be taken into account, and tourism products should be offered to tourists in the form of tour packages and tours.
As a result of the analysis of the tourism sector in the Ganja-Gazakh Economic-Geographic Region, it was determined that the region has excellent development potential. However, although the tourism infrastructure is well developed in the area, the role of
ment]. Baku, Business University Publ., 2013. 205 p. (In Azerbaijan)
manats, and expenses were 718.9 thousand manats, and in 2021, the income was 7238.1 thousand manats, and the expenses were 13394.4 thousand manats. Regrettably, in some years, the expenses have exceeded the income. This can be seen in Azerbaijan as well (fig 4). This has caused delays in the activity of the tourism sector, causing severe damage to their work principles and personnel potential.
management and marketing in the tourism sector is relatively weak. As a result, services provided to tourists, organisation of their recreation, the satisfaction of their needs, price policy, etc., have not been developed to adapt the services to modern requirements and continuously develop the tourism sector. We can see this in the activity of tour operators and travel agencies (3.4 % of travellers across the republic), the number of tourist tickets they sell (2 per republic), the value of tourist tickets (1.45 per republic), the income they receive and the funds they spend ( the balance minus 559.1 thousand manats), as well as the number of operating hotels (10 new hotels were built), the number of rooms in them (385 rooms decreased) and the indicators of onetime tours (1346 places decreased) based on statistical analysis. For this reason, the management and marketing strategy should be justified from a regional point of view, and its advantages should be instilled in local entrepreneurs.
[Azerbaijan's hotel industry and its development. Sovremennye problemy geografii: respublikan-
P CJ'jfep
2006 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
■ income 743,3 1137,7 10111 8688 12241,2 17378,6 16987,3 4274,7 7238,1
■ expenses 718,9 930,1 9060,7 7707,9 10650,5 14693,8 15349,7 8946,7 13394,4
■ income 74342,4 105888,9 183055,1 240112,8 284453,9 359453 450188,5 116798 209687,3
■ expenses 50012 87879,8 163714,3 204852,6 222192,9 277680,5 308342,5 171805,1 231468
Fig. 4. Revenues and expenses of hotels in the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ganja-Kazakh Economic-Geographic Region, thousand manats [10]
Рис. 4. Доходы и расходы гостиниц Азербайджанской Республики и Гянджа-Газахского экономико-географического района, тыс. манатов
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СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРЕ Принадлежность к организации
Мамедова Илаха Юнис кызы, диссертант кафедры экономической и политической географии зарубежных стран и туризма, Бакинский государственный университет, Баку, Азербайджан; e-mail: [email protected]
Научный руководитель: доктор географических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой экономической и социальной географии, Бакинский государственный университет, Исмаилов Ч. Н.
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9. Regions of Azerbaijan. Baku, State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Publ., 2021, 844 p.
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Ilakha Yu. Mamedova, Ph.D. student, Department of Economic and Political Geography of Foreign Countries and Tourism, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan; e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific Supervisor: Doctor of Science (Geography), Professor, Head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, Baku State University, Chingiz N. Ismailov.
1. Аббасов И. M. Менеджмент. Баку: Изд-во 6. Кузык С. П. География туризма. Киев:
Принята в печать 16.05.2022 г.
Received 16.05.2022.