О. М. Chorosova
This article deals with the current issues of additional professional education of teachers in terms of paradigmatic orientation to lifelong learning. It raises questions of comparative study of modernization and transformation processes in continuous pedagogical education to be the basis for the development of efficient mechanisms for accelerating transformation of additional professional education of teachers.
Key words: transformation, additional professional education of teachers, comparative study, continuous professional education.
In the context of radical changes in ideologies, social concepts, ideals and life of people in general, education fulfills a stabilizing function and promotes human adaptation to new conditions of life, creating favorable conditions for intercultural interaction.
It is well known that the sphere of Russian education has undergone modernization and upgrading processes at different stages of its development, and there were attempts to reform this sphere at different times. Consequently, at the present stage we can talk about changes which are systemic in nature, and which may be defined as transformational. These processes have their own characteristics in different regions of Russia and in the territory of the former Soviet Union. In connection with this, it is particularly relevant to carry out an interdisciplinary study of the educational space of the North-East of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Manifestations of the transformation of lifelong professional education for adults in the context of the general trends in the development of education in the North-East of Russia are reflected, in particular, by the orientation of the individual - the subject of society - to lifelong learning (LLL); by the deep and massive changes in attitude to the world (worldviews) of people driving changes in both the system of values and attitude to education as a social institution; belief systems are changing in such a way at the mass level that the nature of these changes has significant economic, political and social consequences [“World Values Survey”], as the relationship between values, economics and politics are bilateral in nature. At the present stage, the human development index is of paramount importance. According to the UN, in Russia, which is among the countries with a high HDI, we can talk about the main trends in the process of changing the values prevailing in the society: from survival values to the values of well-being [1].
In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Republic of Kazakhstan, an important place is occupied in the education system by the national-cultural component, which allows us to talk about the ethno-cultural nature of education: in Kazakhstan, much attention is paid to national schools, thus, more than half of all
schools use the Kazakh language for teaching pupils. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a national school development concept was developed in the 1990s, thanks to which today we can say that the modern Yakut ethno-cultural school is built based on the multicultural model, which is characterized by tolerance, equal rights, freedom to choose one’s own cultural identities, preparation for life in a multiethnic society that promotes the understanding and development of polymentality, and polylingual and multicultural competencies. For the first time, conditions have been created for the choice of textbooks in the Yakut language. For schools with the Yakut language, translation of all primary school textbooks from the federal list into the Yakut language was organized, and teaching kits for schools of indigenous peoples of the North are developed and published for the study of Even, Evenk, Yukagir, Chukchi and Dolgan languages.
In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), there are currently 653 schools, including 637 day-time schools, and 16 evening general educational schools. 73% of daytime schools are in rural areas, and have 55,862 students, which is 41% of the total number of pupils; 59% of pupils in the Republic are studying in urban schools. In order to ensure the equal rights of children to receive secondary education, the List of small schools with remoteness and inaccessibility of facilities is approved on an annual basis; the laws of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “On nomadic schools” and “On state support of rural educational institutions” are being applied.
There are 7,307 public day schools in Kazakhstan. Out of every 10 schools, eight are in rural areas. However, 56% of all students of the country go to urban schools. Kazakhstan ranks number 63 in the world in terms of Internet availability at schools. On average, 25% of the country's schools are not connected to broadband Internet. In rural areas, nearly half of all schools (47.7%) are not connected. There is one computer is for every 13 pupils on average.
Modern educational technologies are being actively implemented in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The Distant Learning Center doubled the number of disabled children enrolled to learn remotely. There is one computer for 12 students, and 68% of computer equipment is used in the educational process. All schools provide Internet traffic, paid according to the standard 9,000 - 50,000 per month.
A total of 607 billion tenge (about US $ 4 billion) was spent on general education using stage budget funds in Kazakhstan in 2013, which is one and a half times more than the amount spent on the country’s defense budget. A total of 11,123 million rubles were spent on ensuring general education in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2011. More than 13 billion rubles were spent in 2012, taking into account the increase in the average salary of teachers of general education institutions.
Great attention in both republics was paid to identification and further development of gifted children, including the network of presidential schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professional development of teachers, and the development of professional and personal competencies is one of the most important components of the state policy in the sphere of education in both republics, Yakutia and Kazakhstan, including the State Program for Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan; Education Development Strategy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) till 2020 “Quality Education - Reliable Investment in the Future”. Both documents focus on improving the competitiveness of education and on human capital development by providing access to high quality education for sustainable economic growth, and increasing the prestige of the teacher profession.
From the perspective of a comparative approach to the study of lifelong pedagogical education, the following areas are of interest: (a) the changing role of the government in educational policy and practice in the context of globalization; (b) an analysis of social, economic and political factors that affect education at various levels (national, regional, municipal, and others); (c) study of the impact of global trends on the formation of regional policy, cooperation between organizations involved in decision making and implementation of educational reforms; (d) study of the forms of diversification, integration, synchronization, and internationalization of vocational and further professional education of teachers; (e) study of educational systems in a comparative perspective on issues, such as continuous teacher education; adult education, management of modern educational systems, etc. [2].
Development of effective mechanisms for accelerating the transformation of additional professional education of teachers should be based on educational technologies in the following gradation: methodological educational technology (at the level of pedagogical theories, concepts and approaches), as the integral models; strategic educational technology (at the level of organizational form of interaction), acting as a way of achieving the strategic objectives; tactical educational technology (at the level of methodology, form and/or method of teaching, way of teaching), being a specific way to achieve the goals of education in the framework of a certain educational technology. Thus, there are the following important concerns for lifelong pedagogical education: whether it is possible at this stage to talk about the societal level of changes in the system of additional professional training of teachers under the influence of transformation processes in the cultural and educational, social and economic environment of the North-East of Russia and the world in general, and what mechanisms of transformation of additional professional education can ensure the integrity and stability of the educational environment, as a system, for the sake of sustainable development.
1. Вишневская Н. Г. Индекс развития человеческого потенциала как показатель уровня жизни населения [Текст] / Н. Г. Вишневская, Р. Ф. Ядгаров // Молодой ученый. - 2014. -№ 1. - С. 351-352.
2. Современные системы образования: осмысление опыта управления в условиях реформирования / Е. И. Михайлова, С., Ст. Мамачак, О.М. Чоросова; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М.К. Аммосова. - Якутск, 2013. - 656 с.
3. Чоросова О. М. Актуальность разработки и внедрения андрагогической компоненты профессионального стандарта преподавателя профессионального образования в современных условиях: мат. Двенадцатой международной конференции «Образование через всю жизнь: непрерывное образование в интересах устойчивого развития» (1011 октября 2014 года, г. Астана (Республика Казахстан)).
4. Чоросова О.М. Образование - культурный императив // Гуманитарное образование как императив развития гражданского общества. Сборник научно-методических материалов международного научно-образовательного форума СВФУ «Education, forward! -II». г. Якутск, 23-28 июня 2014 года. Вып. 2 / отв. за вып. : О. М. Чоросова, Р. Е. Герасимова,
Л.Е. Манчурина, Н. И. Захарова. - Электрон. текст. дан. (1 файл 11,9 Мб). - Киров: МЦНИП, 2014. - 1527 с. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). - ISBN 978-5-00090-031-4. -Загл. с этикетки диска. - С. 953-963.
5. Чоросова О.М., Герасимова Р.Е. Некоторые подходы к образованию взрослых // Гуманитарное образование как императив развития гражданского общества. Сборник научно-методических материалов международного научно-образовательного форума СВФУ «Education, forward! -II». г. Якутск, 23-28 июня 2014 года. Вып. 2 / отв. за вып. : О. М. Чоросова, Р. Е. Герасимова, Л. Е. Манчурина, Н. И. Захарова. - Электрон. текст. дан. (1 файл 11,9 Мб). - Киров: МЦНИП, 2014. - 1527 с. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM).
- ISBN 978-5-00090-031-4. - Загл. с этикетки диска. - С. 966-973.
6. Чоросова О.М., Соломонова Г.С. Признание профессиональных квалификаций, полученных в результате неформального и спонтанного обучения: международный опыт // Гуманитарное образование как императив развития гражданского общества: Cборник научно-методических материалов международного научно-образовательного форума СВФУ «Education, forward! -II». (г. Якутск, 23-28 июня 2014 года). Вып. 2. / отв. за вып. : О. М. Чоросова, Р. Е. Герасимова, Л. Е. Манчурина, Н. И. Захарова. - Электрон. текст. дан. (1 файл 11,9 Мб). - Киров: МЦНИП, 2014. - 1527 с. - 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM).
- ISBN 978-5-00090-031-4. - С. 974-985.
Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas