The 30th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies P-O-2
Low temperature single-photon SiV-luminescence in "bottom-up" grown nanodiamonds
D. G. Pasternak1, D. A. Kalashnikov2 , V. Leong2 , C. Chia2 , A. M. Romshin1 , O. S. Kudryavtsev1, S. V. Kuznetsov1 , A. K. Martyanov1 , V. S. Sedov1 , L. A. Krivitsky2 , R.H. Bagramov3, V.P. Filonenko3, I. I. Vlasov 1
'Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 Vavilova str,
Moscow, Russia
2Institute of Materials Research and Engineering Agency for Science Technology and Research (A *STAR), Singapore 3Vereshchagin Institute of High-Pressure Physics RAS, Kaluzhskoe shosse 14, Moscow,
Troitsk 108840, Russia
e-mail address: [email protected]
Negatively charged Silicon-Vacancy centers (SiV), are promising sources of both single-photon and classical radiation in the near-infrared spectral region, respectively, for quantum and biomedical technologies [1-3]. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and High Pressure Hight Temperature (HPHT) methods are mainly used for synthesis of SiV-containing diamonds. Here, we present a comparative low-temperatures (LT) analysis of the spectral characteristics of individual SiV centers in spontaneously nucleated CVD nanodiamonds (NDs) grown on germanium (Ge)/silicon (Si) substrates and HPHT NDs produced from adamantane in the presence of Si dopant.
First, we studied CVD diamond particles of less than 100 nm in size containing 10-20 centers per ND. These NDs were grown on a Si substrate. The SiV photoluminescence (PL) under off-resonant and resonant laser excitation at 15 K were investigated. The emission lines of SiVs of individual CVD NDs are well resolved and found to be spread in the range of 730-750 nm. The typical SiV linewidth is within 1-2 GHz for spontaneous CVD NDs, which is only a factor of 2.5-5 broader than the lifetime limited linewidth of the SiV at 15 K [5]. It was found that replacing the Si with Ge substrates does not affect the spectral characteristics of the SiV PL. A usage of Ge substrates with weak adhesion to diamond opens up opportunities for the controlled doping of NDs with Si, facilitates the transfer of diamond particles from the growth substrate into optical chips, microresonators and photonic crystals.
Then, we analyzed spectral characteristics of individual SiVs in spontaneously nucleated CVD NDs grown on Ge/Si substrates [7] and HPHT NDs doped with Si. Studied nanoparticles have a characteristic size of 300 nm. The SiV PL measured at LT was found to localized in the range 730-750 nm for CVD and 735739 nm for HPHT NDs. We attribute the narrowing of the SiV emission range for HPHT diamonds to their higher crystalline quality compared to CVD ones.
The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant № 21-72-10153, ect/21-72-10153/
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