DOI: 10.18454/RULB.8.08 Ленкова Т.А.
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, Рязанский государственный университет имени С.А. Есенина ВЗГЛЯД НА ЗАГОЛОВОК КАК ОДИН ИЗ ВАЖНЫХ СТРУКТУРНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ СТАТЬИ В
Реферируемая статья предлагает сравнительный анализ взглядов российских и немецких медиалингвистов на проблему заголовка, его типологию, а также на те функции, которые выполняет заголовок в качестве композиционно-структурного элемента газетной статьи. В работе предпринята попытка выявить ведущие типы заголовков в российской и немецкой прессе, проследить различие во взглядах на роль и место заголовка в публицистике. Особое внимание было уделено основным функциям заголовка, а именно, информационной и контактной, а также графически-выделительной, номинативной, рекламной, оценочно-выразительной и интегративной. Единственное различие, выявленное во взглядах на заголовок у отечественных и немецких медиалингвистов,-отношение к наличию у заголовка определённой композиционной формы и его способность влиять на композицию материала в целом. Тем не менее, вопрос о том, является ли корреляция композиции заголовка и композиции статьи необходимой предпосылкой для успешного материала, остаётся на наш взгляд открытым и требует дальнейшего изучения.
Ключевые слова: заголовок, заголовочный комплекс, номинативные и предикативные заголовки, композиционная структура заголовка.
Lenkova T.A.
PhD in Philology, Associate professor, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin LOOK AT THE TITLE AS ONE OF THE IMPORTANT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE ARTICLE IN
The article is devoted to the title - the initial element of the structuring of the article, so how can you talk about some of the dependence of a vast array of articles and endings from successfully built the introductory unit. If the beginning of the material prepared in a professional way, the target audience reads the full article. In the article the attitude towards the mentioned structural elements ofjournalistic material of the Russian and West German researchers identified common ground and found some differences. Special attention was paid to the basic functions of the title, namely, information and contact, and more - graphically-excretory, nominative, advertising, assessment of expressive and integrative. The only difference in opinion of German journalists with their Russian colleagues revealed in the assignment of title composite-speech function and the ability to condition the composition of the material as a whole. However, the question of whether the correlation of the composition of the caption and composition of the article a necessary prerequisite for successful material, remains in our view open and requires further study.
Keywords: heading, header complex, nominative and predicative titles, composition-structure of speech header.
Почта авторов / Author Email: [email protected]
Journalistic material characterized by a certain structural and compositional form, which may exhibit in each case certain characteristics. Newspaper article, like any text, usually consists of an introduction, main part and conclusion. Title, subtitle, section headings, or headings, the lead, along with the ending are the most important structural elements of the journalistic text. The present article is devoted exclusively to the initial structuring elements of the article for the simple reason that if the beginning of the material prepared in a professional way, the target audience reads the full article. Consequently, we can speak about a certain subject of a vast array of articles and endings from successfully built the introductory unit. We will consider relates to these structural elements of journalistic material of the Russian and West German researchers will try to identify common ground and differences.
The importance of header is that probability of its read, according to Russian researchers, more than 90%, as the eye automatically sees on the runway all the words written big and bold. 61% of German readers pay attention to the title. If you attract the attention of the audience using the title failed, the article is likely to be unread. Even more important is the headlines in the online media where readers are guided only by name and not see the full text until, until you open the relevant article. Therefore, a bad title could devalue all the effort you put into writing good material. It is not surprising
that the choice of title often takes less time than writing the article itself. Lead or vodka read only 9% of recipients.
The main functions of the title and Russian and German researchers believe informative and contact. E. A. Lazareva, proposes a graphic-excretory, nominative, advertising, assessment of expressive and integrative functions [2].
As the title of one of the means of entering or immersion in text, it presents the subject material. In this case the German journalists-practices, such as J. Häusermann, V. La Roche, make some bias from journalism in its pure form in linguistics [4], [7]. They believe that if the title is well worded, the reader knows what genre will be an article submitted in the form of a message, comment, story or interview. This means that, first, the title as microtext inherent in its composition-speech form, and, secondly, this form allows to predict the composition of the text of the article as a whole.
The title, according to German metalinguistic must be consistent with the purpose of the text: if the header reports an event, then the text should be news if the headline says something and the text should be kept on the comment form, otherwise the expectations of the reader will be deceived.
Note that the Russian term "contact function" is synonymous with the German "motivational function". This feature means that the title must be attractive and interesting formulated, but in any case not as an advertisement, directly, "screaming", "I am a great material, read me!"
Journalistic texts are read primarily for their content, interesting subjects. But the themes of the day-to-day changes not too strongly and you have to show some talent to the reader in a familiar topic to discover something new.
Header options is restricted in size. In practice, it is difficult to find version that combines at the same time informative and attractive. This dilemma is often mitigated by the fact that the title almost never stands alone — it is accompanied by a line above or below. In the Russian journalistic practice talking about the header system, the combination of title, subtitle, and sometimes names of columns.
Header complex allows not to overload the title, and focus on carrying out the contact function, shifting information to the subtitle. If you enter more and heading, it takes care of informing about the topic, allowing the subtitle focus on the idea on which output is offered of the problem situation.
When writing the header of the complex needs to ensure that its elements do not repeat the same words and do not duplicate each other.
Domestic researchers, for example, A. V. Kolesnichenko subdivide the headings on the form for nominative and predicative [1].
Dead heading is an incomplete sentence, usually a phrase of two nouns or noun and adjective. This header usually contains the evaluation of the news and is accompanied by the subtitle - a common proposal outlining its essence.
This type of heading is more typical of the Russian press, for example: AIF 05.07.2016 from "Attack of the clones. Guide to the Chinese auto industry", "Soviet policeman. Special signs", "Parasites in the act. 5 stories Russian loafers", "Crimea, etiquette and sports scandals".
Subject header is, on the contrary, the full proposal can be accompanied by the subtitle and to act independently. Usually, it is used in short news, while the nominative - in the larger materials. For example: AIF from 06.07.2016 "Vikings choose freedom. Why Iceland wants to join the EU?" "The European Parliament has supported the project of creating a single border control" "Scientists have discovered what killed the dinosaurs".
After analyzing the headlines in the national press, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the lack of a clear relationship composition-speech form header (if any is in principle possible to say) with the composition-speech form of the article as a whole.
The title, as suggested by German researchers, it is always a statement, and the statement needs to be verbs. Good is the one title that is a complete sentence even when the verb is only implied. Quite favorite titles with infinitives, as they are concise, but they are not only "ignore" who did what, but not a clear idea of the compositional speech form. A similar design of the headers can sometimes lead the reader astray.
Correctly formulated, extracts the caption is always something special, and not stop to simply call the event. The selection in the header the unique features of the incident are important in the case of background messages that have no connection with actuality. For example, the German journals on medicine, focused on the broad, often not professionally prepared for the audience, choose generalized, extremely correct and therefore not very attractive solutions. Let's look at some examples:
Spiegel, 5.Juli 2016 Rückzug von Brexit-Anführen: EU-Politiker beschimpfen Farage und Johnson. Jeder für sich.
Klein-Europa: Die Rückkehr der Vergangenheit. Wende geschafft. Karstadt will 2018 wieder eine Filiale eröffnen.
As follows from the above titles, for German publications is not characteristic of the nominative forms of the headers. We see a trend of the use of predicative forms. Even in the case of using nouns Rückzug Rückkehr Vergangenheit traced their verbal education and semantics of movement. Full proposals, which must be predicative forms of headings according to the classification of A. V. Kolesnichenko, we do not observe, however, the structure and compositional-speech forms of headers successfully correlated with the articles in General.
Both in domestic and in foreign media linguistics we meet the requirements of the title, which he must meet in order to be successful. These requirements include, first, clarity second, it needs to be correctly formulated, thirdly, to contain the main idea of the text, but not to contradict the content of the material and, fourthly, to excite the interest of the recipient. To check the header you can use the TACT test (from the English. Taste - the taste Attractiveness -attractiveness, Clarity - clarity, Truth, the truth) [3].
Accordingly, if the title meets all the listed requirements, we can include it in the category of "good or right" headers. Since there are first category, and then there are the second "bad" headers.
To bad headlines in the national science considers "zero", "double" and headline-comment.
"Zero" the title mean something, but what - for readers remains a mystery. This happens when the headers are using the catch phrase, proverbs, sayings, slogans and incomprehensible terminology.
"Double header" is a statement that combines two aspects of the topic. As a result, he is long in form and complicated in content. In such cases it is recommended to either opt-in to the title from one aspect or from one article to do two, each with its own heading.
Headline-comments are unsuccessful when you use them in news articles. Readers may get the impression that they impose on someone else's opinion and is prepared to perception presented in the article information at a certain angle. The publication, which is dominated by headline-comments, perceived as a party or corporate, that is engaged in not informing its readers, and to promotion or advertising.
In addition, in the headers it is undesirable to use complex syntax and to remove from each other connected words, such as identifying and defining a word. Also not recommended to use in the header is multiple-valued and unknown to the General public the words, as in this case, the article title can realize wrong.
To use quotations as titles and should be approached with extreme caution. Only in interviews and portraits of such titles definitely be considered relevant. In all other cases it should be borne in mind that the phrase said by the character of the article, almost always reflect the meaning of the material is much worse than it could do by the journalist. Citation the header will only indicate that the author or editor did not bother to come up with their own and just took seemed the most striking phrase of the hero material.
In modern Russian journalism, the most common are the headers built on the principle of modification expressions. That has taken some well-known quote, a saying, idiom, and then it is replaced by word in tune with him, but relevant to the text. It turns out the phrase that combines the meaning of the text, which she entitles, and evaluation, expressed in the original idiom.
Expressions that contain brackets require re-reading, so can't be used in the header. Header too long as well requires the reader to additional time. Norbert Küpper believes, however, that it is better long than short, not saying nothing title [6].
Metaphorical titles is good when they are absolutely related to the topic and original. More often than not, the use of the metaphor in the title is a little aspirational.
Use in the title of interrogative sentences is justified, if the test article contains information, and have not found or have not found their explanation.
The bottom and top of the line unload the title, they contain additional information. Often there are combinations in which the title and subtitle are equivalent information. This can lead to difficulties when reading the fierce competition of the title and subtitle bring negative rather than a positive moment in the process of understanding the text.
The subtitle is the same as the top row after the header is read, if read at all. Subheadings usually longer than the upper row, they call thematic sphere in a simple statement. If they were a single term or any concept, it likely would interfere with the perception of information.
Row headings or titles of sections, too, have a definite structural meaning, as they have a certain optical appeal for the recipient and, thus, force him to read further. When there is such an optical "beacon", the person reads at least to him. Designer of Newspapers N. Küpper believes that the presence of the article titles is one of the main conditions for the success of the material of the target audience [6]. For hundred percent success, according to Küpper, you need a good illustration, well-worded title and interesting topic [5]. It is necessary to assume that any text if it is not, of course, extremely short, will benefit from the availability of the
section titles. They facilitate not only meaningful articulation, but also the structuring of the article. Therefore, not all the same, where are the section titles if they are where they should, it can be read in the relationship and to inform the reader about a train of thought.
As for the language form of the name sections, then the same principles when formulating headings statements better than the individual terms and concepts. The statement can be taken from the running immediately behind the title text. He promises the reader that he will meet him later in a certain context.
On the possibility of using section headings is affected by the design of the entire newspaper. In this case they are given, typically, little space. They are limited to a few lines, often it is not enough for statements. As a result, the section headings consisting of several words. Those who consciously reduces the section header, rejects a significant tool with which he can guide the reader through the text.
So, both Russian and German researchers believe the title of one of the most important structural elements of the journalistic material, and the main functions unanimously considered informative and the contact function. In media linguistics in some detail developed criteria for "good" headers and provides a list of points that should be avoided to ensure that the recipient has not abandoned reading the article at the initial stage. The only thing that separates the few German journalists with their Russian colleagues, this assignment title compositional-speech function and the ability to condition the composition of the material as a whole. The question of whether the correlation of the composition of the caption and composition of the article a necessary prerequisite for successful material, remains in our view open and requires further study.
Список литературы / References
1. Колесниченко А. В. Практическая журналистика : Уч. пособие / А. В. Колесниченко. - М. : Изд-во Моск. унта, 2008. - С. 95-106.
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3. Мельник Г. С. Основы творческой деятельности журналиста : конспект лекций и практикум / Г. С. Мельник, К. Е. Виноградова, Р. П. Лисеев. — СПб. : С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т, Высш. шк. журн. и мас. коммуникаций, 2013. — 210 с.
4. Häusermann J. Journalistisches Texten 3 / J. Häusermann. - überarbeitete Auflage. - Konstanz : UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2011. - 261 s.
5. Küpper N. Blickaufzeichnung. Erforschung des Leserverhaltens beim Zeitungslesen / N. Küpper // DD-Sonderbeilage. Nr. 31. - 1989.
6. Küpper N. Bild+Text. Journalisten-Werkstatt 98 / N. Küpper. - Freilassing : Oberauer, 1998.
7. Einführung in den praktischen Journalismus / Ausgabe by W. von LaRoche. - München : List, 1985 - 327 s.
Список литературы на английском / References in English
1. Kolesnichenko A. V. Prakticheskaya zhurnalistika : Uch. Posobie [Practical journalism : Manual] / A. V. Kolesnichenko. - Moscow : Moscow State University publishing, 2008. - Pp. 95-106. [In Russian]
2. Lazareva E. A. Zagolovok v gazete: Ucheb. Posobie [Title in the newspaper: Proc. allowance] / E. A. Lazareva. - 2nd edition, ext., revised. - Ekaterinburg: Ural State University publishing, 2004. - 84 p. [In Russian]
3. Melnik G. S. Osnovy tvorcheskoj deyatel'nosti zhurnalista: konspekt lekcij i praktikum [Fundamentals of creative activity of a journalist: the abstract of lectures and workshop] / G. S. Melnik, K. E. Vinogradova, R. P. Liseev. — SPb. : St. Petersburg State University, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, 2013. — 210 p. [In Russian]
4. Hausermann J. Journalistisches Texten 3 [Journalist Texts 3] / J. Hausermann. - Revised edition. - Konstanz : UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2011. - 261 p. [In German]
5. Kupper N. Blickaufzeichnung. Erforschung des Leserverhaltens beim Zeitungslesen [View of the drawing. Exploring reading habits during newspaper reading] / N. Kupper // DD-Sonderbeilage. - 1989. - No. 31. [In German]
6. Kupper N. Bild+Text. Journalisten-Werkstatt 98 [Picture + text. Journalist's workshop 98] / N. Kupper. - Freilassing : Oberauer, 1998. [In German]
7. Einführung in den praktischen Journalismus [Introduction to practical journalism] / Ed. by W. von LaRoche. -Munich : List, 1985 - 327 p. [In German]