DOI: https://doi.Org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2021.3.4
UDC 81'42:004.738.1 Submitted: 30.01.2021
LBC Accepted: 30.03.2021
Olga I. Popova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Irina D. Volkova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Marina Yu. Fadeeva
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Abstract. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the original and secondary texts of media discourse aimed at identifying the ways to localize and internationalize the verbal content of news websites. The study has been conducted on the material of news hypertexts in four languages - Russian, English, German and French, posted on the international Internet resource rt.com, Business Insider news portal, National Review newspaper, RTD Documentary Channel, L 'Express journal. The authors substantiate the importance of using the terms 'localization' and 'internationalization' in translation studies to name inter-language transformations used in creating news messages, and analyze the definitions of these concepts in the frameworks of linguistics. The analysis shows that in many cases the standard translation model "source text ^ translation text", which presupposes a certain level of semantic equivalence, loses its relevance, since the secondary text is a new verbal product. It has been shown that the localized verbal space of the analyzed international media websites is created through the use of the following translation techniques: addition / omission of information in accordance with the pragmatic characteristics of readers, inclusion of culture-specific vocabulary in the secondary text, explication of toponyms and proper names, neutralization of imagery, omission of precision vocabulary, indication of a personal viewpoint of a secondary text's author, historical reference to allusions. It has also been revealed that internationalization of texts is performed through omission of cultural markers, addition of phrases emphasizing the view on the country "from outside", explication of toponyms, replacing proper names with generalized lexemes, as well as by indicating the positions of English-speaking countries on topical issues.
Key words: media discourse, localization, internationalization, verbal content, international news website, linguocultural adaptation.
^ Citation. Popova O.I., Volkova I.D., Fadeeva M.Yu. Localization and Internationalization of Texts of the Media fN Discourse. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of g Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2021, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 45-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2021.3.4
^ ББК Дата принятия статьи: 30.03.2021
УДК 81'42:004.738.1 Дата поступления статьи: 30.01.2021
Ольга Ильинична Попова
^ Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Россия
ё о,
° Ирина Дмитриевна Волкова
© Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Россия
Марина Юрьевна Фадеева
Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Россия
Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты сравнительного анализа оригинальных и вторичных текстов медийного дискурса, направленного на выявление способов локализации и интернационализации вербального контента новостных сайтов. Материалом исследования избраны гипертексты на русском, английском, немецком и французском языках, размещенные на международном интернет-ресурсе rt.com и новостных сайтах «Business Insider», «National Review», <^ТД Documentary Channel», «L'Express». Авторами обоснована важность использования терминов «локализация» и «интернационализация» в транслатоло-гии для наименования межъязыковых трансформаций, используемых при создании новостных сообщений, и проведен аналитический обзор определений данных понятий сквозь призму лингвистики. В результате анализа установлено, что во многих случаях стандартная модель перевода «исходный текст ^ текст перевода», предполагающая определенный уровень семантической эквивалентности, теряет актуальность, поскольку вторичный текст представляет собой новый вербальный продукт. Показано, что локализованное вербальное пространство рассмотренных международных новостных сайтов создается за счет добавления / опущения информации в соответствии с прагматическими характеристиками читателей, включения национально-культурной лексики во вторичный текст, экспликации географических реалий и имен собственных, нейтрализации образности, опущения прецизионной лексики, указания личной позиции автора вторичного текста, указания исторической справки к аллюзиям. Выявлено, что интернационализация текстов осуществляется посредством нейтрализации их культурной маркированности, добавления высказываний, подчеркивающих взгляд на страну «извне», экспликации географических реалий, опущения имен собственных и их замены генерализованной лексикой, а также указания позиций англоязычных стран по рассматриваемой теме.
Ключевые слова: медийный дискурс, локализация, интернационализация, вербальный контент, международный новостной сайт, лингвокультурная адаптация.
Цитирование. Попова О. И., Волкова И. Д., Фадеева М. Ю. Локализация и интернационализация текстов медийного дискурса // Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 2, Языкознание. -2021. - Т. 20, №>3. - С. 45-54. - (На англ. яз.). - DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2021.3.4
Synergy of the existential reality of society with the media reality is beyond doubt today. News is becoming the main global media product in high demand around the world. As it circulates from producer to consumer, news content may be subject to internationalization, globalization or localization. Globalization allows the global circulation of meaning and shapes the nature of the discourses that are disseminated in different localities. However, globalization theory has remained predominantly silent about the fundamental role of translation in mediating global information flows, assuming that global texts can automatically be received by audiences and obscuring the crucial intervention of translation in the production of a multiplicity of local versions of global news events [Bielsa, Bassnett, 2016, p. 93]. According to E.Yu. Novikova, informational development of modern society and expansion of instrumental technological capabilities in the practice of translation predetermined the need for translators to possess additional competencies [Novikova, 2017, p. 91].
Widespread intemetization has strengthened the position of news agencies as the primary news providers, making them monopolies in the broadcasting segment. A distinctive feature of an international news agency is the ability to bring information to a foreign audience directly, without intermediaries, significantly reducing the risk of distortion of information by local media. Modern news agencies filter news and analytical products online for the audience that requires news stories on specific topics. Such collections differ significantly in the layout of news, their volume and frequency [Madera, 2018].
The need to deal with linguistic diversity in news production and the simultaneous circulation of news in different languages makes translation an important part of news agency work. Translation intervenes from the start in the process of news gathering, and is often the point of departure for international journalists who write about a foreign reality. It entails a considerable amount of transformation of the source text, which results in the significantly different content of a target text.
The purpose of this study is to consider the terms 'localization' and 'internationalization' from a linguistic point of view and to identify the ways to localize or internationalize verbal content of Internet media resources. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved: the importance of using the terms 'localization' and 'internationalization' in translation studies has been substantiated, an analytical review of the existing definitions of these terms has been carried out, a comparative analysis of original and secondary texts of Internet media discourse has been conducted, and the translation techniques ensuring localization and internationalization of media texts for a foreign target audience have been revealed.
Research material and methods
The research material is represented with hypertexts in Russian, English, German and French languages posted on the Internet resource rt.com, which is an international multilingual network of information TV channels, as well as by the verbal content of Business Insider news portal, National Review newspaper, RTD Documentary Channel, L 'Express journal. The genre range of the analyzed materials consists of news reports, journalistic articles, annotations of reports.
The research methodology consists in using the methods of comparative analysis, contextual, interpretive and discourse analysis, analysis of the text structure.
The theoretical and methodological base of this study is made up of the provisions of such academic areas as translation theory [Mityagina, 2014; Pym, 2004; 2010; Sandrini, 2008; etc.], studies of linguistic localization [Achkasov, 2017; Androutsopoulos, 2010; Anisimov, Borisova, Konson, 2019; Bernal, 2006], studies of media discourse [Bassnett, 2005; Davier, van Doorslaer, 2018; Dobrosklonskaya, 2015; Kalendr, 2016; Kozhemyakin, 2010; Orengo, 2005].
Results and discussion
Media discourse as a type of discourse produced in the field of mass media communication is inextricably linked with ideology. In the media discourse, information is converted into meanings (knowledge construction),
knowledge is transferred from the institutional level to the popular one, and the fusion of various types of information (for example, political and entertainment, event and advertising) takes place. In this case, as E.A. Kozhemyakin notes, the truth, or significance of the knowledge gained is determined by the linguo-social, sociocultural and, more broadly, by the historical and civilizational contexts [Kozhemyakin, 2010, p. 14].
The term 'internationalization' originating from the sphere of politics and economy traditionally refers to adaptation of national products to international criteria within the framework of development and strengthening of relations between countries. The term has increasingly been used in other areas of knowledge as well. Internationalization of news discourse in this article means the creation of a media product in the context of global trends in accordance with the requirements of the global information market.
According to Russian researcher A.V. Achkasov, the concept of localization means adaptation of a verbal product, including cultural, linguistic, social, economic, political and legal aspects, and therefore it can act as a generic concept for all types of complex verbal modifications [Achkasov, 2017, p. 288]. Since we are talking primarily about the verbal element of information products, localization industry is an important segment of the linguistic services market, and in many contexts this term is increasingly used instead of the traditional concept of translation [Austermuhl, Mirwald, 2010, p. 6]. Since 2005, the American consulting company Common Sense Advisory has published annual rankings of the leading language service providers, and as of 2019, the top 5 positions are held by TransPerfect, Lionbridge, LanguageLine Solutions, SDL and RWS [The Slator 2019...]. The sector of localization services provided by these companies is represented by a wide range of directions: Software and App Localization, Website Localization, Multimedia Localization, Training materials / eLearning, Subtitles Localization, Document Localization.
The key role of the verbal component in the general structure of the object of localization and the central place of translation in the localization process determine the active interest of translators in this concept. As P. Sandrini rightly
notes that the theory of translation should integrate the localization industry in order to prevent the emergence of an independent science - the theory of localization, which will compete with translation studies [Sandrini, 2008]. The observed tendency of translation studies to borrow this term is associated with the search for effective ways of ensuring the global Internet polylogue in various communicative genres. Against the background of this reality, the following definitions of localization seem quite logical: a discursive process aimed at changing globally accessible media content [Androutsopoulos, 2010, p. 205], a complex form of pragmatic adaptation [Mityagina, 2014, p. 347], etc. Besides, a number of researchers suggest that the use of the term 'localization' for denoting the translation process requires specification of the scope of its use with the adjective linguistic - linguistic localization [Anisimov, Borisova, Konson, 2019; Bernal, 2006; Voskoboynik, Gorchakova, 2014].
The study of the phenomenon of linguistic localization on the example of texts of media discourse is of particular interest, since this discourse type is one of the most dynamically developing forms of intercultural communication, taking into account electronic information exchange and computer mediation. In addition, the informing and motivating functions are the backbone ones in the media discourse [Kalendr, 2016, p. 326], and these are also the key functions determining the need to use the strategy of localization as linguistic and cultural adaptation.
L. Davier and L. van Doorslaer emphasize the problem of corpus research of news messages in a multilingual context due to the difficulty of determining the source text, given the large number of world news agencies that post fresh news on their websites [Davier, van Doorslaer, 2018]. As a rule, the objects of analysis in this case are texts that are similar in content, which determines the rarity of news translation in the traditional sense of this process with the reproduction of the original structure of statements in the text. S. Bassnett points to the need of searching for a concept that could designate the process of inter- and intra-lingual text transformations used in creating news messages in a global context [Bassnett, 2005, p. 130]. According to A. Orengo, the global-commercial nature of news dissemination determines the
preference for the concept of localization to name this process [Orengo, 2005, p. 168].
The creation of news messages is often carried out according to the internationalization + localization scheme: global news agencies, multilingual news channels and other international media are the source of 90% of foreign news for audiences in various countries, which are subsequently translated and localized [Pym, 2010, p. 126]. In our opinion, any hypertext, including the text of media discourse, is most consistent with the concept of a moving text proposed by E. Pym to denote a dynamic text that is in constant distribution in time and space [Pym, 2004, p. 8].
The Internet resource rt. com is promoted as an international multilingual channel, which presents an alternative view of current events. The InoTV section of the Russian-language version of this site is one of the few examples of correspondence of the process of creating secondary news texts to the traditional translation model source text ^ secondary text. This section includes translated Russian-language versions of original news reports and journalistic articles in various languages. Let's consider translation techniques that ensure localization of hypertexts into Russian. The headline of one of the newspaper articles about the US elections in the InoTV section is represented by the following heading:
Отделить зёрна от плевел: Нацгвардия дополнительно проверит своих солдат на благонадёжность перед инаугурацией (BI: отделить зёрна от плевел).
In the original English version of this article posted on one of the world's leading news portals Business Insider, the headline is as follows:
The National Guard is doing background checks on its own soldiers to shore up security during the inauguration (The National Guard).
As can be seen from the above examples, in the process of translating the headline into Russian, the technique of adding the phraseological unit "отделить зёрна от плевел" with the meaning "to separate the harmful from the useful" was used. This idiom is frequently used in various genres of journalistic and literary discourse in Russia. K.S. Ergaliev et al. point to the fact that headlines of media texts not only express and generalize information, but also
attract attention of potential readers [Ergaliev, Tekzhanov, Asanbaeva, 2014]. Besides, according to Pauline Farris, expert in media content localization, various slang terms, regional phrasings, and sayings make content more interesting and can add personality [A Guide...]. In this regard, the addition of phraseological units to the Russian-language text contributes to its localization for the target audience of Russian speakers.
Explication of toponyms in secondary texts also seems to be an important technique of localization, since these lexical units relate to national and cultural vocabulary and are one of the most difficult to perceive and identify for foreign readers. For example, the journalistic article by a German traveler contains the toponym 'Upper East Side of Manhattan':
Back home where I live, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, they used to have - and maybe they still have - a BLM vigil every evening at 7 p.m. (Russia Has Its Own).
In this case, explication is carried out by adding the name of the country, in which the specified region is located:
Там, где я жил в США, на Верхнем Ист-Сайде Манхеттена, каждый вечер в семь часов проходили -и, возможно, до сих пор проходят - пикеты активистов Black Lives Matter («Русский путь» борьбы).
Let's turn to consideration of the techniques used in translation of the French texts of the InoTV website into Russian. One of the news articles posted on this website is taken from the famous French journal L'Express and is headlined as follows: Sondage: Marine Le Pen et Emmanuel Macron au coude-a-coude au second tour en 2022. The word for word translation into Russian is the following: Опрос: Марин Ле Пен и Эма-нюэль Макрон - идут ноздря в ноздрю во втором туре в 2022 году (translation from
French by O.P.). In the Russian-language version of the website under study, the vernacular expression "идти ноздря в ноздрю", which came to journalism from equestrian sports and means "side by side, on the same line, on the same level" lost its figurative meaning and acquired a neutral, descriptive character: L 'Express: за Марин Ле Пен собирается проголосовать рекордное число французов.
Headlines of French media have always been highly imaginative, but for the Russian-speaking audience, the use of vernaculars does not correlate well with such a respectable journal as L'Express. Besides, the very fact of confrontation between two well-known political leaders is absent in the secondary text, despite the fact that the original headline contains a hint of some intrigue in the electoral process in the near future. Thus, in this case, localization of the text for the Russian-speaking audience is provided by the neutralization of imagery.
Localization from French into Russian can also be provided through omission of precision vocabulary in the secondary text.
As can be seen from Table 1, the names of the PR agency CommStrat in Paris and the weekly journal L'Opinion have been omitted in the Russian version, given that they are little known to the general public and can only overload basic information.
The section "Россия" of the website contains news about the events taking place in Russia, and these may be of interest for a foreign reader. In one of the texts localized for French audience, V.V. Putin's speech at the international economic forum in Davos has been rendered. The President characterizes the European Union as a "partenaire privilégié et naturel". As Table 2 shows, localization is carried out by including additional information designed to break the ice between our countries and convince partners of their interest in closer ties.
Original text Localized text
Le résultat de ce sondage de second tour, réalisé par Harris Interactive, n'a pas été rendu public, contrairement à celui du 1er tour. Ils ont été commandés par le cabinet CommStrat et le quotidien L'Opinion. Chez Harris Interactive, on refuse de commenter publiquement un sondage non publié (Sondage). Компания Harris Interactive отказалась прокомментировать отказ от публикации второй части работы. Однако эксперт по соцопросам рассказал французской газете, что небольшой разрыв между двумя кандидатами попадает под допустимую погрешность исследования, которая является важной для второго тура (L'Express).
Table 1. Original French-language and localized Russian-language text fragments of the news article "Sondage: Marine Le Pen et Emmanuel Macron au coude-à-coude au second tour en 2022"
Table 2. Original Russian-language and localized French-language text fragments of the news article "Вероятность столкнуться с настоящим срывом в мировом развитии: Путин заявил об угрозе начала борьбы всех против всех"
Original text Localized text
В ходе своего выступления на форуме Путин также заявил, что у России и Европы есть общие фундаментальные вещи, в том числе культура (Путин заявил об угрозе). Vladimir Poutine a ensuite évoqué les relations entre son pays et l'Union européenne, qu 'il considère comme «un partenaire privilégié» et «naturel» avec qui la Russie partage une culture commune (Poutine alerte sur le risque).
The example of localization of French text for Russian audience about the death of the famous journalist Larry King is shown in Table 3. The original text was made up in the genre of a traditional obituary, while the Russian-language one includes the author's personal position, which is expressed by the vocabulary of a different register - "ужасная, ужасная потеря", "тонкий, замечательный, нет слов".
Let us now turn to considering the cases of translating news from Russian into German using the strategy of localization. The German-language version of the RT channel can also be referred to as a localized one. The news article under the headline "Wegen Doping-Skandals: Russland will "Katjuscha" statt verbotener Hymne bei Olympia singen" (original Russian headline is "Матыцин поддержал идею использовать «Катюшу» в качестве гимна на ОИ") informs readers about the intention of the Russian Olympic Committee to use the folk song Katyusha as the national anthem at the upcoming Olympic Games. The need for an alternative option is explained in the headline - because of the doping scandal, the Russian national teams will play at the World Championships and the Olympic Games under a neutral flag for two years. The requirement also applies to the choice of musical composition. In this case, the localization markers include full name and position of Mr. Matytsin:
Der russische Sportminister OlegMatytsin hat den Vorschlag der Sportlerkommission der Russischen Olympischen Kommission unterstützt, das Lied "Katjuscha" anstelle der Nationalhymne bei den Olympischen Spielen zu verwenden (Wegen DopingSkandals).
Short historical reference to the song, which is absent in the original Russian-language text (Матыцин поддержал идею...), also contributes to text localization in the German linguocultural space:
"Katjuscha" war Russlands beliebtestes Lied im Zweiten Weltkrieg und ist weit über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus bekannt (Wegen Doping-Skandals).
Despite the transcribed spelling and the use of quotation marks, indicating precedence, the headline of the composition would hardly be familiar to the modern German-speaking audience of the channel.
The RTD section of the above website contains short descriptions of the reports in two languages - Russian and English with the former one being the source language. In this case, we are talking about the internationalization of content, since in the absence of versions in other languages, English-language texts serve as a global resource for recipients with different levels of English proficiency - native speakers, as well as readers for whom English is a second or foreign language.
Table 3. Original French-language and localized Russian-language text fragments of the news article "Décès du célèbre journaliste américain Larry King"
Original text Localized text
Décès du célèbre journaliste américain Larry King 23 janv. 2021, 14:11 Larry King arrives en novembre 2017. Larry King, considéré comme l'un des plus grands interviewers, est décédé à l'âge de 87 ans, a fait savoir sa famille. Depuis son départ de CNN, le célèbre journaliste américain présentait deux talk-shows diffusés sur RT America. Les proches de Larry King ont annoncé ce 23 janvier son décès, à l'âge de 87 ans (Décès du célèbre journaliste). 23 января 2021, 16:03 в возрасте 87 лет умер американский телеведущий, автор программ на телеканале RT Ларри Кинг. Об этом сообщила в своём Telegram-канале главный редактор RT Маргарита Симоньян. «А у нас ужасная, ужасная потеря. Ларри Кинг. Главная легенда мирового телевидения, его самое известное имя, самое известное лицо. Тонкий, с блестящим юмором, замечательный. Нет слов», - написала она (Умер Ларри Кинг).
The text fragments given in Table 4 are the original and the internationalized versions of the annotation to the report about helping WWII veterans.
The performed internationalization is evidenced by the use of the phrase "national matter in Russia" in the English subheading, which is absent in the original and emphasizes the view of the country from the outside, as well as specification of the geographical location of the city of Simferopol - "in southern Russia". In addition, the translator omits the mention of Russian celebrities (Leonid Yakubovich and Nadezhda Babkina), limiting text to the culturally neutral wording "making the dreams of the elderly vets come true". As can be seen from the above texts, which are characterized by linguistic asymmetry, the quality of the secondary text cannot be assessed from the viewpoint of equivalence, which is traditional for translation theory, and this is quite consistent with E. Prune's statement that the creation of a new text based on the original and cultural adaptation of web pages increasingly take for granted areas of translators' activity today [Prune, 2015, p. 25].
The similar trend can be observed in the example given in Table 5.
In the internationalized text, the Russian names Veronika Matyushina and Sergey Klochek are replaced by the neutral expression "A Russian couple".
One more example associated with domestication of the Russian text in the English linguocultural space refers to the translation of the Russian-language article (Еда как угроза) for the global audience. The original text lacks geographical markers, while its English-language version mentions the viewpoints of the United Kingdom and the United States on the main problem of the article:
In the UK, the fight against GMO means the commercial planting of genetically engineered crops is banned (The Peril on Your Plate).
A robust movement against GMO flourishes in the US, the world's leader in the GM production (The Peril on Your Plate).
These are one of the key English-speaking countries in the world and their positions on the discussed topic in the internationalized version may seem relevant to the foreign audience.
Thus, the present research outlines the importance of using the terms 'localization' and 'internationalization' in translation studies to denote translation techniques used to adapt media verbal content to target audience demands. In the course of the study, we prove the functionality of
Table 4. Original Russian-language and internationalized English-language text fragments of the report annotation "Спасибо за мечту. Кто сегодня помогает ветеранам ВОВ"
Original text Internationalized version
Спасибо за мечту. Кто сегодня помогает ветеранам ВОВ Жители Симферополя и Нижнего Новгорода создали собственные благотворительные проекты. А Антон Савчук организовал службу бесплатного ремонта квартир, которая быстро обрела популярность в сети. Благодаря этим проектам мечта многих ветеранов уже осуществилась. Кому-то обновили жильё, починили забор или купили утюг, а кто-то смог увидеться с ведущими любимой телепередачи - например, с Леонидом Якубовичем и Надеждой Бабкиной (Спасибо за мечту). How to Thank Heroes Why supporting WWII veterans is a national matter in Russia today Yaroslav from Simferopol, in southern Russia, launched a website where veterans could post their wishes. Anton fundraised for his project to help elderly Russians, particularly single veterans. His team renovates old flats for free, and this will be their tenth repair. The internet embraced the initiative with people in other parts of the country joining Anton's mission. Many committed people responded to the idea, offering their help in making the dreams of the elderly vets come true (How to Thank Heroes).
Table 5. Original Russian-language and internationalized English-language text fragments of the report annotation "Моя дикая семья"
Original text Internationalized version
Однако теперь у них есть дом, еда и уход - благодаря руководителям центра, Веронике Матюшиной и её мужу Сергею Клочеку, а также другим сотрудникам (Моя дикая семья). A Russian couple says they're mum and dad to scores of wild animals they look after in a refuge they've built on their farm (My wild family).
the investigated terms in denoting inter-language textual transformations used in the creation of secondary texts of media discourse in online space of multilingual media websites. The analysis shows that in many cases the standard translation model "source text ^ translation text", which presupposes a certain level of semantic equivalence, loses its relevance, since the secondary text is often a completely new verbal product. Transformations of individual words and phrases also relate to the context of the terms studied, since they are primarily associated with the global commercial nature of the dissemination of news messages on the Internet, which presupposes taking into account the cultural and geographic characteristics of target audiences in case of localization or leveling these characteristics in case of internationalization.
Besides, comparative analysis of news and reports posted in different languages shows that different viewpoints are updated under the influence of ideological factors. Promotion of a certain position in the translation of news texts indicates the desire to meet the expectations of the recipients, and, consequently, the existence of certain perceptions in relation to another country.
The localized verbal space of the analyzed international media websites is created through the use of the following translation techniques: addition / omission of information in accordance with the pragmatic characteristics of readers, inclusion of culture-specific vocabulary in the secondary text, explication of toponyms and proper names, neutralization of imagery, omission of precision vocabulary, indication of a personal viewpoint of a secondary text's author, indication of historical reference to allusions.
The internationalized, or English-language, verbal space of the websites is created by omission of cultural markers, addition of phrases emphasizing the view of the country "from the outside", explication oftoponyms, replacing proper names with generalized lexemes, as well as by indicating the positions of English-speaking countries on topical issues.
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Information About the Authors
Olga I. Popova, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russia, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9787-0317
Irina D. Volkova, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russia, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5718-9479
Marina Yu. Fadeeva, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russia, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5378-8848
Информация об авторах
Ольга Ильинична Попова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и практики перевода, Волгоградский государственный университет, просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Россия, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9787-0317
Ирина Дмитриевна Волкова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и практики перевода, Волгоградский государственный университет, просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Россия, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5718-9479
Марина Юрьевна Фадеева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и практики перевода, Волгоградский государственный университет, просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Россия, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5378-8848